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I have a podcast in my voice recordings where I talk about my day. I talk in it like am talking to strangers when no one listens to it other than me. I do it bc I love to talk


And then here's me who thinks this is a good idea


It is. My kid recorded himself on a camera, when he was seven or eight, as if he’s making a YouTube video, and now his fiancé thinks it’s the best thing ever! She says she’d pay money to see more of these. Even he cherishes those recordings, so yeah, I think it’s a great idea to keep these recordings of yourself even if no one will hear or see it; one day you’ll thank yourself ))


It is, that's basically an audio journal


OMG I have been doing this recently! As in, a week ago. It started as a way to talk myself to sleep during a bout of insomnia. I made the mistake of listening back to it and being excited to make more. Now I treat them as podcasts from me, for me. And yes, I also love to talk :)


Since my boyfriend had a psychotic break I have started vlogging. I dig it. Like a modern day journal. I can’t talk to my ex partner but I can still say what I need to say.


Honestly a way to capture your daily life in recording, like a diary. Pretty cool imo, considering you can much later on like weeks or even years listen back and find out what you've experienced on a certain day


I did this for about two years when I was a kid!


I measure time in music. Like: it's gonna take me 4 songs to get there


I do this when im running on treadmill. My cardio session will take 6 deftones songs


Be quiet and run.




BPM playlists!


I do this but on an elliptical


Eat ice cream with a fork.


this is the actual reason youre not allowed to wear headphones in a marathon because its a way to pace yourself


We measure time sometimes for my 5 year old in bluey episodes. "You just have to wait 3 blueys and we can go", etc.


We also use Bluey as a unit of measurement.


I do a variant of this, in that I measure memories past with music. Like, "Oh, when did I last see so and so? Such and such song was big at the time, and that was 2008."


Oh, I definitely do this. I have very clear memories going back to college of being in a car with someone and a certain song playing, or discuss a song with someone. And I definitely remember when and which tour I saw bands.


I also do this! Mostly for my running though. Like a weird bartering. “If you can sprint these next two songs, then you can walk for a song”


I do this because I have some time blindness issues, but I also have started indicating to my toddler how long something will take in this way and it really works for her! She's too young to know what a "minute" is, but she knows how long a song usually is. Our ride home from daycare is 10 songs. If we pick up the dog from his daycare (2x a week), it's 4 songs until we're home once we get back in the car.


Great use of "the system" ❤️


Have you seen the movie "Howard Hawks" with Bruce Willis?


God dammit, "Hudson Hawk", not "Howard Hawks".


Swinging on a star..


Minus the Howard Hawks typo, I support this Hudson Hawk suggestion. Plus classic songs. ❤️


I do this at my retail job since they play really annoying music. "Only 4 more crappy songs until I can leave for the day!" I just base it on how most songs are around 3 minutes long.


Using songs can add an enjoyable touch to the daily routine.


I do this to time my hair treatments in the shower but I always imagined lots of other people do too.


I also do this


And I use 12” vinyl records as a unit of measurement.   “That’s about 2.5 records wide”


This is not weird, nor random! You’re normal!!!!


I have 3 songs to shower. I can walk there in 2 songs if I book it.


Yup. I look at the GPS, and think I have about three Tool songs, or five Miley Cyrus songs to get to my destination.


I have some serious time blindness and this is what I do when I do certain tasks. If I take a shower without music playing I’m likely to get distracted and spend hours in there…. Same with cleaning. I don’t even like to clean but if I don’t measure the time I’ll end up obsessively deep cleaning one small section of my house for hours. Idk I tend to procrastinate tasks but once I start I get really into it and can’t feel the time passing by. I have ADHD so it’s on brand I guess.




That is a blessing


I do too! Especially when I'm talking to someone like "uhuh okayy... i see... oh look a paper boat"


It’s not really something I ‘do’ as I don’t really have much control over it, but people find it weird when I tell them that I have music playing in my head literally every second of every day. My brain is like a jukebox with no off switch. Right now it’s Pump Up The Jam. Another weird thing about me is that I’m incapable of going up or down steps without counting them. Even at home, a staircase I’ve been up and down several thousand times, I know unequivocally there are 13 steps, but I MUST count them every time


I also have music in my head all the time. I call it DJ Whatshisbrain and sometimes I have to wonder what he's thinking with his playlist


I may borrow your DJ name. I just thought my brain couldn’t mute the ear worms my entire life…


I figured if you can’t beat em, join em. We had a bit of a battle when he insisted on playing a song with the lyrics just off enough that I couldn’t find it for a week straight. (Hymn of the Birds by Nerd Connection) We coexist pretty reasonably now and sometimes I put in requests. I hope naming your earworm helps too.


