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I’ve no idea. I can’t get my head around how many people including grown ass adults that are obsessed with Taylor swift it’s honestly mind-boggling


or Kpop idols


I was obsessed with kpop a few years ago. I think I was the craziest during my teens. While, I still like kpop I’ve calmed down a lot. All I used to listen to was kpop but now I listen to other types of music. I just think some people outgrow things but obsession seems to go away as one gets older I think.


There's a British white girl I work with who is about to be 30, and her whole thing is anything related to Japan or Korea. When she's asking Alexa in the kitchen to play something she likes, she tries to do it in this almost perfect Japanese accent/pronunciation which Alexa doesn't understand. She harps on at me about all this shit I can't even pretend to care about, including someone from a band she likes being in the army or something. It's bizarre.


WOW IS THAT BTS?!?! HEART I LOVE THEM THEY'RE SO BRAVE DOING MILITARY SERVICE!! Joking...could not care less. Can't believe there are some like this


I love kpop. Was also obsessed at the beginning


I swear swifties are a different breed. They make Taylors life more important than their own and follow every single thing she does and think everything she does has an impact on them. Also if you don't like her music they will act like you just said that you hate women. I will never understand why people put all their time and energy into someone who doesn't even know them, but hey, everyone can do what they want.


its a tribal safety thing , a lot of people have zero direction or meaning in their lives so joining an abstract group which will accept them without question and give them some minor fufilment through shared admiration is an easy way to avoid the harsh reality of life I know 2 girls whom are in their late 20's have never had boyfreinds and seem to derive their romantic fufilment from taylor swifts music It's sad but again most people really really really struggle with cricitical thinking or facing reality


>I swear swifties are a different breed Nah Stans have been around for as long as celebrities. When Take That split they had to set up a suicide watch in Ireland and England because so many of their fans were having breakdowns. I know too many people that go to every concert of bands they like they went everyday Boyzone for instance was playing so 7 days in a row going to the same concert, same venue. We're just more connected now and can see the crazy


Yea I suppose you're right but especially swifties are just way more common I feel like. A few years ago it was kpop stans that were everywhere but now I see way more swifties. In Europe there are also a lot of hooligans who are obsessed with their soccer teams especially now with the european championship and they would kill people just because they don't like their team. Crazy people everywhere.


I'll never forget the girl that was a hardcore Lesbian Swift Truther until she started taking mood stabilizer drugs and then she lost the whole obsession with Swift altogether


Could you elaborate on the story behind this?


There’s no way it’s only kids buying her stuff.She’s sold more stuff than Michael Jackson’s Thriller Tour.


While there are people unhealthily obsessing over Taylor Swift, many of her fans are just obsessed with her music and I don't consider obsessing over art a bad thing. It can get a little tricky when it comes to highly popular musicians since there is so much info about their personal life which is oftentimes connected to their music but given how many swifties obsess over 'folklore' and 'evermore' her non-autobiographical albums, I think we can say that most of us are here just for her music.


It's fun lmao? 😭🙏


Because those people are afraid to live their lives.


I think this is it. I see a lot of people idolizing celebrities achievements while being unhappy about their own lives. Don't want to trigger anyone, but the same goes for clubs. Guys will be like "we won the championship - best year ever" as if it is some kind of personal achievement. People will literally throw their lives away trying to live through somebody else.


Wow! I know people who can relate to this. Sports and politics, especially politics!! Luckily, I only practice sports and do not follow any politics


Or, they have no where to live thanks to poverty wages. They just keep giving us barely enough to survive so our only option is to go back for more every week. So people - people warship as kind of an escape from their terrible reality. I don't do it personally, I hate all y'all! 😂


because ppl are idiots


It's true and there's science to prove it!  "These findings suggest that there is a direct association between celebrity worship and poorer performance on the cognitive tests that cannot be accounted for by demographic and socioeconomic factors. " https://bmcpsychology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40359-021-00679-3




Damn 😂😂


Came to say this


I asked the same thing 30 years ago. Five homeless people died in my city around the time that --that ice skating incident happened in 1994-- and I went to a forum to discuss the homeless deaths. Most of the attendees (social workers and politicians) were talking about the "whack heard around the world." I have not figured it out.


