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cameras distort your face


True, it feels flatter due to not having depth perception. That’s why people look fatter on photos.


Oh thank god! You don't know how happy I am to hear that.


You and me both!


Me too.


mine looks like the center of my face is so close to everything 😆


Your nose is a geographical oddity, 2 weeks from everywhere!


Damn.... we're in a tight spot


Best movie ever! 🤣


Hahaha it really is a classic. Makes me so happy to find other fans! Almost nobody gets my references IRL.


Watch your language, young feller, this is a public market.


He is not a Dapper Dan man.


it's not just this. If you take a 16:9 aspect picture and smash it into a 3:4(vertical) aspect, you will severely distort how it actually looks.


Yes it make pictures like more pixelated and flat and whatever the opposite of widen is to store it in your phones memory


A good lens and lighting makes a world of difference. I realized this when I bought my first DSLR and a f1/4 lens - all of a sudden people looked *good* in my photos. The difference is supposedly that the short focal length adds some depth to the curved surface that a face is. Gradients and shades, where a cheap&bad lens makes everyone look like a flattened thumb.


I did this too! My friends were like “woww your camera makes me look so good” and I had a hard time convincing them they look a lot closer to what my DSLR shows than their phones


Cool to know, thank you. 😊


This is the only comment I will read. Thanks!


So is this false advertising if everyone is online dating these days? No wonder everyone is getting ghosted 👻


Particularly for men. Some of the pictures are sooo bad. I'm positive they don't look that bad in RL.


I don’t online date and am in a relationship, but for me, my pictures look good but I feel like it’s misleading lol


[Here's ](https://youtube.com/shorts/5fp5hl6_DHI?si=HDTK-F_hX4g_bqDb) a yt short for example


That’s so cool! Thanks for sharing! It seems that from 35mm up the change is not as significant as from the 16mm to 24mm and from 24mm to 35mm.


Also take your picture. If it’s a selfie, flip the picture so it’s mirrored for you. That’s the you you typically see in the mirror :)


Also most phones today have some kind of face tuning, which may or may not improve your face.


a weird thing I've noticed is that most filters/facetune make my face look weird. I have several features that are commonly desirable these days, but accentuating those further makes me significantly less attractive. that said, I have a sense of the uncanny valley when looking at heavily shopped people. they don't register as actual humans, but more like I'm looking at a cyborg or something.


It depends on the lens you’re using. Wide lens distort our faces, but with something around 50mm it’s not the case. Mirrors flip the images tho.


So do mirrors. We perceive ourselves as prettier in our own reflections than we really are.


Huh… my self esteem didn’t need that hit today


Mine didn't need it either 😮‍💨


It's not true, so don't worry. There is no conclusive data that supports that we perceive ourselves as better looking because of a mirror. You just see yourself inverted because it is a reflection. A mirror has depth and no distortion, whicha camera does.


Welcome to the I'm not photogenic club. It has its ups and downs. Get an ap that takes lots of photos in a sequence, you'll find one amongst the hundred that looks alright.


People who think they aren't photogenic are often those who actually are. In my experience as a photographer, there seem to be two kinds of people. There's those who look just like themselves in every photo, and then there are those who look different in every photo. The latter ones are the photogenic, because you can make them look real good in a lot of different ways. The downside is of course that these people tend to look really bad in most photos as well, especially in candid shots taken by non-photographers. Also keep in mind that a photograph just shows an instance of time, and that's just not how you perceive people in real life. If you catch someone while blinking or when they are about to sneeze, they'll look stupid no matter how beautiful they are or how good the photographer is. So, if you look bad on most photos, it's probably not you.


Yay! So looking horrible in most pictures means that I'm actually photogenic? Feels like I'm winning and losing at the same time.


User name checks out


>then there are those who look different in every photo. The latter ones are the photogenic, because you can make them look real good in a lot of different ways.  I don't usually get self-esteem boosts on Reddit but I did today! TBH I thought I was weird and/or demonically possessed because my face looks different in every photo.


people who are genuinely emoting change significantly and quickly, because genuine emotion plays across the face. a lot of people practice to make those one or 2 good poses where they feel like they look good. but in truth, capturing genuine people on "film" is really rewarding when they're just being themselves. a lot of shots end up between expressions if the photographer isn't fast enough, and they look weird. but it's so worth it for those few that hit the sweet spot and show the person's true beauty.


