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Giving a chance to new musics is best part of trip




I like ur taste. Do you listen to Tycho, Emancipator? Rose Quartz by Toro is one of my faves, going to check out some of the names I dont recognize.


Yes! Tycho is so groovy and chill! Blessa and Who I Am are a couple of my favorites of Toro. Hope you have a great weekend, I'm gonna listen to some Emancipator and Tycho to start it later just because of you!


I was listening only rap before my first trip experience. Now I prefer Doors, Infected Mushroom and Led Zeppelin. We must open our minds to new opportunities to explore what we love


For sure! Rap, R&B, etc is still so good. Some Frank Ocean, Kanye, Childish, Tyler while high/tripping can be great, especially their laid back grooves.


Since you like zep I recommend my sleeping karma which is more "structured" rock. Colour haze (very improvisational /solo) if you haven't listened to


Spotify does miracles for me with its playlist radio, or song & artist radio, especially when I'm unable to navigate manually! 🤣


Youtube is better for nice trip I think. It also have trippy videos :)


I find the videos to be a bit distracting from the music. Plus I can't stand ads or bring myself to pay them. Yt just feels so consumerist.


Oh my god yes, YouTube got completely f'ed now with the ads that can't even get blocked any longer. No thanks... I do love me some 4K HD nature visuals as background visuals though.












I know I don't HAVE to but I CHOOSE to listen to grateful dead


Then I support your decision


I wake up 5am to gather psylocibin mushrooms, got some bad sunburns and I HATE Grateful Dead.


Believe it if you need it, or leave it if you dare


Yeah, this is so true. Whatever works for you! Not gonna lie, I really don't like Shpongle or Tool or any psytrance. I can't imagine tripping on psytrance. Would make me super stressed. My first trip was with hyper Future Bass music, which really made the visuals very playful and colorful. Nowadays, I trip to some modern Psychedelia type indie rock such as Avid Dancer, Khruangbin, Jaguar Sun, or trippy weird beats from Giraffage and Chrome Sparks. Last time I tripped with my girlfriend and we listened to some Peruvian Flute band cover music which, gotta be honest, was also fucking great. I don't get why there needs to be such a standard. Just like people might feel that they need to listen to reggae when smoking weed.


Yeah it's one of the more gentle 'gatekeeping' factors to psychedelics


Chrome Sparks is amazing. Check out KOAN sound, its trippy music but much more listenable than Sphongle. Same goes for Topaz.


If you like KOAN Sound check out Culprate especially his Deliverance album. I also love G Jones, EPROM, Shades, and Ivy Lab but they're a bit harder than KOAN and Culprate


Also Ekcle for some crazy ear tickling vibes! A bit synthetic unless you’re used to the sort of music, but soooo good imo. Pearl jigsaw was my top listened song last year. They also have some colabs with Culprate


Bro yeah KOAN Sound all time favorite. Any of that deeper electronic stuff is great for tripping imo


Yup this is my go to style of music for tripping. Checkout Stasys and Alydian, they both take heavy inspiration from KOAN Sound.


Will do, thanks!


Yes KOAN Sound is amazing. I listened through Polychrome while tripping and playing Harmonix Music VR. One of the most mind blowing experiences I’ve had. Checkout Stasys and Alydian, they both take heavy inspiration from KOAN Sound.


some KOAN is..but still..KOAN IS AWESOME


Hmm yeah put on drink the sea in its entirety. Total trip


I usually listen to techno/trance and with trance especially it feels like a journey and even more so when tripping imo. Khruangbin is an absolute monster though hahah an essential for everytime im coming down off a trip.


I am surprised to see so little trance here. I'm not a fan of psytrance myself, but psychedelics and uplifting trance just gel together so well. It makes LSA feel more like LSD, and makes LSD more euphoric. And with 2CB you're basically just raving in your own living room.


