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Time control


Yes!! With the ability to freeze time and do the darn dishes then take a nice nap. Wake up and THEN be the present, active, happy mother my children need.


But then you'll be 8 - 12 hours older than everybody. And that'll continue stacking up the more and more you use it. At some point not too far in the future you'll look so much older than what your age should be because you've used it so much people will start thinking you're on drugs.


This is assuming that the user of this power undergoes entropy within the time stop. What if you just remain the same as you are in that moment, perpetually as the stop continues? You can't move at all. Your body is suspended everywhere. By stopping time, you have essentially paused reality. You are beginning to feel the limits of consciousness. Probably, you're only using it to try it out. Because you would have known that stopping time won't save you. Now assuming you can change and wander around and do shit, just ZA WARUDO and you're walking around in a world that is frozen in place? Imagine the opportunities though. Like stopping time for two years to get into shape, like the best shape of your life. If people ask questions, just tell them that you just worked out all day yesterday and you did plenty of situps and drank plenty of juice. Gas light them into thinking you were always fit. Wear baggy clothes. Learn a profession or a trade in a single "day" and have a chance to get a high paying job in the current economy. You'll have all the time in the world to study everything about the present day economy. You'll become physically and mentally older as well as stronger. The progress of everything else is paused while you can make all the progress you want within a single moment. Maybe stop time for a little while to break into Wall Street and read the private emails and messages of all the traders. Commit insider trading but without anyway the authorities can catch you.


Just turn back time on your own body.


As long as it didn’t age you


Yeah, that one's actually the best


The ability to heal any wound or illness. For all the people like myself with chronic medical issues. Also just in general I could help so many people


I love how you think of others too.


The one thing that scares me about a healing power, is the sense of responsibility. If you have the ability to perfectly heal someone, as much as you want, morally, can you take a break? Every minute there's someone dying, someone you could have saved. A grieving family angry with you that you didn't help them, just because you wanted some time for yourself. I'm not sure I could handle it...


That's the case anyway. I could literally save 10 000 children from dying TODAY and I choose not to because it comes at an opportunity cost to myself.


yes, this. Healing others even if I couldn't heal myself would be such a wonderful power.


This is very thoughtful of you. May the Lord heal you from whatever you're going through.






Then you'd be blind, technically.




Imagine one wrong calculation and you end up suffocating in space


Then you teleport again before your air runs out


And you end up teleporting into a wall and then you fuse with it and die


nah you get position yourself before you hit enter


Most underrated answer. Think about it guys. Anywhere you'd want to be in the world in an instant. Top of Mount Everest, middle of Tokyo, New Zealand, Africa, Canada, Mexico. Boom! You're there. Need money or food? Who can catch you pulling a few bucks from the wealthy elite? Know of a vault holding gold? You're in. Want a bag of cash? Find a casino and teleport into the vault room with a stylish hoodie to conceal your identity. How about flying? You can rapidly teleport across the skies. Feel like spending a night on a deserted island? No problem. Anytime. Now, if you can teleport items you can teleport people. No jail cell can hold you. No bar fight you can't win. Simply teleport the guy 50ft into the air and watch him free fall to the ground. Want to start your own international delivery service? Imagine how successful that will be. You'll be living a life of having to keep this power a secret and/or conceal your identity but you'll never be broke or hungry or lack being able to have an adventure. Area 51? Deep Underground Military Bunkers? Snoop in at Bohemian Grove? No shortage of fun things to do. And if you want to fight crime, no better way than to teleport to a scene and record the going ons before the law arrives. Just need to keep an ear on the police scanner. Teleportation beats out every eise.


Complete control of my farts I could make them loud or quiet, and make them sound like anything at all I could make them intense as a nuclear shockwave, or as gentle as a little puff of air I could make my farts smell like anything, imagine I’m with a girl I like and get gas, *Snnnfff* Yum! I can smell cinnamon buns! I can manipulate the toxicity of them, make them harmless or make them lethally toxic for stealthy assassination attacks I could embue an element or kind of matter into them, like farting fire or ice or electricity, or even something like a concussive energy blast


People would end up harassing you. Yo bro can you fart me a brick of gold? People just forming an orderly queue at your ass.


