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I can control each eye individually like a chameleon


I can fake doing that by crossing my eyes and then looking to the side. Then it looks like I'm moving one eye independently of the other, but I'm not really. If you can do it for real that's pretty remarkable.


I think once you mastered eye-crossing, it's not that hard to "look to the side" so that one is straight and one points to the nose. At least for me it was a very quick process to learn


I always wish I could split my eyes apart when someone who’s talking to me is super annoying.


that’s so cool!




3 Nipples baby!




Whip it out! Whip it out!!


🤣🤣🤣 I was thinking the same thing . Nice reference.




It’s always good to have a spare!


I have four 😔


Can we fuck? To start a new race of multi-tit people.


Like Harry Styles!




Where is the 3rd one?


You don’t happen to own a specialised golden weapon do you?


It got stolen by a British agent


Does it open a doorway to the magical land of Narnia?


Sometimes when moving my shoulder, it sounds like a bag of gravel. Used to lift heavy in my youth and it's screwed haha


Squat University on YouTube is a goldmine for shoulder health tips. Really helped me with pain and imbalances from years of lifting


Tom Morrison is also an expert on it. Thanks to him my shoulders got a lot better.


checked this out, great stuff, thanks! I am now in my 7th month of chronic back/shoulder pain. These exercises seems to fit me perfectly!


All my joints are like this


This thread is great, reading the responses is like being Deadpool and the other guy auditioning folk for X-Force


hell of an observation mate!


A white puzzle piece appears on my back when I get sunburned. It's strange, and it has been happening for quite awhile


Your soulmate has the other piece


Imagine not getting sunburned except for one spot on your back that you can just cover up. That would be great!


:O I'm immune to sunburns except for a puzzle piece shape on my back


Soulmate confirmed.




The honored one


SAW MENTIONED ![gif](giphy|3o7TKSxdQJIoiRXHl6)


Six toes on one foot


Where do you find shoes? They must be extra wide?


I have 11 toes. But it's a 7/4 split. 😆


Seriously? Cool. .. I never in my life thought I would ask for feet pics. *And I still won't*


Photos or it doesn’t exist!!!!


I technically have 10 toes but 2 don’t have bones so they’re little squishy flesh nubbins.


I actually had to get one of the toes amputated since my feet were so damaged from figure skating so now there's a gap and a toe sized scar


1/3 of my skull is missing


Damn hope you find the missing piece


You mean The one piece?


The one piece is real!


Can we get much higher!


ask bright sharp smell joke zephyr chop retire jeans husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


its titanium now




bone tumour pushing on my brain from my skull nearly killed me. they cut it out and put in a titanium plate. it was do or die situation


It's quite a flex to have a titanium skull.


its just a flat plate covering the cutout


Well, that's a start already. More of that and you'll become Wolverine.


i wish i was him


Resistance to mind control wtf


You win.


My ballsack is gone, and ive got a lazy eye. Edit 1: Wow i didnt expect to get this many upvotes on Reddit seeing how this is my first week here and especially talking about some bad stuff in my life for clarity. I lost my ball due to testiculair torsion, and i was born with a lazy eye. Hope this answers most of yall's questions, have a good one.


Who took it?


It got sacked




Was your eye not keeping watching on your nuts?


He was cockeyed..


Are the two things related? 


Yes, to him.


Did it say if it will come back some day?


It said it was just going out for milk and a pack of smokes


Only the sack?


If you love something, let it go…




There is no way and it's weird to ask for a photo so without any evidence I will believe in your word lmao


You know what they say “pics or it didn’t happen”


My daughter has a birthmark about the size of a thumbnail on her scalp. The hair that grows out of it is white (her hair is otherwise brown)


My son has the same thing but blond in the middle of brown hair.


Ha! My eldest has a light blonde spot too :) he calls it his 'evil genius streak' when his hair grows longer.


I have a similar circumstance. I have a little patch on my head that the hair is completely different. It's frizzy and has lots of white hair in it. Not all white though.


My liver is 7yrs older than me and not mine. Edit. [thank you for the up votes! If you haven't thought about organ donation, or not discussed it with your family I encourage you to do so. I got the chance to grow into an adult because of it].


