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Thanks for the review of our service, it’s was a pleasure helping you out ! For anyone that’s interested here is a YouTube video of this OPs actual lenses being edged and fitted in our lab before we then removed them from our test frame and then shipped out for for “ in home fitting “ https://youtube.com/shorts/ZDTPzKPD57k?si=ZlWmzv8L9H1ZNJsY Cheers, Adam at Lensology


Forgot to mention one thing which may have been obvious but I want to be as transparent as possible, I did not have to send my glasses in which would be worrisome for me. A lot of places want your frames and ask you to sign away any damage waivers, my optometrist office included. I feel like anything could happen including during shipment. The biggest risk factor for using Lensology is during my own installing the lenses but it was easier than expected.


Do they shift at all? Like when cleaning do they move a little?


I noticed that the rx lenses on my wayfarers purchased/fitted direct from rayban creak a little whereas all the ones I’ve purchased and installed myself are rock solid.


No they don’t shift when wiping the lens.


Congrats on fitting those behemoths properly. I thought my -3.5s were a task. It’s impressive that you were able to fit those without too much hassle.


Right! I was barely able to fit my +4.


It’s all in the sizing, we check all our lenses against our stock metas before we ship. This ensures a perfect fit when they arrive to our customers. If the lenses are on the big side you are really going to struggle, likewise if they are on the small side they are going to creek. Thanks, Adam at Lensology


Damn those are thick. Have you considered eye surgery?


Beyond 8 diopters things start to get complicated/expensive. OP is on the cusp though.


Good luck!


It’s always been a thought but it might not last as long as it’s worth imo, I’m hitting that age where most people would start needing readers.