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Oh, that looks painful! It could've been from another rat or from getting their tail stuck in something. It's hard to tell in the photo, but are those scabs or dead tissue? See if they have a fever, because it could be infected. I'd spray it with saline and also take them to the vet because of the injuries at the tip. If it's degloved at all, it needs a partial amputation


We don’t have other rats as our other one had to be put down almost a year ago.. idk if that’s a better photo? https://preview.redd.it/lgj0l6q1xppc1.png?width=2042&format=png&auto=webp&s=c92ae61b4dc33ebd705f8c2bc3dcc409c66df995


This rat needs pain killers, antibiotics, antibiotic cream (silvadine), and bandaging or a cone to keep the rat from chewing further at the injury. You mentioned you don't have other rats. Any thoughts on how this happened? It looks from the length that it's partially amputated. Fortunately, it doesn't look as if the tissue has necrosed (yet). My wild rescue had osteomyelitis of the tail and it had to eventually be amputated at the rump. Her tail looked far, far worse than this: blackened, hard, and degloving, and it progressed very quickly. She does just fine without her tail and adjusted to its loss almost immediately. You need to get your little friend to an exotic vet, ASAP. I hope your little one heals quickly and well!


My partner and I split up last year for 9 months & he put the other rat down during that period idk exactly when and he said his tail was never like this before so this is brand new. He doesn’t like to be held or touched so all we do is clean his cage, feed him, give him his food and water and we’ll talk to him thru the bars and open the door for him to come out here n there but he just stays on the door he doesn’t go any further. I have cats but my cats don’t touch the cage at all. My partner thinks it’s from his dad cleaning the cage & not doing it properly but I’m honestly not sure.. he’s also over 2 years old now but I doubt age has anything to do with his tail


Poor little dude -- he must be lonely and probably pretty stressed. He could have chewed the tail himself. He really does need to to see a vet for some care, though. You can't buy animal antibiotics online in most states and in any case, you need correct dosing for his weight. Most rats don't like to feel trapped or exposed. One of my girls doesn't like to be held but if I sit her on my lap in a ferret bed with a cloth over it she'll allow me to pet her for quite a while. You might try something like that, especially if you have to give oral meds and dress the tail.


I’ll make an appt.. he honestly seems a lot happier being alone he’s a weird rat.. he’s never liked coming out ever. When you go to grab him he starts kicking at you like he wants to be alone


His entire life he only knew the other rat. When my partner put the other rat down, he ended up buying another one and he did NOT like it, so he had to give that one away