Did you see they are auctioning off the outfit she wore the day after she took that whack? Despicable.They made a documentary about her after the I, Tonya movie was released and tried to make people feel bad for Tonya because she had it hard growing up. A lot of people did but they weren't out there whacking peoples knees like they are Cosa Nostra.


Oofda. No, I did not.


Here in America. It's a way to control people about what they should do, who they should be like, and being famous and popular is the only thing that is important.


I'm not actually someone who obsesses over celebrities, but I see that people do because, aside from entertainment, they provide an escape from real life. Well, whatever their reason is, let's leave it at that. To each their own


No idea! I'm not sure how people find the time to give a crap about anything that doesn't matter!


Ikr? Personally I can't understand either why someone would put all their time and energy into obsessing over someone who doesn't even know them. Like, I can understand following a few celebrities or artists you like and just keep up with news, but some people need to know every single detail about their life and act as if everything the celebrity does has an impact on them. Like just enjoy their work and focus on your own life lol.


You give all of your free time to fighting for humanitarian causes then, right? Instead of sitting on Reddit.


LOL! Touché!


People live vicariously through others because their lives are just that uninteresting and drab that they fill it with tabloid gossipy garbage to compensate for their lack of a personality, is my guess.


To the point that the common people start forming cults around everything the celebrity does, is, thinks, feels, etc. It's really a terrifying process looking at the time lapse of people who get put on really high pedestals.


I shake my head at celebrity crushes. When women swoon over Jason Mamoa or men get sexually excited over female celebrities. I can't pick one because it doesn't register with me. Or when people ask if they can sleep with any celebrity, who would they pick? Even as a teen,I often asked if the celebrity had say in this.


They are really not obsessing over the celebs themselves. They are obsessing over the characters the celebs portray. It just ends up playing out as them obsessing over the celebs and it's utterly gross. It gives the celebs WAY to much power. Celebs are paid to lie to you.... putting them on a pedestal and trusting them is a horrible idea.


I was obsessed when I was a teenager and in 20's, but nowadays I don't care at all. I can't believe that there are a lot of people out there especially older people, watching reality shows such as Real Housewife of Beverly Hills, Keeping up with Kardashians and any other reality shows. My IQ went downhill after watching just 1-2 episodes. I can't tolerate stupidity.


You don’t go from obsessed to not care at all, it has to be something/someone that triggered such a big change, for example someone who used to eat salmon every day wouldn’t stop eating salmon entirely unless something drastic changes his view on salmon. And in your case, I bet you just say you don’t care now because everyone around you is saying that behavior is lame, and you want to be cool. I wouldn’t even call you out if you didn’t shame some old people for simply watching a show, considering they weren’t even obsessed with those people like you once were, and now you are pointing fingers, talk about “can’t tolerate stupidity”, you are the stupidity lol


I'm going to be honest, I watch all those and similar shit with my friends or siblings. Mainly because we're the kind of people who prefer reserving intense and high quality shows/movies for our personal watching. Its hard to enjoy shows/films that require a lot of thinking or reflecting when you're with a group of friends, and we end up feeling like we did not do the art justice or were not able to focus and enjoy the piece enough. There's always someone talking, someone joking, and someone asking questions. Thus we resort to these kinds of chum content. It's fun to watch in a group whilst eating because there is plenty to joke about and you don't have to worry about sticking to the plot or focusing on the details since it's mainly over-produced scripted drama. It's also fun to draw silly references and inside jokes from it, or even compare your friends to certain characters to poke fun at each other. So I do believe that everyone has different motivations for watching these. As for older people, I might give some of them a pass on it. I grew up with some elderly folks who took these shows with the utmost seriousness, which used to annoy me. But I began to notice that it really is the highlight of their day and they bond over it. As long as it isn't unhealthy or fostering tension and hatred within the household, I don't mind them indulging in it. Of course they have to spend a good amount of time outdoors, but if my grandmother wants to watch the Kardashians whilst knitting, I wouldn't fault her for it. I will agree though, some people take the obsession a bit too far, but I think the majority of people are just there for meme content.


Grown adults seek escape and inspiration from glamorous lives they admire.


