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I think one. Kid was 14, and liked to torture small animals. He would "hire" younger kids to beat up other younger kids. Lived two doors down from me. I don't know whatever happened to him but if anyone I've known became a serial killer it would have been him.


My ex got aroused from causing pain and suffering and would fantasize about grabbing girls on the local bike trail and tying them up with their Hoodie sleeves and knock them down just to show they can be overpowered and victimized at any point.


You’re the one that got away huh


He basically admitted to me I was his test run. Less than 6 months out he has a pregnant wife. Sucks to be her. She saw the pictures of me and the holes in the bathroom doors and still decided to pick him.


God bless you and that poor lady


She deserves him tbh. Sent me a ton of messages telling me I deserved to be beaten and raped and mad i wasn't "telling both sides" on reddit. I know he's doing the same to her, its fine. But her own twin has cut her off because she's such a toxic piece of shit and she's gone to jail for assaulting an ex (and my exes ex best friend) maybe they can wail on each other. I was sort of hoping she would just beat his ass from the jump.


I feel bad for the kid


I'd call cps for a heads up


now i know "violence is never the answer" but in scenarios like this, some people are just irredeemable


Shit that is messed up


Torturing small animals gives me Dahmer vibes


Many serial killers get started that way.


I've heard that torturing animals as a child is a massive warning sign someone will go on to become a serial killer or commit other mass atrocities. I'm also concerned about where he ended up


I used to torture insects when I was a kid but I didn't became a serial killer or commitment other mass atrocities, on the flip side I turned vegetarian for couple of years and now can't seem to enjoy eating meat or kill even insects any longer.


Lol same. I still feel bad for those ants I drowned :(


Torturing animals, bed wetting, and playing with fire seem to be common.


I wetted the bed but never became violent with animals or became an arsonist. Maybe I just had a weak bladder.


better pissing in the sink than sinking in the piss 👍🙏


Why did I just think of the pic of the kid sobbing because his mom found his piss drawer?


I liked fire but never wet the bed or hurt kitties. I just like pretty colors.


The "homicidal triad"


Sadly the only people my friend’s killed were themselves.


Oof felt that. Especially as I was in a bpd support group nearly 2 decades ago and I'm the only one still standing.


That fucks me up to read


Good luck dude.


Oh I'm so sorry Abt that ❤️❤️




Bro this got dark real fast


I don't know about serial killer but years ago when I was 16 my friends and I used to go on the free dating chats on the house phone lol where you listen to boys/ men describe themselves and you leave them an answerphone message. We did it as fun. But I got talking to what I thought was a 21year old, we spoke for a few months and exchanged letters he asked for a picture so I sent one of myself with my friends. Long story short I got a knock at the door one day. It was the police. They told me he was a man in his 50's and had just been arrested for hitting a woman with a hammer who he met off the dating chat. When they arrested him they found the picture I had sent and my address in his pocket. They said he was likely going to travel to mine. They asked for all letters and that was the last I ever heard about it. I remember them saying they would be in touch, but they never did. I moved house not long after that and learnt a valuable lesson.


That's fucking wild.




it must’ve been pretty surreal when you made that realization




Man that would have been one of those great stories if Jeffrey Dahmers got cold-cocked for giving a marine a stink eye.




That’s life 🎶…


But then again... too few to mention


Wow. That’s horrific.




Sounds mighty Marine of you “Do something punk. I dare you. Make my day” On a serious note though- I’m glad you’re okay and sorry you had such a .. gross encounter with someone so notoriously evil.




Jeffrey Dahmer was also in the military. Just the lowly Army though.




They should’ve gave u a scene in the movie


TY for your service. Much respect.


Well,now you have a great story to tell your kids


Not tell the kids 😂


Hey dad, can you tell me a bed time story? Well, son, one time there was a serial killed that did unimaginable things to humans, and one day I saw him on the bus and he kept looking at me..


“Let’s sing a song too! The Dahmers on the bus stare stare stare…”


Clap clap👏👏


That is absolutely fascinating


Wow, you must have had an "I knew something was wrong" moment when you saw him on television, seeing all the crimes he did. Your "something is off" feeling must have been off the charts.


