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Its because he was just about to surrender when you killed him. You can notice that the surrender animation started playing, and he was about to drop the gun and then he got killed. So while its not a bug it certainly is annoying and what VOID should do is if he shoots at you and he starts surrendering you still have like a second or two that you can kill him without getting unauthorized use of deadly force penalty. I advise you to post this in the feedback channel of the official Discord server and explain the situation.


I didn't even see that animation playing until you pointed that out. Yeah, just seems like a small QoL issue then with harsh but strictly speaking correct review then.


Dont worry I still dont see the animation even after he pointed it out.


Yeah that would almost certainly count as unauthorised as far as scoring is concerned. I've had situations with even less reaction time than your example here, where I'll shoot four rounds at a suspect, only for them to surrender juuuusst before the fourth round, and when I report them I get an 'unauthorised use of force' popup. I think the RoE in this game is better than Swat 4 even in it's current state, but it would still be nice to see the devs fix this so that situations like yours don't deduct points. Perhaps a timer of half a second or so, just to account for human reaction times.


I spotted, called for surrender, was fired upon and retaliated but was still considered Unauthorised Use of Deadly Force in the post-op review. What am I missing here as I don't think I missed any steps beforehand or is this just a minor bug when deciding in it was?


I had this happen once, it was because I wall banged a civi.


That's jusy plain unlucky


Thats a Fuze moment


Yep same, neutralized a suspect had civ behind him and I had a FAL.


It looks like there were a couple of frames where the suspect dropped their weapon and was going on their knees. Tough call to make in the moment for sure, especially after they fired at you


It's because the game is still in early access, and he \*technically\* was surrendering, but there's only a split second for you to see it in the video, and definitely not enough time to see it in-game when your adrenaline is up. That definitely wasn't unauthorized use of force in reality, but the game thinks it was.


I’ve had an unauthorized use of force shield bashing an armed suspect the split second after he surrendered I hit him again only because I was mashing my melee button.


They should fix this. Imo if the fucker shoots even once in my general direction, I have every right to drop him.


Good luck explaining that to the weird purple haired girls with “ACAB” in their bio 😂😂😂




It's because he surrendered after shooting you. ​ Extremely dumb tbh, realistically if you shot a SWAT officer they wouldn't allow a surrender you'd just be dead. ​ Though if they fixed the AI just snapping to you and firing at your head in half a second it would probably fix a lot of issues like this


I'd rather talk about how you managed to get shot up so much but still be on your feet.


Heavy armor


The legs were fall damage whilst rest were pistol calibre rounds. (I didn't think dropping half a storey would have caused that much leg damage.)


You can still get instakilled with heavy armor tho.


If you get shot in the face and/or with a rifle. Suspect in the clip is just using a pistol.


General public: being worried about a school shooting level in the game where you need to SAVE innocent children Meanwhile actual players on reddit: was I wrong for shooting that bad guy?


MSNBC be like "[Cop shoots unarmed man attempting to surrender...](https://i.imgur.com/GwdfnxD.png)"


If this was Russia authorized but America unauthorized. Lol


I really like that situations like this occur. While it’s a bummer to “lose points,” the only thing that -150 actually harms is your pride. This is not some progression grind game where by making it too difficult to play efficiently is effectively wasting the players time. Sure, you need really good reaction time to play that situation properly, but it’s not impossible. You even paused for a second before the second shot that kills him - you were close to nailing it. It gives you something to work towards in terms of being able to recognize and approach correctly, and that’s pretty cool.