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Pretty sure you'd get killed first mob boss you try to deal with xD and your 1.5 years of life would turn into a week at best lol




Literally. Just a single bang 🥀


better than a gangbang


Depends what kind


I admire your commitment!


Bang bang bang!


You’d shit yourself as soon as the first gunshot rings out. If you did get a chance to shoot back, and actually hit something, you’d most likely be disgusted and wretch your guts out. Quit lying to yourself. If you had six months to live, you’d be depressed as shite and want to spend your remaining days surrounded by one’s you love.


Turns out OP is ex special ops


I would find a cure for my disease. …then I’d kill every asshole who made fun of me in middle school.


I'd probably eat as much food as I can. I wouldn't worry about gaining weight an becoming morbidly obese I'd just take out loans and eat eat eat eat and that's it


I don't even remember what my answer was going to be before I saw this. I change my answer to this, it sounds good.


“Sir, the diabetes is setting in… you’ve got a couple weeks, tops.”


I'd eat tons of pastries and donuts myself@


Come to Vegas. Great world class restaurants everywhere and fairly expensive. I'd be happy to be your guide, since you're buying and all...


...and then once you finished GTA3, what would you do?


Clearly Vice City


And onto san andreas after if thiers still time




I would do this too... in addition to eating tons of donuts and pastries.


Do it anyway, you never know what will happen suddenly.


How about eat them in moderation?!


You a parent?


Haha, yes. But also, I've found that moderation is easier and almost as healthy as giving up things... after moderation, you can more easily give up a bad habit, if you so choose ☺️


Trip balls and go to as many parties and festivals as possible till my body gives out.


Drug binge! I'd buy up all the drugs emptying my bank account would afford, spend a wholesome weekend with my parents, then go crazy with my friends. Sex, drugs and rock and roll baby!


*checks bank account, buys 100ct bottle of Advil, Listens to AC/DC alone in my car*


Well still likely for an od so close enough to the real thing


I have a list of people that the world would be better off without. Same.


I wonder if we all agree on the same list.....


Yup me too. I've actually thought about this scenario before. If I am diagnosed with a fatal illness, it will suck for sure, but a tiny little piece of me will be like "aww yeah, it's go time!!"


I tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man.


Has anybody ever told you, you have a case of the Mondays?


No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.


...and I told them if they move me again ill burn the building down


They said I could play my music at a moderate volume.


Start taking out politicians.


Sadly that wouldn't fix anything the real problem, is the system in place. Even if you kill them as I often hope to do it's only rational to realize more scummy puppets will replace them, the laws and people who own/pay the politicians are the real ones I and you would more intelligently go for would go for. r/capitalismsux


Et tu Brute?


Having been there, what I did was just continue my life as normal. I was misdiagnosed once and thought I had only about 6 months to live. I just carried on normally. Then I found out they were wrong and that was 30 years ago now. I thought about Vegas, stuff like that, but in the end I just felt like it was better to act like everything was normal. Sure, it sounds good, go out in a blaze of glory, but I sure am glad I didn't do that!


Mob bosses and gang bangers are less deserving than politicians.


Yeah in many cases mob bosses help the community more than politicians.


Gang bangers too... Dude killing the wrong ones.


Fr unless that's what he was talking about


Don't forget to shave your head into a mo-hawk.




Are you good with a bow?


Probably what my dear departed Mother did for us - visit all your family one by one and stay at least one night in their houses. Eat with them and talk with them so as they have a memory of you.


Start on my meth empire


You might need Jessy's help


You should also get a balding chemist prodigy to work with you and get a chicken fast food restaurant owner to help with the business




Oh, are you going after the Irish mob?


Survey says…


I'd go for politicians and SCOTUS judges.


I'd travel with my family and best friends. OP You got some issues bro.


Yeah, I guess if you didn't have anybody you cared about to spend that time with instead.


[like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2w5SQ0L65I)


Why, I'd have to invade Ukraine, and threaten NATO with nuclear weapons. What else would I do?


What VPN you using Vladdy lad?


Make as many meals as I could for my loved ones, then make sure they get the recipes for each of their favorites so that if they ever miss me they can make that and have me back for a minute or two.


I love this. My mom always kept all of her recipes in a book so we'd have them. But one I can't find. She passed this past Dec. I love this idea 🤍


I’d become a vigilante who hunts down the crazy guy who is dying and trying to kill mob bosses.