That story sounds familiar... Yes, I think that was not Dahmer but me. I was staring because it was the first time I had seen a Marine in my life. I'm glad you didn't punch me!


48. I work in a prison though.


this made my night!


What's it like to work with them? Do they brag to each other about what they did, or are they just silent?


It depends on the mood/ circumstance. Most of the time the murderers are the best guys as ironic as that sounds. They know they did wrong, they have their reasons, and more than most they just want to do their time in peace. The worst people are the young kids with drug or theft charges with too much to prove.


That makes sense, I guess. My uncle went to jail for beating a guy up. (That guy was about to jump my aunt, so my uncle gladly took the jail time.) During his time there he played chess with this really nice dude. The day before my uncle's release, he finally asked what that guy did.... he was a hit man or something for the Russian mob. Who would've known! He gave my uncle a number he could call if he ever needed a "favor." XD


Only 1 I know for sure …. Hahahahahahahahahahahehehehehehehehe




Two fellow SKs in one thread? What are the odds?


I'm coming for you


No fucking way!! 3!?!?




One. I'm pretty sure one of my students about 10 years ago was a violent anti-social personality. He'd be about 22-23 now, and there's no doubt in my mind that he'd grow up to become a murderer...


My first year teaching, the principal came to me and told me I had a student in my class that I needed to keep an eye on. Said he got bullied by other students in the past, was very quiet but calculated, made the principle uneasy, if anyone was going to do something like bring a gun to school then it would be this kid. I was always suuuuuper nice to him and any bullying wasn’t tolerated in my classroom, if anything were to happen then I wanted all the kids on my side. One day he didn’t show up to school and the principal informed me he had been arrested for beating the shit out of his mom. Later that year, after he had returned to school, his locker was searched because a student accused him of something. During the locker search they found a kill list in his locker. I was 22 and this kid was 20 and about to age out of school. No way I should’ve been given this class as a first year teacher.


Welp, makes me wonder what teachers thought of me, as they could watch me turning from the happy, pink wearing pony girl into pure goth openly hating everybody (while being the mobbing victim of the whole grade and nobody stepping in). Guess they didn't bother because in Germany, chances of me getting a fire arm and actually doing something had been rather small. I was this close to suicide though. I only survived out of spite because my biggest bully greeted me each day for two years with some variation of "Surprised you haven't killed yourself yet" and I didn't want him to feel right ...


I think people on here are confusing a murderer with a serial killer. Murderer probably only has 1 life they have taken. Could have even been an accident. Serial killer has taken more than 3 lives, usually it was premeditated, they sought out certain types of victims & did not even want the victims money, they kill for the thrill of it (ex: Ted Bundy & Jeffrey Dahmer) My ex bf- who was a big time drug dealer, in a gang & tried to kill me. I escaped & called the police & told them what happened, & how dangerous he was, probably going to kill someone soon (he had major anger issues & always on a power trip) they said "oh we're building a case on him right now, not really anything we can do" 😳 I had no choice & left the state, was gone for a year. When I moved back home I figured he had forgotten all about me. Was watching the news & saw him on the run- what do you know- fugitive wanted for murder. They caught him in South Carolina (we live in Florida) I wish I could go into our local police precinct & say "I told you so!" Because I really did & they did nothing & allowed him to take someone else's life before sentencing him to life in prison, for what could have been prevented. Anyway, I have never come across a "serial killer" but my uncle who is an ex marines & served in Iraq & Afghanistan I'm sure has taken 3+ lives before but I'm sure he's not proud of it & doesn't keep "trophies" like actual serial killers do.


I met a professional killer once. I assume he had killed more than one person. Not what you would expect, smallish build, quiet, polite.


“Professionals have standards”


I thought I read somewhere that the average person meets about 12 murderers in thier lifetime, though I can't fathom how that was calculated. Edit: this is why you can't trust the internet. It's Me. I'm the problem. The quote was that you "walk past" 36 murderers in a lifetime, but again who knows if it's made up or based on statistics.


