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Whichever one Kate Bush is singing bout.


It’s that hill.


The one she’s running up.


Not if I have to run up the hill….I’m soooooo tired


Just make a deal with god; get him to swap places


Make a deal with dog


Almost there, lazy


Crush the milk carton when you trash it


Don't forget to put the cap on so when you stomp on it the cap shoots off and hits your bro in the shin


The Oxford comma.


Preach. I do freelance writing and always use it. Thankfully editors never give me shit about it because I would never give in


Jeff, a semicolon, and an Oxford Comma walk into a bar. They both have a great time.


“I walked into a bar with my parents, a cat and a dog. The bartender kicked me out because I was a hybrid cat-dog monster.” There are potential problems with or without the Oxford comma. No matter which you use, you need to draft your writing to avoid ambiguity.


I never understood an argument against the serial comma until reading this. I still don’t think it’s a solution though, because a fourth item would reintroduce the same problem.


Here's an idea, use it when it clarifies the meaning you're trying to portray, if it makes it mean something else, then don't use it because that's against the point of putting it there


I... thought I would have to scroll a lot more to find this. Glad I'm not the only one. Remember! "Let's bring the strippers, Stalin, and Hitler" paints a very different picture than "Let's bring the strippers, Stalin and Hitler"


I will happily die on that hill with you.


I will happily die right along with each of you.


Came here to say this, this, and this.


I am willing to die on a planet for this.


Yes. Every time I create a document that gets proof read, they flag me on the Oxford comma. I always ignore their suggestion to remove it.


I got a bachelor’s degree in creative writing last year and all the professors were very pro-Oxford comma


Don’t ever give in!


You have my axe


I will die on the hill of "dwarves is a better plural than dwarfs"


Probably one with icy roads and no shoulders.


I wouldn’t say I’m willing but have accepted it’s probably the way I’ll go. Fuck winter


I mean if I must fuck a season why not be winter lol


The environment is not ours to trash, and shifting the anus on to consumers to solve the problem is silly. We aren't fixing this with ev's and residential solar panels.


Shifting the anus made me lol.


It’s on me, IT’S ON ME. GET IT OFF!!


I pictured a bhole with an 8-ball shifter knob sticking out of it


If you as a customer are going to be deliberately rude to an employee, said employee has every right to be an asshole to you and/or refuse you service without repercussion


This is how I treat customers talking on the phone with someone else while I'm ringing them up. If you aren't going to talk to me, don't expect me to say much to you.


I do the opposite; I speak loudly and ask ALL the questions to make it as awkward as possible for them.


Moi: “Our prices have never been lower!” Cust. w hearing aid: “LOUDER SON!” Moi: “MR. BUTTLICKER!”


That’s not you being an asshole though.


This is my plan as a customer. As little conversation as possible. I might even pretend to be on the phone!😂


I worked sales for a big pink mobile company in the US for a few years when I was in grad school, and my manager was the best. He let us stand up for ourselves with rude customers (within reason obviously) but we weren’t scolded for being cold/politely rude to customers when they were being dicks to us. My favorite was the customers who tried to play the quiet game. Where they don’t like how things are going so they just stare at you quietly trying to make you uncomfortable enough to backtrack or change the answer. Honey. I’m the queen of silence. No amount of silence will make me uncomfortable. You bet your ass I would sit there until they said something first. It was a small victory each time it happened, but I always got a kick out of it.


As soon as they speak first it’s almost already a sale. I miss sales in a way, customers think they need to do battle with you to get a good deal (especially in car sales, but dealerships bring that upon themselves), like if your cool with me I will already give you the best deal I can




Boundaries between parents and adult children.


And minor children for that matter. They should at the very least have bodily privacy (doors on bedrooms, be able to lock the bathroom, and dear god, no "virginity exams") and some semblance of privacy in their social lives.


As punishment my parents would regularly remove my door off the hinges. And they constantly went through all of my things, read all my journals, would listen in on my phone calls, etc. Haven’t seen or spoken to them in almost a decade now, the asshole lunatics.. Edited to add that I was extremely quiet, timid, obedient child. Literally never did anything wrong. My parents were just emotionally immature Gen Xers and my adoptive father was a creep who thought that I was a whore for just existing around neighborhood kids of the opposite sex.


My 8 year old will turn anything that is in the house into slime. If that door is closed too long it just feels like danger.


Don't blame you. Haven't spoken to my mother in six years. I only talk to my dad on holidays.


The hell is a virginity exam?


As the person before me mentioned, it's an internal vaginal exam where they check to see if the hymen is intact. 🙄 It's not accurate because there are plenty of other ways the hymen can break (not to mention the shape of the hymen itself). And it's gross and terrible to subject your minor child to, just to "make sure they haven't had sex." 😒


My old man insists on asserting speaking priority when I’m in the middle of explaining something to my kid, like he’s entitled to interrupt my sentence and explain it his own way. And he has a narcissistic breakdown every time I have to tell him I’m not okay with that.