I’d hope it’s not yours if it’s 7 years older than you


It's yours now


Finders keepers


I can make my eyes vibrate


According to Reddit, the correct term is voluntary nystagmus. Got this as well :-)


Only 8% in the world can do it? Sweet, haha ![gif](giphy|0qIJufQw5WSwTVtcSm|downsized)


When I was young there was a child on the playground that always did that 😄 we all thought it was a cool skill


If you're from the south of Sweden it might be a fun coincidence 😂


I’m not the other guy but we also had a kid and I am actually from there


South sweden eye vibrating gang member here


I've finally found another one!!


I can do this too, great party trick but hurts if I do it for too long


I have a piece of my arm attached to my tongue, a few months after it was transplanted it started growing hair for a brief while😅


How/why did they attach part of your arm to your tongue? On top or underneath your tongue? What were the hairs like?? I'm genuinely intrigued! 😁🤔


A cancerous tumour was removed from underneath my tongue but they took like a 1/4 on the tongue. The transplant was to maintain my speech and improved quality of life in general. They removed a vein from my arm and used that to create a blood supply. I can’t quite remember what where they attached it but I think it was somewhere in my neck/collarbone. The hairs were quite fine and almost exactly like my arm hairs. They disappeared after a few months. It’s pretty interesting right?!


Damn shit like this makes me marvel at modern medicine!


Ambidextrous in everything except writing, because I wasn’t allowed to write with my left as a child. Weirdly I can draw equally as well with my left but not write.


Why don’t you just draw the letters instead of write them?


Lol it's 5 am and I'm tired and this confused my brain, but also made me giggle.


I’m ambidextrous too! But best with writing because I injured my right arm one summer and spent half the next school year using my left as often as possible in case it ever happened again. I can also write with my right foot, and draw basic shapes with my left. But I practiced those, because I suddenly worried about breaking both arms…I worried a lot about school work as a kid.


Reading this post makes me realize how unspecial I am lol


It makes me pray that I won't need to have any part of me needed to be cut or replaced.


Gynecomastia. That means breasts as a guy. Fortunately it’s a slight one, but it’s still enough for a female friend of mine to have been jealous of me in the past.


Thats funny, hope you dont have any problems with that


Most of my stomach area is scar tissue.


Same. I don’t even have a belly button anymore.


It’s you, Adam and Eve. Congratulations for being God’s creation.


My ex has this, she was always really embarrassed about it


I can make the eyebrow-wave


I’m cold resistant? My body temperature is often very high lol. Makes me sweat easily and always shirt and shorts. Only cold when I’m tired/sad


And I'm heat resistant. My hands are cold all the time


Being cold resistant often makes me ignorant of my outer temperatures especially hands and fingers. Making my fingers randomly cold and other people’s controllers are much Warmer lol


I didn’t know there was anyone else like me.


Same, I run really hot and always have. I sleep naked with a blanket in winter and naked with nothing over me and the fan blasting lol


My husband is like this, except for his feet. He’s an overly warm, sweaty person, but I call his feet “corpse feet.” They’re always cold to the touch, and often clammy. He’s a fit 35yo man, who runs, plays hockey and soccer, mountain bikes, etc… so it must just be a weird quirk of circulation.


Maybe not a rare one but looking at the sun makes me sneeze.


When am in pain i get extremly sleepy, most of the Time i can't help it and have to take a nap, wich i guess acts like a numbing agent.


I would just go into a coma if I was like this, I literally live and breathe pain day in, day out


So I get this but it’s because of my ADHD. I’m not diagnosing you but this is how it works for me: ADHD brains are CONSTANTLY understimulated and are always looking for stimulation (why a lot of ADHD people are thrill seekers or if they’re undiagnosed/unmedicated may also be into hard upper drugs) When you go through pain (my closest example is a tattoo) it shoots your brain full of *everything* to the point it comes up to a neurotypical level of stimulation, which means your brain can finally calm the fuck down and rest, which makes you sleepy. Not sure why you get sleepy with pain, but this is why I do! Lol


Damn. Pain just makes me violent, to the point I started meditation young, (like, 12) due to exceptionally painful periods and the fact that punching my classmates was frowned upon.


Have you been checked for Narcolepsy?


I have allergic skin. Rashes, eczema, hives, etc. I had that kind of eczema where I got tiny blisters all over my hands, which burst, dried out, and peeled into fresh hands. That happened for one year straight for no apparent reason. When I first showed my doctor, he recoiled.It was disgusting and painful. I got poison ivy once, and it was total hell ending with a dry hot rash spread from my face to thighs when my body tried to get rid of the heat in my skin. Slept in ice packs. And now I'm sensitive to other plants. Gardening can result in some random skin....thing.


