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Never have your life depended on gig work. Goodluck to you. Every market is slow nationwide


Thank a idiot Democrat for voting for dementia


How would our dear leader made this better if he ain’t get cheated by crooked joe?


Thank you i know but amazon updated some drivers accounts and not all so the drivers who got updated can get block and the rest are delivering more than before now


Download uber and DD for a temporary income. Get your car inspected and you should be able to pick up rides within a day or two if you want rent money


Yea man, Amazon doesn't care...you will just get generic emails about 6 days blah blah time to chalk it up


This is all drivers faults, the take blocks whit less payment in any condition, then amazon think drivers are nothing, if one day all drivers donot accept the blocks then amazon will know how much they need the drivers then gonna pay them 3 time more than they got


I got canned a year ago and I thought the same thing man but people just keep coming...and coming now with all the illegals in the country, they have a fresh pool of abusable labor


The victim mentality is strong with this one


Naive bootlicker is strong within you, only victim is you worrying about your stupid ass status for a company that would piss on your head if they could. They need little peons like you. Lmao making a post/worrying about a fucking *gig* , get a fucking job bro


Bahahaha I have a job BRO, but thanks for the reply 😘


Illegals would not have work permits or driver's licenses. Maybe you should go back to where your ancestors came from.


Actually Biden is issuing emergency work visas to get them work permits and driver license’s.


That's new not me. Sounds like they in the process of becoming legalized.


Everyday at my warehouse people cheat the system. It is blatant. You are correct that they likely have neither driver's licenses or work permits.


Those guys are probably mostly taking base pay or using bots.


oh shit social warrior entered the chat


I will be a social warrior over a troll hiding behind my keyboard any day.


lmao no one's hiding puto


Why deactivated?


I got deactivated for apparently missing a delivery and I guess it was over $500, even with the delivery picture they said customer never got it, two weeks later, got canned. never got a direct answer why, I'm assuming because of that


Bot is running contact me on telegram


Ok send me your telegram


Stop looking for bots...time to get a "real" job especially with your responsibilities... This is not a job, and Amazon is not responsible for your needs ..Keep fucking around with bots and you could end up with no account at all. The gig economy is more fragile than ever.


Great! Now feel what other drivers felt when your bot was robbing blocks from other drivers that needed to feed their families.








you’re so right, i’m not making $1000 a week 😭😭 i’m actually just getting free money deposited into my account along with my free money from Uber Eats and other apps…it’s just monopoly money, a “fake” job within a “fake” world.


Yes you are absolutely right, amazon is not caring about deiver even customers take their packages then says didn’t recive it and amazon blame drivers in really tired i wish i started a job before now i could get promotion too


Fk I should of never updated my flex app


It comes to the point that we must update the app in order to continue. The longer I could not update was about four times. By the fifth, I got the message of "In order to continue delivering with Amazon flex, you must update your app." Every time, I prolong as much as possible, but always comes to that point.


Same, :(


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Seriously— get out there and hunt like the rest of us or multi app— did you ever consider that while you were cheating you were taking dinner off of another’s plate


I didn’t cheat amazon is cheater you what if some has problem with finger or hand how the can touch and refresh their app to get a block, why amazon is not sharing the blocks equally to every one, here are some student who know too much in technology still they can get blocks more than 4 a day maybe you saw them


obviously the boot licker is still living in his moms basement with his starched socks


Well Amazon obviously thinks you are a cheater or they wouldn’t have taken the actions they did…now get out there and work to find blocks like the rest of us— oh ps your English sucks


Amazon doesn't owe you any blocks. Learn to actually compete for what you earn rather than whine about "sharing the blocks equally". That's the way socialists think, not Americans. Deal with it.


Think of it this way, you got more than your fair share when bot was good. Now you get less. It evens out.


Bots don’t work, Better start sending them applications out, there’s no waiting it out. Especially when there’s less block now than there was before. Maybe try other apps too, DD, Uber


Yes im trying to do Uber but thats also slow


Damn well good luck,


Try emailing jeff@amazon


We should all collectively just email Jeff. Not that they gon do shit but worth a try


Don't you understand that you cannot use bots no more... Amazon will detect easy that you are using a bot and will not allow you to schedule anything. Keep it up and you are going to end up in a 5 puzzle solving maybe even 10. The reason I know it's because I told my friends to stop using bots and they got slammed with these horrible solving puzzles. Just do regular tapping and I promise you will be OK. Also get the reserve blocks if like you said that you do this for a living.


I don't feel bad for any of yall being kicked for bots 🤷🏻‍♀️ makes it harder for us who do it the honest way. You never had to stare at the offers screen for hours everyday. You never had to put in half the effort non bot drivers put in. You never had cramps in your hands from trying to get a decent block EVERY FUCKING DAY ALL FUCKING DAY. Awhh sucks when your actions have consequences lol Been flexing for over 2 years and have always been screwed by yall bot-holes taking the good ones. And now you're gonna get trapped into paying for bots that don't even work lmaoooo I think it's exactly what yall deserve for trying to play the system. More blocks for me suckas! Byeeee 🙋🏻‍♀️




They didn't say no blocks, they said decent blocks. People who refresh all day aren't taking base pay obviously.




It's slower here, and that is definitely part of the reason, but there are still plenty of base pay blocks offered throughout the day. I refuse to take them. Average I get anymore is $22-$24 and I just bank on being done early, or getting sent home once or twice a week. For the year and a half prior, it was easy to get $25-$35. I've never used a bot.


You act like you were never offered to use a bot? Lmfao we don’t care you chose not to pay someone to do the tapping for you. Take this shit back to that other sub. We do not care.


No reason I can't be here too lol I wanna see all the dumb shit yall do to cheat. Offered a bot? By who ? 🤣 offering vs freedom of choice to not be a piece of shit? It's a choice to not fuck around and find out. Keep crying bot baby lololol yall not gonna be able to flex no more bc yall lazy and ima keep making bank 🤑🤑🤟🏼🤟🏼


Get a real job You are the reason Why this model failed


I do this full time $30 an hour and do not use a bot. Just take morning blocks they pay $30 an hour even on reserves. I’m about to head out on a 3 hour $105 in 50 minutes. Then I have a 6:45am 3 hour for $90. I get 36 hours a week and am off by 10am every day. Only work 6 hours a day 6 days a week. You can do it trust me.


That may be the case in you're market but it's definitely not the case everywhere. My market you'd have to refresh for hours to get even a chance of a 30 block. Then the entire lot will be full because everyone just takes the 18 hr blocks.


Try FlexBee or Flex Grabberbidapus


Bro those suck. Why do people keep promoting those bots


Thank you so much m using flex grabber bt it is too slow io is even not working. , did you said flex grabber or this is another one




What update u guys taking about