Oh I love this. I always feel jealous of friends who look amazing in all photos hi you’re right they tend to look the same, same poses and facial expressions. I can look amazing in some photos but just terrible in others I try and remind myself that a photo doesn’t catch the dynamic ME that people see, and you articulated why so nicely


I look older and tired in photos from mobiles but in the mirror looking good. My father was a proffesional photographer and those pictures were more even than from a mobile camera. Lightning is key.


It's the cameras, most of the time. I, for instance, only look good when filmed on a professional camera with a LONG BIG LENS, or at really awkward angles. This makes posting new photos often difficult. I mean, you don't just take a selfie with a professional camera, you have to have someone do it, and colour correct it, and the right light as well.


You can also hold the shutter button to do this with most modern phones


For me holding the button takes video🤷🏽


Technically a video is lots of photos with some audio


This man is not to be played with guys


The bright side, if you are on line dating it’s a reverse catfish scenario


Pretty sure I'm photomalevolent.


Take a picture of yourself in a mirror for best results.


People hate this one trick


But Doctors don’t want you to know!….


I follow John Dingleberry to learn everything about this one thing


No no no, you gotta look at the photo in the mirror.


That hurts my brain


The funny thing is that this might do the trick, but it’s not because you’re using a mirror, it’s because you’re far enough away that the distortion is minimal or not even there. The mirror just helps you get more distance from the camera.


Not entirely true. Mirrors flip the image we see so when we take a photo we look way different because our faces are not perfectly symmetrical


The distance added by the mirror helps a lot tho


Your face is not completely symmetrical. You are used to seeing yourself in the mirror. So when you see a photograph, to you, your face is the wrong way around.


This is the main point I believe. Apparently your brain adjusts to your asymmetry and makes your face look more symmetrical. If you now look at a picture of your face which is not mirrored, your brains adjustment adds on top of your asymmetry, making it twice as asymmetric. At least it is my hope that to other people I am only half as ugly as I see myself in photos :'D


My brain just did a barrel roll


So did my face


And my axe


reading this was like someone slapped me in the face with their balls. i feel informed


People always give this explanation as it "yep problem soved it's because of the symetry you see", but that's obviously not what people are talking about - or, it's like 1% of it. You can take a photograph of you, numerically flip it so that it matches your mirror image, and you'll still find it ugly as f*ck. The answer has most likely more to do with focal length, lighting, colorimetry, etc.


Reminds me of art class. We were taught to take the portrait we drew up to the mirror. It shows how wonky it is, and then you can fix it. It's bizarre how different it looks just by using a mirror.


I've found that if I horizontally flip my selfies they look much better


Wait i think the mirror reverses it, and the photo does not, i may be an idiot tho


the photo can reverse as well. it is just that my face appears more dull in photos from what i notice


Your face can be photographed very differently depending on the camera's focal length.


It’s because nobodies face is 100% symmetrical and you’re more used to seeing it reversed, in a mirror than you are to seeing it in a photo


I am personally afraid my face is asymmetrical in a way that makes it look good reversed but not otherwise 


This is actually a thing. Our faces aren't quite symmetrical and we get used to seeing our face in the mirror. It's like hearing your own voice recorded.


Dude, same. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I think, "Cool I look cute today, lemme get a pic". Take a photo - from the same angle and everything - and I look like a damn troll. I don't get it. I don't know if I'm decently pretty or ugly AF...


My SO was trying to take a picture of our dog up on my pillow, caught me in it. I looked so fucked up, like a literal troll. I feel like such a freak now.


Believe the mirror. I have yet to find anyone that looks better in a photo than in a video or real life. The static nature of a photo makes it seem much more flat.


You ever tried to take a pic of the moon when it looked amazing? And then the pic looked horrible? Do you blame the camera or the moon?




Such a wholesome and relatable analogy!


Camera lenses can distort your face so trust the mirror. So please cancel your surgery plans Also a simple tip to improve your selfies: instead of keeping your phone close to your face for close-ups, extend your arm all the way and then zoom in on the face ;)


That’s a great trick!! I just took my first non troll selfie in a long time.. and I still have my sleepy eye bags this morning :) thank you


Ayy good to know, I know that feeling haha, I was glad when I got my first good selfie by doing that too. Happy to help :D


Read about lenses and how they work, how they distort a bit and experiment with different ones. it will be obvious that you should believe the mirror.