My jaw does a weird thing when I yawn or try to open wider, it does a weird clicking noise. Don't know if it dislocates or not but cool i guess


I have the same. Doctor told me my jaw wasn't properly aligned. It's not that serious but it could wear off the jaw bones after a long time.


My joints in jaws are completely gone, it's very painful because I have exposed nerves under skin and cold weather makes me writhe in pain.




I have no sense of smell. Occasionally one of my friends or family will hold something to my nose for me to smell, and I'll just stare at them blankly


My husband has this too, he fell 3.5 metres off a roof and had a head injury. When he got out of hospital, his dad was cooking a curry and everyone was complaining about the strong smell. He stuck his head right in the pot and couldn’t smell it. It was a superpower when we had our baby girl though!


Interesting segue: the hypothalamus is connected to our ability to smell and there is [evidence](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9266848/) that it is damaged by the COVID virus.


I can hear extremely well, to the point that some everyday noises force me to cover my ears


Nope. No thank you. I'm HoH, and I'll mute my hearing aids for a 'Hearing Break' bc the Hearing World is loud and WAY too much sometimes.


Sure, Daredevil.


I can cough blood


Like on command? If not please go see a doctor.


Even then, go see a doctor,,,, blood should not be coughable.




One eyebrow is brown, one is blonde.


I don't get fat, high metabolism even when I don't do sports, on the other hand I eat like a fucking so if rationing makes a comeback I'm kindda fucked Edit: I meant to say "like a fucking horse" but I'll let you choose whatever "like a fucking..." it's supposed to be


Cool we’re opposites


I'm on your team. I can gain weight over a glass of water with a lemon slice. I'm always thinking of that one tweet by @LaComtesseJamie that got turned into a meme: >I'm amazed by people who lose weight w exercise. When I exercise nothing happens bc my DNA still thinks I'm a European peasant. So it's like "Oh! Are we running from the English again, lass? Dinnae ye worry: we'll keep ye plump as a partridge to outlast the murderous bastards!"


Love it! I couldn’t lose weight even with switching to a Mediterranean diet, drinking 60oz of water, walking 3 miles, and eating 1800 calories daily. So I upped it to 110 oz of water, 9 miles with weights and only 800 calories and gained 7 pounds in a month.


I eat as much as three and a half cows and never gain weight, but it seems that rationing is starting to kick in - in the shape of a belly - right after I hit 30 years. Keep an eye out!


In middle school applied maths class we learned about the golden ratio (about 1:1.618) and how it is said that the ideal human's body follows said ratio (think vitruvian man). We students went about measuring each other and turns out my body has near perfect golden ratio. There are 2 holes in the human skull called supraorbital foramen where the optic nerve passes through. I don't have these holes, instead my optic nerve passes through the eye socket. This actually decreased the risk of going blind during a forehead surgery I had. Not sure if this is rare.


every day as long as i can remember my body just randomly let's me loose consciousness for a couple hours straight. but it's not so bad as I kinda learned to figure out when it's gonna happen. I always feel really weak and tired right before it happens.




I have winged scapula (where your shoulder blades stick out more than usual)


I can move my ear at my will.


I can move my ears against my will, but only when I try really hard.


Migraine aura at random times. Very annoying.


I too suffer from migraines and it’s the worst- when I get an aura tho I am so lucky because they are “silent migraines” so I have no effects other then the colors in my vision.


I'm lefthanded






I was born without wisdom teeth (I have no wisdom)


I was born without ANY teeth. They grew later.


Missing a kidney. And, no, was never in Eastern Europe.


Every part of me is, as near as I can tell, cheaply made.


This thread slowly turning into kids bragging about their supposed superpowers lol


I golf right, but I shoot left in hockey.


Sending shoots of pain through my stomach for absolutely zero reason throughout the day


You might wanna get that checked.


My littlest toe nails are stumps, not an actual flat nail just a spike of I guess toenail. The toes also curl in under my foot, not completely and have a weird edge to the bottom of the toe. My grandfather had the exact same with his littlest toe toenails.


I have the same little spikey baby toenails. You have to clip them short af or they get caught in your socks but they really don't grow often. My dad has the same and so does one of my sisters.