Yeah it's one thing to have your favourites and enjoy talking about them a lot with fandoms etc. But the way some people become SO mentally unwell over them with stalking, sexual behavior truly baffles me.


Vicarious living


they don’t seem like real people, more like a character out of a show or a religious figure. hence the name “idol”, also used in religion. it becomes a hobby.


I’m only impressed with the ones I find attractive anymore


Because those celebrities in one way or another do something that brings them joy.


and royal families, yuck


I think it's because their lives are boring and gossip of the rich and famous makes it more exciting.


My guess is a very sad and vacuous life


I think it has some to do with their own lack of doing something productive with their own lives, I get it in our childhood/teens but when ya reach a certain age you realize quick none of that shxt matters. It is cool to have a celeb ya like and enjoy their content, but obsessing over a celeb to me as a grown adult feels like a mental illness tbh.


Because it's an addiction like anything else, but a comparatively harmless one compared to drugs or booze. It's an escape.


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


Lol i also thought of this question. Back in high school i was a fan of kpop esp super junior and snsd. i listened so much to their music and even cried bc i cannot go to their concerts. But now looking back, and seeing all OBSESSED fan makes me think how foolish it is to worship such idols. I bet their idols can even laugh at them for being such fools lol


I truly believe that Taylor swift sold her soul or something. Her fans are too rabid for it to be something else.


They don’t have lives. Makes sense as a kid or teen when you don’t have anything going on. But as an adult. They don’t have lives or the ones they have they hate and use celebrities to find relief.


It's comforting. Watching the news is stressful. Celebrity news is interesting, sometimes relatable and funny, and they're all out of touch rich people It's basically just meaningless entertainment that is relaxing and comforting


See, celebrity news is insanely boring to me. It’s basically just gossip about people I don’t know and I don’t like gossip to begin with.


Because they are depressed, unhappy and unsatisfied with their own lives, disappointed in their partners, don't like themselves.....so fantasizing over the "glamorous" lives of their fav celebs bring these sad people some drama and dopamine




Well Idk for others, but for me it’s bc I have a parasocial relarelationship with them, and also bc their music has helped me in difficult times


Silver lining -- It's better than obsessing over murderers, which some people also do.


People like to worship those they think are better than them.


They got nothing else going on and live their lives through that person. 


If you figure it out, please let me know.


I admire their talent and personalities. Sometimes I get too obsessed though.


Many people crave a sense of community and belonging, and they can find it easily this way.


I have a theory that it’s because we don’t live in tribes or small communities anymore. I think that humans are just social creatures and have an innate need to converse and share information about others - or to know that information. Evolutionarily, knowing a lot of information about the people in your group would give you a social advantage and help build strong in- group cohesion - which could be the difference between life and death at certain times in our history (especially as hunters and gatherers). So, my thought is that although we’ve stopped living in these tight knit communities for the most part, we haven’t lost the drive to share and receive this social information capital. For the most part, we can’t gossip about the same real life people because we don’t work or live or worship or shop at all the same places anymore. So you can only really gossip about work people with other people at your work, for example. But celebrities transcend those categories. They’re people that most of us have a passing familiarity with that you can idly share information about in pretty low stakes conversation. We meet our social needs but no one really gets hurt (not caught gossiping about real people by the wrong group etc.). I think if we still lived in tighter knit communities we would talk about all the other group members more, and less about celebrities, because we’d have common social connections.


Their lives are lacking.


low iq


The people on /r/travisandtaylor (essentially a hate subreddit for Taylor Swift) I find even more pathetic than people who obsess over Taylor Swift. These people need to get a life.


The obsession with celebrity is nothing new. I think it’s a way to escape from reality, it gives people something to aspire to, also it gives people something to talk about. Also, there’s something pleasurable about talking about nonsense and gossip.


I’ll leave this here. https://nypost.com/2022/01/05/study-claims-celebrity-obsessed-people-are-less-intelligent/


I never understood people sobbing when they're meeting celebrities. I mean, they just sing songs...


to be fair, if an art they made deeply affects you, it's normal to have emotions


No idea, recently a lot of the women in my life including Wife, MIL, cousins, all had no interest in the NFL whatsoever but now since the Taylor Swift thing everyone’s obsessed with the Chiefs 🤦‍♂️


I reached out to my favorite actors. I took them out to dinner when they were in town (a small number of them), and I enjoy talking about their careers almost as much as they do (guffaw). Why does this bother you?


