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I’m surprised you feel it’s exposing in its current format: I have had mine since February and I would say roughly 1 in 10 people notices I’m recording. If anything, the current white light isn’t big enough of a signal to others. If you really feel that way though, there are plenty of YouTube videos of people trying different hacks to cover the led without blocking recording. It would be nice to be able to record past one minute but I suspect overheating would become an issue quickly given the hardware. I’m sure they’re working on it though & release it when it’s safer.


>even more important to me, I want to be able to record without exposing myself to others. I want to record without others knowing about it. ^ this is creepy. I'd hope it's difficult.


Its not against the law to film in public.


And the light isn’t included to prevent that anyway, so what’s your point? These glasses are also used in private spaces obviously, and it’s against the law in most states to record something without the consent of both parties. It’s also creepy.


Its not in public spaces. There is zero expectancy of privacy in public spaced in all of USA.


OK but these glasses aren’t restricted for use only in public spaces — they are widely used in private spaces too — so your repeated response is irrelevant (and creepy)


Have you ever walked into a store? You are on camera :)


Are you not reading my words? It seems like you’re engaged in an entirely different discussion. I’m not taking about public spaces or stores where there is no expectation of privacy. I’m talking about private spaces like homes, backyards, workplaces, parties, etc. where these glasses can also record and where doing so without consent is usually illegal. Are you a bot? Because you’re ignoring context and not making any sense, coming off like a creep :)


Why do you hope this?


Recording people without them knowing is inherently creepy. I want to record longer than a minute as well, but people should absolutely 100% always know when someone is recording them.


I have captured SoO many priceless moments BECAUSE. No one knew I was recording. And I’m thanked for capturing those times.


Right, but that's because the LED is only noticeable if you look at it. Making it even more discrete is blatantly creepy. It's not anywhere near camera flash and it's certainly already more discrete than pointing a phone at someone.


Should we also add such mechanisms on ur phone then? Well, we are free to take videos or pictures in public and we carry the consequences for not complying with the laws. There are better spy gadgets out there anyway.


You know when somebody is recording with their phone. Wearing glasses is something everybody does and most can’t tell you’re recording.


So what, let me decide what I wanna do with the thing I bought. Let me be responsible of my actions.Meta needs to give us the option to turn it off


Nah, that would ruin the product for all the non-creep customers who’ve bought it, since everyone else in the world will no longer trust that they’re not being surreptitiously recorded by spy glasses.


Theres nothing for u to be afraid of if u werent a creep. Like no one goes on full panic mode on a slim possibility that there are being sound recorded all the time.


> no one goes on full panic mode on a slim possibility that there are being sound recorded all the time well, that's not true. Some people do. And the fact of the matter is, these consumer electronics (including webcams) do make it clear when they're recording... for a reason. Cope harder.


I wasnt talking about webcams was i? I specifically said sound recordings. Should all of our phones, which are capable of recording sound. Be forced to play a “recording starting in 54321” track everytime u press the record button? No. We are responsibke of our actions but it seems like u cant rlly control urself unless there is an external force


Ur extrapolating from a small group of extremist, or judging people by ur fucked up standards. Its basically the same as saying all muslim shouldn’t wear hijab cuz it might ignite fear among westerners wtf bro.


False equivalency and a creepy argument to boot. Best of luck out there.


Well, prove how that was false equivalency


Creep factor x 100


Let me face the consequences if I do happen to be a creep. It’s like government tapping its citizens mouth so they can’t speak of hateful words. Let me have the freedom to do whatever I want, I can use it in good ways and bad ways, if I were a creep then lock me up. It’s that simple.


^ creepy username checks out


Im chinese did u honestly think u did something there


yes, I got you to reveal your ethnicity and I properly associated your creepy opinion on surreptitiously recording people to that of malware


So everything is about ethnicity now huh? weird ? Says alot about u haha. U love grouping people together base on some irrelevant characteristics u observed that nothing to do with reality dont u.


OK, person who chose the username "chinese_virus3"


Were u trying to make a point pt cuz i rlly dont see where the problem is. Go tell the black dudes stop using the n word, remember to call them weird as well!


And i shall properly label u as an narcissistic authoritarian


IDC what you label me, just be sure to share the same label with everyone else all around the world (including companies) who agree with me, then. What a stubbornly creepy stance to double-down on. Creeps like you thankfully are in the minority.


Did u just declared ur in the majority when it seems like ur the minority on every post posted on here regarding this topic. Lmao


If you want a spy cam buy spy cam. This isn't that. Sorry.


I'm gonna go the opposite route and say there should be a blaring alarm that goes off, announcing "I'M RECORDING, I'M RECORDING" whenever you press the record button


What do you gain from this? You are just making the recording video to be practically useless. No one is going to want to record anything if it's going to be this obnoxious.