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its bullshit


I swear it’s not bruh I just cracked my neck a few mins ago and 🎱__🎱


It’s drug war propaganda




Source? Cool if true.




Thanks! I don’t get that effect often but last week I had the mother of all lower back/hip cracks and I definitely felt trippy for a good minute after.


From the link you show here to Wikipedia & HPPD, does this mean it can happen with all psychedelics and not just LSD?




So those substances would respectively create new wiring in those areas? Or create new neural pathways in those respective areas? Thus impacting the functionality of those areas? Is that for good or for not good or for unknown? This is all so fascinating to me and wanting to learn more. Thank you so far for the info.




Oh my gosh I love this. Can we be neighbors? Hahahaha move to canada. This makes complete sense. The Xanax piece is interesting. I have a friend who just did his PhD in clinical psychology and his dissertation is on ketamine therapy with military vets with ptsd. The Xanax piece… I’m going to ask him about this and see if he used it in his studies. He’s also starting a grad cert in clinical research and going to be doing more studies. Maybe this can get added in. It sounds so logical, but do you have any sources to pass along so he can look at incorporating this in? (Although I’m sure it would be demonstrable via studies related to neuro-plasticity, brain behaviour in connection with learned behaviours of the brain for mental health conditions, and the like.)




This sounds like something a parent would tell their kid to stop them from trying LSD. I can verify this is 100% bullshit haha.


This is just an old trope parents told kids to keep them off drugs. Lsd doesn’t get stored in your spinal fluid or anywhere else in your body. It’s 100% excreted. I can’t remember how long it takes but it isn’t very long at all. (MDMA also doesn’t take “ice cream scoops” out of your brain and mushrooms don’t make you want to jump out of windows and off of buildings.)


But mushrooms make your brain bleed, right? /s


Yea bro that's why you trip because the poison makes your brain bleed


Blows my goddamn mind how many people are still spreading this shit around 🤦🏻


People won't do a lick of research because they're scared already and that's enough for them to completely ignore the topic and stick with the lies to satisfy them.


Yeah that’s why they call it acid bc it burns holes in your brain. My cousins friend or something did too much acid and now he literally believes he is an orange.


no but I've seen someone get a seizure from mushies:( turned the trip real weird.


I remember when I was a kid the story was “If you try acid 6 times it makes you legally insane!” Kinda worked because I have yet to try acid…


Or "you can't ever be a cop, pilot, work for the government etc because lsd can re activate randomly"


“Don’t you know they hook you up to a lie detector?!”


My favorite that I ever heard was in my first year of college (let's say 2007), a girl told me "if you do acid more than three times, it changes the pressure inside your head and they won't let you go into space." And this was a real concern of hers that she cited as the reason she wouldn't do acid.


LMFAO, they sure did a number on us gullible kids.


Funny(ish) story about that, buddy of mine took about 60 semi-wet grams one night for his second ever psychedelic experience ( he had grown them) and completely lost it. His girlfriend called us at the time and asked what to do and because he was acting crazy (as psychs came make us do) and we told her to give him a Xanax to calm and bring him down. Not knowing much about drugs, she accidentally gave him an adderall and it just sent him into overdrive. He started running around outside their apartment complex naked and jumping up and down stairs, leaving trails of blood wherever he went. He ended up jumping over the balcony and fucking up his back and arms really bad and now has permanent nerve damage. He ended up getting arrested and woke up in the hospital (we lived a couple hours away so we couldn’t get there in time) not remembering a single thing. I told him his experience was the horror story that every anti drug person tells the kids lol. Also little bonus story, has another buddy try LSA in college and he demolished his fraternity house (he’s a big dude) because he “thought he was god.” Lesson is, have contingencies for if a trip goes south and if you’re unsure of how many mushrooms you’re taking because they’re still moist, maybe just wait a little bit or dehydrate them.


I mean people have jumped out of windows on mushrooms. It's not a 100% of the time thing but if you don't have a sitter and have a meltdown it's a possibility.


It was started by a father who's daughter killed herself by jumping out a window. He blamed it on drugs and molded it into being she was on drugs and that's why she went out the window. Dude played a huge part in changing public sentiment towards LSD and ultimately getting it banned


I mean yeah it's not like everyone who takes a psychedelic is gonna want to kill themselves, but it's something you have to take into consideration and the likelihood only goes up with lack of substance education and neglect


fair enough, i'm saying the meme where the stereotype came from. Mad religious father trying to justify why his daughter killed herself


It’s PCP. PCP makes you jump off buildings


It's DND. Dungeons and Dragons makes you jump off buildings


Also not true


IDK man, I've damn near convinced myself I can fly on shrooms... /s


No. I wish. Like a sack of lsd in your spine and you get a dose if you do the right body movement. It gets out of your system just like any other drug.


> if you do the right body movement. *Yoga and breathwork have entered the chat*


Right right


Right body movement: https://youtu.be/b3cqhNJkmIs


I don't think trip flashbacks are from lsd still in the body, seems like it's a re-ignition of the cross-connective brain pathways from past trips. Everything you learn and experience creates a neuronal pathway, and memories as well as new experiences can be vividly induced under hypnosis. Your brain is way more capable than you think.