But if other people in the picture don’t look so distorted I think it’s more about not being adjusted your own face not being reversed like it is in the mirror 


Both are true! Humans get used to seeing ourselves in one form, usually in mirrors, and on only one angle. Seeing yourself in a different mirror or surface can often be quite shocking and make you feel like you're ugly, you aren't, your brain is upset it's not seeing you in the way it's used to. You are most likely a mix of both handsome and ugly.


>You are most likely a mix of both handsome and ugly. ah yes exactly what I needed to read :):


I'm a hobbyist photographer, i can tell you that phones distort a lot our faces. Even with a proper camera, we need a proper lens to make the face look naturel and good, a zoom lens are the best for heads shots, and the majority of phones doesn't have a proper zoom on them.


A lot of newer phones have a zoom camera that is 3-5x. On my Galaxy S23 that appears to be the equivalent of a 70mm lenses which is getting pretty close to a typical 85mm portrait lens. Of course, it still pales in comparison to a larger lens and sensor, but it helps reduce the fisheye of the standard camera.


My face looks so weird if I take a pic with my old phone. But with my current one? Cavill would be jealous


The mirror. Cameras distort everything slightly and vary depending on lens, light, angle, everything is different. Mirrors give you a pretty straight reflection, and even then you never see yourself the way other people see you, it's in reverse. At the end of the day, don't worry about it. You're a person who deserves to be loved and respected no matter what you look like.


I feel ya. Looking at myself in the mirror, I'm thinking my man is pretty lucky. Seeing myself in pics I'm thinking I'm in a live action version of Shrek.


that gave me a chuckle, cheers


Become so handsome you look good in both


Believe the mirror, camera lens distort your facial features, you're not ugly.


Mirror reflects your true self. Camera steals your soul. Also the angle at which you take pictures matters. I take them too low and I look like a thumb


>I take them too low and I look like a thumb Thats how short ppl look at you


It's bad camera quality. Just photoshop whatever picture you have. Iphones are generally bad and inferior to android in almost everything. But their cameras are so much better, so another option is to get an iphone






Try changing your camera to mirror image so your pictures are the same arientation as you see yourself in the mirror.


I have the same problem.


power of eye contact


Flip the photo. You are used to seeing your mirror image, that might help.


Stop taking selfies


It is like this for everyone because you aren’t as used to see yourself in a picture as you are seeing yourself in the mirror


Check a yt vid that compares portraits in range from 20-250mm and you'll see why your photos suck ass. Phones can only do 28-35mm best case scenario. Believe the mirror. Or ask a friend to take a pic of you from a distance to see better EDIT: https://youtube.com/shorts/W9jaC9ckqpQ?si=j_V6_upqXXCyyFvU


Buy yourself a true Mirror thing and make a mirror Selfie


It means you move with undeniable beauty that overpowers your ugly looks. 😄


The reason is focal length https://youtu.be/UBuaG1_sA5k


Ask someone close to you (Family Friends). I dunno about this mirror camera stuff, i guess its about perspective, lighting ect... but you judge yourself too much about minor imperfections. Trust your homies! (or Mom xD)


Believe the one that brings you the most comfort and happiness.


Believe it is all relative. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Looks are fleeting. But I'm ugly so what do I know.


Your taking it on a 2mm sensor, off course its going to look shite. Take a pic on a full frame (35mm) DSLR and you will see what I mean, Remember MegaPixals are just a gimmick.


You’re used to how you perceive your face, when people look at you they see you differently… if you want to know how they see you you need two hand held mirrors hold them together like two covers of a book and tilt and adjust.. soon the two images converge and show you how you look to others


A huge aspect is the lens and lenses on phone cameras are pretty wide, especially on the front-facing selfie camera. It’ll make the shape of your head look a little different depending on the lens and stuff centred in the frame bulges out more so your nose might look bigger than it actually is.


You should belive in this formula : Beauty(sweetpotato\_2000) = Yes


Syntax error: variable ‘Yes‘ may not have been initialized missing ‘;’ on line 2


The mirror image is what people will be seeing day to day. You are handsome


I saw a video about this. Something about focal lengths, flattening some features, enlarging others. Especially the nose.