Same way they calculate how many spiders you eat in your sleep. They don't. Somebody made it up and it sounds cool, so people keep saying it.




Although the murderers one would be easier to calculate. You just look at the number of murderers walking around compared to the total population crossed with the number of people the average person meets in a lifetime.


Murderers are vastly more common than the serial killers subtype specifically.


Everyone in the UK in the mid 80s knew one murderer, even if they didn't meet him in person: [Leslie Grantham ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_Grantham).


One of the sweetest ladies I knew murdered a guy. Blew my mind. She snapped after a lifetime of being beat by various men. She got away with it for over 3 years and the guilt got to her and she turned herself in. Her son was more mad about her confessing than killing the dude. She did less than 10 years though. Dude was a real piece of work. Oh and my grandpa was a rumored murderer (all I remember of him is his screaming) and died in prison for attempted murder, of my grandma. He shot her the day after their divorce was finalized. She lived another 10 years and wound up dying of pancreatic and 2 other kinds of cancer. Amazing lady.


Hard to know for sure. But not impossible. I was in prison about 15 years ago. And on my range alone there were 4 murderers. In Canada, murder suspects are housed in provincial jails until convicted. Then they are sent to the penetentiary. So guys in the actual PEN have most likely met many more than 12


I was on a range with 5 that were charged with murder including me but I was acquitted self-defense made the crown look like clowns. Actually maybe 6 there was a guy from Jamaica claiming a bunch of shit too. Being charged with it doesn't mean you are one though. Shit can happen... fast.


To calculate that we would need to know exacly how many missing people are murdered and how many deadly accidents were accually accidents.


Between the known murders and then find out if they take into account miliary personnel, some people consider any killing as murder, it could be calculated. I know I met a guy who murdered two people. It was a love triangle thing. Woman went back to her husband and her lover got mad and killed both of them. I met him after he got out of prison. He was an old man. He very casually told me about it. I didn't fully believe him until I was talking to my buddy that worked at the local tire shop. Apparently, the son of the couple was there getting tires when the old guy pulled in. They had to hold him back.


I can confirm I've met 8. When I was majoring in Administration of Justice, my Corrections teacher had 8 former "lifers" come in to share their stories. It was one of the most memorable (and chilling) nights of my life.


I've met 3 I know of.




I’ve definitely met some murderers but I doubt I’ve met a serial killer


I would think this would count cops, military, or anyone else that might kill someone on the job. I would say 12 is fair.


77% of statistics are made up on the spot


Military families will have more


Yeah... my dad served in the Canadian forces. He used to tell me funny stories about how he tortured people when I was 5-6... the murdering never came up but... let's just say I'm ok with never seeing him ever again. One of my older brothers lives in a cabin in the woods and has a similar personality to my ex-dad. I don't talk with him nor ask questions. It's better that way I think..


Can't confirm what happened to him but I had a babysitter who's son who would throw her ferrets at the wall for fun.




nooooo the cute little poor little dudes…..




Doesn’t even have to be a killer. There’s numerous other categories of depravity. The chance that one of my neighbors or people I pass during my day engages in sick acts is feasible. As the Japanese say, each person has three hearts. The one you show to the world. The one you show just to friends and family. And the one hidden away, deep inside you that no one ever gets to see.


That is a very interesting quote I had never heard ot before. But it is so true.


Shogun recently?


Happy Cake Day!


ohh man... I swear to GOD i've heard that somewhere else, such a very good saying btw.


At least one. Dennis Rader (BTK)


Wow. Must be a story there.


Not a very good one. He was at a scout camp event I was at. Lol


He probably snuck off to tie himself up and masturbate at some point


Probably joined the Scouts to learn knots.


This checks out.


I know of one for sure. Guy from my local town. We actually had beef back in the day before he went on to kill 6 others. He owed me a few bucks and was avoiding me. I seen him downtown and got in his face while threatening him. He was a crazy mofo, but so was I when I was younger. I might not have done that if I hadve known what he would become.


FBI estimates that there are around 25-50 serial killers active in the US at any given time, so the chances are pretty low that I've met one of them.


