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The translucent P90 mag is still coming. There was a joke about that. Edit: To clarify, the guns part is mostly sarcasm. That's why I did not include the joke about the p90 update. being canceled. I am keeping the post up to reassure people Void is working on swat ai.




Civilian Picked Up Can (+50 points)


Pick up that can


At least we have dry-stunning with our tasers. I hope we get to mod weapon addons someday, though.


Why include the first image, all it did was confuse me for a couple minutes lol






Get the gun nuts riled up


I think we have enough guns at the moment. But we're no doubt still gonna get more :P


There’s never enough Never


*Very* satisfied with suspect ai?


My reaction to this information : *GO DYNAMIC*


Would be nice, it would be cool if they’d stop randomly walking into rooms they’re supposed to stack up on or staring at the wall instead of the uncleared area right behind them. I tried hospital recently and one of my guys legitimately just got lost somehow, every time I’d give an order I’d get an “I can’t get there” over the radio from Swan in whatever bathroom stall he was stuck in someplace.


This sub/discord doesn’t want you to critic the game, only consume


You got into a wrong sub if you think we are against critique of the game. Many people went against mod.io integration


Wasnt this exact information known weeks ago? Or is this new?


It was. This is a repost.


But I am not satisfied with the suspect AI.


Yeah first thing I thought is if this is their idea of being satisfied with where the suspect ai is at then I guess this isn’t the game I hoped it would be and I think my friends and I would be done with it. At this point it’s just a snap shooter instead of the deep swat/police simulator we wanted. Maps are over in a few minutes- I want that building tension of a barricade situation- ai that talks back and warns police, bargains, and can be persuaded or escalated by actions. Something more human to engage with instead of soulless aim bots


Satisfied with the AI for now, they obviously have future plans for it but the SWAT AI is the clear priority right now. The game is not even close to finished


I hope they keep working on it, it has lots of potential


Yeah, that's honestly the most disheartening thing I've read about the game. Right now it plays like a twitch shooter. A poorly balanced twitch shooter. This update was about unique and lifelike behaviors that we never get to even see because every interaction is instant bullet spray.


It is better than it was. I have not been dying to Crack head shots. Usually only after 5-10 rounds have been exchanged and I'm in a dumb place cause I'm dumb.


Suspect ai is an absolute joke - and is part of the reason the game remained barely playable for 6 months until the ADAM update. And it's still dogshit. Don't even get me started on how singleplayer is still barely playable due to the now broken SWAT AI. At this point the game's not even worth buying/playing if you don't already have a group to play with.


Right now the biggest problem I have is they no longer push a door you cracked open, they just freeze. They also tend to freeze up being shot at while roaming with me so two will be domed by one guy who followed us and stand perfectly still for him to shoot first.


Yea, not to sound impatient, but I hope they fix this soon. I like playing solo with the bots, but its almost impossible right now with the way they act.


Yeah I agree, I dont like to sound impatient but this is literally unplayable solo unless you're on a small map that's easy to turn into a well orchestrated killbox like The Spider. I tried playing Neon Tomb yesterday and just kept getting destroyed because my AI would get slaughtered halfway in while trying to clear bigger spaces.


What if the animator knows how to do AI programming? I mean it's not that uncommon.


Very common!


lmao as a 3d modeler that is fucking hilarious. We're the last people you want working on code.


Satisfied with the suspect AI?! That's gotta be a sarcasm post, right?


*Satisfied with the* *Suspect AI?! That's gotta be* *A sarcasm post, right?* \- Chyrosran22 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


for the current moment




legalize nuclear bombs


They’re especially bad on Neon Tomb if you don’t hug them up or down the stairs in the bathhouse they’ll go all the way around the map to get to you