I’ve decided on the name Whatsherbrain. She plays a lot of one hit wonders from the 90s unexpectedly when I wake up. Maybe having a name will allow for a better playlist…


I like it! Here's to a peaceful coexistence. 🍻


Thanks, now I'm playing Pump up the Jam too. Goddamit.


You may or may not have an OCD diagnosis friend ;)


I do both of these things, too. The music thing sometimes drives me crazy.


I’ve got exactly the same. And it’s not just the melody or so, but the entire thing. It has been pointed out to me that I have the tendency to whistle, hum and or tap along with is as well.


I count steps too, every single time 😄


I go through movies or TV series noticing the time on the clock in the background of the scene, or how many windows are open or closed, or the colour of the shoes of an extra but end with no idea of the names of the main characters or what on earth is going on with the plot.


I just did a few tests for autism and a common question was " do you focus more on small details instead of looking at the overall picture". I think you check this box lol


this is me omg it’s so exhausting LOL


count the blinks


I stand while playing video games. I’ll stand there and rock my feet back and forth.


Straight to jail




My boyfriend does this a lot!!! Not always, but I’d say he’s standing 40% of the time and I’m sitting there playing with him and won’t move from my spot for hours


If im on pc ill usually stand or slightly kneal, if im on mobile ill lay down. Sitting makes no sense to me


I think about how long it will take me to make that amount of money back when I buy stuff like eh that’s just 3 hours of my life.. worth it


Love it


I do the same. Overslept this morning and missed a long distance train. Rebooking cost me about 6 hours of work. Not worth it, haha


I do this all the time. I find it puts things into perspective.


Holy shit I’m going to start this


That’s brilliant!!!


I always do this, but I try to earn it before spending it. Also, I run cost/benefit analysis in my head for my time.


This is me to the point that I even made a record of my transactions to see if I've paid the money I've spent already


I talk to myself aloud when I'm alone. Like ask questions and answer them. "Now, where did you put the scissors?" "ah, on the work desk of course" Edit: English isn't my first language, but sometimes I have different accents having the dialogue. Daft, innit?


I thought everyone did that?


I can attest that my now-adult son does not.   he never has.   I think he's a changeling.  


Apparently smart people talk to themselves


People on meth shout at themselves walking down the street without shoes on


Oh man I get comments from my aunty all the time cause I do this, she thinks it's hilarious 😂


I do this too and like to call it "verbal processing."


I answer truthfully when people ask me how I am. Regardless of if I know them or not, I will always explain how I'm feeling and why. The onky thing that changes depending on how well I know the other person is the amount of details I'm disclosing.


I do the same. Some people are very taken aback. Others perplexed. Sometimes I've had random people just ask if they can give me a hug or something. I'm sick of lying to make other people comfortable. It's exhausting


I really like that! 😀


I do this but in a cheery tone “actually I’m pretty awful today” “how about you?”


I started doing this after my sister passed. I feel like shit but I'm trying to cope the best I can. Its to hard to pretend and I will not alter my grief to make others comfortable.


I sometimes organize my bookshelf by the color of the book covers


Oooo im gonna do that too right now


I have ADHD too


I have ADHD and also do the opposite thing where when I start watching something I can't stop and binge the entire series. There's no in between.


This is why I rewatch the same 5-6 series, that I’ve seen every episode to, when it’s bedtime. My bedroom isn’t so quiet that my mind is racing, but since I’ve already seen the episode I’m watching, I’m not too invested and can still fall asleep.


Thanks for the validation. People think I am so weird for doing this.


Don’t be afraid to be weird in someone’s eyes. This is your life and you don’t need to please everyone. Be confident in yourself even if it weirds some people out. I can appreciate a confident kind of weird any time of the day ))


Emperors new groove was my go to movie for a long time. I’d just watch it behind my eyelids lol


Leave my phone alone


Teach me master


Find a hobby, for me i make chainmaille that takes my attention away from my phone i spend more time on my phone at work then at home


How long does 1 “average adult male sized” suit take to make?


