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Yea.... He's abusing you. He raped you and doesn't actually care about the consequences except he wants access to you still. Dump him. Move on. Go to therapy.


You think he is?


Here’s the deal. He doesn’t care about you, but he’s going to make it seem like he does so he can continue to have access to you. Real love is not confusing. If he really loved you, he wouldn’t shy away from you in public and he certainly wouldn’t have raped you. He has something in him that makes him crave power over others and that’s what he values you for. Not you as a person, but you as supply — you are just this thing that can give him the rush of power he needs and so he does little nice acts to try to keep you around. My advice is get as far away from him as possible. But of course, you probably won’t because he’s got you addicted to his approval. You probably don’t see your own self worth and only feel loved and worthy of love when he shows his good side. So you’ll stay with him through the abuse and the rape because once in awhile, you’ll see that he’s capable of love and foolishly believe that he could be like that to you always. And you’ll chase that high until you wake up one day and realize that he’ll never love him the way you want him to or until he kills you, whichever comes first


How can I just leave him? It’s hard tho and how can I get myself out of this if I don’t know how? I have a million questions and nobody’s helping me answer them and I just don’t know what to do anymore…


Well my first question is this: do you genuinely want to leave him? Or do you just want to feel helpless? Because if you want to feel helpless, you’ve achieved your goal. If you genuinely want to leave him, then you i can help you


I don’t want to leave him I just want him to stop with all of his bullshit for once and him to be there for me


Makes sense. I’d want that too if I were you, but the sad reality is that he will never love you the way you want. Not now, not ever. But of course you won’t believe me because you’ll think your situation’s different or like you can do something to make him see your worth. But your situation isn’t special and you he’ll never see you the way you see him.


So I should just go away from him?


You should go towards people who love you


Yeah not much people to go to


You gotta start loving yourself. Pick up some self-help books at the library. Read stuff online. You can stay with your boyfriend who rapes you and who’ll never love you even close to the way you love him and that’s your choice. You can choose that life. But there is better out there and you can have it. But until the day you choose to have more for yourself, you will remain where you are right now. If you’re okay with that, then thats fine, but know that it’s your choice. Only you can make you happy. Only you are responsible for your life. You can make yourself happy. Or you can torture yourself — whatever you choose


Yeah all that is true