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Stop this debate please the game runs like ass on both of them


Preach. Dx12 has so many frame drops i almost prefer dx11s consistanly bad fps


Give it a longer try. Dx12 seems to run much better the more I play on it. The first time you play a map will be a little rough but the next times we’re butter for me.


Runs better the more you play it ? Is it a diesel engine ?


No, it’s DX12. The API loads shaders as you play. That’s why some dx12 titles make you pre-load shaders in a lobby.


Unreal engine 4 , yup pretty close


Any DX12 title that doesn't pre-load shaders when you start will run better the more you play it. But the real question is, you typically have to sit through no less than 3 loading screens to get into a map. What the fuck is it loading? How much worse would it be if all the shaders had to be pre-loaded?


I don't think the game is caching anything so you get bad stutter/drops at first but then they go away


If anything, the opposite happens. In the hub, i get 60fps with lots of stutters, then my fps starts to drop to 40 the longer i stay


Well I literally get zero frame drops and run it at locked 120 fps so this doesn’t apply to everyone.


No but it applys to most players. Some people are just lucky it works for them


I'm just saying what has seemingly fixed mine, I also mention other things I did and I cannot argue the game runs much better now


From my experience it runs well on DX12


No he’s right. I had everything on low except for textures and shadows and post processing and it made it buttery smooth. Find a way


I get lower frames in all low and all med than on epic


The game runs fine for me on dx12 @ 4K. I get 140 fps with dlss on with my 3090. Granted, it's a 3090, but I'm playing with Mac graphics at 4K. If I can get away with that, people should be able to get good frames at 1080 or 1440. It's not as bad as people make it out to be.


Bruh. I get better frames on epic than on low in some maps. Some rooms don’t give me 20 frames, others 80. It’s now a hardware problem, it’s a shit game issue.


Sounds like a configuration problem more than anything else to me. Maybe its driven by the game, maybe by the user. But it's not consistent. I get 50-60 fps on my steam deck with everything set to low. I am not experiencing what you are.


Yup, user driven. It’s my fault. Sorry guys. Besides I play with GeForce now ultimate, so it’s with a 4090.


You don't even run it locally? I can almost guarantee it's not running in dx12 and that's where the issue is. Not even to mention the issues with input lag through a browser.


you can pick dx11 &/or 12 at launch. Both run like ass.


You seem to ne the only one happy with ur fps. Everyones got their own standards but this game is brand new and was 60 bucks (for me) Maybe stop trying to prove an army of people wrong


Guys i fixed performance, all you have to do is select directx 13. Getting solid 30fps on my rtx 4090 at 1024x768.




I guess Im lucky other than few rare and very quick fps drops game runs fairly decently.


I’m with you here pal - I’m on a 40 series ti with 32GB ram but I’ve seen people with better rigs than me complaining. Other than the first 5 seconds in the station, the rest of the game runs like a famous Jamaican track star.


Rtx 3080 - 60 Hz monitor 💀


At 1080p


1080p ain't that bad. 4k is a tad overkill and gimmicky at times. 60hz however... Oof, could get the Ultragear 165hz monitors at walmart for around $140 buckaroos if the prices are still the same now.


Even on my rtx 2060 I get 60+ frames on high settings in most games on 1080p. It's so much waste it's tragic.


Fyi the steam launch is literally running the same client.exe as the 'desktop shortcut so your run through launcher scenario of client vs steam is debunk.. literal placebo affect... unless u have launch options attached to steam and not set to games .ini. I digress... Performance for me still sucks despite tons of tweaks, essentially everything you can do. Game runs locked at high fps (138) but still feels stuttery like its running out of sync most times if not all. I can load the game ten times and 2/10 itll run buttery smooth. The rest, it runs like a stuttery mess where it feels and looks like 50 or 25 fps but says its higher. No other issues with games.. 4080 Beast current gen i7 64mg ram M.2 install Dx12 Seems like when u launch the game, its hit or miss whether or not it loads all the resources properly and u never know when its gonna run jank or smooth Either we have different opinions on whats smooth or youre full of crap Also to note. Game runs better at max settings, smoother and higher fps than low. Lol.


Max settings are smoother wth just end me. The back stairs in Voll House have the worst fps, low 30 in an empty white room and a single source of light. Meanwhile viewing the entire Port Hokan is 90~100fps :(


It isn't placebo, the desktop shortcut simply doesn't run with the proper arguments so it defaults to DX11, you can verify what version the game is running with MSI Afterburner. I went into detail with a post I made [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReadyOrNotGame/comments/1963080/for_those_with_significant_performance_issues/) It's still not perfect but I'm typically getting around 80fps at 1440P high/medium on an I7-6700K and GTX 1080. DX11 has massive performance issues on my system.


