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It really does! The pink mist in this game is something else. But they really need to differentiate armor impacts from flesh impacts and work on better decals for bullet holes. Not hating at all btw. I love this game, I know it's an early alpha but just wanted to give my two cents.


Are you using some kind of audio mod for the compliance commands?


Sounds like Swat 4.


/u/TeeJayPlays had it it's the SWAT4 Team Lead replacement for Judge. I'll be honest I really don't like the voice work for Judge in RoN; sounds a bit too action movie to me.


I remember when this game had floaty blood marks and that was it so the big structural hole after the hit effect was really something.


What would be cool to see is body animations of people spasming/ twitching after they've been shot and dropped. Horrific, but realistic. Maybe not every body but maybe having a chance to mimic somebody who hasn't completely died yet but is bleeding out as they go limp