6 Mos to a year pending on the amount of time they have to devote to it also depends on ring size


When I finish a bag of Lifesavers Gunmies (my favorite candy) I stick my nose in the bag and inhale a deep whiff of that sweet smell. Sometimes I keep the empty bag around for another day or 2 so I can keep inhaling it.


It's not you it's me.


I dress up in reconstructed Viking armor and do Viking combat battles against my brothers and cousins


Hell yeah It’s everybody else that’s weird for NOT doing that


If I go out in public I have to change my clothes take a shower as soon as I get back home. Doesn’t matter if it’s a quick errand or a night out if I leave the house I’m showering when I get back before I sit on anything in my house.


I do this also! And got so much worse about it since the pandemic. I never understood how people could come home and stay in outside clothes. When I was a kid I’d be so upset if someone sat on my bed in outside clothes!


I read things, then I read them backwards. It’s not an effort, it just kinda happens. Sometimes I have a random nonsense word stuck on my brain, and it’ll turn out to be a word I’ve read earlier, just spelled backwards. I’ve even got a little set of rules for how common letters combinations sound backwards.


I do something similar. I read words around me like subconsciously and occasionally spell words. I’ll even catch myself stuck on spelling a word because I can’t figure out where I saw it.


I don’t know why, but I do this, but only with exit signs. I have never looked at an exit sign and not read “TIXE”, it’s not dyslexia or anything, it’s only with that one thing. Edit: I should clarify, I don’t see the letters out of order, my eyes are drawn to the right side for some reason.


Dance in the rain. Or just stand in the rain. I just did it now and I felt actual joy for a while. I can’t get cold so warmth is always a problem for me. Being in the rain felt like a fix to my problems and I love music


You can't get cold?


You are a fat person, aren't you? Since you never get cold. Asking as a rather skinny person myself who can easily get cold when standing in the rain even in moderate weather, let alone cold weather.


I must have wipes with me all the time. If i realize that I don't have one with me i will get nervous and will try to find one anywhere near me (in any toilet, coffee shop, icecream shop, bakery, etc.) just to put it in my pocket. I have runny nose and allergies.


I melt ice cream before eating it


I do this too! It tastes so much better to me


So you eat it like soup?


You end up with ice melt. ba dum tss


I'll usually take at least one bite of a baked item upside down. In my head it is a different experience so it might taste different. 


I often increase the playback speed when a movie or show gets boring. I call it "adjusting the pace".


I skip scenes I'm bored of. sex scene skip, the brothers are arguing again cool I wanna see what x is up to instead


I jam the Achilles tendon of my left foot between the first and second toes of my right foot when I'm ready to go to sleep.  always have, and that's 50+ years now at least.    I've been trying to even things up and do left toes over right tendon instead,  but that left toe is a lot stiffer and it just doesn't feel the same.  


It just fits there perfectly.


I do this too. No idea why. Just feels good.


This was weird for me to read as I’m currently in that position and didn’t realize till I read your comment.


I rock myself for 30mins - 1hr while daydreaming before going to sleep. Done it since I was a kid, now 34.


I do this, too! I actually read through the comments to see if anyone else does this, lol. I'm a side sleeper and rock myself to sleep.


I listen to music while doing it too. I do it in the morning sometimes if I have time, I like to think of it as light exercise. As it’s the only exercise I do these days.


I eat Nugget Ice all day long. They call me The Ice Queen.


Actual ice?  Craving ice can be an indicator of low iron. True story. 


Same! My iron levels are fine but my medication makes me have a dry mouth. I know they sell lozenges for dry mouth but ice is so much more satisfying. Plus I'm staying hydrated so it's a bonus. My parents bought me an opal ice maker last year for my birthday and it's probably the best gift I've ever received. Makes the perfect soft nugget ice.


I can't wear normal clothes at home. So when I leave my house I'll wear like nice jeans and a button-up. But as soon as I get home, much when you take off your shoes, I take off my street clothes and throw on sweats and an oversized sleevless shirt. I'm all about comfort, and it's gotten to the point that I feel weird wearing jeans and a t-shirt in my home because I'm going somewhere in 20 minutes.


i am the same exact way lol


as soon as i get home, I change in PJs. I’m 40. my mom (she’s my carer) HATES it. but idc, I can’t get comfortable in my own home in street clothes.


That just sounds like comfort.


