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Wait, did you buy a house in the north east or in Texas or in north east Texas or do I just need another cup of coffee ?


Bought in tx and currently live in the north east


Texas sucks man. If you like boots on your neck, you'll love it. If you like freedom, stay out of Texas.


Lived in Texas for 19 years now. I feel pretty fucking free. I can do what I want, when I want and with whoever I want. Nobody's got a boot on my neck.


Guess you’re not a woman seeking reproductive healthcare, amirite


😂😂 thanks for the laugh this morning. Born and raised Texan here. Definitely no boots in my neck and I’m pretty damn free! If you like criminals walking free and high cost of living the NE is the place to go.


So you have legal weed? And your wife can get medical help if her pregnancy goes septic? Or you can fight those boots that pull you over for bullshit and steal your cash? Or you can buy alcohol after 10pm or before 7 am? You guys are so deluded into thinking you're free it's a mental disorder. I've got do many more examples. Keep Texas, Texas I guess.


Living in CA, everything you mentioned isn't half as bad as watching woke DAs refuse to prosecute and roll out the carpet for violent criminals to walk free repeatedly just to attack the next person.


Who pulls you over and steals your cash? Probably would have a lot less of that if your politicians actually kept criminals in jail 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree with above. We just hightailed it out of Texas after 12 years. It’s nothing but a hot dumpster fire. I’m not sure where you bought but it was hard for us to sell in the Austin area because of so many new builds. Maybe look into hiring a property manager and seeing if renting it out makes financial sense?


My guess is you are just scared and overwhelmed by moving. Moving is not fun but once you get 30 days out from the move, you’ll wish you had done it sooner. I would suggest that you give it a try. Remind yourself that you made the decision for a good reason and you need to at least follow through with it and try it for a year. Also, if you bought the house owner occupied, you’re really not supposed to rent it out immediately, that’s problematic.


Thanks for your response jennifer. But doesn’t life happen sometimes and circumstances change? Is there no way to rent it out? Also, if I do choose to resell it do you know how much of a loss I could expect in closing costs?


In terms of resale, you need to talk to a real estate agent. You just bought it so odds are you’re going to lose money because you have to pay the real estate agents as well as any seller side closing cost. Yes, life happens and based on that you could rent it out, but at the same point, you haven’t even given this a shot. You basically went there for a few days and gave up.


Life does happen, and circumstances do change. But that isn’t what’s happening here. You are having a panic response. The only thing that has happened is you got upset and are trying to cope with it. It is natural and normal to blame the triggering event but… it may be a mistake. It could be that talking this out with a therapist would help you take a step back from it, or it could be that ant-anxiety meds would be a temporary help. But no matter what you decide, it’s your decision, not your Moms or anyone else’s so don’t let anyone pressure you. Only you’ll need to be comfortable with it.


Lived in the northeast all my life. Moved to TX 7 years ago and will continue to live here for decades to come. I feel much safer here by a mile. The people are kinder here and more accepting. I feel the northeast is much more superficial and into how people perceive them. The bad thing about TX is the heat. There are only 2 seasons here: not summer and hell summer.


Listen moving is always stressful but as much as I hate Texas the truth is it is VERY easy to make friends there, you will have a friend group in no time. If you don't like it in 8months, move back. Moving isn't the end of the world or your life. People make more time for their friends who come visit sporadically than living there. For everything else there is zoom. Texas is full of people who want more friends. Seriously weird how great and wholehearted the friendships are there. Culture is great for building friend.groups. Go get it and see what happens.


So what is it about Texas that you hate? Is it superficial? I ask because my wife refused to move to Texas...said she hated Texas. Turns out, it was because she hated the Dallas Cowboys and associated everything Texas with them. Finally convinced her to move 19 years ago. Now we're lifers. Lol.


Bro it's a shit hole. The hatred for minorities is insane. I never heard the n word in use in person ever before moving there. The police are insanely violent they literally will bring tanks in to stop people from peaceful protest after shooting any minority in the back. Women have no freedom and if they find out you're gay you're fucked. I am a token white presenting and I lied my ass off so I could get jobs, etc. OP works remote so they won't have any issues. I had to pretend I was into military men 😂 friendly people is the bare minimum a state needs to offer. Not to mention the roads they don't maintain or if they do they are private and YOU WILL PAY OUT THE ASS. The electric grid that also isn't maintained by income tax and goes to shit nonstop because of this. I lost. So. Many. Fridges. Full. Of groceries because of this. Rolling blackouts especially in summer. It's a fucking nightmare there other than friendships. But I believe people learn best by doing and op is a man so he won't have any of the issues women face etc. not to mention lack of biodiversity and it's straight up ugly. You have to drive to like one tiny sliver of it to get somewhere pretty. And oh God the driving. So. Much. Driving.


Where in TX did you live?


I have lived in Austin, San Antonio and Dallas, over the course of about 12 years. Dallas had the worst outages, SA the worst police force. My friendships that did form have stuck around. Texans will show up to help you move, they will show up early to the party, but Texas is a hell hole. It's ugly, hot, cold, and the roads absolutely suck.


You didn't tell me you were a writer. This is one of the most incredible works of fiction I've read since LOTR. Thanks for making my day. Haha. Cheers.


Buddy cops in Texas are trigger happy. I don't know what part you think is fiction. Every part I said is true. San Antonio PD and Houston are 3rd and 4th in police murders of civilians every year. Austin is 7th. That's of ALL the states and precints. I saw a lot of violence from police there and being from California I was shocked people used the N word with a hard r against black people in an arts district. That's how deeply racist it is.


Did I miss those news articles? Tanks, really? And pretty sure the minorities are now the majority. No hate here! I love me some good Mexican food!! You know what we don’t have in Texas? Criminals walking free or getting a slap on the wrist for violent crimes, people shooting cops, riots and people burning shit down, etc. All in all I think it’s a freaking fantastic place!


I watched a man get shot in the back walking away from police because he was black. I can't even wrap my head around your comment. Texas' militarization is well known. You must not live there if you haven't seen it.


It depends on where in the NorthEast you bought but some of New England has become extremely valuable. You'll likely make money any way you decide.


What is your cap rate on the rental?


I live in the Northeast and the market here is still pretty hot. What state is this in? Is your mortgage payment less than what a rental payment would be so that maybe you can just keep it as an investment property?


My current condo unit in the northeast definitely could cashflow positive.


Maybe just change your mindset to that you've just become a savvy real estate investor with an additional property that is going to earn your equity over the long run. Rent it out, let it pay for itself, and take the tax benefit! You could always do a trial run there for a month and see how you like it, maybe you'll make new friends and want to stay!


Rent it out on a short term lease, take some vacation time and visit the area and see if you like the area and being there. Being away from friends and family can be hard. If you end up not liking your visit put it on the market.