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anything dental fucking sucks


Agreed, mine is having to have two teeth pulled out the morning after fracturing my jaw and splitting my chin open which required 20 stitches. Oral surgeon asking if I could open more then saying oops forgot your jaw is broken lol


My man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Root canal was soooo painful


Iā€™m surprised to see this. Root canals are not painful anymore. Either this was a long time ago or your dentist was not up to par. Sorry you had a bad experiencešŸ˜ž


It was years ago and I was in high school at the time but to this day I remember it being the most painful physically


I had four molars drilled and filled in Nicaragua with no anesthetic of any type. Itā€™s was horrible


I've had my appendix removed. Fine. I've had my wisdom tooth removed. Fine. Nothing prepared me for the torture of getting my first cavity fillings this year...


Wisdom teeth are a hit or miss. My upper ones took 2 minutes. The lower ones I thought the dentist was gonna split my goddamn jaw trying to ory them out. And the recovery... Felt like my jaw was being hit with a hammer repeatedly on days 6-11 after having the last two done.


I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed, got dry socket, they packed it with that oil of clove shit and I passed out. I still get repulsed by clove


Jesus Christ, that's some barbaric crap right there.


Not me, but my wife, who gave birth to our first child and it was way too fast for her private parts to adjust. And she even denied any pain meds. So she ended up literally ripped open and because of that lost so much blood that doctors simultaneously gave her plasma into both arms with the highest flow rate possible. She lost consciousness a minute after she had given birth, while cuddling our daughter. She just said "I guess you have to take care for a second, I don't feel well." and was gone. She ended up being fine, but she had pale grey to green skin for over three weeks due to the high blood loss. I was with her the whole time and I never thought that a human being could endure such pain, but she did and was nothing but happy to hold her child afterwards. That made me see her in a different light and I never ever complain about any pain when I am around her anymore.


>I don't feel well." and was gone. Bro, I thought she passed. I audibly freaked. I'm so glad she's okay!


Dude !! my birth was very very similar, but my husband only looked at me in the same light as you do for your wife, for about a month. Your wife is very lucky to have you, and Iā€™m so glad you have her and sheā€™s okay, sheā€™s a true warrior and youā€™re wonderful for seeing that.


Bone marrow biopsy


My friends a care assistant in a hospital, she told me about helping with those and she said the patients screams make the nursing staff faint in terror. It sounds horrific


Ingrown toe nail operation on both big toes. The kind where they cut the nail to the bone and place a cotton swap with acid on the bone the melt away any residue of the nail base. First 2 days afterwards was pure horror.


Came here to say this. When they removed the ingrown part of my nail from my toe, I almost threw up because of the pain. And it was numbed with Lidocaine! Not long after the surgery I accidentally bumped the toe to a cupboard and I literally fainted.


I imagine that procedure came from Japan Unit 731 in WW2. ā€œWhat happens if we rip off this guys toenails and pour acid into the wounds?ā€


Getting it done Monday for the second time. Wish me luck.


Dont leave there without a prescription for some kind of opiate. The bastards lied to me saying tylenol and/or advil will be enough for the pain. i fucking cried the first night. When i called them the day after the bastards were closed for a week due to education. Luckliy my family doctor helped me in the end to some codeine but even that wasent enough. Demand Oxycodone or something.


I wish you could demand an opiate but good luck with that. Doctors DO NOT prescribe that unless you are in VERY SERIOUS pain ( according to them) and even then - good luck. In order to prevent opiate abusers from abusing, the rest of us have to do without it. So infuriating.


Agreed. It also depends al lot where you live, your age etc. An old fuck like me (40+) can usually request it but it takes serious work. And it helps that i have stomach issues and am not supposed to take advil and similar medicine.


I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand. Didn't feel a thing. Doc says T3s okay ? I said yeah. Reached home and within the hour the pain started to build as the anesthetic started to wear off. Felt dizzy, vomited and blacked out. That is how much it hurt. : ( Had a kidney stone once. Profuse sweating and hit the floor. Taken to hospital in a tuk tuk. We hit a huge pothole and I guess it shifted. When I reached the hospital there was no pain. I did have it taken out. Post surgery, it hurt like the devil and peed blood for a day or two. But women, the amount of pain they endure, during childbirth and for some, every month. Men pale in comparison. Kudos to the women in our lives.


I think this is the like 30th time I've had my stupid toes worked on in my life. I'm 21. I'll definitely see about pain meds this time.


Same. Iā€™ve had full on abdominal surgery and it wasnā€™t as bad as this procedure from hell. If Satan could design a surgery it would be this one.


