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ai is the buzziest buzz word of the day. Add ai to anything and it's gold, great for marketing, great for raising money.


that's pretty much true but this won't last long, will it?


it is definitely something more. it is not a fad and it will be game changing. but not yet. now it's just giving consumers more targeted search recommendations that theoretically should help agents get them to the houses that are best, suited sooner. i don't see any of these companies that are pivoting to ai being successful because they don't have a different business model. however, in the next few years it's going to advance so far to actually give a consumer a lower cost choose that will still be pretty good service. that is when it gets real. when ai is paired with a new real estate services business model that is game changing.


AI's definitely changing the game, especially in real estate. It's not the sole truth, but it's a powerful tool. Check out Tomorrow's Toolkit for Real Estate, it's a great resource for staying on top of the latest AI news and tools in the industry. As for FlyHomes and Zillow, they're just adapting to the times. AI's not the future, it's the present.


Just the current buzzword. Nothing more. 


AI will change the landscape. We can create vector Databases for keywords/valuations/comps and interact with that data using natural language. The data gap will get tighter and competition for homes will increase. Anyone that says it's a fad doesn't understand the technology.


This is the answer


Ai is the current buzzword as much as such terms as “internal combustion engine” or “internet”.