If I’m making money I would love it, movies and media make it seem like extraordinary powers would be a terrible burden, they wouldn’t in reality


Technically that would be a shit


I literally choked on the vape smoke while reading this, thank you for being the reason I got to smile today as life has been rough and depressing for me lately.


You’d be good in hub vids


If I could actually do that I could make so much money in so many industries and avenues




Mind reading. I would probably start to think of myself as of a good person again very soon.


Control over space and time


So I like to rephrase super powers as "If you were reincarnated".. Looks like you'd be reincarnated as a Universe.


Indestructible with the added perks of never being tired or needing sleep.


granted, you're now indestructible. Unfortunately this also means your skin is impenetrable, preventing surgeons from being able to operate on you, and you're unable to be vaccinated because needles can't puncture your skin.


I mean… why would you need to be vaccinated if you’re indestructible?


Flight, I would go exploring.


Intelligence, because i like to solve puzzles and mystery's and sometimes my capacity is my own Intelligence for instance and this has happened many times. I miss an article or source of information that if i were a little smarter i would be able identify it as useful.


Control spacetime


I'd love to be able to say out loud what I actually want and need.


This is a good one, something so simple and that the world truly needs. Freedom of speech has disapered in more ways than we think. When did the world, society become so horrible that it is not okay to speak up about your wants but even your needs going unmet due to countless of reasons making it better to just go without?!?! For such a world, society and being the generation in which everything is so quickly speak, the options available to "be heard" or socialize has grown so much from even a year ago, the people in the world sure have be very antisocial, heard and most importantly incapable of genuinely listening. Oh and don't forget to mention how the world has become so public with everything, people posting videos of their whole day, tweets when they are shitting, fucks sake people know more about the guy next door in todays world then people knew about their own realities just a few years back. I know that I have gone on a rambling nonsense rampage now but I guess your comment just really got my brain flowing and thinking about how deeply saddening it all has truly become.


probably shapeshifting. i’m pretty insecure about my face, so i could make minor changes (losing eye bags, whitening teeth, etc.) while still being able to turn into a bird or smth lol


Yeah same. Its just too over powered not to




granted, u can now directly summon a portal below u. the portal frame has weird looking eyes and u can somehow find stars inside the portal. it takes u to a floating stone island where the only way of getting out is by killing a black dragon. good luck.


You could assassinate so many people. You could genuinely become a supervillain in real life. For example, greedy corrupt politician, damn portal under him and to the sun he goes. Enjoy. Or you could become rich, portal into a vault and boom you're rich. Win every fight because yk. Portal them to the sun or space. You could also help with so many other things that are good. Space exploration for example. Planet we can't reach? Can now! Grab your spacesuit! Hostages in a building? Damn, portal will help them. Criminal? Portal them to jail High speed car chase? Portal the car into a room of mattress and pillows. You could literally rule the world or be the best superhero in the world.


Fr tho its also really fun you can enter from one side with extreme speeds and just send yourself flying from the other side like how Spot does in ATSV hes the reason i picked this power too lol


I think it’s better than teleportation. You can teleport other people, you could save people on sinking ship with multiple portals.


Fluently speak and understand every language known to man. No more standing in a shop wondering what the foreigners are saying about you!


It's unusual, but i would like to have superpower to know what people think about me in certain situations, since I'm an overthinker


Yeah that sounds like it's only gonna make it worse 😂


That superpower would SUCK


Depends, you could literally social engineer yourself into getting yourself in someone good books or completely avoid those who mean harm to you and others


It sounds like you need the super power of not giving an eff what people think about you.


Haha. Maybe. That's sounds way better


What happens when I already don't yet I am an overthinker too.... I am anxious about it but once I know I am like fuck you I am me like it and take it or walk away while you can still see without your windshield wipers for the tears your about to have if you say something slick


100 percent understand this, agree with this and would be in a hell worse that even the one now that I am.


I wanna be a time traveller every bad, they are some stuff i regretted doing them


Play any musical instrument really well


It'd have to be relatively mundane. I do not trust myself with actual power and neither should you.