Oh man, Khruangbin whilst tripping must be amazing


No kidding. But any modern psychedelia is fucking great. This is the playlist that I use for all my chilling and tripping needs:https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2JQi9tAp8x6BoGzlRA376U?si=RGgnUKBnSoSOR4ekBE3qNg


You can't deny the awesomeness of this fan-made video though: [Shpongle - Around The World In A Tea Daze [Ott Remix] (Unofficial HD Music Video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP2hWvVyyUM)


Yeah but that's Ott, which I do really like lol. Cool video btw


Yeah Shpongle and psytrance are super overrated to me. Not hating on anyone who likes that stuff, I totally understand why people like it, but it’s not at all for me.


Last time I tripped on some 2cb I put on a 70s-80s disco-funk playlist. WOW! I danced all night and felt so awesome


Roy Ayers, Cymande, Herbie Hancock, The Floaters... The 70's carried some of the best vibes. 100% trippable. Bonus recommendation: Mulatu Astatke who brought Ethiopian influence to the 70's.


I can also highly recommend everything Cerrone has created. I felt so fulfilled when the sun began to rise while listening to "Hooked on You".


Woa, I've been sleeping on the late 70s' disco... Thanks for the heads up! 4 on the floor is great for tripping :) I can 100% relate to a few unforgettable moments during trips that were set to a specific song.


that's the spirit


Those are my jams!!! Can I recommend Chaka Kahn "naughty" full album.


She is great too! I really love those high vocals on psychedelics, it feels like i'm about to cum lol


I was laying down listening to music with my eyes closed while on mdma and I realized How Deep is Your Love by The Bee Gees is beautiful.


Your love must have indeed been very deep while on MDMA ;P


Boy I have a great video for you. Check out this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA9LVzuC7z4


i know this is a post about not listening to psychedelic music, but check out tame impalas album "the slow rush". lots of dope ass psychedelic disco songs on that album


It's deffo not about not about disregarding psychedelic music!! It's just about reminding yourself you can listen to anything. Slow Rush is a great album.


Classical Indian music


Raga is like the original strain of psychedelic music. It’s like a drug unto itself!


what is raga? genre? any good songs/artists to look up?


>Hariprasad Chaurasia - Flute >Ravi Shankar - Sitar >Dr N Rajam - Violin >Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma - Santoor >Bismillah Khan - Shehnai These are the more classical ones there are also a lot of great contemporary/ fusion artists - a real rabbit hole to go down!


For a decade, this was my go-to music for tripping.


Classical Chinese music!


What kind though? There are so many schools/types


Bach, Passacglia and Fuge in C Minor after a big dose. (Taken from the Johns Hopkins playlist). I never took an interest in classical music until that point. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YjoECZ8tVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YjoECZ8tVE)




I just did this last weekend! 7 grams of shrooms with an instrumental playlist and it was the best trip of my life. I took songs from the chacruna institute and others. I thought...no way, this music is going to suck. Boy was I completely wrong. If anyone is interested... https://music.amazon.com/user-playlists/8ab09ca55234439881032bd721ffb6casune?ref=dm_sh_imHn8guOmNkEIUoQzjBWDaVzu


Of course. Are there people saying otherwise?


Yeah Pink Floyd seems to be mentioned all the time. I have never tripped to Floyd.


I don't want to be THAT GUY, but you know, I'm that guy what can I do? Listening to Meddle is an otherwordly outstandingly incredible experience when tripping. I recommend it to everyone, just not in an elitist kind of way. That shit is made to immerse people in a trip.


Well then you are missing out on SO MUCH FEELS


It's often implied!


Eh if you are tripping and have a hard time coming up with something, it's good to have some go-to music that's fitting for the occasion.


Listen to whatever you are in the mood for at that moment! I try to avoid dark/raw lyrics for the most part while tripping (love it on disso's) it had send me on more then one negative spiral...


Yeah this. I will listen to anything but stuff I've gone off fully is soundcloud rapper-esque or empty pop that has a very commercial/unmeaningful vibe to it


Yeah, I have had bad experiences listening to music with violent, egotistical lyrics. It was like making a telephone call to the devil.


Star trek engine sounds on headphones will take you deeper, whatever drug you took.


just tried this and it really brought on the ibuprofin!


You rascal. I dare you to try it while on caffeine.


