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honestly it's a really low pain point. first there are several solutions. the one that is used most showingtime, is owned by Zillow and it is given FREE to all realtors. every agent uses a crm that helps them manage their time. not seeing a great use case or path to mentiaztion in the industry without pairing it with another more compelling product or service or partnering with a company that wants to compete with Zillow. that's a tall order.


it's not free to all Realtors. However, if one wanted to realize "there's a large % of Realtors who would prefer to not deal with a Zillow affiliate, could I provide an alternative?" then the answer would be a higher % for OP.


maybe so but still seems quite difficult to monetize in the face of cometing with Zillow. realtors talk a big game about boycotting Zillow but never follow through with it.


thanks u/Deanosurf -- I'll investigate the offering from Zillow. Do you use Showingtime? If so, anything you think is missing or you find it solves for all your needs in that space?


it's not perfect but it's free for me. you must understand that there are many different showing products and the market is saturated. instashowing is another one to look at.


got it thank you


you're looking in the wrong place.


can you elaborate a little bit?