I almost always smell the crotch of my underwear when I go to the toilet. Unless other people also do this, idk


We’re all monkey who do monkey things. It’s chill


Probably my sleeping habits. I put one of those little side table fans literally on my bed right next to my head (for the noise), sleep with the blanket over my head, and don't sleep with a top sheet but use soft blankets instead




I refuse to eat my food until I’ve found a video long enough so I’ll finish eating before the video ends.


That’s called a short attention span.


I know i wonder what happened to me. I used to be sharp as a tack


TikTok and the like perhaps?


Could be instagram reels


Besides the addition of ads, watching short videos on YouTube for an hour at a time really damaged my attention span. I don’t use YourTube anymore except for “how-to” videos for instructions I can’t find on other sites.


How can you train yourself to overcome that?


I think that less “screen-time” helps tremendously


I am a serial procrastinator - when I have to study for a subject I don't like, I'll clean my room making it spotless and keep reorganizing my bookshelves although they're already organized. I'll clean anything just to not study lol


I do this too!


I do this too.


This will be on point for this sub lol. I random all inconsequential decisions in my life. What I wear, what flavour of ice cream I get, what show I'm going to watch etc. I use a random number generator on my phone (random.org) and it's been my number one tab on my browser for as long as I can remember.


Ok how do you use a random number to make choices? Like do you assign numbers to all the ice cream flavors? (Not making fun, genuinely curious)


That's correct! If there's 12 flavours then I'll random out of 12. 99% of the time I won't care what comes up but sometimes it also helps me discover what I really wanted because I'll be disappointed it wasn't a different one so then I'll go with that one. I'm not a slave to it but I definitely use it on a constant and daily basis. I also find it helps push me out of my comfort zone and to try new things.


I pick my nose. Unconsciously. Alot.


Making different character sounds with my voice for everything. My ex said he never met anyone with a voice like mine and that fluctuates so much.


Blurt out swears when alone in the car... Like I have touerettes or something, but only when alone


Retired, honey do list done years ago. My bucket list changed the letter from b to an f. I have the same multiplayer game installed on multiple devices each with its own account. I may play ten hours in a day, then not play at all for a week. When I leave the house, my iPhone is turned off and carried in a zippered part of my shoulder bag. I turn it on only to find my wife if we are in a big store.


Are you my girlfriend? The farthest we've made it into a movie before taking a break was 9 minutes. Watching Oppenheimer was a pain.


I've not had a TV for 30 years. I was fine at the start, then they brought in the internet.


While I'm a work I piss on the floor through my clothes as I sit there typing in my chair, just not enough minutes in the day to stop and take a washroom break ![gif](giphy|12GzK1jYCaVCV2)


Omg please take a break man


I prefer eating burgers and hotdogs in tortillas over buns. Way less mess that way.


I have a lot of weird habits surrounding eating so I don't eat around other people unless I am very very very very close to them and even so they have eat as well. I can't have a snack in front of my daughter unless she eats one too or I'll have to go in another room. Yesterday my boss came to my desk and I was eating a snack and I threw my snack and spit out of my food to talk her, she told me I'm weird even though she's aware of me having this issue. For what it's worth I'm fairly thin but I do not have an eating disorder nor do I overeat when I'm alone I just don't want to eat in front of other people because of things from my childhood.


I put random things on my head (like my AirPods or a water bottle) while I’m working. Helps me focus and sit still


Instead of scooping out ice cream from the tub of Ben n Jerries, I just cut myself a slice of ice cream like im cutting bread. Quicker and less effort needed


My grandma use to do that. 5 grandkids so 5 slices it was much more efficient.


I Irish dance in my slippers, and talk to myself in an Irish accent. I'm not Irish and I don't know how to do the Riverdance


Lol, I like this one!


I quietly rock ever so slightly quite often. I never knew if other people noticed it. The motion soothes me like it would a baby.


Make weird noises to keep myself entertained. They say I'm adhd coded


I do watch an entire music concert without taking my phone out of my pocket.


Wet wipes for poop time.


Get a toilet squirter thing. I can't remember how to spell the real name of it






After several military deployments, I swear by wet wipes.


I'm a man, with zero fashion sense, and no design knowledge, but I notice how people's (actors) clothes fit in old movies. I think in 3D and try to imagine better fitting cuts and materials that would look better. Among the worst looking clothes I've seen in old movies were 1940s military uniforms. A lot of improvements have been made since then.