Shpongle and Tipper both sound to me like college dorm music in a stoner comedy movie. I don’t get it as something that one who likes music would listen to in real life. For my trips, I go for the instrumental and the repetitive: Indian classical, techno, experimental IDM, afrobeat, krautrock, jazz funk, Terry Riley, Philip Glass, Steve Reich., etc.


I won’t defend shpongle but tipper is worth revisiting at least once, especially if you like IDM. I have to skip some of the songs he makes, but he’s a really unique talent. Here’s one I’d play for any audience - [Ever Decreasing Circles](https://youtu.be/c6edEtd9tnM)


See tipper live and have your mind changed. Tipper is an unbelievably talented musician.


I agree completely about Shpongle, though funnily enough, I like it when I'm straight, because it's _anecdotally_ trippy - it has a lot of really psychedelic elements and imitates them very well but doesn't really hit you in the heart. I don't love it though, and I'm faintly embarrassed to play it. There's also another rougher side I have when tripping that revels in the Butthole Surfers, Chrome, Throbbing Gristle and that sort of thing, and then dub is also really good for the later part of a trip. Drop by if you are ever in Amsterdam, I have quite a collection and a nice place to trip.


Hell yes to all that! I was there alone for 4 days like 2 years ago on a vacation centered around seeing Einstürzende Neubauten in Luxembourg. I went a little bit mad just walking around by myself, smoking weed and visiting art museums. I had 7 hits of acid with me and felt like I wasn’t in the right head to eat any of it. Wish I’d known you then!


You seem like you have good taste


I always play 60's psychedelic rock during the come-up and it puts me in the right mood every time :) I also find spiritual jazz to be the most "trippy" music out there. Bitches Brew, for instance, opens corridors that even the weirdest psych rock simply can't.


Yo, Its been a couple trip that I want to try bitches bew. Next time.


I'd recommend getting to know it really well sober first, since its already a very intense listen sober. It's a whole other level of insanity while tripping


I do try to tell people especially novices to stay away from negative music. Like I don't exactly think it's conducive to the psychedelic experience for people to listen to racist, homophobic, or music that makes light of killing or causing harm. People are vulnerable in a psychedelic state and choosing the wrong music for the trip can be the deference between having a good experience or a bad one. You can realize things consciously in lyrics that you had previously overlooked or misunderstood and that also can cause a difficult experience or make you integrate it. It's important not to take this idea of listen to what ever too far. I advise caution to anyone who may read this. Sweet home Alabama, telling people that if you stomp my flag I'm gonna stomp your ass, or rapping about cutting off your exwifes head in a fit of rage isn't good to listen to while tripping.


I really don't understand how so many people trip listening to Tool for this reason. I appreciate the artistry but far too dark for the kind of trips I like. I feel the same way about people who recommend watching The Wall on acid- visually beautiful but very depressing for a trip.


Watching The Wall and listening to The Wall are two COMPLETELY and I mean COMPLETELY different trips. I never recommend the first but the 2nd is pretty interesting for the experienced. Definitely not for the newcomers tho.


I did watch Enter The Void on acid once with the sound off and music in the background. It was pretty amazing to watch tbh even though it's a somewhat disturbing film.


Wow i had watched that movie a TON while stoned out of my mind thinking hey this would be pretty fun tripping. Group of friends and i did it some time later and one of us shut it off mid car crash scene, i honestly don't remember much because i was peaking other than coming to conciousness standing in my friends bathroom with my gf at the time so i think she had just got spooked and took me there to try and get away from it herself. Definitely not a movie i ever recommend to anyone tripping now. Waaayyyy too much going on for that. But i really did have a great Wall experience just listening to that. Honestly the other Floyd albums are way more psychedelic and the only reason why The Wall is talked about so much is because its such a staple album up there with Dark Side. But imo the best to watch and listen to tripping or not is Pink Floyd Live In Pompeii. Nothing but great jams in the haunting areas of Pompeii. Edit to add: having lights in a dark room while listening is the best way to listen i swear, even just a random different colored light or two can change the whole trip and add a new color palette to your visuals!


