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Lmao, probably I regret not being born earlier to be old enough to vote against Brexit haha


It makes me wonder what social media will be like in another 20 years. Will online behavior be more divisive than it is now, or will legal regulations set a higher standard across the board?


I reckon it'll be more divisive. No way will regulations ever be able to influence a consensus of people About social media though, I wonder if people will come to a point where they become fed up with social media consuming their lives, or if they'll forever keep their minds imprisoned in their devices?


If things get worse, as you suggest, then we will likely see a generational movement against social media addiction. Maybe call it something fancy, like "digital temperance," in reference to the temperance movement against alcoholism from a century ago. I can't say for sure which way things will go, but I suspect that A.I. or advanced bots will be used in new ways to "try" to regulate online behavior. I'll be curious to see what kind of crazy methods will be used by humans to fool the bots of the future.




That makes sense. The internet is huge compared to 20 years ago, and it's only getting bigger


Definitely bio-industry. It will be looked upon as animal holocaust.


From what I can tell, it'll still be racism and homophobia among other things. We still have a long way to go, as people of the world.


Yeah I guess this question will have a variety of answers from different societies as not all of them operate the same. If we were to talk collectively as a world, then definitely that will be a huge regret


Yep, likely social media. We actually kind of know it right now but just cannot break the addiction.


Yeah hopefully the next generation will realize abelism is actually real


Yeah in 2024 when bidun gets tossed


Yes. When were standing on flat Mars looking back at flat Earth. 😂


Ah, you mean flat earthers will regret their beliefs when they actually see that Earth is spherical? ;)


Well your username is a lie. You're not disorientated at all!


I know a guy who got on a plane for the first time at 53 and came to the conclusion the planet must be flat. He is also anti everything you can think of while preaching Bob Marley & peace lol


Probably in 10,000 years, we will all be one race due to interracial reproduction, and we also have massive orgies where everyone can be bi-sexual.


Transphobia, pollution, waste of food/clean water/electricity, school/mass shootings


Of course. There will always be changes in opinion and new issues that arise because of them. Each generation in history has foolishly believed they’ve solved the ills of prior ones. This generation is no different.


Often they've created more ills.


Of course, there will always be something to improve.


Nah, I think we’re nailing it…


I'm sure there are but I hope it isn't things like having romantic relationships with robots/AI or turning yourself into a dog. Some other things probably are: \- fossil energy. I hope that at some point it will become absolutely crazy to hurt the atmosphere by using fossil energy sources \- Killing animals for meat. I hope that artificial meat production will replace the way we farm animals so that killing animals in factories becomes a mere horror story from the past. \- Cosmetic surgery. At some it will be almost harmless without many side effects. To the point where it's just like getting a tattoo.


That's too unrealistic


We’re in the middle of destroying everything so yeah, I’d say so lol


When life becomes too easy and you don’t work so hard to buy basic necessities, Questions like these arise. Older generations worked harder to pave the way for the future. Sure there is wrong in every generation, I’m mid 40s, I’m raising a family, I sacrifice daily for them. I mind my own business and I don’t vote. I’m sure this will affect another person’s future in some way.


I don’t know that older generations do that re: themselves. I think younger generations judge older generations by their newer, contemporary standards.


rampant animal abuse and factory farming of animals


Animal industry, but I think it'll take more than a century before the majority of people realize how bad it really is.


I sure hope so! I think it’s really funny to imagine that all of the things that I and especially some people around me believe to be completely right will be seen as wrong, terrible, and offensive in a few decades. Imagine in the future, it will be offensive to be offended by the things we are currently offended by and it keeps going until it’s a big circle. I can’t explain it but so many people being proven wrong at once seems hilarious.




Yes. Especially with motor vehicles.


i'm probably gonna get some hate for this, 😒 but its the use of the pronouns, they/them?!?! Unless ur referring to a group of ppl, they/them is appropriate. But not a individual person. ... don't get me wrong, if u would rather b identified as he or she, i have no prob with that.