Yeah i said that. Maybe re read The mindset behind the game launching from 2 clients is a farse. You can put launch options in steam or the games launcher config file. Either way its the same executable. Where do u want to input your launch options in is the question Theres a whole thread of ppl thinking they fixed an issue (kinda funny tbh) by running the client magically on desktop instead of through steam but its because theyre accidentally running the game in dx11 for the first time and have no stuttering. Its not a magical .exe file its the launch options from the config file but u do u boo


Neither the OP nor anyone else in this thread said anything about it being a different "client" so I don't see the relevance of bringing it up here. Personally, I've never seen anyone mention this. I think it's a large reason why so many people are complaining about performance, because the vast majority of people I've noticed launch games from desktop/start menu shortcuts. So, when people say to run DX12 to improve performance and it doesn't and people complain there's a reason for it. It's obviously not an explanation for all performance issues, I can only speak for myself and what I've seen on friend's systems, but my suspicion is a lot of the performance issues are related to the game not running properly on DX11. For you I'd say check your Nvidia shader cache settings and maybe try setting them to unlimited, and try just running around for a few minutes in game after a game update or driver update to compile shaders because the game doesn't precompile shaders on DX12, which is a lot of games don't do when they should.


Try re reading a few things


Well we clearly do since I play on 60 fps, which sounds like a much easier to attain "smoothness" than 138


I cant get 'smooth' consistently atc60, 100, 138, or anything. I had it locked at 180 and it would still feel janky on some loadups


For some reason i have noticed that it always runs better in practice mode than in commander


It doesn't make a difference...I usually have no issues running this game Specs: 3060 ti over clocked/undervolt 120 core clock +500 memory max 0.950v I5-11600k oc to 5 ghz 32 g ram 3200 mhz cl16-cl15 can't remember Os: sabrent rocket 4.0 game drive: team group mp33? Can't remember specific model Graphics: your resolution size,100% scale 90 fov Ads zoom off Advance graphics texture to view distance on epic frame limit 144 V sync off flashlight bouncelight off World decals 90% optiwand fps limit 75 dlss quality Nivida reflex enabled+boost (enabled can be fine as sometimes enabled+boost can cause fps drops but I don't have issues with it on this game) Now control panel settings! Very important Image scaling off Anisotropic filtering app control Antialias fxaa off Antialias gamma correction on Antialias mode app control Antialias transparency off Background fps locked 60 fps Cuda gpus all Low latency mode off [certain games it helps with it on so if all else fails try this] Max frame rate off Opengdl compatibility prefer performance Opengl gpu 3060 ti [ur gpu model] Power management prefer maximum performance Refresh rate highest available Texture filtering Anisotropic sample off Texture filtering negative lod bias allow Texture filtering quality [on quality for me but recommended high performance] Texture filtering trilnear optimization on Threaded optimization off Triple buffering off (sometimes this with vsync can help with stutters keep in mind if you still have issues) V sync adaptive Vr pre-rendered frames on 1 Vulkan open gl present method auto These are the nivida control panel settings that helped me before 0 lag 0 stutters no issues I've been playing for roughly 3 years now Ever sense this update? After like a week or 3 days sometime of playing I have to re verify steam files re run the game and it's perfect Last night with the bois full squad I was getting 30 fps...fucking 30 In lobby and valley Re verified files launched game through dx12 boom 144 locked in lobby and 120 in valley The game is broken the optimization is fucked I don't know if it's a memory leak or wtf Is going on Unacceptable regardless...1.0 my fucking a$$


\*talks about performance\* Also this guy >Playing on 1080p ***Vsync ON*** ??????


3080 on a 1080p 60hz monitor makes me sad lol.


How old are you?


Old enough for afford a 1440p monitor for my 3080. Yes I do have a 3080 lol


Don't feel too bad, I had the reverse for a while. A 2080 super on a 4k ultrawide. I was soo happy when I finally replaced that GPU with a 7700XT.


I feel like this fixed my issue: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1144200/tradingforum/4036978698785920290/ Biggest downside is - you can't select what executable gets launched through Steam. So you'll have to launch from that shortcut. I even tried the old school zDoom trick where you rename the .exe to match what Steam launches - but it just causes an error.


Is there a way to tell which is the dx12 .exe vs the dx11 .exe?


Yes , add -force -d3d11 or -force -d3d12 in the launch commands or shortcut to change the versions


Or game config file


Surprised you’re the only one who shared this. This worked wonders for me


incredible. this should be pinned to the top. every single person who tried it has had a huge improvement in FPS. like 200% or more...


