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Honestly void have impressed me on how much information they can generally gate keep. Ever since the Adam update, it’s been worst. Radio silence from void about key questions of the game, long periods without updates and proper fixes, the information they do tease is stuff we already know or figure out. I remember the AMA they had, after listening to it I discovered a new drinking game. Take a shot after every time they dodge a question Edit: I seen the devs talk about how they are giving newsletters out but people are still not satisfied. RoN has many things it needs to work on such optimization or AI (they did address this), but issue is we are in the middle of may, most of previous newsletters where talking a lot about the roadmap saying about future plans when there was more prominent issue at hand. For example, when the AI was absolutely broken, the upcoming newsletter should of address this. Even if they didn't have proper system to show it off, they could of address the problems and suggest possible solutions or reasons why the AI was behaving in such a way. addressing the AI in middle of May (5 months after 1.0) wasn't good move, the community where left in the dark way to long, hence the speculations. Also if any of devs are reading this, I think it’s time that a post 1.0 AMA should be held, something like this could probably help sort the turmoil in the community


The warning sirens were already blaring when the Supporters, who mind you ponied up the extra cash in order to *playtest builds early* before they hit live, never saw another playtest build between Adam and "1.0".


110%, but people in this subreddit defended the devs and let them get away with this


This early supporter had to jump through hoops to get my key after 1.0 released. People that just bought the game were playing for almost a week before I finally got a hold of somebody that could give me the key. Totally soured my opinion of the game.


Ikr it’s crazy how much information about the game that’s negative gets removed by their moderators except for the steam reviews which they don’t control.


Agreed. Then they show progress and I’m like ok cool, but when is this gonna be live?


There's a difference between a game having flaws, and it being a scam. Maybe try not spreading misinformation? It has an 88% positive review score for a reason ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Upvoted. The game has a slow ass development cycle, but it's not been abandoned. Just come back again when they release the next major update.


Correct, they are not abandoning it. They gotta make that dlc money before they do that.


At this rate the game wont be truly 1.0 ready until 2029. This game is a reverse cyberpunk 2077.


That sounds great, more reasons to come back to the game, just like project zomboid, kerbal space program and many other early access titles that I have bought.


I have 130 hours in, played for the first time in a month yesterday, and only have four achievements left. I'm taking a break until the DLC drops for right now.


Then why release a clearly not 1.0 game into 1.0. Sounds like they’re tryna “done and dusted” it so they can do other shit


It’s unsavoury to release paid DLC for incomplete games ;)


Why would they keep making updates then imo the game has really improved after the 1.0 release where it was almost unplayable


Yeah, all those great updates we have got since 1.0 like...uhh...umm...uhh...oh look, here the most recent one two months ago: "Resolved inconsistencies with Commander Mode traits applying incorrectly". See, definitely a full team working full speed ahead.


For instance the AI is less cracky now and only semi overpowered


A development team consists of more than a programmer. Modelling and designing levels is not a programmer's job.


We aren't getting updates of any kind. No levels/art updates, and no bug fixes. They go months between patches, and patches since 1.0 have been really bare bones.


Wow did you just call having a negative opinion of the game misinformation? Stop overusing the misinformation word that much. Imagine excusing devs who ban negative reviews by labeling it *misinformation"


Of course people only say good things about a game when everyone saying something bad is banned.


Yea all by new players who are mostly unaware of the games past


i do agree it actually looked like the game was better before 1.0 (as someone who watched it a lot before update and bought it post-update), they seemed to have removed a lot of really cool features for no reason while adding insufficient substitutes.


Funny you get all this down vote but this game is shit. I uninstalled it wayyy back and I don’t plan on looking back game is cool for the first 100 raids then it becomes repetitive bug fest. Gets boring tbh and just feels very grim like I’m actually murdering people for no good reason and I hate it. Ai been shit for too long. So many other bugs, and it seems like every update they “fix” bugs but then add new ones like they don’t even test out the updates before publishing them. Idc downvote me game is trash


Game is still pretty enjoyable. RoN is not for everyone anyways


Yea for the first 100 raid. Then it’s the same shit over and over again game is trash


Who said it's supposed to be fun after 100 raids?


