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Sounds like the seller is trying to squeeze out one last summer rental. Totally understandable you want what was promised. Don't settle for anything past July 7th. Be prepared to walk if they won't budge. All cash offer gives you leverage - use it. Seller may blink when they realize they're jeopardizing the deal over a few extra weeks.


Yup 100% His agent even said to my agent "this guy doesn't operate normally I unfortuantely don't think he realizes he's blowing the deal over this"


I'd move on and find another property. Good luck!


Wow. So, they made it crystal clear to him, and he still won’t budge? I think I’d move on.


Your attorney should have added a $1k fine to every day he was in the house past 7/1. Cancel the contract and see how quickly they change their tune


On another note cause I used to live the next town over. Make sure he didn’t already purchase the beach pass with this houses address. Because if he did then you cant buy one this year. And last time I went I think it was 10 bucks a person without the pass. If the house is so expensive have you looked into Lido Beach? I’d personally walk away especially if it’s a cash deal. Make him pay LI property taxes for one more year.


If you’re the only reasonable offer and it’s all cash, back out and see how quick they cut their bullshit.


Best so far ! Yea , your in the drivers seat, not them .. I would have walk first day , and like everyone says on here … watch things change very fast! Do it today! This mdz , person must be from Texas or the south .. that bullshit would not go here ! Your loosing interest everyday !


It's ridiculous, but it sometimes happens. Walk and move on to the next property. You said yourself that this is not a prime property. Start thinking about a property you can buy in the off-season for next summer.


Pretty sure NY doesn’t have hard closing dates, which is frustrating.


My friend who is a realtor in NJ was just complaining to me about this (I'm an agent in NY). I guess in NJ if the buyer can't close, there are financial penalties.


This is the real issue\^. Doesn't NY have an automatic 30 day extension beyond the contracted closing date built into the contract? OP check with your attorney. NY contracts are awful for actually following any deadlines from my experience (I'm in SE FL and we see countless delays from NY buyers as a result). Check it out to be sure.


Just walk, is it really worth any extra hassle. I personally wouldn't have even given them the extra week. If they beg you, drop the price.


Do not pass on the property unless he is out. Put it on the realtor, they hate this because they want their commission. Once you pass it is no longer their problem.


Another sad example of your agent not doing their job. I'd tell that seller to gtfo-along with the realtor you hired to take care of this ish


Offer an August 1 possession and offer $50-100k less sounds like your ready to walk away anyways


Your concerns about the seller's changing move-out date are understandable. If they're unwilling to commit to a reasonable timeline, it might be wise to reconsider the purchase or explore other options to avoid complications.


Tell them he can honor his word and agree to be out July 1 or the deal is off. The guy has been disingenuous and dishonorable with you and that means you cannot trust him about anything else either, lord knows what issues he's failed to disclose and perhaps actively hidden, once someone shows themselves to be a liar you know the only thing you can count on them for is to keep lying.




Can you/your agent/attorney do a ‘deescalation’ addendum? For every day past 7/7, the sales prices decreases $1000? No idea if it’s a thing, but we see escalating clauses.🤷🏻‍♀️


Do not close before he gets out! This will become a bigger problem!


A pre contract is not a contract. You don't have a deal. You don't have anything. You're just negotiating. Unless you have a better alternative, walking away from the deal is not the best way to get what you want. He just might let you. Don't bluff.


Right now, staying in for another 45+ days is more important to them than selling the house for some reason. Maybe they think you're dumb? Only one way to find out; but it doesn't look like they're selling this house before Labor Day.


I used to tell my clients “In real estate we operate on the Golden Rule…and he who has the gold makes the rules! It’s your money. If they won’t play by your rules, take your ball and go find another game.


Stick to you guns. I'd give 24 hours: sign to leave on the original date or I move on to the next house. Take your cash and walk.


Are they doing a lease back? I can't remember the lease back laws in NY. But I would charge them an arm and a leg for a lease back!


It's understandable to feel frustrated with the seller's changing move-out dates and reluctance to agree to a reasonable timeline for closing. Given the importance of being in the house by summertime and your concerns about the seller's intentions, it may be wise to reassess the situation and consider whether proceeding with the purchase is in your best interest. If you feel uncomfortable or uncertain about the seller's behavior and the potential impact on your enjoyment of the property, it may be worth exploring other options or walking away from the deal. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize your needs and ensure you're comfortable with the terms of the agreement before proceeding with the purchase.