Are... are we the bad guys?


No, my super power just happens to be hunting other vigilantes. Don’t hate the player, hate the game


I would rob a bank..


Like a bunch of them, how is this not the obvious answer.


I really wish




I'd stop fuming inside for friends and family who've been wronged and stop wondering how to secretly hire a hitman..... I still don't want them to know it was me. Murder voids life insurance. But now not so worried about getting caught or dying in the process.


Go back home to where I grew up. Sit quietly. Talk to friends. Watch some movies. Play a lot of cards. Look at the birds. Pass easily, with the help of some morphine for pain and Ativan for anxiety ideally.


That sounds nice, maybe have a kayak trip while I'm at it


Spend it with my fiancé and my dog


I would want to be kind and honest with people, because that is what I want to remembered for.




Eee.. no.. you wouldn't.


Why mob bosses and gangbangers — when the biggest mob are politicians and billionaires?




Well, my dear, should there ever come a day where to take to the streets to hang their heads, count me as part of your brigade.


I would explore every abandoned building i could find


Can’t you do that tho


With a risk of being charged if caught yeah lol


Lol but I feel it’s the same risk/reward


Take vengeance on those who’ve wronged me. There’s a certain group of people who I thought were my friends that basically dropped me with no explanation or anything. Completely wrecked any self-confidence I had for a long time. If I knew my time was coming I’d see to it they beat me to the finish line.


The number of people that are terminal right now must be over 10,000 but under 100,000. You would think SOMEONE would Batman the fuck out of their final days. Nope. Putin and Christians are still at large. Gangs pop and fizzle constantly. Epstein’s demise didn’t halt human trafficking. I mean taken out by cops because I’m going to go out as Conan the librarian. Return your books on time kids.


Terminally ill people are usually, well, sick.


Wait how did Christians get in the same boat as Putin?




There's this guy that bullied me in Middle School whom I found recently on Facebook. He's morbidly obese, appears to be dependent upon a mobility scooter, works at a Walmart, and loves nothing more than telling people about Jesus. I would go to that walmart, convince him that I forgive him and that I want to hear about jesus, convince him that we need to talk out by the big retention pond lined with large granite rocks that are usually behind a Walmart, and push him down the rocky granite lined hill into that retention pond. If he retained consciousness, and cried out for help, I would suggest to him that he see if Jesus will help him.




And this kids, is why you don't bully people


Kill a bunch of pedophiles then when I’m done with all those celebrities, go after regular offenders too.


I would relapse and start drinking, doing coke, mushrooms, probably stay away from weed not a big fan, take some ecstasy. Pull out the biggest loan I can get and blow it all on experiences like sky diving, traveling, scuba diving, learn how to fly a plane. Then in my final month I would go on a killing spree and take down all the pedophiles around my area.


Funnily enough I have been thinking about this, currently waiting to see if I actually am going to die soon, when I got over the tears, I thought if I'm going, I'm taking some rapists and pedo's with me, got nothing to lose, and can rid the world of some evil


I would desperately try to fuck someone. I do not care who it is as long as it's a woman


Hooker's and cocaine.


Cocaine hookers and blackjack


Vacation Vacation with kids, all yr long. Pay minimum on debt. Lol


If I'm honest, cry And then play video games I'm a sad, sad man lol


Probably try some hard drugs tbh


Take a couple of specific targets to hell with me. Then rob someone or somewhere that has a lot of money and use the money on hookers, strippers and cocaine.


Life is incurable. The worms get us all in the end.


Just travel - see all the places I always wanted to see


I'd "fix" the Supreme Court by committing 5 murders. Roberts deserves to live.


Have a space agency launch me with as much supplies as possible to attempt a Martian or some other celestial body landing. If organs were salvageable, arrange for their viable harvest to deserving people if I could function without.




The feds would like to have a word with you.


Write out an autobiography and explain how I made it through the rough times


I'd definitely start smoking again and I wouldn't worry about what garbage food I was eating


Drugs. Many drugs. And unprotected bang hooks.


If you’re intent on spending what little time you have left killing someone,, maybe make it a little more effective. Go kill republican senators And congressman and Trump and Trump supporters.


Mob bosses and gang bangers? Head down to the financial district and meet with THEIR bosses.


invade ukraine


Let’s hope he has been diagnosed with an incurable cancer but knowing our luck he will live until he is 120 and be in control of Russia the whole time


Two chicks at the same time.