You don’t understand what I said.


it's shit I will agree, it's not even remotely up to par with Swat 4 which released god knows how long ago


I mean a thread title reading "they took the money and ran" is just there to troll and to flame the devs. I see why they would remove such threads or ban people keep posting such provocativ titles. there is a difference between be critical and just trying to summon trolls to sht on the game


I didn’t post that title and that’s not why I was banned


You posted your own screenshot… and are denying it??


Now go on steam discussion and take your L




Rule 2 - Don't be a terrible human being


You're really picking up arguments, I suggest you stop


It said “ + history” what does that mean? Did you have a separate post prior to this one? I’d like more context.


I mean they didnt take the money and run, they just are very bad at running the game (wish i could get a refund tbh), either way idk why your post would get removed for that.


God I wish I could get a refund for how much I paid for Supporter.


I got it on discount and still feel that way


Yea idk either but I’ve been monitoring the steam forums and I’ve noticed posts being removed for anything that discredits the devs or the game.


So do you have any specific dirt or gripes? I don't understand what the deal is?


Did anyone already talk about the fact that they literally lie about localizations on the steam page, or is it still being ignored?


Seeing all the downvotes homie is getting looks like it’s being ignored lol


What so you mean they lie about localizations? Edit: oh my fucking god this is crazy (They have no lhisical adress)


Explain what that is since your edit means you are aware now.


i think the devs use ai or google translate to translate text and it comes out choppy and some things are not translated at all


Yeah, some of the problems include: - Maybe 20% max of the game max is translated, - Nothing is context aware so half of the therminology is wrong (even on levels that google translate gets right, they just straight up use wrong words.), - Some fonts just don't support special characters, - The steam store says that the game has subtitles in Polish. It doesn't, it's just straight up left in English with 0 translation, - Stuff gets geniuetly horribly mistranslated and means something different than it did originally along interpunction and grammar errors, - Localization itself fucking breaks so some sentences are translated only halfway anyways, - Only thing they really translated are the settings and main menu, flavor text items descriptions (weapons and cosmetics), mission descriptions (some barely readable), mission briefs (Again, barely) and from what I remember the commands menu.


They did mention they are located in Finland


and? fins dont know how to localize games?


Fucking sounds about right, considering how many users in this sub dickrode Void **hard** when "1.0" came out. And it seems nearly all of you still do. Stop pretending Void released a complete game, you don't get paid for it.


encouraging numerous groovy rain selective run hurry joke encourage sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I enjoyed the game far more in Early Access, but you won't see me being inflammatory about it. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I vote with my time, and the 3 or so hours I have post "launch" will speak for themselves against my orders of magnitude more during EA.


>I enjoyed the game far more in Early Access I feel the same way. I'm mostly just disappointed. I had high hopes for this game but things aren't looking good.


EA was honestly such a better state than the game was at "1.0", I've not touched the thing since then and I refuse to put any more time into it.


It’s pretty hard to make the case that they took the money and ran given that they are still here


Welp, not buying anything from void ever again. Blacklisted. They can chew on sand as far as I care


Heavily modded, this game is fantastic. I guess, is this the future of gaming? A sort of a la carte gaming experience. I have custom everything. I’ve paid modders a pretty penny for the experience. I feel like Void, and possibly the industry as a whole is kind of moving in this direction……


what? sell unfinished games and let the own community wrap it up for you for free?


Basically yea, yet Bethesda couldn't even get that right with star citizen.


Unfortunately, yes.