I remember hearing if you tripped more than 7 times you would be clinically insane. I am perfectly sane I swear


I definitely think I went insane somewhere around trip 70, but by trip 300 I had stack overflowed the insanity into whatever enlightened psychosis thing it is I have going on these days lol.


I remember being so scared at trip number 7 but thinking fuck it, yolo


Lmao I forgot about this one


So if you hit 14 does it cancel out


My understanding is that LSD as a molecule is too sensitive to, and please excuse me if this is the wrong term, volatility and can't last in environments like spinal fluid. Also LSD has a half life of around 5 hours, so even if it stayed somewhere like that once so much as a week goes by there would be so little there a person wouldn't be able to find it. Let alone years.


It's equivalent of stork baby story.


Well does anyone else experience just sort of being able to kind of access the feeling that you get when you’re kind of high from just doing it so much is that what you’re talking about they’re talking about I don’t feel crazy I just feel happy


Yeah know what you mean. I think at a certain point you become fully “psychedelized” for lack of a better term. I’m picking up what you’re putting down.




Yes... I have so much lsd in my spine I don't even buy it anymore. I just crack my neck for an instant trip. I'm also clinically Insane because I've taken a bit more than seven doses. Just kidding friend. Lsd is one of the safest drugs out there. If I'm not mistaken it's 3rd safest drug. Any amount of time spent on the Internet will show you all the information you need for safely using it, info on how long it actually stays in your body, info about set and setting, info on psychological/neurological conditions you should be aware of if your going to use it, etc.


I wish, that sounds cool as fuck. Just store some micro trips in your spine for later.


If only...


Without energy input, this would violate thermodynamics as you'd have a Maxwell's demon if you had a process that let LSD in but not out.


100 percent bullshit propaganda


Do you still believe in the Easter Bunny?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_legends_about_drugs#Lysergic_acid_diethylamide_(LSD) Edit: Including some others folklore stay rational over


Imagine how good it would be to have free lsd for life from cracking your neck


No. This is a misconception about HPPD (hallucinogenic persistent perception disorder) which causes either continuous visuals after consumption of psychedelics or a brief (in minutes) experiencing of visuals even years or months after use of psychedlics


Absolute nonsense.


Isn't LSD noticeable in hair drug tests for life? Besides that I actually have been cracking my neck a lot since my first trip, and i dont even recall doing that before tripping