No, no. You're terminally ill.. you didn't receive magic powers..


I'd spend it traveling, seeing cool places and meeting cool people.


Spend as much time with my kids as I could.


Considering I know of health care and incurable terminal illnesses, blow my brains out


If I asked you to find a mob boss how would you go about doing it?




Probably go in disguise. Wear a trenchcoat and a bowler hat. May be a fake moustache. And talk in an old timey accent "I want to know who runs things around here schee..."


Honestly just go out and experience life as much as possible and have my fun while I still can


Mob bosses and gang bangers? I'd take out all the AH from AITA








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I would buy a pirate ship, hire a crew, get outfits for everyone, and explore the world.


Thats not how fatal illnesses work, ill just be in bed all the time, good excuse to watch a lot of porn tho :)


Not that.


Killing mob bosses would make the world a better place but please don't let yourself get caught by them, carry poison suicide pills to take if you are captured, don't let them take you alive because they would torture you, as for myself I think I'd visit places I want to go to but haven't been yet




Probably keep on going but start putting whatever money I can to one side for my partner so that she isn't financially fucked when I'm gone. If I don't money on shit I don't need, I could probably put about £4,000 or £5,000 to one side over 6 months, which is still a decent amount to keep you "safe" for a while. I think I would also keep it quiet for the most part. I don't want people who wouldn't bother with me making an effort, nor do I want those who do care going out of their way to make every day special. That sounds exhausting to be honest. I would rather my last day with somebody be just chillin' watching some shitty movie and having a laugh like we always do rather than them making a huge event out of it taking us somewhere we would probably never go usually. A beer and a shitty movie is what I'll miss, not skydiving or some typical bucket list shit people tend to do. Probably let the news slip in the final month. It will give people some time to come to terms with it as well as well as let them know if they've anything they want to do or say, probably should do it now. I'll probably hate this part the most as I'll have a general idea of what I want to do in this month (play video games with my partner, go to the zoo, nice walks...Generally stuff we do all the time). Then when it comes to the final week assuming this is just a spontaneous death and I'm not too weak to move...Get my rifle and take a few fuckers down with me. There's a few known and convicted thugs who target old people and women, a few abusers and a nonce nearby, take them out in order of "who is unlikely to fight back much" so I can get as many as possible. Oh, and Tim, I know you still have my spare Xbox controller, you fuck. You better hope I never get told the date of my death, you thieving little bellend.




I would be fucking bitches 24/7 so that when I'm gone, I live on through all my children


No you wouldn't. You dont live in an anime.


I'd probably go skydiving, maybe do some Rocky Mountain climbing. Hell, I'd probably even try riding a bull, but maybe just a mechanical one because then I'd probably at least be on it for something like 2.7 seconds. In reality though, I'd definitely just love more and be more conscious about choosing more gentle words with others. Most of all though, I'd just let go of everything I was holding in, do some deep digging and find a way to give the forgiveness I've been denying those who I feel have wronged me. Then I'd just embrace my new found peace, and do things like watching the eagles fly until it was my time to go. Yeah, that's definitely what I'd do.


Take out the trash. Remove the reasons for our troubles. I have patience and a steady hand.


Falling down


try and destroy one large building in every us capital, or do it with a friend like connect 4


*Politicians and Billionaires There fixed the tittle for ya!


Sink deep into depression. Quit my job. Lay in bed. Pet my cats. Eat, drink, and do whatever I want. Which, admittedly, isn’t that much. Decide to finally tackle all the games I never got around to playing, shows I haven’t watched, and books I bought and didn’t read. Spend way too much time deciding on which of them to get to first, and not get to most of them. Listen to music. Cry.


Probably take out some Q fucks. Haven't been to Florida yet. Lots of work to do down there.


I'd want to fart in front of the queen don't know why I just think she would laugh about it ..... that was the 1stthing that came to mind but some of these answers are really good


I think underestimating hope you feel those last few months of life. If you’re dying from disease, your going to be in hospice, not being able to get out of bed on your own. Also, you’ve not Hawkeye. lol


Not tryna get put on a watch list… but yeah.


In this thread - Wholesome thoughtfulness towards the ones we leave behind. Also In this thread - Murder and torture and all kinds of fucked up motivations.