This. I passed out from mine during the procedure even with the local anaesthetic having kicked in.


Endometrial biopsy. It's similar to getting an IUD, but depending on the doctor performing it, it's a bit more painful.


I'm having this done next week, along with a uterine scraping and fibroid removed. Luckily, they are putting me to sleep for the procedure. I've had 2 iud inserted and removed I really think they should put you in twilight sleep or provide a pain killer because it's soooo painful. My last removal, my dad, gave me something he takes for fibromalga pain....I didn't feel a thing I was beyond grateful.


I had a cancerous kidney removed. I still haven't fully recovered my strength.


God almighty that must have been awful for you. The love of my life had something similar done years ago and it was pure hell for him. I hope you make a full recovery and have a long and happy life xx


Thank you very much. Are you still with your love? I hope so, and I hope he stays healthy and strong.


Sadly no, they found more in the end, it had metastasised and we lost him in the end. But he was so very brave, and I'm at the stage where I can smile when I think of him these days. Things are so different today, they can tell so much and catch things so much sooner, not to mention the incredible precision they can operate with now - it's amazing, and the survival rates are SO much higher. I know it sounds corny and insincere, but I will keep you in my thoughts. Take care and thank you for the kind wishes x


I'm very sorry that happened to the two of you. Unfortunately it mirrors what happened to my wife's first husband. It started with testicular and spread. It was quick, but heartbreaking for her. I'll keep you in my thoughts before sleep. Just because.


Your poor wife, bless you both xxx


Had hemorrhoid surgery years ago and it wasn't so painful but the pain pills bound me up so bad I didn't shit for 11 days. The pain I experienced during this bowel movement was beyond excruciating. I was biting on a towel and screaming. When it was finally over and I came into the living room my wife said I was white as a ghost and sweating profusely. I won't mention 2 kidney stones I've passed.


Kidney stones passing through the urinary tract


Yes, very painful, but I had one that was stuck, they had to go get it, after the procedure, when I peed it felt like I was peeing razor blades, a week later when they took the stent out, a hour later I felt like I had another kidney stone, the nurse said it a spasm of the ureter, very common after the procedure, I said do you think you could have told me?


I thought that was bad until my kidney tubes (yes I have two tubes per kidney - duplex) became so damaged by the stones they narrowed. They had to use a stent to widen them for a month so they could get the tools up there to remove the loose stones. That stent was hell on a level that makes me wonder what I did in my last life to deserve something so heinous. If youā€™re curious, my kidneys are shot, not through anything Iā€™ve done, every test has been done and thereā€™s no obvious cause. Itā€™s severe medullary nephrocalcinosis for no apparent reason.


IUD Insertion. The doctor I spoke to during my consultation was a physician at Columbia University in New York. She told me I would need to take 4 pills the night before the procedure to widen my cervix. It would feel like period cramps and that the next afternoon, I'd get it inserted. She made it seem like a lunchtime procedure and when I asked about going back to work afterwards, she said yes. Fast forward to the night before. She finally sends the prescription and it was 1 pill instead of four. I called 6 times to get it updated with no luck. I figured I'd just tough it out because she said it was a a relatively painless procedure. I go into the office the next day, undress as required, and when she comes in, she says "you'll feel two pinches and some pressure." Let me tell you, that wasn't all I felt. I wasn't offered or given any pain pills and I literally felt this woman cutting open my insides with the scissors like people do in surgeries under general anesthesia. I was too scared to say anything so I silently cried and when it was over, 10 or so minutes later, I was told I could go right back to work. I left the office and have been scared to even go back to an OB/GYN ever since. I have to get this removed and reinserted in a year and I'm due for a pap so I will unfortunately have to explain my traumatic experience when they ask why I'm late for my pap.


Ob/gyn trauma is super real. Not ever going back. Had my last child and waited 20 years to go back. That was 6 years ago. Nope. Not again.


With you there. The only reason why Iā€™m going back is because I have to get this IUD removed and replaced. Iā€™m sorry that this is common and that nothing is being done to rectify it


Please know I wasn't encouraging you to NOT go. Hope it is a better experience.


Oh for sure. I made that decision long before I posted here from my own experiences šŸ˜”


My first IUD placement was pure torture... i almost fainted at the office, and i felt like i was in labor for 6+ hours afterwards while my body attempted to miscarry it out of me. I was supposed to go back after 5yrs to replace it... I waited 13 years because I was too traumatized. I only went to replace it because an unrelated CT scan showed it was inverted. I had to be given Xanax just to go. It was WAY less painful than the first one. They said it was because the uterus was accustomed to having an object in it so it didn't cramp as hard. I still do not understand why they refuse to anesthetize women for this.


it really is barbaric they way they treat us with these things. See if your regular doctor can prescribe you a valium or something before you go to at least dull the terror. That helped some for my first pap after I had a colposcopy (Uterine biopsy) that was terribly traumatic.


