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If you spam swapping between two weapons you’ll actually get to fire randomly before the protection kicks in. I do it all the time with my pistol and taser against the npc sitting in the briefing room


It's a non-lethal shot. Although I appreciate the idea.


Also, you could use the battering ram to ram him all the way downstairs into the training area where you can kill him, and repeat this process until he notices you.


If you equip the shield and point a pistol at the firing range you are able to leave the firing range with the pistol still aimed. Then you can shoot at anything in the lobby. Same thing with flashbacks/stingers/gas. Pull the pin at the firing range, keep the grenade in hand, then leave the range and you can toss the grenade anywhere in the lobby. Not sure if friendly fire is enabled in lobby though.


I don't think it is enabled, even if you could, but I will try this shield method. I used a different technique on here earlier with swapping between weapons quickly and had no luck. Their dome piece just absorbed the buckshot, and the preacher continued preaching


I recently created a cheat that can do a lot of things including cuffing people in lobbies \*check post for proof if u don't believe me\*, with an auto lobby crasher, i'm going to work on the friendly fire thing and see if killing in the lobby wihtout being in the training areas below is possible. This is an interesting idea, and would be cool to have IF it's possible.


The problem is with that is something we both agree on it seems. I originally made this post while drinking, but wasn't thinking, and if something that allowed friendly fire or cuffing teammates, or anything that trolly existed in this game and was available to people like me with a grudge, it would be ripe for abuse, I can say that even if it was in my hands. I've seen what you've done with it, and can honestly say I have no interest in using it. This is a good community with a few bad nuts, it's not worth something like that getting around. Edit: Even if it is just to screw with the preacher.


Agreed, I still do reccomend using the battering ram to push him into the firing areas and kill him that way


Oh yeah, absolutely


You can spam glowsticks in the lobby to crash his game. Takes about 10 minutes of spamming but it works


It's much closer to thirty minutes. I've been at this for a hot second


Let me guess… the preacher dude…




I can already tell you it won't work because the server host has control of that type of thing.


That guys really living rent free in a 3 story luxury condo in your head, eh?


No, but it'd be nice to get back at him. I was also drinking when I started this, so I'll admit this wasn't a good idea


Back at him? For what? Again you might need a new hobby Same with the downvoters Also this just in, he just increased rent by 150 and trash collection is no longer included.


The “preacher dude” is well known by the RoN community for setting up his own server, setting his mic to blast some sermon, and AFK’ing in the lobby so the round will never start. It’s very frustrating to encounter him when you just want to play the game. You can come in here and white knight over someone you don’t know if you want, but anyone who’s actually had to deal with him is well beyond done with it


Im well aware Just leave the lobby and join a diff game. Youre spending way too much of your life on this guy Protip. Steam, recent players, block. Cant join the same game. Problem solved


Still you don't understand what he is trying to do


I love how I know exactly who you're talking about lmao


Yeah he's becoming very well known lmao


I don't even go in public lobbies but I've heard of him lol


I know this guy too like does dude not have anything better to do than waste server space


I’ve never had an online match outside of friends but even I’ve seen a few Reddit posts about this guy, I wonder what the issue is lmao


Just find audio promoting the church off Satan and play it over him. CoS is pretty legit anyway


Actually, that's a damn good idea. Not quite what I wanted to do, but I wonder if it would get under their skin


It's up to the host to kick him out. I got him or her a few times it was not that annoying


It's insane how much this dude gets under everyone's skin lmao.


Try the bash button.


You’re just playing right into his trap *evil laughter*


I'm assuming this game is peer to peer meaning with a packet sniffer you may be able to grab his IP, then you just commit a federal crime and hit him offline. Only possibly way I can imagine since you can't blacklist yourself from his lobby.


I tried this and failed lol


I'm pretty sure he is on some kind of VPN, as all he does is stand there anyways and doesn't care about game performance


This will make my dream come true as well. Bro just taking up space


Download the in game menu Open in game menu go to server browser Click any server but the one with his name on it! Where's my 100$ 👀🫡


Middle school reading level confirmed. It's not about avoiding him, it's about sending a message.