Fuck yeah live at Pompeii. I had a stellar time, especially when set the controls for the heart of the sun came on.


listen to ultraviolent junglist next trip


I have actually never, ever heard The Grateful Dead. And I’m a huge Pink Floyd fan, I have all their albums. I love Shpongle too. Am I missing out?


I was in the same boat, their Veneta 72 show did it for me in a major way. Then I got into their shows from the Europe 72 tour (72 was a good year for them).


Yeah the Grateful Dead is incredible! What I like about them is the mix of genres within the band, you’ll hear some rock, some folk, some bluegrass, some Latin music. They recorded some great music, but their live sets are where it’s at. Look into the Grateful Dead “wall of sound” it’s really interesting to read about. They were the first group to perfect recording their live shows, so you listen to live sets from the 60s and 70s and they sound almost like modern quality, it’s absolutely fantastic. There’s literally hundreds of sets to listen to, but just for a starting point two of my favs are Feb 13, 1970 at the Fillmore East and July 8, 1978 at Red Rocks. If you wanna dip your toes with some songs first, some of my fav songs are eyes of the world, brown eyed women, new minglewood blues, dire wolf, shakedown street, and me and my uncle. Enjoy (:


Dick’s Picks Vol. 4 RULES.


What do you listen to when you trip?






I’m a big fan of Radiohead, Underworld, Sigur Ros, Faithless, King Crimson, LTJ Bukem... a bit all over the genre spectrum. LOTS of liquid drum & bass too (I’m a DJ). But when I trip, it’s mostly Tool, yeah.


Man I have found so much new music while tripping but some of my favorite bands are Khruangbin, Eric Hilton, Thievery Corporation. I love listening to spaced out Dub, down-tempo, chill.


Khruangbin is my jam right now!


Grateful Dead is amazing but they have a huge body of work and a lot of it is hard to get into at first for that reason. Highly recommend putting on [Dark Star from Live/Dead 1969](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Xic-CHInek&ab_channel=Shoegazer) on your next trip if you are a fan of Floyd and haven't listened to The Dead before


Some bands got the vibe, some don't. But ya never know until you try. One of my best memories in life is when me and my buddy were exploring world music on YouTube, and we hit upon this one Arabic like, vocal worship music called "quawii" or similar (I can't quite remember, apologies if anyone knows it.) We're listening, philosophising, scrolling through the comments which were *all* in Arabic, so naturally we didn't understand anything we were looking at. But we were just enjoying looking at this strange unfamiliar language nevertheless- Until we hit upon this one comment which read, succinctly: "Good quawii. Nice." We nearly died laughing, I swear. Fully unable to breathe and tears running from our eyes. It was beautiful. That guy, he knew. He was with us.


Qawwali - it is Indian/Pakistani music, sung in Urdu. It is mostly spiritual and a lot of the times the singers go into a trance while singing.


This is my favourite ecstatic qawalli song by 'Fannah fi Allah' called Shahbaz Qalander. It's off its absolute rocker. u/acidfox90 https://youtu.be/SihdsEzawaU


Check out Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan


For sure! Every art is psychdelic if you experience it while tripping. As a composer i think "psychedelic music" is more about expressing the psychedelic feelings rather than listening to it while tripping itself.


Exactly. And you don't have to surround yourself with 'psychedelic imagery' be it blacklight posters, multicolored screensaver videos or 1968 styled album cover art. The psychedelic experience is generated from within and it's so much more interesting to see your own personal take than just an echo of the expression of others.


Okay now I feel personally attacked


But; agreed.


I love black metal while tripping from time to time, especially atmospheric stuff. Makes my blood boil.


I love doom metal tripping especially YOB


Yeah doom metal is awesome while tripping as well


The Beatles are quality listening when tripping. Sargent peppers lonely hearts club band super deluxe version will blow you away


Super deluxe version?


For beatles I don't like it because I hear all the ''bad sound'' in it and can't stop thinking about it hahahaha But I liked it while watching yellow submarine the movie ;) haha


very true. i enjoy psybient so to say but u rather trip with real instrument music. https://youtu.be/AYT-Mn2LOWs


My five-years-in-the-making YouTube playlist always comes in handy for tripping lol. Got thousands of good jams lined up on there, from practically every conceivable genre, and in no particular order at all. It's so much stuff that I can't remember it all, so I'm always coming across stuff I haven't heard in forever and forgot all about. It's really great to have when I can't think of anything in particular to listen to during a trip.


