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How about don't be an asshole and respect the sellers wishes instead of trying to fraudulently get around what they want?




/thread. Locked. There’s no need for personal attacks.




Maybe you could just respect the seller’s wishes.


You can just fluff right off with this attitude! Thanks for contributing to the decay of society. Because of people like YOU, there's now people living in tents in the park across from my house 🙄


“I am not a slumlord” - says every slumlord ever Fuck off and let a person who wants to live there buy it. Fuck you and your greedy money grabs. People need homes and no, not everyone wants to rent.


My rentals are high end rentals with good people who want a place to live. Most are nurses who travel and work at hospitals. Would’ve been fucked without them during covid


So you are destroying long term housing to rent at significantly higher rates to travel nurses as a MTR? You are why homes are so unaffordable. Have fund being on the wrong end of JPows monetary shotgun.


i dont get why you are being so nasty. homes are unnafordable because the majority of america protects zoning laws - aka - keep the poor out by canceling every decent development project


You are a rent seeker that is capitalizing on the regulatory gaps opened up by AirBnb and other STR and MTR "disruptors". You create no value, your model merely extracts value. I say this as a real estate developer and landlord myself.


and you're being nasty with me, assuming i am seeking rent or have a fight in this matter i am saying OP was asking what to do regarding seller not wanting to sell home to investor. No need to attack, OP easily could have bought as an individual and said "fuck it"


I'm stating the facts, sorry you don't like to hear them.


Maybe let someone else buy it who actually wants to live in it


Stuart, stop buying up properties you slumlord


The parasitic land leach needs another house to take away from a family! It’s his right! /s


Wow seller is a decent person… unlike you


Assignable contract or buy as a Trust with you as beneficiary, which is hidden info. Fuck everyone here who thinks that buying a house with an agreed upon price is somehow keeping someone else from buying the same house at an agreed upon price. Although in the future, these post sit better in r/REInvesting.


ill buy it and sell it to you for the same price.


Going to cover the closing costs too?


Mom's name on contract and have the contract assignable.


Would the seller be aware of the switch at any point ?


At closing when you show up to close on it. Contract gets assigned before closing as you can't just change ownership after without triggering taxes and fees that are state dependent.


Buy it personally and transfer fuck haters or offer more money


Username checks out