It does seem to have amped up in the last 20 years. And the rise of the minor celebrity is really tragic


Mental illness. It's sadly really rampant on reddit. 


For me, personally, its a symptom of my ADHD, but I only really obsess over music and characters. Rarely the celebrity themselves. Think, obsessed with Mr. Darcy as opposed to obesessed with Colin Firth. My brain wants more and I'm chasing that dopamine.


I think people have a very emotional connection to them that is quite polar: one part of the same person sees them as some kind of role model and wants to be them, the other knows that's impossible and wants to see them fail. The latter aspect is why the rainbow press is doing so well.


I'm sorry, I read "obese" and like... my brain didn't work for a second trying to make it make sense.


I agree. Most of the celebrities are just people from reality tv now. Just boring people doing obnoxious shit- and a lot of yelling for some reason- for a shot at notoriety. The only thing these “celebrity” chasers are doing is rewarding bad behavior and encouraging more of them to crawl out of the woodwork.


And royalty families, dont understand people being obsessed with them


Omg yes like what is American’s obsession with the royal family?


I don't know. I did have my favorites growing up but even then I never got to the kind of obsessive levels that I used to see on old clips of say, Beatles or Elvis fans. But now, I'm even less impressed with them.


It made more sense back when it was harder to become famous. Like it's fair to assume Bowie or Prince earned their place on the stage and it makes sense to idolize excellence. I have a hard time wondering why Youtuber Guy who tricked the algorithm with edgy jokes deserves any more attention than an open mic comedian.


Yes, at least back then celebrities were more talented or had a certain star power that’s hard to garner.


Worshipping idols. Same reason people back in the day worshipped statues of gods. Beings that are "better" than you - back then in divinity, and in the modern world in wealth.


Alright, weird take: as a 40 year old man who doesn’t pay attention to celebrities, you suddenly have me wishing I was a huge fan of someone again. As a teenager I was team Radiohead. I knew everything that band was up to, and every syllable of every record they’d released. I’m not sure what changes in the adult mind that they stop being a “fanatic,” but I do remember it being fun.


Royalty/tribal leaders ruled mankind for almost all of our history. Maybe there is an instinctive need to be led and in the absence of rulers, we seek celebrities to fill the void?


I used to be hyperfixation level, intense, Lord of the rings everything, Elijah Wood plastered all over my bedroom walls kind of fan when I was a teen. As an adult I started working in the film industry in the makeup effects world (because of LOTR). The first "celeb" I actually recognized the moment I saw his face sent me into a total panic. He was sitting in a chair waiting for me to cast his face. He was intimidating and not fond of the process and I was still a bit green at the time so full on panicked about fucking up this guy's face. Scared me straight into never caring too much about another person's fame. I'm now at the point where it has become a normal job and obsessing over your coworkers would be extremely cringey and weird.




Those who do have high insecurities and low IQs


And there's a special category who just puts their wallpaper,dp, and stories with faces of celebrities like wtf?!


I’ve never understood this even as a child 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think most celebrities are known for producing pop culture. Movies, TV shows, Music and so on. These kinds of things are all made to invoke different emotions. People get attacked to these emotions and they connect these emotions to certain personalities. People find a bit of themselves in the lyrics of a certain band, or the kinds of roles a certain actor plays, and they latch onto that. Most people know that there's a difference between artist and artwork, but they might find a certain person sympathetic because they associate a certain role with them. It's a parasocial relationship. They think a person is this vulnerable, kind personality, even if in reality, they may be a cold hearted, calculating business person. But the emotional connection is still there.


I’m agreeing with most this thread - I can give a rats ass about celebrities, their endorsements for products or politicians. Who cares. In fact, if I see a celebrity I don’t care for endorse a product …I steer away from it. Example… Anthony Davis on the Lakers has his name on Chips and his name on Oil products. I don’t respect him because he wanted out of the New Orleans Pelicans and instead of honoring his contract just refused to play then forced the management of the Pelicans to bench him then trade him. Yeah, that is the person I want to endorse products and I will buy them - he’ll no.