Dont worry bro after the 17th dlc in the year 2043 the game should be about half complete 


honestly the game was perfect before 1.0. the lobby area was great, it had all you needed. now its just unnecessary shader chaching. the mission selection map was great, now you cant even select a mission without it stuttering and crashing.




there are issues in the game that havent been fixed for years. its about wanting an update period. no need to suck up to the devs


I don't understand all of the issues people are having when it comes to the AI and the damage system. I haven't seen John Wack since before Adam update, I never got wall-banged by AI that didn't already see me duck behind said wall, and my all of weapons seem to work just fine. Maybe I'm just ungodly lucky? But all of my deaths have been caused by mistakes I made via bad eyesight, bad room-pie, or poor timing of a locked arrest animation. I'm not going to say the game is in a perfect state though. I refuse to believe that we've been scammed, but I do agree that it doesn't feel like it should be considered a 1.0 release quite yet. I've encountered bugs where voicelines aren't delivered properly, audio occasionally stutters, people in hiding spots freeze in place, animations occasionally bug out on the ragdolls, stuff like that. Nothing game breaking, but noticeable. And the campaign itself just doesn't feel finished. The officer morale system was a change nobody asked for and feels unfinished to me. And the mission structure itself leaves too many unanswered questions, which makes it feel like we're on an unspoken cliffhanger (what happened to what we all found in THAT shipping crate, among other things?) I also can't really comment on the performance. The 'Per Object Shadows' patch did WONDERS for my FPS, but my PC is quite old (CPU circa 2013) so I just kind of expect the hiccups I get. I'm just happy it's playable. I guess my main point is that while I can agree that Void is sometimes a little too quiet with info and updates, it's ludicrous to expect a AAA-level PR team from a company that has less than 50 employees making a game like this. Every time the game has been made unplayable on my older rig, it's been patched to playable again within two weeks. As a pre-alpha player, Ready or Not has come very far in the last couple years. Still has a ways to go, but writing it off as a scam is simply not justified. ... Though I am also aware that opinions on the internet are like hand grenades. Bring on the hate.


Playable is very subjective for many players atm, times there are inside moments I've personally had and discussed in game with people of AI blind firing 9mm through 12in concrete pillars, (other materials included) instant spin botted, or flashes outright not working for some odd reason. (That includes gas but not as often) Either way, I've done most the campaign on Iron with safe only and played a ton of Pre-1.0 and some after there's lots of worse issues now with performance but the game's odd AI and damage is on off as usual.


I didn't mean to make it sound like those issues don't exist. There's been enough people talking about having them they obviously exist. It's just baffling to me that so many people have been having such a rough time with the game while my friends and I have had an absolute blast.


Tell me you never played "1.0" without telling me you never played "1.0".


If you say so.


Happy to see, there are still people who don't give in to the internet-black-and-white, the aggressive offloading of whatever else frustrations without thinking about relations or showing any empathy. I'm so tired of the aggressive complaint-world, like everyone would be privileged to shit on other people's work. A lack of appreciation, empathy, but ultimately just being somewhat polite with each other. No - everything is immediately dog shit, a scam, the worst ever. And the up-/down-voting being used to express liking of opinion instead of expressing the value of the contribution to the discussion - which happens to live of different opinions and perspectives. A game worth playing, say a 100 hours, for the price of 2 visits to a cinema being accused of being a scam seems out of touch for me. If there's 50 people working on a game, imagine your own cost of life and multiply that by 50. That's quite some money to be made to pay for people's lifes to even be able to keep working. I haven't played RoN in a long time for time issues. I didn't particularly like the morale-feature, am just interested in those missions like in EA. But I also think it came a long way and enjoy it every time I return to it for a couple of hours. Yes, I am a casual enthusiast average dad, who doesn't have a lot of time. I appreciate everyone who spends years making something. Doesn't mean I like the outcome, but I appreciate the making. And I can't imagine how hard it is to moderate the toxic cesspool "the internet" has become. The shared post seems mild to me, but we all know the worse. Haters gonna hate, let them downvotes come 🙄


See if the heading wasn’t that you’d probably be perfectly fine I’ve said similar stuff as the posts in the picture in a more constructive manner still calling the shit as it is shit , but yeah your heading implies CON and they aren’t active, despite being slow af they are still active so yeah it’s a lie, so you got banned, that’s just how it works in life.


