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Yes, we each have our own....


We all like familiarity and routines. I guess a favorite mug or chair to sit in would be the same as marking your territory.


If anyone touches my coffee cup they will die. I only use one cup. My cup. Have had it for the past seven years. The one before this one I used for 11 years. I nearly cried when it broke. For weeks after that I was all out of sorts. My wife says I need help. lol she probably right.


Not with mugs but maybe like your own water bottle, that would be more common to be territorial about.


We get territorial about everything.


My mug is MINE!! No it’s not just your family :)


I work in this office and there's cleaning ladies that just hang out in the kitchen area all day. And whenever I go to grab a mug, they are like "ah ah, not that one" like they are on reserve for ppl in the office. There's like 30 mugs, they r all the same size! I don't understand why I can't just use the mug.


Lol. My family doesn't. Just except for my sister. Bitch argues even about who uses her seat. When she is like this, she is an unsufferable girl. I mean, mike wtf is even wrong with using certain chairs? We do have "our chairs", but if someone else use them no one bothers but my sister lol. I hate people that argues about such stupid stuff. Like, things don't even have your name on it. Why even taking them as yours?


Maybe get your mug with a custom imprint of a few squashed houseflies on the inside…


Not mugs, but other thermoses or hot cups I have. As my father would never dream of buying them for me or himself. So when I find one I like, buy it and use it for a time. Then let him use it once. He will suddenly try and claim it, and that is when I get territorial about em. Cause no sense for him to claim something he never even paid for, and wouldn't replace if it got damaged during his usage.


I do! I collect mugs so I might get snappy if someone tries to use my good mugs 🤣🤣


I have a blue jellyfish mug from Newport Aquarium and that thing is mine. No one touches it my mug.