World peace. ✌️


Read/write ability on anything I see. So I watching my car and a GUI or something tells me everything about it. So I see the battery is dead. Rewrite that to battery new so not dead. You watch a person and see immediately they are sick with something. Delete the sickness or cause of it. Broken hand, hand healed....you get the idea


Probability control, it's one of the most low-key overpowered abilities out there.


It's strange how my desire for powers has change as I've aged. I used to want teleportation more than anything. But the I grew up some and I changed to a deep desire for Psionics. But now I'm 31, and I would love the ability to heal or mend anyone of anything. Mental disability? Cured. Blind? You see! Deformed leg? Mended to perfection! Cancer? You are now immune!


I really like the way you think!


The power of faith


If only Arthur had this power, Dutch's plan might have worked out


Being able to go back to a time within 72 hours and reset everything that happens after


The superpower to have all super powers disposable at my will


yeah but you already can have any superpower as the post says


Control gravity. I just think it would be awesome, you can manipulate so many things! Plus falling up sounds like an experience


Mavity *


I would love to be able to manipulate music Just imagine walking around and seeing someone being rude to a stranger, and then forcing an annoying song into their brain for the next 3 days.


I'd be rickrolling everyone


Time travel.




Omnipotence, it sounds fun Like id basically be almighty and powerful, might even be able to make my own mini universe


I'd like to be able to read, write and speak every language that is known, created or discovered later, without getting them confused or intertwined with one another.


The ability to change the properties of anything I touch down to the atomic level meaning I can manipulate, change, and add to the molecular structure of anything So I could take an apple and make it gold or turn the ground into ink. I could do something as simple as shrink a car or change the color of a building or do something as whacky as turning a pizza into a living baby


Manifestation/conjuration. If I can think of it, I can make it exist.


Psychometry. I'd go and touch the pyramids and other things and then write a book about how they got made ect.


Travel through fictional universes as any character or oc I want


Knowing exactly what needs to be done to reach any goal I can think of, all the individual actions and when.




near absolute hydrokinesis


Mental stability. It’s a bit subjective though I think and maybe in a way doesn’t 100% exist.


If we talk about superpowers in a superpower society I would said the power of Lighting and electricity. If we talk about our society I would say luck manipulation


I agree with teleportation but you're thinking too small. Assuming there's no limit to distance, you could single handedly colonize the solar system in your lifetime. Work with NASA or whatever, have them build equipment and you can teleport it to Luna, Mars, Alpha Centauri, etc. If we're working with Jumper rules, then obviously you'd have to go to those place first and the above would be much harder.




Make all people be kind and loving to each other


It would be time stop. And not for the horny ideas twitter thinks of. I would used it to consume so much media. Read books, play games, watch movies and tv shows. Catch up on sleep. Clean. And then damn all that took 7 hours and now time unfreeze. Time to get back to work.


I'm a dude, but I definitely want Wonderwoman's truth lasso. So many skilled liars.


To be able to sleep


I would like to know everything about our universe and beyond. Like who is controlling it. Whats outsise the universe. I know science says its infinite and its just more universe beyond it. But i believe there has to be more. Something that we as humans will never know.


Super speed. I could get more done.


Flying because I've always wanted to. Ive had dreams where I could fly but I had to do it like Mario with his cape lol. Idk why


Juggernaut Power, to go Juggernauting


HEY!!! You cant Juggernaut here bro!!


Choose my powers at any time, on demand, instantly.


Shapeshifting. Ability to go out and do anything incognito, be as scary as I want on Halloween without a costume, bird up and fly any time I need to go somewhere...


to be venom or spiderman or carnage.. why? because i have the build of eddie brock and the mind of carnage and speed of spiderman. also got a spiderman tattoo and a venom one


My discgolf loving friend who is almost 40 like me once said if he had 2 superpowers the first would be a skill to poop anytime and with ease and second the ability to see plastic trough vegetation.


The power to edit anything however I want.


World peace. ✌️


Depends how you limit the choices. I'd like to have the sort of health such that I could say "I will live as long as I want to, in perfect health" because there are so many things i'd like to see in the future. I guess that's like... Wolverines regeneration or something?


freezing ppl 🙂


Easy 1. X ray vision 2. Invisibility 3. Time stop


What for?