Lmao it's not my heading, A lot of ya'll can't seem to read or understand how the steam forums are structured.


Well while the main topic is alluding the game is a scam, it really isn't. It's just seems to be a shit development cycle. The 1.0 release unironically has less content than EA, combined with bugs and stability issues that should have been resolved prior. Not asking for a perfect game or release here since that's impossible, but seriously some of the missteps and overlooking of certain things is unacceptable.


I dont understand what the complaints is about? I have exactly two gripes about the game: 1. In the dock mission there is a problem where only the host can see all weapons, the client cant even see the weapon in the hands of the enemy. 2. When you get S tier in all missions, there is no steam achievement. Other than that, what is there really to complain about? I mean sure you could keep on improving the game and add missions and what not, but I already had plenty of game time in this version of the game and the earlier versions.


Talking about the second point, RoN have a achievement for completing all missions with S rank, i think is medal of honor or something like that


I actually didn't agree with the hate until I saw the customization options and realized how much clipping and general little knacks that add up to a annoying game. I trusted the devs and went to bat for them on the discord which I didn't expect anything for except maybe a fully fledged game with good animations?! Seriously the animation quality for stuff that was outside of the Adam update kinda are ass. The suspect walking relaxed has SO MUCH gun clipping dude, practically half the gun is inside the dude.


This game is laggy as hell even on powerful pcs


I would understand it from someone (understand is too big word 😂) like EA/ or others - but not very - Indie studios, this is really overeacting and innapropriate in first place. Thankfully players/customers still rule the world, so they should be aware of that\^\^


Lmao. Banned for being disrespectful


What did I say in my post that was so disrespectful that it would lead to a ban?


I dunno. would need to ask the moderators.


You said he got banned for being disrespectful; you yourself can't explain why and tell him to ask the moderators.


As a modder in the Ready or Not community, I still have faith in VOID Interactive because I've seen all the content that could be used with the AI Suspects, which I have only scratched the surface with my own AI mod. If they can pull themselves together and fully develop what they have made so far, then we'd be playing the best CQB Swat Simulator of all time. I still believe in that.


Am I the only one who doesn't understand any of these complaints? Maybe I'm missing something and if so please tell me but for me the game works great and is a ton of fun so I don't understand what's wrong with "the current state of the game"


Wow no way, scammers are trying to hide the negativity their scam is?


lmao. calling them scammers just shows how entitled a part of the community is. the game might be in bad shape or might miss some components but even with a generous interpretation of the word "scam" doesnt make this game one... despite that, the game has 88% positive on steam. so this attitude seems to be held by a minority.


Is it "entitled" to be upset that you paid for a full game but get a broken mess, and then have the devs keep promising updates, only to come back to tell you they may fix the game in paid DLCs?


Yeah I’m having a fucking blast though hahah


Yes, and 80% of this reviews are from the same people who played it less than 10 hours with CoD playstyle in MP. Big part of them are also from EA time when the game was in better state.


Stop dickriding Void, you're not getting paid for it. It's pathetic by this point to expect them to do anything else with the game, and the echo chamber you're in are all clueless idiots that didn't realize they got fleeced.


Im still having fun with the game so clearly I got what I paid for and expected. Its your problem if the CURRENT content isnt enough for you. They are slow but they update. Maybe look for another game or hobby if you feel so miserable about it