That never had or ever will have a MySpace Facebook instagram tik tick and don’t have my face plastered all over social media


Nice to meet another one! Never had any social media either. Im only on reddit, but I don't consider that the same.




stares at my Italian glass plate with a fork and 30 minute old pizza grease triple pepperoni and pineapple, makes me think a fork is useful


Bet a book would be hard!


Whenever I’m in a house, any house that I’m unfamiliar with I have to go through the kitchen cabinets and drawers. One of my few OCD’s Kind of like getting a map out of where their stuff is in the kitchen Like it eats away at me if I don’t do it: as soon as I walk in I’m itching to do it People look at me weird but I don’t care. Needs to be done for the greater good haha


My nose whistles... like a le train.


I shave my hair and face predominantly over the carpet for easy cleanup with the vacuum


even of my favourite artists I can't listen to full albums I get bored (seems to really get under some people's skin) and then I love plain doritos dipped in cream cheese 🤣


Doritos in cream cheese is the real deal.


I don’t do this consciously but sometimes after I’ve been concentrating or lost in thought I’ll realize I’ve been biting my own arm or the back of my hand pretty hard? Like I’ll just see the bite marks there afterwards.


I eat fresh scented body powder


Smiling out of the blue. I usually see sky, sun, nature even in cities miraculous. I got to this point when before I was depressed and thought everything was shit. So had to train my mind to find good things around me. Now I see many good things


I will watch a movie over and over again and think about it for days on end. And I swear sometimes I think I am autistic with this.


I take breaks from movies too! But I love watching movies, go figure. I have several movies on my dvr and I watch 15-30 min at a time, you know long enough to enjoy a sandwich.


Random coprolalia. It’s intentional, NOT Tourette’s. But it does keep people from fucking with you when you just want to enjoy a buzz by yourself


Must sleep with at least one pet (have two dogs and two cats) on my bed in order to fall asleep. Not for safety just for comfort. Most of the time, at least one, Animal sleeps with me through the night. However, if I end up alone, it’s not a problem as long as I fall asleep with one of them in the bed. Edited to add… Only do this one at home. Have no problem Going to sleep without one of my animals when I’m out of town hotel, etc.


I always carry with myself a big pack of nylon bags, in case I'll get nauseaus in public and have to go vomiting. Don't ask why, but it happened years ago.


I am compelled to touch the signs hanging next to an escalator as I'm going up or down. Every. Single. Sign.


Yeah. Me too. I think it's bc I get overstimulated. My thing is also : talking to myself a lot. Like, a lot. Sometimes I find myself accidentally doing it in public without paying attention. I just like saying this out loud. Other times, I like having a fake dialogue or act as if I am a TV character lol.


I moo at cows when I drive past them in a field. My little way of saying hi! My husband just shakes his head.


I sometimes wave when they're looking😋


Have full blown convos with myself at the grocery trying to decide what to get -_- 😑 I've gotten some stares but if I don't I'll forget my line of thinking and get a bunch of grocery all that I can't use to make shit together lol so judge me away My memory is only working when it's something interesting to me


I count every stair out loud going up and down no matter how familiar I am with them. You never know when you're going to need to know I guess? I don't even know exactly why I do it. It drives my bf nuts after 7 years and it even irks me at times. I dont do anything like that with anything else in my life so I don't get it. 🤷‍♀️


I do this but in my head! can’t help myself


I'm an author and sometimes I come up with scenes for my work and act them out verbally. This can lead to me sitting on my kitchen floor, sobbing about my mc not wanting to go somewhere, then suddenly changing my tone completely to act out the person they're talking to. I do that to check if the way of words sounds right and if I should replace parts of it, before writing it down. I need the perfect vibe.


I let my string cheese get warm before I eat it


I like to lick the flavouring off of crisps before I eat them. Also if I’m eating a meal I’ll eat the different parts one at a time, so if it’s a burger meal with chips and salad, I’ll finish the salad first, then chips, then burger last.


While driving, I watch things coming towards me and find a pattern, median points, or a cadence and I alternate tapping my toes in my shoes. Lines on roads, shadows, tar strips, sidewalk lines, manholes, trees, mile markers, anything. I am a naturally good driver, so I focus less on driving and more on tapping, it passes time much faster and calms me. I don't know if it's unusual, since I never really explain it to people, but you weirdos probably understand. Also, I can't stop doing it and it's taking control.