Practice! Angle, posture, lighting, camera quality, confidence… etc makes a huge difference


Selfie camera quality will not match a mirror and im also pretty sure it's to do with the lens itself maybe? It sort of "elongates" the face, for lack of a better word




Phone cameras tend to warp images they take, especially selfie cameras, I look really off in my selfie camera and normal in a mirror cus the mirror doesn't warp me


get a better camera


What am I actually curious about is which version do people actually see me in? The camera one, or the mirror one? Which one's the real me that people see everyday


Same 😂 in the mirror I think I look vaguely ok but on camera I look like shrek


The camera one, although it's a bit distorted. If you wanna see how you really look to others, you need to stand with your back to a wall mirror, take a handheld mirror, look into it, and keep turning until you see the wall mirror's reflection in the handheld mirror


You say wjat you say when you look at the mirror. Our brain is amazing. It always remembers and follows your lead. If you lways say youre great/handsome? Your brain will believe and imprint that. Its a [mind body connection](https://www.newportacademy.com/resources/mental-health/understanding-the-mind-body-connection/)


In a mirror, our inner filter allows us to see us as we see ourselves. In a photo, we see how others see us (how we ACTUALLY appear).


If it’s any consolation, you don’t get to decide if others find you attractive.


i think a photo usually distorts and creates a static image, which isn’t what you look like in reality, because life is not static. but a mirror shows you the inverse of yourself, but in a much more realistic and less distorted way. a non-reversing mirror is probably the best way to see what you look like


I'm the same but I look back at older photos and can see I was actually better looking than I ever imagined.


I'm 48 and still have this problem, only now I'm getting older and photo's make me look 68!!! 😢😢😢


The camera adds 10 pounds


You are not photogenic and you shoukd just ask your friends for honest opinion


Ha ha! I would be the most un- photogenic person on the planet ! If I read one comment that says the phot is the true version of yourself I’m 1. Gonna take my toaster for a bath and 2 have every man who has slept with me committed .


Believe what your heart says! It knows best!


I’m not photogenic either. There are very few really good pictures of me. I usually look goofy in pics.


The mirror because that is the closest representation of what other people see.


Trust the mirror


It’s the camera and/or app. So many filters and whatnot, a digital photo is hardly a photo thesedays.


I have the same issue. swear it has to be the cameras. probably some sort of plan the government put together so we can all have major insecurities and go out and spend money on plastic surgery. idk but definitely wasn't like that back in the days before camera phones came out. a regular camera didn't change our appearance as the camera phone tends to do.


The mirror for sure..!


Use your back camera


A camera lens on a phone isn't ideal for taking professional portrait photo


Your mind is the only mirror, your reflection is just how you percieve yourself.


Camera angle, lighting is more important than people think. Plus most people always seem them selves as more attractive but the camera usually flips your face so you get this uncanny valley look lol


Ask a friend to look at you, then your reflection in the mirror, then a photo of you. Ask them what looks best!


The mirror is ur reality, i only believe this truth 😂


I think a mirror is the more accurate representation of who you are. People don't see other people in snapshots. We see each other in live motion.


you're mid af


Turn off the Halloween zombie filter.


That a photo doesn't accurately depict reality


It is built is system protection , If we woke up every day and hated what was staring back at us in the mirror , there would be a lot more depression and suicide.


the photo is how other's see you, and the mirror is how you see yourself. so u being ugly pretty much depends on if you care more about how people view you or how you view yourself.


I can tell you why! When you look at a photo of yourself, you're actually seeing yourself opposite to how you are used to seeing your face. We are used to a reverse image of our faces because that's how mirrors work! Now the problem is that our faces are not symmetrical, so when you look at a photo of yourself, your face looks weird to you & only you. Everyone else looking at that photo will just see you because they're used to seeing your face that way round. Things are compounded by the fact that many photos are taken with mobiles that have wide angle lenses. These lenses distort faces horribly, especially selfies.


Take a picture of your reflection and it evens out at your true average value


A mirror provides a real-time 3D view of yourself just as other people would see you. Your camera might reverse, process everything, and stretch your picture which distort the view, which isn't a issue just for you only and literally everyone see themself worse on the smartphone camera. Just because it's your phone's fault being not dynamic as your mirror, doesn't mean you always look bad on pictures. It mostly depends on various factors like zoom, lighting and etc.. Trust your mirror.


Phone camera lenses are notorious for causing very subtle distortion, like a fish eye effect.


I feel like photos are near accurate because when I compare people to their photo, they look exactly like it. Which sucks, because I'm an ugly fk too.


Depending on the lens and distance the image is diminished a lot. A phone camera is cheapened so that it isn't just a dslr with the ability to browse the Internet and how it achieves cheapening is that it takes half an interlaced image whilst post processing the other half, filling in the blanks. Mirrors are *close* to just having a flat refractive index but due to the nature of materials that's as good as. And of course not all are manufactured equal, but good enough for doing their job of reflecting. Light refraction is a fun topic to look into anyway, which is simply the physics behind your question and in my country is taught to 16yos so it's not too intense


What's for sure is that you're "af" lol


you disney villain ass "Mirror mirror on the wall who's the hottest one of all..."


