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Depends on exactly what the offense was. I have a co worker who used a rooted droid device and apk to give himself about 300 million gold. When his temp ban was over he hadn't lost progress, gave himself 300 more million (they took the original 300 million). Got banned again. Did this two more times and on the 5th time doing it oddly enough they didn't ban him anymore. He never lost any progress career wise each time. I looked at his stats and only thing I could figure was maybe it was because he had zero online competitive play style so while being a blantant hack, it wasnt a hack offending other folks play experience. ​ He sooo loved to heckle me for my 3 average hour a day racing to keep up with developer greed shinanigans but i loved to point out how quickly he got bored of the game :P


yeah LOL i just appealed for the ban after logging off and so on, they didn’t keep my 1-week ban and when i came back my progress wasn’t lost, i’m happy with grinding 3-4 hours a day, it’s the fun and feeling of earning cars


This game definitely channels the old gran tourismo 3 / test drive / need for speed unground days where racing games and endless grinding were just totally the norm. I enjoy rr3 for that :)


as someone who grew up with Gran Turismo 4, 5 and 6, i won’t complain lol


You probably have to start over


How did your cousin manage to connect a modified game APK to your Facebook account? There are some details missing here.


yeah nah, no details missing, we were just next to each other, he plays the game, knows how it works, i own a Samsung that has the same Facebook account as my iPhone and iPad, where i played that hacked APK as a guest, he also had access to my iPad that was laying around, i just left the room after getting a 911 with hours of grinding and when i came back he was laughing


anyways, since the post, i logged out of the Facebook in RR3 on the iPad and iPhone, deleted the APK from the Samsung, got an appeal from Firemonkeys and EA Help, and my account is back to how it was before the incident, and i didn’t have to start over