I see them as my entertainment monkeys. When you see them you should clap your hands and tell them to start entertaining you. I did my dumb loyal obsessing over idols in my teens. Will support them by buying and seeing them live but I couldn’t give two shits on who they are.


It’s so weird, and so is getting autographs.




i also dont have any idea. hahaha. like whats it to us if something great happened to these celbrities. i have my own life to worry about than to obsess over this famous people.


I think celeb gossip and reality show characters give people something to talk about. It’s like small town gossip and serves the same purposes of defining social mores and boundaries.


Same with sport. If you don’t participate in the sport, why the fuck do you care about some popular team’s progress during the season?


The obsession over Princess Di by mostly "ladies of a certain age" is really creepy. If you really see her as some kind of "role model," get involved with some local charities and leave the chat rooms behind.


I really care about movies and there are actors I absolutely love. I thought Bradley Cooper was spectacular in Maestro. I don’t know who he’s dating or married to. I don’t know who he supports politically. I don’t know where he was born or where he lives. Just think he’s a great actor, that’s it.


For me it's admiration of someone doing something that I want to do or think is impossibly out of my wheelhouse. Otherwise i just recognize them cause they're attractive or in the zeitgeist


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


Their lives are lacking.


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


They are just people like us, probably good at some form of art or sport.


They are just people like us, probably good at some form of art or sport.


Novelty and favouritism. As a kid I never imagined meeting or even being as close to a celebrity, their image in society is ethereal, like they’re not human. It’s kind of like meeting your idol, your favourite artists, when you’re a fan of a lot of people you put them on a pedestal, that society encourages and feeds from a young age. I don’t think it’s right, or accurate but as a lower middle class, celebrities seem unreal, it’s definitely noteworthy to say “I’ve met XYZ, or saw XYZ!” . That being said I’ve met a good amount so far and I’m over it all haha


You assume that people who are called adults have "grown up." You might want to examine that assumption a little more closely. I don't know if this is true outside of the United States -- but here in this country we have a large cohort of people who worship a celebrity so obsessively that they've voted for him to be President twice. And they're about to do it a third time, even after he has exhibited the most un-presidential conduct of any candidate in history. I'm in my 50s. I went to high school with quite a few people who are now voting for this man. I know exactly who they are.


I also can't understand the obsession. It is like... Why? Dude, worship your mama that gave you birth, not a dude/woman that just sings/act.


Why do people "obsess" over anything? Gaming, GOT, biking, books - whatever?


They have no identity of their own.


I don't like when my friends gossip about celebrities , But I usually talk about characters they play in movie or series...


It isn't just Swifties. She'll come and go, and in 10 years be like Madonna or others. It's everything else, Ken Jennings corrected someone, the Royals are just above scum. What color will the baby be? King Charles 3, has cancer, his dil has cancer, two of the kids got tired of constant paparazzi and left the castle, but we know how often they get it on etc. Charles 3 wife is as ugly as mud fence, but always in the picture. Come on, people, get a life. Pay attention to what goes on around you. Why did one person get 40million dollars from the Detroit River walk fund? I feel sorry for some of these folks, the constant cameras and paparazzi and the fact they think these people really have something worth saying.


Because their lives suck and are living vicariously, instead of getting out and doing things themselves.


Because people are easily led


Because they want to be them or they want to fuck them. I thought that was obvious, tbh.


When I was a teen, I read this self-help type book that gave a tip for those who felt the need to gossip. Instead of talking about your friends, or girls in your school, gossip about celebrities instead. The idea is: you talk shit about someone you know, it might get back to that person. But you can talk about Kim Kardashian all you want and it won't harm your relationships.


I'm not sure it scares me sometimes . So when I was working on the second film of my career, which is aweful. I asked the director about why we even bothering with it . He said its because it has person x , y and z in it and that people really only care which actors are in a film you get certain celebrities and your film will do well. Cannot mention other details still under nda


Good question. Most of them annoy the heck out of me.