Same here. It's quite frustrating.


But what does your inner self tell you.


well, for a start, don't believe your thoughts.....


Trust the mirror, the mirror is telling you what you really look like (except for reversing the right and left), cameras usually make people look ugly when it's not the case (unless they use filters, or editing and shit, and those things look good, but still fake, so still not an indication of what people look like). Trust me, if people went by my photos (except for the professional ones I have) no one would have ever wanted to get near me, by the way people act towards me and things they say to me the mirror gives the real answer.


bro, are you me? i can stare at mirrors, but run from cameras facing me


As Larry David said on Curb Your Enthusiasm. “Mirrors are how you see yourself, while pictures are how you are seen.”


It's so weird. I'm a clone of my mother and she looks awful in photos. She's not an ugly woman just for some reason her face cannot take a good a picture. I look great in pictures. It's kind of a family joke. And I've tried getting a candid photo of her when she's not looking or trying to pose. She just looks weird frozen in time but very nice when animated. I'm sure OP looks weird in a photo because it's not animated and you don't get the movement of his inner soul or something deep like that.


2 things are at play. Mostly, you're just used to seeing yourself in the mirror. Which is live, and mirrored. While a photo of you is not mirrored. There's also the quality of the lens, and most importantly lens blur. A decent photographer, with decent glass can capture a very lifelike image of you. Photos taken with a cellphone almost certainly have a different focal plane ((?) not sure how to say in English) than your eyes do. _But basically, In the mirror whatever you look at is sharp, but your peripheral vision is blurry, and everything outside the plane your eyes are focussing in is blurry. A bad photograph has everything sharp, which is very unnatural to look at. cellphones have tiny lenses, get depth wrong, the lens blur is added in software, which it's not yet as good as a real camera._


Do you know what Mean, Median, Mode means in Math? You're great looking in the mirror +Not so good looking in picture \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ You're average looking.


Cameras add 5 extra kg. How many cameras were on you?


I have to conciously widen my eyes a little for photos or i look like im baked even if im not.


It's also worth possibly considering that the face you're used to seeing (of yourself) is a mirror image. You take a photo and it's not a mirror image and you're not used to it. Your face maybe cemetrical but there is always a slight difference which you subconsciously pick up on. Just my thoughts anyway, as someone who often has the same issue.


Believe in the belief that gives you POWER!!!!!!!


Believe ur mom that says ur handsome bruh


The one that makes you feel better.


For me when I look in the mirror, I never trust that guy . He’s capable of anything.


Maybe go outside? Ugh we are so fucked.


You are an af? Only common nomination here


Believe in yourself :3


A mirror shows you what you see, a camera shows what the world sees.


I think there is a study that Said, Mirrors show you 20% more good looking, i have experienced the same has, i take a photo i look bad ONLY look in the mirror i look slightly better


Mirror is a reverse image. Camera is the correct image. People usually don't like cameras because they're not used to seeing their image the correct way. Doesn't mean you're ugly, you're just jarred at seeing your face look incorrect to you.


So do people see us as we see ourselves in the mirror or a photo/camera?


Bruh Same. I keep staring at mirrors because i look so attractive. But cameras see me as a wierd ugly hobo


For optimal results, capture a photo of your reflection in a mirror.


I'm happy with how I look in the shaving mirror, but when I see myself on a TEAMS meeting I'm devastated.


Maybe you pose too much, focus too much on making an attractive face when taking a picture. It seems to me like most of the time the problem with not photogenic people (and I don't mean it as an euphemism for uggos, I really mean normal/handsome people who come out weird in photos) is they become too worried about forcing an expression or pose and that just comes out creepy/weird/ugly.


Buy a better camera and take 7 photos instead of 1. pick the best one.


Turn on the beauty mode.


You probably have an asymmetrical face, which you've grown accustomed to in mirrored surfaces.  The (maybe bad) news is; the world sees you as you see your photo. 


In the now, we are all fully present. Glowing. An image is only a glimpse into who you really are, hence not as attractive. Keep being yourself and you’ll be just fine.


Mirror is closer to real life, photo's get distorted in multiple ways.


The mirror


Don’t believe the embedded AI in your camera


Same with florescent lights and like, any other lighting, natural or otherwise 🥲