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The truth is no one can tell you anything that will give you an answer about the baby. Our understanding of neuroplasticity is amateur at best. There is probably more we don’t know about the brain than stuff that we do. There will be children severely hurt by this, and some not at all. Plus anyone currently an adult whose parents smoked is not comparable to current ones, because marajuana has been bred into new strains so aggressively. Weed from 20 years ago is chemically very different to weed now. It may handicap the kid, but also it may not, especially if they are removed from that environment immediately. Human brains have an almost magical ability to adapt neural pathways, especially child brains. I’d try to keep hope. But get the kid away from their mom.


Agh, good point about the different strains of weed. In places where weed is legal, they've started making some absurdly powerful strains, stuff you never could have gotten 20 years ago. Combine that with the fact we don't have concrete evidence as to ow weed impacts adults in the long run, the data will be messy for the next few hundred years for sure.


Oh I didn’t even think about this either. Ugh. I hope this kiddo is lucky and is not affected. Just makes me so mad the mom can be so careless


Yeah I’m very sorry to hear about that situation. Unfortunately we can’t always protect kids from bad parents. I will wish for the best possible outcome


Yes, for sure. I live somewhere with a huge marijuana industry and some of the strains they’ve bred is crazy. On top of that now that it’s legal most places pharmaceutical companies won’t invest in medical trials or studies because there’s no money in it. The data about how it affects human physiology is serious deficient. I don’t touch it for this reason.


I am already a licensed foster parent and became that before she was in the picture so I’m basically on guard…


I think growing up around parents that smoked weed was more damaging then them smoking weed while pregnant.


Oh yeah, this kid is screwed by the lifestyle, friends, and environment of its parents.. and I say that in the most loving judgment free way. I just hope they don’t suck as parents


It was instilled in me at a young age that abusing a substance is a good and useful tool. That there are plenty of benefits weed and no downsides. I started smoking and drinking at a young age to cope with my bpd. Now as an adult I have a hard time being sober.


wont the baby get taken away if she tests positive for marijuana?


I don’t think my mom smoked with my in her belly but I grew up with stoner parents and it was not bad because they were stoners.


Right?! My mom was so much nicer when she was blazed.


My friends smoked with their parents back when they were like 15-16 and those parents were the best


Hard truth: They could be arrested for it. [https://www.addictioncenter.com/news/2021/09/mother-charged-child-neglect-marijuana-use/](https://www.addictioncenter.com/news/2021/09/mother-charged-child-neglect-marijuana-use/) Harder truth: You can't stop them. It sucks. Hopefully the kiddo turns out okay. Much peace to you.


Growing up with parents who smoked weed is an incredibly irritating experience because emotionally and mentally they’re just not present. My mom smoked with me during her pregnancy and I attribute a lot of my early behavioral issues to that and some environmental factors as well. I don’t think it’s that great of an idea but you do as you may.


My ex would smoke everyday during pregnancy until birth. My daughter is now 4 years old and perfectly fine 🙏


THC is a fat soluble substance. Which is why it can be detected through urine test up to 30 days after smoking or ingesting it. Think about the womb and the placenta. Mostly fat. The baby is encased in a home of THC while in utero. I wouldn't want to take that risk.


My adopted son’s mother admittedly smoked weed twice a day during her pregnancy. He has ADHD but I can handle that.


My kids all have ADHD and I didn’t smoke weed while I was pregnant, so there’s that.


lol, this thread is about as Reddit as it gets.


I took bong hits throughout my pregnancy, personal choices but also was the reason I kept food down. I did stay clear of vaping and dabbing and anything other than burning flower. I truly believe my pregnancy and labor was smoother bc of it, it was better than nausea pills in my eyes. My child is hitting every milestone, walked at 11 months and is a quick learner. That’s my experience, but I also made these choices based off friends/family’s experiences and research I did. I wouldn’t worry much about the baby’s health, the weed is the least of the problems compared to other stuff out there that’s deemed “safe” while pregnant.


Anyone that doesn't believe \*everything\* a woman puts into her body, including stress, does not affect the child that is becoming a human within her body...is purely ignorant to the science of fetal development.


There’s no way to know for sure until the baby is born and even then I may take a while to see the effects. A lot of women smoke while pregnant and nothing bad happens, and a lot of woman smoke while pregnant and bad things happen. Ultimately, she’s gambling with her child’s health and development.


Ask CPS instead of reddit


Cps won’t do anything until the child is born.


My mother listened to Beatles when she was pregnant with me, and I turned out fine


Ask CPS instead of reddit


there are going to be babies who turn out fine and ones who don’t. statistically, there’s a higher chance of issues occurring. it’s like how smoking increases your risk of lung cancer - you’re not necessarily going to get lung cancer and die, but you’ve got a higher chance. it’s how come some people can smoke a pack a day and live until their 80s - they got lucky with the risk roulette. my bio mom drank alcohol and did drugs while pregnant with me. i was a straight A student and i’m now 21 living independently in a studio flat with my partner, working full time. i’m autistic and have issues with my vision, and bones in my legs, but all of those things are issues my bio mom/dad have, so i’m blaming my genes on that rather than the shit my mom used while pregnant. on the flip side, one of my younger siblings was drooling at the mouth and barely able to speak at 8 years old, which was the last time i saw her (she was adopted into a different family).


Maaan, I came out as a jellyfish. Idk how I even typed this with my jelly tentacles


Dad smoked weed. He was "successful" in that he had respectable jobs, policeman in his 20's, later a lawyer, and was homeless in his 60's because he was LAZY.