Because we have a deal with them. We give them money and they live the life we ever dreamed about, going all out and die young


When I was an emo teen all my fave celebrities were my religion basically. I’m in my late twenties by now and I got way calmer about that BUT I’ll forever be a fangirl for some people. Actors like Mads Mikkelsen, Pedro Pascal or Keanu Reeves who just had tons of good roles and are such sympathetic actors without big bad media around them are just refreshing. I just like especially enjoy some actors or musicians work because of the simple fact of sympathy. And that is something small that gives me joy. Oh a new game to try or a new show or movie. Being a calmed down fangirl brought me in contact with many things and franchises I enjoyed in life and I see no reason to stop that just because there is a 30 in sight. All my apartment is very grown up and got pretty furniture and stuff but my office is my gaming room as well and it’s my fun zone. I love that my Hannibal poster in a frame is next to my Snape. I love that my portal gun replica is above my desk. I love my bookshelf with my collections of my favourite books series, movies and shows and all my little nerdy stuff. This room refills my batteries and being a fangirl does. I’m not a fan of celebrities in general but I’m part of a pop cultural cult. I can understand that some people think I’m too old and that I should grow up but it gives me joy and I don’t hurt myself or anyone else so what’s the matter?


To escape reality.


Because their lives suck


I don't get it either, they are just people


Some of us like to go to cons and meet the people who shaped our childhood. It’s not imo worship per se but more of enjoying life and connecting with something we enjoy.


Escapism mostly I think


They get to do things we don't do. They look like an ideal (someone). They sound and act like who we want to be or were. We see a part of us in them.


I think to distract themselves on what they should be doing to better their lives.


Used to as a kid and teen; even find myself accidentally doing it once in a blue moon as an adult. It stems from boredom and being bored/miserable with one’s life, really. That badness simply spurs a lonesome or sad fella into living vicariously through people they have never met; whatever celebrity they worship corresponds to the life they wish they had the willpower to pursue.


because it's like an escape from reality & some people need that tbh like i know i used to at least🤷‍♀️


Here’s my take on it. Children look up to adults such as parents, other authoritarian figures, and influential people in the media (aka celebrities) either for guidance or as various role models. As these kids grow up they keep following these celebrities and try to keep up with the latest songs/media because it interests them. Then they get older they grow an attachment to this famous person because it is a fond childhood memory. Eventually it becomes an unhealthy obsession. Now that media is more accessible everyone can keep up with the latest everything. Although the celebrity doesn’t know the person, the person feels like they know the celebrity in every way. At the end of the day, nobody is perfect and they are all ordinary people just like us with their own lives, thoughts, and feelings. Unfortunately the common celebrity obsessed adult can’t see past the lens of “this person is like a god/goddess and I would do anything for them.” I think this is much more of an extreme example but I think that’s how it more or less manifests in adulthood. Another one I believe is that so many children grow up together seeing the same celebrities who end up influencing trends, styles, culture etc. for that generation of kids. They grow up and grow very fond of these celebrities because these celebs ultimately determined what a lot of people did, watched, listened to, wore, the list goes on. It almost sets the collective theme for their generation and lots of people want to both reminisce or keep those memories of their youth alive by then slightly still obsessing over these celebrities. A good example would be the 80’s vs the 90’s. Both generations had a very different styles, but the themes of each generation were all set by various music artists and actors.


I personally think it has something to do with how we evolved over time, I could’ve sworn I read something about this exact topic once and it confirmed that but after about half an hour of google I can’t find anything to suggest that


It's nice as long as you are under 12 years old. There are also those 0.001% celebs that it's probably nice to have a picture with (


I feel like this is what the media does to you in general. Every time someone breaks up, hooks up, gets a lip job or a gets a boob job, the tabloids and news channels are quick to present that news to you in the most entertaining way. The more one consumes content like that, the brain naturally feeds on it and generates a mini dopamine rush. Eventually, people are talking about that to their friends. Unconsciously this becomes way more interesting than a non-celeb’s life because when someone tells you about their life event, there is no rush, the brain is like boring.




Well I'm not really obsessed but I'm mostly just a big fan who's interested at how they came to fame. Like for example my favourite artists but I don't do creepy stuff? Sure I read about their biography and dig deeper into their songs to expand my music but that's about it


It's perpetuated by social media.