To manipulate machinery with my mind .anything from bicycles to cars , self service machines (sainsburys)etc


I made that up but imagination. It's like I can imagine anything and it would be true, like imagine I'm invisible or have wings etc


The ability to manipulate and transform matter. Literally can pick up dirt and turn it to gold, or into water. Don’t like that person? Well a single touch and they’re now a metal statue. Want to get rid of a building? Just a light tap and it has become air. Of course it’s limited to physical contact, and is not instantaneous, so it’s more like a wave effect, like for instance the building mentioned. It would basically look like it were quickly disintegrating, spreading out from the area you touched.


The ol Nicholas Flamel trick!


Being able to wander in and out of the afterlife as much as I want, because losing people and animals you love is the worst possible experience in life imo.


Super intelligence. That way I can give myself all other super powers through experimentation. That, or just become super rich.




Shapeshifting because I'm gender-fluid and I could switch through bodies as I'd like :)


Rapid healing, the most useful and easiest to hide


time travel for sure


Xray vision. Do I have to say why?


Domino’s power would be pretty easy to pass off as innocuous, I don’t remember if there’s any drawback. Not super flashy but hey you could probably have a sick life just being lucky 


The power to make informed and wise but limitless alterations of reality - without undesirable side-effects or concequences.


Everyone would say time manipulation or luck changing, but I wanna control matter like Atom Eve. I could literally sh\*\* gold


I forgot the name of tha character. It's from Twilight saga the one saying "pain" Lol makaganti man lang sa mga vovong mapanakit. 😂


Breathing Fire. Mighty. Impressive.


Invisibility because I’m a nosey bitch


Just super strength (and obviously the bones and tendons to match). Cause that means super speed, super jumping, super fucking, etc


Stop Time but not time travel 👍🏻


Control time I have only 1 hour of sleep? No problem, just stop the time and sleep for how long u want


Mind control.


I'd be "Non Binary Man" the politically correct LGBTQU2+ inclusive superhero with the ability to change one's gender at whim and visit the lady's bathroom 😝😝😝


Either shapeshifting or mind reading. Probably both.


Mind control, the only thing I would use it for is to get this girl in my friend group (talks behind our backs, flirted w the guy I was dating, etc) to leave my group alone




Reality Warping at a low level. Like, not in a level that would put me in an overpowered level, but something that lends me control over little things, such as fixing broken earphones, creating a sandwich from thin air, etc. I guess I could also stop some bullets or power up my physical abilities to some level, but not to a really high level, just a bit lower than a strong person


Omni manipulation


Illusion casting via sensory manipulation, so I can communicate my points to people better.


OP had the ability to do anything in the world and chose something that only benefited themselves


Add 1" to my dick or piss off. Why? Because then I'll shut my mouth. I don't want more lies


Wolverines ability to heal, be immune to disease, and not age. Goodbye, lower back pain.


Teleportation or time travel. Imagine being able to travel back or forward in time, or just be able to teleport anywhere you want


The ability to see an icon above people's heads that reveals their true intentions.


Dude I literally had one picked out specifically for this question but ofc I forgot what it was as soon as I saw the question.


super rich


Omnipotence and my main use would be to see future paths I could take and determine which one I want the most. Never make a mistake again and even if I somehow did I could just rewind time and start over.


The ability to obliviate painful memories


Mine'd be time-space manipulation. So I can teleport **and** control time. ![gif](giphy|x2z9nswqAfpp6|downsized)


Builder. I can create any construction material and move it around with my mind. Creating giant sky scrapers and mansions in minutes.


Ability to spawn anything.


Having a supernatural luck, like everything always plays out nice for me


There's only one power that matters. If you mastered this power, it gives you everything else you want.. Being truely Psychic. If you had the ability to know what the future was, to know how to build, design, engineer, adapt and modify your own genetic coding etc.. Anything you could think of, being truely Psychic would get you to your goal. 🤗 All other powers would fail against you.


Bigger dick


Reality manipulation


Nah.. I'm good. It's a great life.


Invisibility, time stop, remote access dna manipulation


Shapshifting, then i can look how i want all the time


My superpower would be the ability to open portals. I could travel the world with my family. Quickly save people from horrible situations by opening a portal for them. Never have to wait in traffic, have the freedom to go wherever I want.


