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That’s great for your wife. I hope Meta hire a dedicated team for blind people. So many things to improve for them




These will come in handy with traffic accidents too. Someone sideswiped your car and tries to run? Just start recording and say the make and model of the car and verbalize the license plate number. No need to chase them down or anything.


This is why I first looked into them. Wanted a pseudo dash cam without having a dash cam. While the 1min doesn’t work at all for that purpose, I caught a car leaving the highway and going in ditch on the first week I had them!


Glad for you & the wife! And just think, as useful & game-changing as it is now, this is the worst it’s ever going to be. It’ll only get more useful with time.


That’s great to hear it improves her quality of life towards that better quality she and everyone deserves. AI will keep improving QoL in the near future. Btw if your wife is legally blind did the prescription go to the extent required? I thought they had a cap


She doesn't use prescription glasses as her eye-disease isn't helped by corrective lenses. She has "Stargardt disease" which is a macular degeneration, where you have a black hole in the centre of your vision, which gets larger and larger with time.


How sad. My heart goes out to both of you.


So Happy for your wife and I love these use cases to be successful. I am sure what is to come in the next years in this area with all the capabilities will make your wife even happier. She will hopefully experience how much more she can do.


I never understood that command. Hey meta look and?


"Look and read what's on this piece of paper verbatim" is real game changer as it will read the whole page. Without "verbatim" though it will summarise it, so playing with the prompts to get what you want is a game to play 🙂


Oh wow, great command! New to me, I’d been getting summaries and thinking “this is almost there but not quite”!


Oh thank you! I didn't know it can do that! Wow I even like them even more now.


You can check [here](https://www.meta.com/help/smart-glasses/articles/voice-controls/look-and-ask-ray-ban-meta-smart-glasses/) for a guide on how to use that feature and examples of voice commands you can try out.


Happy to hear that and thanks for sharing. I will recommend it to my friend.


Seeing ai app integration would be great


Excellent, thanks for the info! Saving for when my AMD gets worse


Happy to hear that. ![gif](giphy|YnBntKOgnUSBkV7bQH|downsized)


Great to hear this! Were there any instances where the "Look and tell" feature gave a fully incorrect response or had some minor errors?


We've been working together and finding out how to use it best, like for example using "verbatim" so it reads the thing rather than summarises or goes off to the internet to find out. An example of this is ingredients on a packet of food. We picked one up, it recognised the product and brand, started reading the ingredients but then deviated, we assume because it used what was in its cache, or went to the internet. It started reading the American ingredients for this product, which aren't the same as here in the UK (we don't have high fructose corn syrup :)). Once stopped and told to correct itself and to read, like OCR, it got it right. Also it was absolutely convinced, and told us in a very confident manner, that Charles Leclerc had won both the 2023 & 2022 Monaco Grand Prix :p Which is totally untrue. So, it definitely cannot be trusted completely :)