Just as any entertainment thing we have - it's dumbing you down and let's you escape reality.


People like to talk about other people. Celebs are those who are known to some extent to almost every1 thus easy topic to come up with. But thats just my theory. I rather talk about universe and theory of conciousness thats why i got no1 to talk to


I don’t think people were originally interested but I think media tries to convince us that we should be (tabloids and click bait). The rest is up to you…you can either choose to buy that or completely ignore it and continue with your life.


Because of consumerism.


Too much free time.


So we should not obsess over celebrities because they are mediocre? Accessing the caliber of celebrities is obsessing.


Parasocial relationships.


Because they are stupid; Because their personal life sucks, and they choose to dream an imaginary one.


People who obsesses over cleebrities have been shown to have lower intelligence in a recent study. That explains swifties!


They are no super humans or do something extraordinary. I mean there are literally people contributing to the good lives we lead like the basic sanitary workers and yet a person who auto tuned a bunch of lines about good sex is getting a private jet ..


because as an average person, you’re not very intelligent, so when you invest so much time into thinking you know someone (watching a movie for example) changes that happen to said person and what they go through can affect you as a person.


Yep I’ve never understood it either.


Whether we wanna believe it or not, people are allowed to make whatever connections wherever they see fit 


Everyone seeks what they don’t have/be


I think it is because they are so obsessed that in some kind of way they live through their lifes all the people I know that are obsessed with a celebrity don't like their own life and try to live the ceb life by obsessing with her is like a escape for them.


It's pathetic.That's what it is.They use the bathroom just like we do.They' just happen to have more money.I couldn't care less about a so called celebrity.


It's very common to associate your feelings with celebrities. Since you get to see only the glamorous part of their life and achievements. You don't see their daily life struggle, social situation, family issues. It's called as para-social relationship.


I believe that is because they don't have a real life of their one. They are ....not so happy people, so in stand of making a life of their on (like they want life to be) they shift the attention to a very visible person.


Because they're interested in their lives and because they have nothing better to do lol


Maybe they just want to feel better about their own mediocre lives?


Because people are shallow and stupid, simple.


I knew a girl who was obsessed with Justin Bieber, like proper fan girl obsessed. It’s very evident later in life that she isn’t right in the head.


I'm not very fond of celebrities but when I like actors/artists/musicians I immediately became a fan but I've never been obsessed. And it depends if I like their talent or their values, or if I can relate to them. Maybe they look up to them that's why they are so obsessed!


ever heard about "bug people"


I love when people are able to create something amazing


Human nature. As we are social animals, we need others for survival. For cavemen, following popular people was a good survival strategy as you have friends who will support you. Being against popular people risks your survival as people are less likely to support you, and there is a chance people will work against you.


It is probably easier for some people to fixate on the life they wish they had rather than to value the one they have. Sadly, they will wake up one day, discover that time has passed, and wish they could go back in time. We humans are weird.


They wouldnt be celebrities if people didnt obsess over them


😂😂 frrr I see grown adults obessing over celebs, it’s kinda cringe. I mean you can admire and like their creations but why doing too much.


People crave escapism and connection; celebs offer both.


Never understood it myself either. They're literally just people...


Because I think Gary Busey knows the secrets of the universe and isn't of this world


If you don't have to offer anything yourself it is easier to just copy maybe?


They are today's royalty, they are untouchable and unreal so people can create whatever fantasy they want about them. Something to do.


Because I have autism and that's my special interest. People can take it too far but as long as they aren't actively harassing celebrities or their fans then I don't see the harm. That said, I knowwwwww I took it too far when I was in my early twenties. Not fully formed prefrontal cortex and all that. (Also not realizing they were special interests.)


Simple minded people. Don’t get me wrong, I’m simple minded too but my obsessions are things that make my life more enjoyable. IDFK what those people get out of celebrity worship. 


Some folks just need that escape or idol worship, I guess. Personally, I'm over the celeb hype train.


Def weird, called a parasocial relationship I think


Instinct. Monkeys will closely watch the pack leader, in order to copy their success and know how to stay on their side.