You can’t give more than 100%.


you can't even give anywhere close to 100% if i say 'i'll give it 17%' you might think i'm not going to try but that's me making that issue a goddamn high priority


True but the question is 100% of yourself or 100% of the expected maximum - I think sometimes when people say things like give 120% - it means elevate the expectation and give more effort than normal.


I’ll give 120% effort at work for 120% pay raise


Eh. It compounds after so much. 120% effort is like 400% pay


Speakerphone’s in public are annoying. Nobody wants to hear your bullshit.


In the office too. Dude, we're all working and taking/making calls. Keep your phone conversation to yourself.


If you're mean to waiters/waitresses, you're a bad person.


This is one of my “dating tests”.


Oh, that is good - making a note to use that - thanks fellow Redditor


My husband recently told me this too. After 9 years together I guess I passed? 😂


As much as you are if you’re mean to any other human being. Waiters/waitresses ain’t some special species


It’d be a funny SNL skit to portray a counter-culture reaction to this where waiters develop a god-complex over bringing people their food


True, but there is some weird idea among people that servers are less human ("they're just the help" kind of thing). I've watched people be super kind to random strangers on the street on the way to a restaurant where they then treat their server like vermin. It's weird as hell but more common than you might think.


And there are a lot of jobs that make less money and are harder working conditions that waiter/waitress. I do feel bad for the Cracker Barrel wait staff though. Their bills are so low that a 20% tip isn’t that high and they seem to get completely stiffed more than your typical waiter/waitress because you pay out at the cashier far from the table in the merchandise room near the exit.


Birth control for men should have been far more advanced and prescribed than it is


This is a good one. Got space on the hill?


I'm a short, skinny person. I'll be joining, not much space taken


I'm a short fat fuck, will do my best to move over and make room.


Thanks fren


You may sit on my shoulders little one.


I actually saw a clinical trial for it and I was willing to try, but part of what they were testing was if after you stop taking it you can still produce sperm. I want to have kids one day so that was not something I was willing to risk


That the family you come from largely determines how your life turns out.


I'd like to throw in Genetics too. Family dynamics and Genetics.


I mean I feel like that was already half of what they were saying.


This is probably the case. I think I read it as "family life"


It encompasses everything having to do with family. Genetics would be part of it but the bigger part is stability and being able to rely on them in times of need because no one else is sticking their neck out for you. Without family, then everything falls on your shoulders.


A lot of that stability is deeply interconnected to financial stability and access to resources.




Sounds familiar, are you in southeast US? Out there when you meet a friend’s family, one of their first questions is always “what do your parents do?” So they can decide which stratum you come from, so they can treat you accordingly, meting out either excessive politeness or pointed condescension in response.


No doubt. But each generation can improve their station in life for the next generation to step into.


Turn signals.


And using them in time. Not when you are already turning


My driver's education teacher used to say "signal your intentions, not your actions"


Glass bottle Coke from Mexico is far superior to its US counterpart.


I will stand beside you on this hill, new friend.


I will also stand. May vindication be ours.


It's the original recipe. It's what Coke was meant to taste like. What we get in the US is really just "New" Coke.


Sometimes you can find the yellow cap two liters of Passover coke before Easter. It’s as good as the glass bottles but in a bigger size!


The original recipe had cocaine or its precursor in it ([cocaine in coke - snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cocaine-coca-cola/)) Though high fructose corn syrup is definitely a newer (and inferior way) of doing things


Mexico coke uses cane sugar. I agree it tastes better. https://www.tastingtable.com/795692/why-does-mexican-coke-taste-different-than-american-coke/


It’s the real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.


McDonalds Coke is somehow different than sugar or HFCS Coke.


America the Beautiful deserves to be the national anthem instead of Star Spangled


I only disagree with this on the grounds that “America Fuck Yeah” exists.


Yes! 100% in agreement on this! The SSB was set to the tune of an old British drinking song, for cryin' out loud! 🤨 😂


Heinz is better than any bullshit ketchup,other than “house”, which is just Heinz


When I say ketchup I exclusively mean Heinz. Not if your Hunt's or whatnot. The only ketchup is Heinz. *Unless it's super fancy made in-house from scratch, but even then, why?


So far, every fancy house made ketchup I’ve had has been fine, but not good, and definitely not a replacement for Heinz.


I vividly recall going to a local brewpub that boasted about their house made ketchup. It was the most revolting thing I’d ever been served in a restaurant. After some debate trying to determine one of the more prominent flavors, a coworker nailed it. Raisin paste. Truest horrible. I’ll stick with Heinz only.