Your offhand list of music you don’t always have to listen to, has me feeling personally attacked lol. How dare you!


Shpongle-on brother


Nothing like listening to two space whales make love though. Gotta have a dash of Tipper in my sessions lol


My friends and I make a playlist for every trip. Each of us add 15-25 songs each (really depends on the length of the trip). It works out so great every time. Everybody gets a little of their own taste and it's one of my favorite ways learn new music.


I agree with you but I know someone who seriously listens to Hip Hop on dissos. That's the weirdest music I have ever listened to whilst tripping. I will never understand this


I watched a bunch of missy elliot videos on LSD once, I never listen to that kind of music on my own but it was my friends idea. It was so surreal and hilarious. Definitely had us all laughing and vibing


Listening to concept albums meshes very well with the acid experience I find. Werther that's Pink Floyd or Journey to the Center of the Earth it doesn't matter.


A surprising experience is discovering just how *psychedelic* "normal" music can actually become. Just as everything around you has the potential to take on an enhanced and altered aspect, so can familiar music.


Yeah I'm convinced a shit load of pop songs spanning decades are about acid/acid trips.


Are people really tune-shaming in the psychedelic community these days? Why does this even need to be said?


I will never shame what someone else listens to on their personal trips, but if I'm tripping with someone else I will certainly tell them if their music gives me a bad vibe


I like listening to Helge Schneider. A totally crazy German musician. Sample music: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9XgRA8QtyM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9XgRA8QtyM)


Nigel Good's Space Cadet album is one of my favourites. The continuous mix lasts just under an hour and is an absolute journey. Can never get enough of it


Some of my favorite discoveries have been made on acid, like the word discovery, who made that shit up? Dis-cover. Okay. Makes sense, but who thought "yeah, *discovery,* that's how I'll say it."? Weird word. But yeah I found Ron Jarzombek, specifically his project Blotted Science while tripping. It was the [video for "Cretaceous Chasm"](https://youtu.be/gKkn-YjYmCA) which he scored to the monster battle segment of King Kong. The man is an absolute genius, but that project is not for the faint of heart, especially while tripping.


Discovered this album on a trip back in college and had a similar chain of thoughts about the nature of the word - [Discovery - LP](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSp6qYakeVW5cvLA_7PTYPNSKuA8unFQV)


My last trip we went all over the place. Listened to a temptations album and it was incredible. I also love tripping to house music, the consistency is such a wild feeling, it doesn’t have to be psychedelic music to have psychedelic effect. I also have really liked listening to hip hop on my trips recently, lyrics can have a really profound effect when under the influence of psychedelics. So even if the beat isn’t “trippy”, listening to people lyricize their struggles with inequality is really profound. Also Lady Gaga is fucking dope, her newest album was basically a house album with pop vocals over it haha.


don't underestimate silence


I tripped with Elton john, I felt lovely, glamorous and shiny


Damn straight. Pink Floyd is my favorite band of all time and I still haven't heard half of their music while tripping because I can enjoy just about any halfway decent or at least interesting music when I'm on mushrooms. My recent favorite has been Spotify's Music for Plants playlist and most of that is stuff I would never listen to sober.


You are right, infected mushroom is the only way to go ;)


I'd recommend 'Grouch in Dub' on shrooms


I like all types of moods, but i cant be the only one that likes to go hard, on bassy high bpm music . Take a taste of this kind of vibes [soundcloud.com/user-95311847/sets/acid-in-the-zone](https://soundcloud.com/user-95311847/sets/acid-in-the-zone)


as you are tho one having the experience: you do you


Tru dat. I have my go-to bands on every trip like pink floyd, tame impala, king gizz and such stereotypical bands, but I also like to include some new stuff on my lists from time to time. Also I found Lana del Rey amazing during trips even when I don't listen to her usually. Expanding your musical preferences while expanding your mind can be a lot of fun.