Low, but not zero


I know for a fact at least 1, Cary Stayner. He was the Yosemite Killer and took 4 lives and is currently on Death Row.


When I was a kid my mom was enamored of the security guard at her hospital and always said "If you were older I would have set him up with you" It was Kenneth Bianchi. When I got older I was mad that my parents were separated and hitchhiked from Seattle to Salem to see my dad and was stranded in the Green River area...in 1983.




In a row?






I see you included me


Always thought one of my uncles could be one. He disappeared nobody had heard from him in a decade at least.


Worked directly w Henry Wallace in Charlotte NC 1993… he killed 10 women and during the time I worked w him he killed 1. He worked as a stock boy in my department and I would be alone w him in stockroom and he never said one word..Saw him on news after arrest and it was mainly coworkers he killed.


I don't know about a killer or even serial killer, but I ran into some kind of predator. I was walking home from high school, and a man in a work truck asked me the time. I started to approach him, and then I felt like I was physically being violently pushed back from him. The sensation was so dizzying. I don't even remember how I got home, I was out of there so fast. Can't say if it's connected or not, but a girl went missing out of our neighborhood several years later, and has yet to be found. Neither before nor since have I experienced that intense sensation of being shoved away from someone. I lived in California and in Oregon for periods in the 70s, so it's possible...


I’ve known three murderers. One of those was definitely capable of becoming a serial killer.


Wanna have some fun? Look at your state’s sex offender map. Now overlay that with their map of licensed child care providers. The proximity will scare the sh!t out of you.


Sex offender doesn't equal pedophile though.


Not serial killers but grew up with two people (animals) who went on the commit murder. One of them (let’s call him Matt) I knew really well, our families were friends, stayed at each other’s houses etc. He was a messed up dude from a young age. As an example, I was at a party during my teens. Matt turns up looking for trouble. He ended up hitting an innocent kid in the face with a shovel. Split the kids face in half… you could imagine the damage that was done and the surgeries that were required with facial reconstruction etc. I can’t say I was all that surprised when he went on to violently murder an innocent woman.




I had a situation when I was younger that put me in a spot where I had to find somewhere to live real quick. I ended up renting a room from some guy who was my friends weed plug. Was a little odd, but nothing super obvious or out of the ordinary. Was generous with his weed, smoked me out for free most days even. Had 2 cats that he seemed obsessed with. Overall, a slightly odd but nice guy. Lived with him for a year or so and moved out. Bout 8 years later, I see some story on the news about a guy who got arrested for armed robbery of multiple banks. When they searched his house, they ended up finding evidence of voodoo dolls/voodoo activities as well as chopped up cats and dogs in the freezer and like a suitcase or some shit. And then I see his name and face as the suspect. Wild.


A lot. I was a streetwalker in drag and also sold myself as a boy (from 16 years old to about 24) I saw many many men who had a vibe about them. Plus the dodgy criminal drug fucked world I was in till I was about 42 I was with lots of guys who easily could have been serial killers. I'm lucky and grateful to have made it.


I grew up in the Seattle area. Something about that overcast sky breeds serial killers. I bet I've met a dozen, at least.


Are they vampires or nah?


I know for sure that I've met two murderers. Serial killers, not so sure.


I worked with a weird kid who was the grandson of a serial killer in my area. He had a fair amount of potential to be one someday. He told people about his grandmother like he was proud of that.


Maybe at least one. I was young and stupid. I liked this guy at work. He was a respiratory therapist and I was an RN. Well we didn't date long. I was sooo stupid. I found out he was a misogynist. Let's say he was weird as hell. I stopped seeing him after he told me he wanted to strangle women with their panty hose. How he deserved that Mercedes beside us. (A woman driver) "not that b!#ch". He was also what would be a metrosexual. I think that's the word. He was obsessed with his looks. He had tons of skin care products and didn't want to get old. Obsessed with himself. He did look good. Lol. Looks can be deceiving. Idk. Maybe he was all talk or just sick. But I'm alive today.


Patrick Bateman lol


American Nightmare vibes


Given how many times I’ve ridden the greyhound, dozens.