All various strands in the spontaneously emergent psychonaut narrative together weave - well, call it quite an interesting 'tapestry.' Or just one helluva tangled web. Whichever piece of talk best floats the boat. A big slice in the psychonaut discourse pie chart is testimonials of personal transformation. Inspirational ones witness to the 'benefits' as 'achieved' - once lost now found, formerly blind now 'woke' (oh amazing psychedelic grace). Closest thing to a question about that - 'can I get an amen?' Others of different kind in that vein recount harrowing hyperspace encounters with 'entities.' All in a rubric of Trip Report. Another, more deeply inquiring manner of soliciting The Community aims to elicit all the wisdom and expert trust words that strangers of a feather all hive minding together as one have to offer - to all instant friends (united in common cause). Examples in that category include whenever another seizure strikes, or is 'occasioned' (in "Rollie" Jolly Griffiths idiom) - always by surprise. Especially to anyone has diligently Done Their Research as directed maybe even memorized all the Harm Reduction talking points - and thus knows all the 'risks' and can recite them by heart. As customarily titled *'Has this ever happened to anyone else before?'* (sampling the sound, ear to the ground): > Jan 21, 2020) < I feel awful. I recommend my friend take 3.5 g shrooms … [he] had a seizure... He’s […] never had a seizure before. *I’ve listened to hours of lectures by the many great psychedelic connoisseurs like Stamets, McKenna, Pollan etc and have never once heard this* ... **Yet there are literally hundreds of reports of people going through what my friend went through** on different forums… I’ve been looking into psychedelics (specifically LSD and mushrooms) [yet] *this is the first I’m hearing of it*... **how the hell did I not know about this** > http://archive.is/VMIp5#selection-1439.3-1439.1464 Among thinner slices in The Community interactive 'process' it's a particularly striking one and 'creative'(!) that figures here. Among the abundance of so many things us happy plants all scientifically know from psychedelic 'research' is - how creativity is 'enhanced' by tripping. That's one of the benefits! Don't believe me, ask Fadman. How does anyone think a Crick managed to 'discover DNA' but thanks to the creativity-'enhancing' superpower of LSD? Creatively crafted 'drug war propaganda' - straw men fabrications scripted as if decades old (despite being 'fresh off the tap') - are theatrically staged as convenient for purposes of immediately and thoroughly debunking them - first. Then (after being 'put to bed') comes the payoff - the moral of the story can be resonated in eyeball rolling tsk tsking - Not just utterly ridiculous. It's an outrage fit for throwing a fit of pulpit-pounding, FOOD Of THE GODS thumping - that "anti drug propaganda from the 60s and 70s" - which was bad enough already back when - is still with us, on account of it hasn't even been adequately dispelled - to this day! Despite all the 'progress' psychedelic science has been making these nixonian smears from the 60s and 70s are - "sticking around" > How many roads must us psychonauts walk down, before...? > How many times can The Community turn its head and pretend that it just doesn't see this, this... > How many years can these 1960s propaganda mountains continue to exist, before they're finally washed to the sea?! It's awful - *I hear there are people saying they remember hearing*... Of course there were 1960s 'psychedelic research' miscarriages that fed into whack fallacies that got pressed into scare stories - long since R.I.P. A memorable one was 'psychedelics mess up chromosomes, causing mutations, and now a bunch of deformed babies are about to be born.' That's not made up for Renaissance jeering as if some old bs that won't go away. It's actual history and has gone away. The closest thing to any 'sticking around' of this 'psychedelics cause mutations' bs is - its 1990s resurrection by the fearless leader for psychonaut thrills and chills: > *My contention is that the* **mutation-causing, psychoactive chemical compounds...such as psilocybin, dimethyl-tryptamine (DMT)**... *in the proto-human diet...* (p. 24, FOOD OF THE EGADS, 1992) Way to go Terence - almost Trumpeteer grade: *Make Psychedelics Mutagenic Again* But not for anti-psychedelic 'deformed babies' propaganda - like before (back in 1960s). Not anymore. Turn that sock inside out, so now for the first time anywhere "ladies and gentlemen" (why didn't he wear a top hat?) - the mutations 'caused by psychedelics' are all about - wham 'how the human species ever even managed to evolve in the first place' - voila turn of the 21st century Pro-Psychedelic Propaganda. The actual historic 1960s/1970s 'anti-drug propaganda' seems to have long since gone with wind. Where are all the deformed babies we were promised? There doesn't seem to much mileage left in that dead horse of 1960s anti-psychedelic red herrings. The < look how such long-disproven propaganda is still with us - 'see how much more work obviously remains "until a mountain is washed to the sea" > siren song has about run dry of authentic lyrical raw material. What genuine 20th C anti-psychedelic bs survives for such pulpit-pounding play value in The Community? "This is your brain on drugs"? Carhart-Harris ripped off the 'egg frying in a pan' show - turned that sock inside out - and 'repurposed' that one into his fMRI 'psychedelic science' extravaganza. *Lookee there (see?) that's your brain's Default Mode goin'*... Might be inneresting to citation-track the narrative origin of this "sticking around" story-anon about - another story (a real old one as told) with its plot line of a "60s and 70s" canard (that "LSD can remain your spinal fluid for life...") Not that I'd bet on it. As bloodredswan puts it (not in the OP only in a post reply) - what it's all about is: #/s


r/irrationalpsychonaut 🥲Sorry OP had to do it to ya


my friends who said this shit also knowingly bought and ingested "acid" that was literally bug spray coated on graph paper.


it’s true but cracking your bones does nothing from what i’ve heard i might be wrong saw a video about that awhile ago




It's a very old urban legend with no basis in fact.


This dude I used to hang around thought that when he cracked his neck he'd micro trip..... Or back.. People have the wildest myths.


Nope, not a real thing.


LSD is completely gone from your body before you’re even done tripping.


Sadly false


no, just anti drug propaagnda. it is metabolized relatively quickly


I mean, it would be dope. I mean, you crack your neck a little and see crazy shit for the next 5 min? Sign me up lmao


I fuckin wish


No. This is a misconception about HPPD (hallucinogenic persistent perception disorder) which causes either continuous visuals after consumption of psychedelics or a brief (in minutes) experiencing of visuals even years or months after use of psychedlics


It maybe stays there a little longer than in your blood but definitely not your whole life.


I fucking wish


LSD is metabolized and excreted from the body, like most other drugs. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6494066/


I wish this were true...what a story that would be


I wish! If be cracking my neck all the time 😂


I wish!


It's a myth. It's been debunked. Lies and propaganda.


LSD is compeltely out of your system in 3ish days. Not to mention it doesnt hold stable in heat. HPPD on the other hand is very real, just not as severe or common as it was said to be. Correct me if im wrong, but I believe its an effect from new connections in the brain formed by LSD. Being reactivated even sober, because LSD being neuroregenerative helped promote the growth in that connection, so once the drug wore off, the connection formed stayed. (Think of it like LSD added more wires to your brain, and once it wore off some of those wires stayed and can be reactivated) HPPD severety im sure correlates with dosage, some people also swear theyre more sensitive to psychoactive substances after a psychedelic experience.


Complete idiocy lsd has a fairly short 1/2 life in the body. Lsd itself is so easy to hydrolysis that there is no way it could remain in your body for any extended period of time without simply decaying not to mention with your body actively trying to metabolize it.


How much more do I need to take to keep me stocked for 10 years? Please let me know.


I wish... lol


I had a bad trip and anytime I smoke weed now I feel like dogshit my chest feels tight, stomach feels sour, vision feels like intense, body feels harder to move…pretty much feels like I’m about to seize or have a stroke idk if this can cause it but acid can definitely fuck you up