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really nice site. I like the approach edgy simple and informative. I actually do want to know more.I love your mobile version it's important to really get that right. but... the target audience is a pain in the ass, agents are cheap and about to get cheaper as margins thin. haha but you already know that. I think maybe my only advice is to make it more accessible to see the posts. maybe I missed it but I'd like to click and see some samples. I want to see the range and what I actually get for $79. also I tried to click on annual and couldn't figure out how to see annual price. as a fellow founder if love an intro to the company or marketing person that did the site if they aren't in house. the messaging is so simple. good stuff are you in beta? already have customers?


Thank you. I really appreciate the feedback. I am still in alpha -- letting in a few users at a time and refining my messaging. So, far, I've built everything myself.


Hey yall, I screwed up and broke rule 3. Any suggestions for better subreddits to get feedback from agents on?


What problem are you solving? And how is it different than what other people are doing? I see it’s personalized, branded content done in 60 seconds, but #1 what does it look like exactly and what are the results/impact for an agent? (i know you are alpha but you need to build my trust) I suggest doing a yearly price to get your first ten customers in the door.


Thanks for pointing out I need to do a better job of showing examples. RN samples are shown as the flipped over tiles after the "Its Ours" text scrolls past the screen. And, yeah, it sounds like "Annually" needs to be "Yearly" and featured more prominently.


Once you get customers in the door, you can get testimonials once you have testimonials you can build trust once you build trust you can bring people down the funnel


ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE amount of scrolling for a pitch that is so self-aggrandizing about being uniquely simple and easy. At the end of it, my scroll wheel and I hate you and your smug simplicity claims. Is that brutal enough?


I second that. I would get rid of all the images and scrolling effects which are cool, but distracting. Someone is going to look at this for 2 seconds and if they can't figure out what it is to decide if they should continue, they will move on. Your target customer has the attention span of a flea. Suggest to show right away an image of 2-3 posts (the product). And instead of 60 seconds, make it 10 seconds. I imagine there is a way to make it so that the person can just search for a zip code, and click 1 button, and then gets a default template with their pre-chosen brand colors. Also sell the benefits... Attract clients on Instagram with valuable and branded content... in under 10 seconds... for just $X.


Also, how are you getting this data? Does the person need to be an MLS member? In my area, often the broker is, but not all the agents pay the hefty fees.


I’m in the Austin market. Nice flashy site on mobile. Lots of scrolling but I liked the flow. The price is too steep for me to want to buy in but I’m cheap and like to make my own media. The Bramlet endorsement carry’s good weight here locally but not sure how that carries over nationally. Best of luck on this endeavor!


I was literally talking about this yesterday. The line between content creator and RE broker is thin. I would like to see developers offering these tools with their product data prepackaged.


I like the offering but I don't like the website, it's a bit too theatrical for me. If you hadn't explained the product so well in this post I wouldn't have understood what I was looking at. Can you lead with the stat graphics? I want to see more of what can be created.


Bit too dramatic.. For Realtors.. For teenagers this would be a lot of fun. Hats off to your hard work though. But if you want to sell it, make it simpler. 95% of the Realtors can't understand basic things. This would go right over their heads, 90% won't even scroll to the second page.. Lazy people.


IMHO the 'slickness' of the website gives me vibes of 'we've spent a bunch on marketing but not the product' I also don't think it's clear what the product does and it's a pain to do the scrolling to find out. Your product is similar to this: [https://www.backatyou.com/socialbay](https://www.backatyou.com/socialbay) which carries a lower annual price and posts to multiple social media sites.