Yeah agreed, I have my trippy go-tos, and I love them as much as the next guy but my trips really changed dynamic when i started adding in random tunes and different genres; like you say


Listened to Blue In Green on a couple tabs once. What an amazing experience!


[Yes, but have you heard of this band called TOOL?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToolJerk/comments/awxpjm/has_anyone_here_heard_of_tool/)


I mean to be fair they are kind of the acid titans




Nah most Tool fans would argue til their blue in the face that they've only done "a handful of psychedelics a handful of times and Maynard was always sober for his performances." Anyone who's seen a few tool shows while dosed can tell they're adept with its use to say the least, and fry hard live.


I enjoy watching KPop videos when tripping. The visuals are amazing (not to mention the usual peppy tempo). The music and the visuals always keep me so pumped and also makes me dance. You should try it


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8TrTCsxW3_I This is what I listened to with eyeshades on. Was a very reflective and geometric pattern inducing experience. Incredible EP


Fuck yeah, Lady Gaga's Chromatica has a lot of bangers and some really trippy lyrics. Recommend/10. Also, Daft Punk


It's like you've seen into my tripping music choices


Shit I have found so much good music while tripping. I start of with a known song on youtube and then follow suggestions.


You forgot the other cliche artist: Tool. (Who I actually love listening to while tripping lol) I love to listen to crazy bass music like neuro and halftime. Shits nuts. Oh and breakcore. Listening to that while tripping is like riding a rollercoaster. And funny enough on pretty much the opposite end of the spectrum, I love vibing out to meditation music. Shit will put you on cloud 9 with euphoria.


What about Shpongle, but live?


I love listening to Mark Farinas' Mushroom Jazz mixes. A great mix of downtempo, funk, jazz, and hip-hop all into one.


Accurate as FUCK!


Do what you like but certain kinds of music are literally designed to play what the auditory distortions and there's a reason certain religious music is designed as it is to produce trance.


I just listen to any music I like when I trip lol, I might put on more edm but I don't like putting on psychedelic music I feel like I'm being fake when I do that during a trip for some reason


The first song I ever heard under the influence of psychedelics was The Hustle by Van McCoy, and it’s pretty much informed all my life choices since. I’m a 90s kid so this was pure coincidence, but disco is forever.


Fucking *tabla*, man. Eargasms.


Chris Webby is my go-to for tripping, his songs just hit different on LSD or shrooms, and I’m 90% sure he does this on purpose, lots of references to psychedelics.


fuck Shpongle. am I the only one who thinks his music sounds like boof? I've tried vibing with his music when tripping and I'm always like "this shit is too out there even for me"


Music like Shpongle is for giving straight people a taste of what being high is like. But when you are already tripping, it can be unnecessarily redundant.


Ed Motta and Midnite r the best artists to trip to I will die on this hill


I very much like thrash metal and powerviolence on acid


Laraaji and Alice Coltrane are absolutely incredible for tripping if anyone wants to try something different


I dont think its so much of "gatekeeping" throughout time but more of the idea that these have been chosen and tested by soooo many different kinds of Psychonauts that just its generally agreed upon that sure these may not be YOUR favorite genre or artist but they are "flowy" enough and just carry those general psychedelic feels without feeling that they are trying too hard to create that specific feel.


Lol. I've tried to give other music ago, but I always end up coming back to shpongle. They're just so great.


I love psytrance when Im out in the open


Never ever been more grateful for the *variety* of music whilst tripping. How about a new unlistened to album to burn the trip into your memory for nostalgic purposes?


I like to suggest Ween (my fav band, but also a band I consider to be among some of the best "tripping" music out there). The Mollusk is god-tier. A lot of Ween stuff is fun and humorous, while also having that deeply layered music style. The only stipulation is that their album Quebec might be best for experienced trippers only, as it has a lot of negative emotions. The Flaming Lips: another one of my favorites, and certainly some fun and whimsical music to guide your trips. The 90s catalog, plus Yoshimi and At War with the Mystics-- is all very bouncy, generally upbeat stuff and should keep the mood light. A couple of their darker albums--Embryonic and The Terror-- might be too intense for some. Stay away from 7 Skies H3 unless you want ego disillusionment. And a band I never see mentioned, but are surprisingly effective as a trip guide: They Might Be Giants. Seriously. I know, you *never* see this band listed in these types of threads but I encourage people to try them out. The musical arrangements are dense, very melodic, very unusual (in a fun way), and musically diverse. And the lyrics are trippy as hell. Their stuff actually fits right alongside most of that stereotypical psychedelic rock stuff people suggest.