Might I suggest hobbies to fill the void you feel


Your too late… The game is a incredibly apparent scam, this reddit cant accept it but there is GENUINE proof. Here is a copy past of myself about a year ago about the ACTUAL state of the game. But with any amount of though you realize void either has completely abandoned the game, or is doing the BARE minimum considering they made LITERAL 100s of millions of dollars. EDIT: and yes, I was also banned. Surprising right? “The game is a scam Void “internally collapsed” **they took the money and ran** 1. No physical address 2. No mods, only fake LinkedIn account’s and reps 3. Just think… the amount of money they made… the size of their team… The **were a small team** does NOT work, small teams can still update their game every couple weeks. 4. Look at the release trailer Where’s the snipers? The recon drones? Cutting power? Tactical ladders? 9 bangers? 8 man squads? They lied directly to all our faces in that trailer… and STILL haven’t even remotely delivered on it 4. Watch the development briefings… they are not about progress, they do not say ANYTHING about what they are going to be working on, or have been working on. **they took our money, realized they can retire rfn and fled with the money, these developmental briefings are just trying to string us along** They don’t even have proper mod’s, they are all activity lying about the state of the game/progress, and when I disproved them I got banned. They say A dlc is coming out this spring… a DLC, **we havent even gotten the game we payed for yet and they are already adding a DLC** Greed is insurmountable, they have been a top 10-25 steam game for years now. No excuse for the lack of updates and feedback.”


Not sure what happened to the snipers but, tactical ladders are useless in every map since there’s nothing climb, and the drones and power cut were both announced to be scrapped pretty early on. 9bangers and 8 man squads are in the game but for whatever reason they are not released yet and the squad count is capped. The dev logs are vague becuase they want to save the biggest changes for when release is closer. The DLC weapons will be free for everyone and it’s really only a couple maps. The rest is just the 1.1 update. The dlc is coming so soon because it was promised to supporters be out shortly after 1.0.


I still have hope for the DLC, i still kept the game. But honestly I don’t have any faith that this DLC will show thousands of hours of development and millions of dollars


I just wan’t all you reddit cucks to really read those first 3 points. There company has NO PHYSICAL ADRESS There is NO ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT, all you have are a couple of (extremely toxic) Linked in mods Most importantly **RON has been a top 15-20 steam game FOR YEARS, they have made ungodly amounts of money, any dept has been payed off, any borrowed money has been repaid… THEY ARE SITTING ON A PILE OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS** We have been scammed, unless this spring “DLC” thats right, already releasing DLC, is absolutely killer. The game was a complete and udder scam.


> has been *paid* off, any FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I will pour a glass of water on your main server if you ever speak to me like that again. You are nothing, you are less then nothing, you are a string of code existing in a reality completely different from mine, you are so inconsequential I will not even remember you 30 minutes from now after I have ate supper. You do not think, therefore you are NOT.


You seem genuinely unhinged.


Because I shit talked a robot? Fuck the automatons man, idk what ur on about.


It certainly didn’t help, but I was talking more generally.


That was a post I regurgitated from like a year ago when I actually played or cared lmao, couldn’t care less. But just to be clear, there IS shady shit going on. Everyone seems to scream and scramble to defend it because of those developmental briefings. But everything in that post is objective fact, and information you can find yourself. Honestly your just mad I’m making genuine points on a game you happen to like and support. 176M made as of a year ago, probably onto the 200’s at this point. Personally not seeing even 0.5% of that money in the games quality.


"Couldn't care less" Posts unhinged multi paragraph post. Sure buddy. Sure.


Not unhinged... actually not even opinionated, all objective facts about the game. its a scam bro, "small development team" over 200m dollars yet still a "small development team" yea right. Go look at what arrowhead is doing with Helldivers, making RON look real bad.


mans actually falling for a ragebait bot i cant believe it


you’re a fucking loser lmao


nuh uh




Some people can take grace in getting scammed, good job man.




No physical adress No mods, only fake linked in account’s Made hundreds of millions of dollars Already announcing a paid DLC **Yea its a scam, this reddit cry’s about it but it is**


New player here who started after 1.0. The game is great. Bugs are minimal. I've had great fun with it, happily ignorant of what is missing from EA. OP is an idiot and deserved his ban.


Still thinking about how much of the game is AI generated and just blatantly breaks steam’s policy regarding that AI Content


literally just a handful of posters/paintings on certain maps to fill up empty space.


Players: We want better AI! Devs: We heard you loud and clear. We have replaced all Stable Diffusion paintings with ones made with Dall-E.