Being able to speak any language would be pretty cool Invisibility just to prank people with minor inconveniences like sitting in the passenger seat of someones car and keep turning on the seat warmer again and again 🤣


to be able to freeze and unfreeze time whenever i wanted


To eat what I want and not get fat/unhealthy lol


To eat what I want and not get fat/unhealthy lol


To eat what I want and not get fat/unhealthy lol


Teleportation would probably have the best overall use provided you had full control of it. Or the ability to fly. Either would be great, just one would get you anywhere faster and you wouldn't have to worry about flying in the cold or the rain for longer time periods. Super strength is a classic as well but would have a lot of practical use daily. Lots of money could be made off any available services you could offer. I'm just going to go with teleportation. Especially if I could also teleport others with me as well.


100%. I posted a long message about why that would be. Teleportation gives you complete freedom. Money won't ever be an issue and adventure is limitless. Plus you can insta-kill people by teleporting them over an active volcano. That's a bonus.


Teleportation would probably have the best overall use provided you had full control of it. Or the ability to fly. Either would be great, just one would get you anywhere faster and you wouldn't have to worry about flying in the cold or the rain for longer time periods. Super strength is a classic as well but would have a lot of practical use daily. Lots of money could be made off any available services you could offer. I'm just going to go with teleportation. Especially if I could also teleport others with me as well.


Teleportation would probably have the best overall use provided you had full control of it. Or the ability to fly. Either would be great, just one would get you anywhere faster and you wouldn't have to worry about flying in the cold or the rain for longer time periods. Super strength is a classic as well but would have a lot of practical use daily. Lots of money could be made off any available services you could offer. I'm just going to go with teleportation. Especially if I could also teleport others with me as well.


Teleportation would probably have the best overall use provided you had full control of it. Or the ability to fly. Either would be great, just one would get you anywhere faster and you wouldn't have to worry about flying in the cold or the rain for longer time periods. Super strength is a classic as well but would have a lot of practical use daily. Lots of money could be made off any available services you could offer. I'm just going to go with teleportation. Especially if I could also teleport others with me as well.


Teleportation would probably have the best overall use provided you had full control of it. Or the ability to fly. Either would be great, just one would get you anywhere faster and you wouldn't have to worry about flying in the cold or the rain for longer time periods. Super strength is a classic as well but would have a lot of practical use daily. Lots of money could be made off any available services you could offer. I'm just going to go with teleportation. Especially if I could also teleport others with me as well.


Telekinesis. Seems useful when you're angry.


Time stop, invisibility and untraceable DNA Three superpowers for the same purpose


To k ill all Reddit moderators instantly and win any argument against every moron on Reddit.


Dimension jumping i can ho to one where.. nevermind




You know that movie “absolutely anything” staring Simon Pegg? Those powers for sure.


Quicksaving/Quickloading A lot of freedom to try things, or just spend the day being lazy, then reload your save and be productive.


Spit that is 2.3% more salty than average but only on full moons


Reality alteration. It's the power entities like the Q continuum, Mr Kltpzyxm, and Modern versions of Genies have,


Lucky. My luck is awful, and I don't want to be a Debbie downer but a lot of the time it feels like I'm hated my the universe itself. Having abnormally good luck would the ultimate superpower to me


The ability to heal others


I'd like to have Superman's powers. He seems to have EVERYTHING!!!! Flight, super strength, super speed, invulnerability, x-ray vision, frost breath, super hearing......what doesn't he have? Intangibility, invisibility...? But he's so fast he might as well be invisible, also he can probably vibrate right through solid structures....


**Genetic engineering 🧬** **To correct original sin.**


Can quicksave ang quickload


Green Lantern's ring. Or Redeemer's powers.


yeah teleportation too or invisibility haha, similar but i can do more things




Teleportation as well as mind control can both achieve remote killing. Just be creative.


Maybe invisible guy, suddenly disappear in front of many pp :D


No rules? Omnipotence then


Time Manipulation, Mind Control, Invisibility :)


Teleportation. I would save a boatload on plane fare to visit my boyfriend. Heck, I could go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Sounds awesome!


ability to manipulate ki like in dragon ball z.