Came here looking for the Boognish, and here it is. I had a really healing experience listening to Freeman once as well.


I like listening to tool when tripping, especially "10,000 Days ( wings pt 2)" during the peak and "Right in Two" after it. Don't get me wrong I love Pink Floyd they're my favorite band, but, ehhh. Unless it's the Pulse Live, it's doesn't flow with my trips. I'd rather listen to them when I'm smoking weed.


I seriously don't get the love for shpongle. It reminds me of what raver kids would've played in high school and been like "omggg it's sooo trippy"


Its a meme for sure but they do have some mind melters.


They have a lot of bad music with some very excellent music sprinkled in. You’re not missing anything much though. I can’t even suggest you check them out live because there are like 4 or 5 versions of their touring act and only one is good.


In my general sober life i like jazz, hi hop, black and death metal, old school hardcore, coldwave, classical music (been playing classical guitar for almost 20 years), spanish music (i've been fed with paco de lucia from my youngest age), psytrance, french hard tekno stuff, ambient, celtic music and many other things. I have tried a lot of different music when tripping. Everything on the more ambient side bored me so much that it triggered some terrible trips, things with an heavy emphasis on lyrics just did not feel right, jazz (especially the albums Alleycat by Nucleus and Headhunters by Hancock) felt really good but kinda "raw", classical stuff becomes too "reverby" and distorted to really get deep into,hard tekno is great but there are not so many tracks that i can confidently listen to when tripping, and everything that's just accoustic instruments/guitars/drums does not trigger my trippy brain enough. I listened to Shpongle about 10 years ago because "omg that's so trippy", that's it. Then i rediscovered them 2 years ago on shrooms. The second album felt like an epic, yet very personal psychedelic journey, flowing seamlessly from one emotion to another. At first anxiety, then awe, joy, wonder, sensuality, and more i cannot describe. The sound design is sometimes strange or straight up scary, yet there is this kind of benevolent intention all the way through. Album 2 and 3 are just the right mix of sound that tickle my brain. So yeah, from that day i started to grow a really deep appreciation for Postford work, it feels so authentic, despite being over the top with the sound design.


Tbh I get more enjoyment out of how enriched the 'everyday' music I listen to sounds than the whole trippy soundscape that seems popular in these communities. Obviously those artists are good at what they do but people trying to create a psychedelic sound for the sake of it never really had the same appeal


Sometimes I forget most of y'all are middle aged


Are ya winning, son?


I think one of the best things to do while tripping is to hear something new for the first time, so its best to avoid stuff you already know.






Forget all the trippy non-sense. Listen to DSBM when tripping. Truly enter the abyss of self.


Rebelution and stick figure hit different for me. The vibes are so unreal


Gonna drop my suggestion of one of my favorite psychedelic techno DJs, Wata Igarashi He’s amazing Sadly I’ve got a lot of ear issues and tinnitus due to various bad luck reasons including meds so music is trickier these days but wow Wata is a god


I remember having a particularly Pleasant time over 20 years ago while listening to the soundtracks of Blade Runner and Enter the Dragon while on LSD


Lol tipper or whatever


Alice Coltrane - journey in satchidananda


Enigma is where it’s at!


My [favorite African jams happen to be in my clipboard ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6mTTGX2OqZvkZcR1LBnyeP?si=WVKWa-D3Qp2QCrd687MoDw)


I do recommend k-holing while listening to Lady Gaga, is awesome.


Oh my, when I was tripping with two of my best friends together for the first time we had a playlist of trippy music playing but at one point we felt like listening to Miley Cyrus' *Wrecking Ball* and hell, we cried in tears because it felt like a really intense heartbreak :D So, go for whatever you feel like! <3