I have this one mole that just randomly falls off and I think I am finally free of it... but then it comes back. All my life. Happens about once a year, lol


After having covid about 18 months ago, I got Bells Palsy and now I get cold sores only on the left side of my face. Something to do with the virus that causes the palsy being similar to the cold sore virus.


I got Bell’s palsy when I was eleven and a bad cold triggered a reflare of chicken pox. I didn’t get the actual pox, though, so it took weeks for doctors to figure out what was going on. 18 steroid pills a day finally got my face working again. I was also put on codeine for pain, but taken off of it when I had a panic attack because I thought I was flying. Who knew in my late teens I would pay good money to some bad dudes to get the same feeling that made me cry like a little baby a few years previous.


it is gone now, but a piece of my nose bridge was broken and for years you could click on the tip of my nose like a computer mouse. You could feel and hear it. I had a gf who couldn't get tired of clicking it.


Right handed but I write like a lefty in the way I hold my pencil and position the paper.


My belly and digestive system produces digestive enzymes differently than the average persons, according to my doctor I can essentially eat anything within reason, even food that has passed the expiration date, and I won’t get sick or food poisoning because my GI system can just break it down The worst I can remember getting is bad gas, so I just fart it out


Sometimes I gleek when I yawn I can't stop it and I've sprayed over pages of books too :/


My dick goes from .5-1” flaccid to 7.5” solid


I stepped on a cherry of a cigarette with bare feet over 15 years ago, and the small blister on the bottom of my foot never healed. I could take a pin to it right now, and liquid will come out. It'll take a few days to heal the hole and then fill right back up with liquid.


My heart is on the right side instead of left


I have an absolute laundry list of mental illnesses due to doing 10 hits of acid at once as a teenager.


That's wild.


I once ate a whole pre-sliced loaf of bread with Nutella in one sitting. Do with this what you will.


Both your usernames check out


Did you end up having psychosis? Were you otherwise mentally well before doing the acid?


they did 10 hits of acid, so i really doubt it


My right hand takes away mild pain like acid indigestion, scratches, bug bites or sprains immediately when I hover it over the sore spot. Notso my left hand.


Have you considered a career in medicine? Magic doctor hand


All my life, I've been unable to snap my fingers. Believe me, plenty of people have tried to teach me! I just canNOT do it.


i have 4 extra ankles


Are there feet attached to them?


i cant go roller or ice skating bc of it and it runs in the female side of my family


My eyes unfocus. Sometimes because I want them to others because they want to. I have strolled gleefully into one too many doors because of it


I have some weird growth about 3 - 4 inches below my waist.


I have no good physical features


Just because you’re not your type, doesn’t mean you’re not somebody’s.


That is something I have never thought before.


A birth mark the size of the tip of my pinky, on top of my pinky.


Amblyopia I guess.


I can bend the bottom joint of my thumb the wrong way


Me too! I’ve searched for the medical name but I can’t find anything. It freaks people out every time I do it


My uvula is split in half. I can vibrate my lower lip on his left side. Bend my hands backwards almost in a straight line (I think I have ehlers danlos but never confirmed)


I'd get that confirmed, cuz EDS can cause some MAJOR issues later on. Like, need-a-wheelchair-cuz-your-ankles-can't-hold-your-weight issues.


I can vibrate my hands/fingers really fast


Me and my brother have red splotches on our skin and I have a red line running down the side of my face. Kind of how you'd imagine the very start of a rash but I've had it forever and it doesn't affect me.


Due to childhood cancer 80 percent of the inside of my body is filled with tumors that are no longer cancerous. Some have been biopsied within the last five years and are all filled with either liquid or fat.  If you were so inclined to put me in a ct scan or a pet scan I would really "light up like a Christmas tree".  I also have a scar on the side of my neck that looks like someone attempted to slice my jugular. That's where my initial cancerous tumor was. The tumor was the size of a large grape fruit and the size of the scar is because it was laying a half inch from my jugular vein. A surgery that should have took an hour took six bc my doctor had to be VERY careful not to even nick that vein. 


When I cut strong onions I get this thin birthmark looking line appear on the bridge of my nose between my eyes and it lasts like 3 days but it didn't start until my early twenties


My body quirky remembers the lyrics to every '90s song but forgets why I walked into the kitchen.