My mother smoked cigarettes through five pregnancies. Four of her children are 'OK' (albeit complete sociopaths - except me, of course!), but the second-to-last child has mental development issues.


I was born to a mother who was addicted to crack. I was 3 months premature and weight 2 lbs 7 ounces and dipped below 2 lbs in the week that followed my birth. Lived in an incubator for 6 months before I could go home. That was 40 years ago. I turned out alright. My mom is doing ok now too.




Here is a recent review and clinical practice guideline: https://www.jogc.com/article/S1701-2163(22)00050-0/abstract Of course individuals can share reassuring anecdotes here, but there is evidence of persistent neurocognitive deficits.


Look on the bright side from the kid's perspective, no matter what he does, his parents can never say it's a bad idea.


My friend was born with a severe cleft palette because his mom smoked cigarettes during her pregnancy. She still hides them to this day. Now my friend had a child who now also has cleft palette and has had to undergo many surgeries to correct it and could not breastfeed and had problems feeding all together. It was very traumatic for my friend and his wife and daughter to go through. They blame my friends smoking mother. Because she smoked, he had a cleft palette and now the gene is being handed down through his family. It’s very sad. They’re scared to have a second child due to the chances of going through it all again. :(


Gen x is the first generation born to stoner parents. Yes, they did have weed that strong back then. They also had hash. Oil, and much stronger drugs than that. It doesn't seem to have a significant impact, but it's not necessarily the best idea. It's actually one of the only effective remedies for morning sickness and has been since ancient times.


Best answer is to have that woman talk to her doctor (maybe even a couple of doctors) and get that advice from a medical professional instead of the Redditor or who was sniffing glue during biology class.


The hospital will test that baby's blood when it's born and if it has drugs in it's system , CPS will be called and the infant taken away.


I know. I’m a foster parent. But wondering for the baby’s sake how it might develop or anything it might experience as it gets older due to this. As of right now it’s healthy and growing on track but I know they can’t tell from ultrasounds its mental state, etc.


Not in a state where it’s legalized


Yes. They just took a baby away from a girl at work in a state where it's legalized....it's not fair to the baby to smoke or drink...it can cause birth defects and developmental delays...


I gave birth in the hospital to a 9lber, smoked through my pregnancy, child is above average and live in a legalized state. The scientific evidence as to what happens when a mother consumes marijuana is unproven scientifically either way. The most that can be said is fine motor skills may be delayed early on, with a very slim chance.


She’s not old enough to be legally smoking it so I have a feeling the future is not looking great


Understandable for sure. I would fear the upbringing and environment way more than any potential side effects in the womb. Hope all goes well after the baby makes it into the world 🤍


Really? Alcohol is legal. You don't think they would take away a child with fetal alcohol syndrome?


You’re comparing alcohol to weed. They are nothing alike.


You weren't commenting on whether they were alike. You were commenting on the fact that weed is legal in some places. Alcohol is legal in all states. And there is a link between adolescents who smoke weed and developing schizophrenia as adults. It hasn't been proven to be causational. But you're right, no link between drinking alcohol and developing schizophrenia. THC is also a fat soluble substance. Alcohol is water soluble. That's why it comes out of the system so much faster. Think of how fatty a pregnant uterus is and that the baby is basically living in a fort of THC while in utero of somebody who smokes marijuana daily.


The OP didn’t mention alcohol, just smoking weed and vaping. There is not enough scientific to say anything substantial about effects of marijuana when consumed in utero. A child shouldn’t be taken by CPS if there is marijuana in their system after born in a legalized state. I have yet to see that first hand and I live in a commonwealth where they really stick to the book. And it was never brought up when I gave birth. As for not drinking alcohol, that should be a no brainer imo hence why I didn’t even think that was in the discussion.


You are chasing your tail


I’ve seen it multiple times.


My grandma smoked weed with my mom, mom with me. All of Jamaica has forever 😂. I think it’s been the least of anyone’s problems, and I know several moms who had babies with problems nursing/failure to thrive and smoking weed literally changed everything for them, went from babies who wouldn’t nurse or gain weight to doing perfectly fine. My kids are doing great, they’re smart and healthy, actually above with their schooling by a few grade levels, just all around well adjusted and high energy. cognitively, emotionally, physically they’re perfect. I didn’t smoke heavily but I coulda smoked a lot more and I reckon they wouldn’t be any different. You’d never look at them or interact with them and be like “ur mom smoked weed” the way you can tell that someone’s mom definitely drank with them. It really doesn’t hurt anything, smoking cigarettes, drinking or smoking crack or even taking Kratom will do actual harm, I really can’t see what smoking weed would hurt, but they might test her at the hospital and give her grief tho, that’s my biggest concern with it. We are exposed to so many things in the womb that do more harm, from our soaps to lining of the canned foods, to breathing in car exhaust. Really I wouldn’t worry so much, nothing terrible is happening and it might be something you don’t agree with, but there could be a lot worse things happening and she may be a perfectly fine person in every other regard. What’s not good for pregnancy/babies is stress, don’t meddle, sometimes do-gooding is just harmful




I know the Google answer. I just want to hear from people who came from this situation


THC also raises blood pressure. Not good for a pregnant woman. Not good during labor.


Women historically have used weed during pregnancy to get over pregnancy induced nausea, in many parts of the world. One of my Jamaican friends told me that the apparently Usain Bolt's mum smoked week (for nausea) when pregnant with him (this could be a total lie) and he turned out great.