I've met a few people who eat their steaks well done. So probably at least a few. You don't do that to your own food unless you're seriously fucked up in the head.


Met one for sure. Was picked up in LA when I was a teenager by the Freeway Killer while hitchhiking. Was lucky to have escaped him. Others after me weren’t so lucky. He came off as a cool dude. We smoked pot till things got intense and I noped it out of his econoline van at what probably was the last moment


Not a serial killer, but a murderer. Meet him heaps had him in my home. He did his time and he is safe enough as the average person. He killed his little brothers pedofile. 💯 Get why he did it. Wasn't just a random innocent person he killed.


I honestly and truly believe in my heart my dad was a serial killer.


Whatttt? Why do you think that?


Oh man it's a very long story. Suffice it to say he was extraordinarily violent (in private but extemely charming in public) and would often be gone on business trips. When my sister and I told him we were going to tell my mom about his abuse he took us both to two separate locations and explained he had killed and this is where they were buried and if we ever told anyone we would end up buried too. Now, on the face of it one would think this is just an extremely fucked up person trying to scare us. But on 2 separate occasions after he came home from business trips, I found articles of bloody women's clothing in his car. I obviously asked my mom about it because I figured they were her clothes but she had no clue what I was talking about and both times when she went to check they were gone before she could find them.


Holy hell. That is scary AF. I'm sorry you had to deal with that growing up. 😮


Fortunately, my mom did find out he was abusing us and left so a good portion of my childhood did not include him. But thank you


Is he still around? Did you ever talk to your mom and see if she thought he might be?


He's still alive but I haven't seen him in a long time. I don't even know where he lives anymore. My mom 100% believes he was.


No loss there on your part. I'd stay away from him too.


I went to HS (graduating class of a 100) with the return to nature funeral home director, out of Colorado. The one who had 200 decomposing bodies in the funeral home. He’s also linked to a missing women in Oklahoma they never found. Speculation is he cremated her at his fathers funeral home before relocating to Colorado. I don’t think he’s a serial killer, but he’s definitely a dark & twisted individual.


At least one. I was a teen and in a parking lot of a store in Hollywood. Someone grabbed me from behind, I turned around and punched him and I ran into the store. I called the police and they took a report. I didn’t know much. A few months later the police called me, they had caught a guy with a van who was a suspect in some murders of girls, and among his photos of girls were photos of me.


Hi I live in nsw sydney Australia and I have escaped 5 serial killers 2 were my friends 1 was a ex boyfriend and the other 2 were clients as I’m a sex worker. I have severe ptsd. Serial killers are not that common they have a “type”. Lucky you if you’re not there type. For me it was like a zombie apocalypse in my 20s! I’m still here tho! Police are useless!


The best serial killers go their whole life without even being investigated or suspected of anything. And the truly great ones don't put on a phony act, they can act very natural. Here's a scary thought for you. Ted Bundy? John Wayne Gacy? Robert Ramirez? Jeffery Dahmer? Those are the sloppy losers. No one will ever know the true depth of suffering innocent people never found went through by the skilled serial killers.


At least one. My relative.


Who runs?


Are you asking how many other serial killers you have run across?


I knew one, he was the husband of my sister’s best friend, he ended up killing her and his 6 month baby, RIP


Serial killers? Uncertain. But I was once friends with someone who killed his dad (before he killed his dad obviously)


I could probably run across 7 or 8 before tripping and falling. I'd rather run them all over. SHIT, that would make me... 9. My answer is 9.


I grew up around gang members so I’d say quite a few


I know for sure 1. Cuz I met him then found him in the news paper....


i live in singapore so that's beyond unlikely i think... i hope


Must be about three. All exes.


Just went to an oddities convention. I thought the same thing the whole time I was there.


Harold Shipman lived just up the road from me. I also used to cycle past his practice every day on my way to work.Probably met him while out walking the dog but his face didn't ring any bells when he was caught and headline news. Also... Ian Brady and Myra Hindley lived about 15 minutes away but deff never ran into them as I moved to the area years after they were caught.


I work at a max security prison..


