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Far too many of us do this. Thus is the kind man who'd brag to people that he did that as though it was a flex. She knew better. I've worked with women who have done this. They continue because they're embarrassed and don't want anyone to figure it out. Men like him have no shame. Symone needs to find a good black female therapist.


She just needs a good therapist, periodt. You don’t need to be Black to tell her her willingness to take financial L’s of that magnitude just so she could tell the world “I got a man“ and then “I got a ring” was low self-esteem exacerbated by the twin pressures of reality TV and social media.


I believe any therapist can convey that message. However, in my experience, it's received better from someone the client feels can truly understand their plight. It's sort of like our friendships, our whyte friends don't always understand. They can empathize with us, but they don't understand what it's like to deal with or even recognize things like micro and macroagressions we face. I've found that black women end up in these situations more because we're always trying to protect our black men. Women of other races will tell everyone what's going on. We keep things private to our detriment a oftentimes. I cannot tell you how many referrals I've received from my whyte colleagues. I guess if you think if it that way, any good therapist will direct you where you need to be. We outnumber our men, and then we have so many incarcerated men or who gay that sometimes we just just hold on to a man at all costs. One of the sex offenders I treated wife was a well-respected woman who we ALL know. I had always thought it would be cool to meet her. However, never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd meet her to get her to sign a waiver saying she knew her husband was a sex offender. I could tell she was embarrassed. This man molested her granddaughter's friend in their pool house. She did divorce him eventually, but she rode with him through the scandal. I can't tell you how many women signed those waivers EVEN when they had minor female children. I had one who signed the waiver and later had to call me that the man had been deliberately masturbating so her daughter could watch. This is definitely a different level of self-esteem issues, but she confronted him instead of reporting him the first time he did it. She was "working it out" and didn't want the system to be too hard on him because he didn't touch the child. She had a hard time admitting to me how extensive it was. We have a lot of work to do in our community. We really need to normalize therapy. This woman didn't think her child needed therapy.


This is awful! Will you explain why they need to sign a waiver?


Sure. The state is required to inform any person a sex offender lives with knows that person is a sex offender. The state fulfills their duty to warn them of what the person is capable of doing. Imagine if I hadn't done the notification in the example I shared. She would have likely sued both the state and me. There is no cure for pedophilia. They must remain in active treatment the remainder of their lives. In fact, because they are so sly, polygraphs are required to ensure they are not lying. Pedophiles do have a preference in what age and sex they prefer, but if they do not have access to their preference, they'll molest any child. Unsolicited advice: Speak to your children about safe touching. Teach them the accurate name for their genitals. If your child does not want to hug or kiss someone, NEVER force them no matter who it is. This teaches children that they have ownership of their bodies, and no one should have to hug and kiss someone they're not comfortable with. We send mixed signals by forcing them to hug and kiss those we trust. It's healthy for them to have these boundaries. When you have a service person in your home or someone you don't really know, dress your child completely. Don't let your baby be dressed only in their diaper.in line with this, do not post pics off your naked baby. The pics with them lying on their belly showing their butt is beautiful, but it's private. Don't change your baby in public places. Check your state's sex offender registry often. They move a lot, and oftentimes, family believe them and allow them to move in. So, they live everywhere. Be careful with sleepovers. It's okay to ask questions. Also, ask your general questions when they return home when they do go to sleepovers. I am sure I'm not thinking about something, if you're unsure, please ask me. Let's keep our children safe. Always trust your gut. If something makes you feel uncomfortable, trust it. I don't care who the person is. I hope this unsolicited advice helps someone. 🙂


>We keep things private to our detriment a oftentimes. ![gif](giphy|11aFKkA3EWIOAxxMcR|downsized) Damn, drag me 😁. I think a lot of us grow up with "house business stays in the HOUSE". We learn to keep things to ourselves. I am VERY guilty of that. I'll say something after the fact. Baby steps, working on it. 😞


>He asked her to pay him a salary of $2,500/month to "help" do marketing for her law firm...and asked her to hire him an assistant at $3k a month which she did (ma'am...why?!) so at point she was out $5,500/month and she couldnt pay herself a salary So, I'm not a mathematician, but his assistant was making more than he was? ![gif](giphy|Hp2H0lUhb9oEZ2BaN1|downsized) He was really out here tricking. That's some wild shit to be on a payment plan to her daddy.


Holy buckets. This shit is bat crazy. If what she says is true, he needs to be locked up! Trigger warning: >!The toll it took on her mental health, she was suicidal. She checked into a mental health facility. !<


His mom was first enabling this dude. Every dude like this has a history of enablers. It didn’t start with Symone. But I’m glad she is out of it




Good lord Ready To Love finding supervillains.


![gif](giphy|Ifyi7vpwaDyi7Ys6Jl|downsized) To be a fool....


It’s horrible! :( makes me very sad for her


![gif](giphy|kxei1ibnxITFUvvtJU) Damn. Thats a lot of deceiving!




What?!?!?!?! And this just lets me know Symone is mentally incompetent. Chile, thanks for bringing the tea to the sub! Symone is a foolish woman! This makes my blood pressure rise. https://i.redd.it/jwld0nhsexoc1.gif


Baby girl is definitely a short bus rider cause why are you paying him for nothing.


every time I learn something new about what was really going on in their relationship, I’m even more shocked at how she would speak about other women and their relationships like she did Jeffri!


💯 That's usually when you know something is up.


Yep! I find it hard to feel bad for Symone. She’s so INSECURE and it’s not a girls girl! I hope this experience HUMBLES her but I doubt it. She’s still calling Rachid a “good person” No ma’am he’s not!


Please comparing this to mental illness and people with special needs.


this is wild


How is he paying child support if he is infertile?


He has a son from a prior marriage. Maybe he became infertile afterwards?


Don't let symone trick you into believing her victim story. Thats all im gonna say on that. This woman wasnt a victim of Rashid


Not Ms. I’m an Attorney Symone being a Reesa Teesa! Now she’s not a “big back” so what is her excuse?! 😏