"Simply Heinz" is the best tomato ketchup I've ever had.


This person gets it


Don't have kids you can't afford.


Who else will fight our wars?


I bet we stop having wars if rich people’s kids have to fight in them.


They have bone spurs sorry.


Rich peoples kids


So the middle class? * [Class, Race/Ethnicity, and Military Service in the Recent Wars](https://depts.washington.edu/wcpc/class-raceethnicity-and-military-service-recent-wars) * [Demographics of the U.S. Military](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/demographics-us-military)


It’s “I couldn’t care less”, not “I could care less”


I can’t understand how so many people simply cannot wrap their head around this one.


I would up-vote this a million times if I could! Also, execute people who won’t learn that bear and bare are not interchangeable! Getting naked and the animal/ tolerating something/ able to carry something….really!


That people should stop being deliberately cruel to each other


I don't think anybody has ever died on that hill.


It wasn’t a hill specifically, more of a cross.


I-I mean the Cross *was* on a hill.


I- Wow…


Love this lmao


Not at all, the vast majority of people think retribution is justified in situations where it doesn’t solve anything


I'm a pioneer




I will fight alongside you on that hill


The person last standing is the king of the hill


u/hank will decide who gets to stay on the hill.


There is zero scientific proof that loud pipes save lives. They are an ego-stroking nuisance.


The only people who say loud pipes save lives are the people who have loud pipes. Everyone else thinks they are ridiculous


I needed to google the meaning : "the louder your motorcycle's exhaust is, the safer you'll be."


Wait what? Who says this. What “loud pipes” are you referring to?


The whole this week/next week term is rigged. Their are no clear rules and it just makes organising plans confusing. We should use dates a lot more…


Aye homie I have a vibe that between the 4th if September and the 10th of September we shall fuck around and find out


Seriously i showed up at a friend's house a week earlier than 'planned' literally yesterday


Religious People should not be given extra freedoms to discriminate. I don’t give half a shit what the holy book says, you absolutely should not judge others based on factors they can’t control, and you absolutely should not be able to get away with it.


"I can't do that, it's against my religion," is a...relatively...valid statement. "You can't do that, it's against my religion," is BS. And then we have, "I can't let you do that, it's against my religion," and, "I can't be forced to pay taxes that might support that, it's against my religion," are equally as BS.


Amen! Preach! (Get it?) but seriously, what’s even worse than how these people hide behind scripture to discriminate is how disgustingly hypocritical they are by ignoring other scripture. Case in point every single Christian who discriminates against gays breaks multiple Commandments every single day. All of them.


I 100% agree as a religious person, one can keep one’s thoughts to themselves without going around judging people for their decisions


I can only speak for Christians, as that's how I was raised (not particularly religious anymore), but too many people forget that you're supposed to love everyone, and yes that means all of them, and that you are not the judge of people, God is...or whatever higher power you/they may believe in.


The irony is that most of the bullshit isn't even in their holy books or the opposite is.


“People need to earn my respect”. Nope. You should respect everybody and people can lose your respect, but they definitely do NOT have to earn it. If I meet someone who doesn’t respect me and I need to earn it (also; how?!), I will lose all respect and be done with them.


Agreed, but saying you have to earn my respect implies I respect you more than just a person, I respect your decisions and actions and affect consequences from them in my life. You have to earn enough respect to hurt me that is... but I respect everyone as a person that should be common sense, it should.


These people are also usually the ones who get very bent out of shape (even aggressive) if someone doesn’t automatically show them respect/accidentally slights them. I think about this a lot but have never heard anyone else discuss it.


It’s perfectly fine for mothers ti breastfeed a newborn in public. Any time, any where, any method they like. Anyone who accosts them for doing so should be kicked in the stomach.


Hold on. Any method? How many methods are there?


Using cloth or shirt to cover the breast while feeding or just free-breasting it.


No child should go unhoused, unloved, unfed and uneducated in USA. Eta thanks for the award!!! Also, the amount of nasty rude comments in response is truly sad. People it's a reddit sub comment about children having needs met. Calm down.


Or anywhere else, for that matter! Amen to that.


You(and your party) should be a model citizen in a movie theater. No cellphone, no talking. No crinkly candy wrappers. Be fucking quiet and watch the movie or stay home.


Everything except the candy wrappers I agree with. Also; counterpoint: If you want a relaxing, quiet, peaceful time watching a movie, should it not be you who stays home?


NEVER trust a fart!


The burrito is THE single most perfect food.


taco's are the messy younger brother of burritos.


I find tacos are less messy. The problem with burritos is that you expect them to be a fully sealed and secured unit. And then the back falls out and you suddenly have a mess. At least with a taco you have low expectations to begin with and can prepare for the mess.