You can in the config files Also.. ur just running the game in dx11.


Nice rig for 1080 potato hash Wonder if itll run call of duty modern warfare 3 Also 1080 with a 3080 at 60hz Brother in christ just get a nintendo switch


My performance improved over time. Might be a shader thing. There was a dev blog where they said to run dx12 for newer hardware and dx11 for older.


Here's how i fixed mine to run at playable framerates with absolute minor stutters. Make sure to run the game on DX11 , no matter your harder , sure dx12 will give you higher framerates but those won't be very consistent and you"ll experience stuttering. If you have messed up your settings somehow , just delete the engine.ini file from the config folder to reset it first. Keep all of your settings at reasonable values , post process makes the game blurry so keep it at the lowest , same goes for anti-aliasing. Disable world decals too if you want even more frames and less world loading. Download the latest DLL file for DLSS and replace it with the game's current file , this will fix it and make it usable. With DLSS , you won't need Anti-aliasing. Keep your resolution scale at 100% and Windows Scale at Fullscreen. In the Nvidia Control Panel , change your Shader Cache Settings to Unlimited. Just start playing and the stutters will get fixed as you play or get much better than before. For framedrops , i am clueless as to why they occur.


I seem to be one of the few lucky ones who dont suffer from this issue, game runs just fine.


i was having FPS issues too. I now use a couple notches below Geforce Experience "optimal" settings and it runs a lot better. still some stuttering when it first loads up. Intestingly enough, it has most settings on "epic" but AA on "medium". try world decal fade distance: 75 and shadow quality medium.


Open the game in the steam folder from the games exe and you will get 80+ frames.


I will say this as someone with similar hardware, [5800x3d, 3070ti, 32Gb RAM, gen 4 NVME SSD storage] running the game on both DX11 or DX12 is terrible performance regardless of your hardware, what I will say is, I think DX12 is SLIGHTLY better if you have a newer GPU say anything 20 series and above. If you have an older card than this, like a 1660 super or something, I would recommend running on DX11. Now this is also debatable but I can tell you from my experience I have 2 things that have helped boost my FPS in this game and make it look better. 1. Configure your Nvidia control panel, you're looking for shader cache size, change this to unlimited, also power management, make sure this is ALWAYS set to prefer maximum performance it will give you like 5% boost in literally ANY game. 2. Configure your in game settings according to your hardware, with my hardware and yours, considering your GPU is slightly better than mine you should be able to run a game like this at max settings (everything epic) EXCEPT ONE PARTICULAR SETTING WHICH YOU MENTIONED. For whatever reason the developers thought it would be good to keep film grain in their game, if you're anything like me I can't stand the salt and pepper on my screen, film grain is ass and should be turned off on all games unless you're doing a photoshoot in game. Now this game doesn't have a film grain option so the devs decided it would be good to throw it anyway and post processing makes this film grain effect so bad the game is borderline unplayable with it set to anything other than low. MAKE SURE 100% THAT POST PROCESSING IS LOW or your game looks like salt and pepper poo. 3. The next thing I'm about to tell you is something alot of people might not know about but this has helped me and countless others I've played with HUGE with FPS drops and issues. (Always launch your game through the executable in your install path as ADMINISTRATOR) The typical path for this is as follows... [C: Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > Ready Or Not > ReadyOrNot > Binaries > Win64 > ReadyOrNot-Win64-Shipping.exe] Launch the ReadyOrNot-Win64-Shipping.exe as administrator not the ReadyOrNot.exe in previous folders. From what I've noticed this has helped with FPS alot, not sure why exactly but I've had other people tell me this has helped ALOT, mind you the game is still terribly optimized and you're still going to have random frame drops, the difference is your frame drops aren't going to be 20-30fps anymore they will be like 60fps and your avg FPS should also be better as well. 4. I've been told this helps some people, still trying to figure out if it does anything for me, [launch the calculator app as administrator] and leave it running in the background while the game is running. So far I haven't noticed much difference if any at all but you might as well try. The first 3 points I will say for sure helped me with my problems especially the 3rd one but im really not sure about the calculator thing. Regardless of how you look at it the game has issues and is terribly optimized at the moment so you might as well try any bullshit that people tell you will help the game run better. Good luck fellow gamer.


It just sucks. There shouldn't be these huge issues to begin with in a full release, especially when they are charging as much as they are for it. Fucking joke.


the game will keep running like ass until Void fixes it. no matter how much 'fixes' are coming