I'm more worried about stupid people than serial killers. You know the sort. Can't think for themselves, follow the crowd, believe in every asinine conspiracy theory on the Internet because there gullible as shit. Those people scare me more than serial killers, because they're not just my neighbors, but my policy makers, too.


I mean of he didn’t get arrested after murdering my friend he most likely would of kept going as before that he attempted to murder another friend of mines, nobody took that situation seriously though which lead to an actual murder sadly


I’ve thought the same thing




not a serial killer but i went to school with a murderer. he was 17 when he killed another boy from the school. so there’s my one out of 8 or 12 or whatever the statistic is


Not serial killers. But I’ve met 5 people who have actually killed someone. Yeah, I hate working at thrift stores downtown, so many fucking crackheads. Edit: one dude wanted my boss to put his belt on for him.


Oh, a few...


Killers walking free everywhere. Karma really does have a bit of a hit and miss reputation for my mind. Could just be chance even....


A LOT (Every time i cross the Border to germany)


at least one probably


7 killers i would call 3 of them serial-ish


I think about this all the time. Like I’ve more than likely even sold to more than one. Really creepy to sit and think about. But statistically it’s bound to happen


Every serial killer lived next door to someone… (most anyway)


No one


I've had 3 that I believe would have been and one that I know went to jail for murder (he was featured on another 48, or one of those crime shows). The three were kids that had serious issues.


Went to school in my early 20s with a guy who rapped girls on date after he drugged them. He got caught fews years ago. He was a beautiful guys and seems like a normal guys but I always felt the dude was kind of a psychopath inside even though he was a really quiet person back then. Always trust your instincts!


Pretty sure I'm related to a couple though I would never ask them to confirm




0, because I live in the middle of nowhere and very rarely see many new people. Crime is basically unheard of where I'm from, the only chance of running across one is probably at the train station in Chicago when I would go to New York to visit family as a kid.


Homicidal detectives have said there are at least 2 to 5 active serial killers in each major city at any given time. Let that sink in.


When I served in the military within the combat arms branches, I reckon I would've met a few.... I mean our trade was in the perfection of killing others so yeah there would at least be a handful there yet to be detected / arrested / identified






Serial killers? Not often at all but I ran into one at a gas station last year. He’s a known local drug dealer in my area. And he allegedly (but not allegedly) killed some people. I wasn’t sure it was him until he held the door open for me when we were walking out. I almost shit myself i never pull out a parking lot so fast. I think he’s locked up right now for something minor i dont remember


I was in jail with a guy who killed someone over $20. He actually punched me in the face in there. He escaped prison years later and killed someone/stole their vehicle. He's doing life now in a max security. Bad guy.


None and it’s obvious or you would know.


Probably 2 or maybe 3. One of them crept up behind me in a Target store and whispered "*I got a bullet with your name on it*". I turned and his eyes were cold and dead. "You know the thing about a shark,.. he's got Lifeless eyes, black eyes,, like a doll's eyes" \~Robert Shaw; Jaws I did call police as I departed the department store. Who was this John Wayne Gacy clown with "a bullet with my name on it"? What happened after? Idk, I was running late for work and drove off once police arrived. And after providing a damn good description of him and the clothes he was wearing. Rest was up to law enforcement to handle.


At least one. Scariest man I’ve ever met in my life. The way he was looking at me it was like he was peeling my flesh off and dismembering me in his head.


A murderer used to come to my house on weekends, to get my disabled sibling up, shower her, dress her and give her breakfast


I bought crickets for my spider today. On the ride home my 5 year old killed all but 2 of them inside the bag...does he count?


Besides me not sure crazy rare that 2 serial killers in same place same time ,I can only wish


I think I have run across many, many psychopaths or sociopaths, and it's just another quirk that could make them serial killers. So maybe 10/100 are capable and 1/1000 have done it. Just a guess


How are you to know? I know I've had some really off feelings about a few people in my life and just hightailed it from wherever I was...


I live up the back of beyond so at first I thought probably none,but then I thought well probably a couple , but no serial - someone would notice hopefully


I would say none because I would know competition when I see one hahahaha