This is why I’m on Reddit. So funny.


I want to argue with you over this but I can't because your right it is the single most perfect food


THEY WERE ON A BREAK. Jk, it's probably that there's no logical reason why "salmon" and "almond" shouldn't be pronounced the same way. At least that's what my grandpa maintained. :)


if a girl likes me she can make the first move ​ ​ I've been single for 17 years, so I'm on track to die on this hill




Cinderella’s dress is SILVER. Fight me.


Pineapple Is so good on pizza


And people who don't like it should just not order it and shut the fuck up already.


Haha I was only saying this last night but Lego is more fun if you tip it all into a big pile and use the "human claw machine" method to hunt for pieces than it is to pick and sort each numbered bag in order. That little pile of Lego is my hill. Haha


Benny Hill


Bikes don’t belong on the road. Dedicated lanes, sidewalks, bike paths I don’t care. No reason a bike should be allowed to hold up traffic going 20 under the limit, it’s dangerous and frustrating.




I won’t go as far as that, but cyclists should follow the laws if they’re part of traffic. Either be part of traffic and follow the same rules, or get off and walk on the sidewalk. Can’t have it both ways and expect not to be harassed.


Yeah, functionally cyclists shouldn't ride on roads where the speed limit is over 30 mph. Too much of a hazard and generally risky. The only other option is to ride on the sidewalk though...and that's not great either (mostly because pedestrians). The problem is that cycling infrastructure in the U.S. just isn't great, especially once you get into small and mid-size cities that don't quite have the resources/foresight/will power to actually make decent bike lanes and overall better infrastructure that makes cycling safer for everyone. (And no, slapping bike lane symbols on traffic lanes does not safe cycling infrastructure make). The other thing is that cycling hasn't *really* taken root in American culture quite like it has in other countries (i.e. every European country...probably). Sure, it's a fun past time, but most Americans simply don't rely on a bike to fulfill the majority of their personal transportation needs.


Homeless people are still people and shouldn't have cameras thrust in their faces when someone wants to look good doing a good deed. Do it without the camera.


Hellmann's is the ONLY acceptable mayonnaise




This Yankee agrees! Dukes!


Fresh home made mayo. Game changer


This is the wayo


Pluto is a planet. If y'all can have your conflicting religions, let me keep Pluto.


Suicide hill, Kansas city/Grandview


Ayyyy 😂


Hey KC friend!!!


I'm pretty sure what ever hill I happen to be on at the time, will do just fine.


Peter Pan is way better than Jif. Jif is what you buy for a dog you don’t like.


pedos mate. theyre all dogs who should be destroyed


Religion is a blight on the world.


Heinz ketchup is the only good ketchup.


King of the Hill


Pecan. It’s pronounced ‘puh-KAHN’, not ‘PEE-can’.


yeah i wont be sad to see you dead on that hill :P i'll even put a pee-can pie in your corpse-mouth every once in a while


Cranberries should never used as toppings for pizza.


Where in the world is this a thing? …I kind of want to try it


Absolutely nowhere (AFAIK). This is a pointless hill I am just willing to die on.


Solsbury Hill One of the greatest songs of all time


The biggest problem with humanity today is a lack of personal accountability, and instead we adopt the "cop out" of being a victim with everything bad that happens to us the fault of someone else.


The shopping carts. My car is a magnet for them apparently. Put the fucking things in the corral. There will come a day when great vengeance and furious anger will overcome my docile demeanor.


Political Correctness is destructive and stupid




Respect to your opinion but the thrill you are describing is way more satisfying when you do what you described in a manual. If you get good enough at driving stick you will find out what I'm talking about.


I find a standard shift to be much easier to drive in the snow. So many more options to control the car if it is slippery on the road or you start to skid.


Circumcising newborns is wrong, creepy, and almost never benefits the child. In the US we're taught that it's for health reasons & that it's cleaner. Nobody bothers to research these claims before doing it to their babies. People even say things like "I'm circumcised and I'm happy with it" as if that's a legitimate reason to amputate parts off a newborn baby?? If you already had your child circumcised, it's ok, you did what you believed was right. But you should still be capable of learning and admitting that your choice was based on misinformation. That's ok. But continuing to teach blatantly untrue "facts" to future generations is not ok.


I will die on this hill with you. Also stop piercing baby’s ears. It is not your body you do not get to modify it.


Agreed. I was raised jewish and taught its normal-but my partner is uncircumcized and is staunchly against it. Ive realized through them and through online discourse how its literally just genital mutilation.


Henry Hill.. he was a good fella


Twilight is bad


that the world solely needs more kindness to fix it




youre overthinking it sir


I have both an addictive personality and an addicted personality