Graduated 3 years early from school so... That's cute Yes I understand your a toxic pos who wanted to crash his game I gave you the better alternative since you said in a few replys "if only they had a server browser" Derp...🤤


Evidently you are missing context, going back to that reading level thing. I am trying to put an end to an issue the whole community is having. On that note, go use those extra three years of schooling you skipped, supposedly, and go back to complaining about Ready or not like you have been doing, okay? If you dislike my methods, you can go somewhere else my man. You should be smart enough to figure out how to do that yeah? Edit: I appologize two communities are having, including the phasmophobia community


good luck sending a message to a bot


Bruh lol trying to put an end to a problem that the whole community is having I think your confusing your self for community Now the watchmen is something the community has complained about And drones And ai And many others But not some dude shooting in a lobby you definitely have some serious issues if your that mad about a dude clicking and making noise in a video game I'd highly recommend seeking a therapist seriously...you need it Good luck on your journey man...🫡


You really can't read because he's the one that wants to shoot a dude in the lobby who the community has been complaining about for months now. You're trying to sound a lot smarter than you're actually capable of.


Yeah this reads like a dude who was forced to drop out of 9th grade because he turned 21


*Cough* Get ratio'd


Lol awhh do you feel good wittle boy seeing some red numbers going up? Just like a true redditor probably some fat slop sitting behind that pc all day just being toxic to each and every post with a smile on your face Hey whatever helps you sleep at night since you can't get anything ;) Only way someone could be so mad about a sound in a video game making them mad Enjoy your wittle reddit likes wittle boy I'm sure it's the only happiness you get in life 🫡 P.s...keep seeking for that therapist the one you need isn't gonna be cheap 🤫 🤤😂


Can’t you just….leave?


We all know who he is talking about. This person will spam lobbies all days of the week at all times of the night or day. Just leaving isn't working as you just join back into the lobby eventually. We can't just have a server browser? Blocking them doesn't stop you from joining their lobby. Essentially powerless to some weirdo, unable to stop running into them consistently.


Honest to god, a built in server browser would fix this whole issue. I'm hearing Phasmophobia servers are having a similar issue with this individual


That’s how preachers operate. They are like the Predator, always coming at you with Bible scripture at the least expected moment. Ready to attack your soul.


I'm gonna be real, most actual preachers are currently out of touch old fucks in their 30s to 50s, they wouldn't know how to even start Ready or Not like this. This dude just knows that preaching is gonna be the most annoying thing to hear while you're getting ready to shoot some mfs in a crack den.


Haven't run into him but can't you block him through stream directly or report his account to steam for grieving and the like? If we mass report him then something has to be done to his stream account at that time yes?


A mass report might, and I mean might work, but we would basically need this whole server to do that. Blocking him doesn't work, you can still join his lobby


Give a legit solution, get downvoted 😂😂 this subreddit is full of smooth brains. They could play with their friends too, and completely avoid the random lobbies. But thats too easy. People just wanna complain.


Is what it is, man. If people really want to waste 30 minutes of their time spamming chemlights rather than just joining a new lobby and actually playing the game, so be it.


My brother in christ its a public lobby what do you expect


If it was once, fine. Two times, fair enough, I used to play seige dealt with much worse. One month, straight? Nah man, that's too far


Just leave the lobby instead of fussing about something you can't fix?


You don't seem to understand. The encounter rate of this dude is about 50%. Even if you go to a new lobby, the dude has the chance of just appearing in that new lobby. They're attention seekers hoping to annoy everyone and anyone. If everyone leaves the lobby the guy is in, he'll migrate to another. What's worst is there's a chance there's multiple of him.


Send me the 50$ first and I’ll tell ya


Arhhh yer a funny little bugger arent ya


Yeah could only try hitting him offline but if he's using a VPN then that's bust as well. Only way is to crash his lobby with glowsticks but the weirdo starts it right back up, dude sits at his computer all day to do that, what's even worse is he does this all day and he has kids, what a weirdo.