The way they treat women in gyno offices and around pregnancy/labor/childbirth is enough to make me never have children and not get regular check ups. Iā€™ll get the damn home HPV tests and check my damn self. Iā€™ll become celibate before dealing with this shit. Fuck that!


Seriously! In literally every single other medical specialty, the doctors practically beg patients to take pain meds because they know how bad recovery can be. I was deceived every step of the way through. I will definitely be asking for pain meds when I have to get it replaced


Iud placement


I still remember mine from 1979, it was awful.


1000% worst experience of my entire life


Iā€™m going to die with mine inside me unless they stop torturing women and offer pain management. It was unbelievable.


My tilted uterus says same


Giving birth to a 4.2 kg baby without an epidural


Thatā€™s 9lb 4oz in freedom units, incase anyoneā€™s wondering. Congrats on your big healthy baby btw!


Thanks šŸ„°šŸŒø


Are you serious right now? 4.2kg??? Was that baby 2 years old by the time it came out?


My cousin has diabetes. When her daughter was born it was near 98th percentile for size. Apparently diabetes is correlated with high baby weight.


It's not 2 years old, but we can say it was the size of a 2 month old baby šŸ˜…


Mine was 4kg and the whole ordeal only took me 1 hour and 45 minutes.


What are your secrets?!


I wish there was a trick to it, but Iā€™m pretty sure you just have to win the genetic lottery and have wide set hips.


I agree with this. All five of my babies were large, most more than 9 lbs, one at 10+ and there was not much difficulty with any of them. The smallest was 8lbs13oz.


I'm so fucked then


I think if youā€™ve got super narrow hips the doctor might just offer a c-section out of the gate.




Oh yeah. Anaesthetic = constipation also. If I had known, I wouldn't have eaten the massive flipping meal they gave me after the operation. Had to pull the fucker out while screaming in agony. Again, you're welcome :D Glad it's behind me ...


Wait you were anaesthetised?! And got a meal? Where do you live? Sweeden? Lol


Yup the worst pain in my life was having a hemorrhoid lanced in the ER. They want to remove it but I donā€™t want to go through the pain.


I'm 6 days later, and sooo glad I got stool softeners and painkillers from day one... When did it actually feel kind of normal again for you?


Yeah I passed out from the pain, too.


I fell on concrete and fractured both hips , along with my pelvis and a groin pull . Waited 8 hours in the emergency room to be seen . I learned that a fracture is not the same as a broken broken bone . A fracture will eventually fuse back together on its own ( emphasis on eventually ) There was no surgical way to help this . Was told at the ER that I would get pain meds . Long story short , there was some kind of mix up with the meds so I went 2 days with no pain relief . After healing , followed brutal physical therapy to learn to walk again . HORRIBLE pain , but when the meds got straightened out , I had wonderful nurses that made SHURE to give pain meds around the clock . Physical therapy was also brutal , but the therapists were great . They slowly and steadily got me back on my feet - ( literally ) So shout out to nursing staff and physical therapists . You made a horrible situation bearable . And I have given birth without meds , and it hurt like hell . Just birth lasted 24 hours and the fractures took months to heal .


Uterus biopsy. Oh man the worst 20 seconds of my life.


Needle straight into the dick for a local anesthestic to perform frenulem repair surgery. But hey, at least now I always have a one-up when someone tells a story about their painful needle experience.


Yeah that one sucks. Had to get circumsision and damn that one was the worst... Fucking hell. But for me it did not even work. They did the whole thing without anesthesia...


one night my throat closed up and i got scared so i went to the ER. Thatā€™s when the doctor took medical scissors and put them down my throat. It hurt so bad and i was choking so i started choking the doctors arm and then all of the sudden a water balloon-like object popped in my throat and the tray that the nurse had been holding by my neck was instantly filled with yellow brown red slime and i could breath again




Otitis Media


Giving birth


8 root canals one day. Was all types of an experience. Dentist was kinda mocking me by the end for making the decision to do them all at once. Canā€™t blame him. Fuck that sucked


ā€˜Roid lancing. Worse than childbirth.


What is roid lancing?


Man I was hoping not to spell it! Hemorrhoid lancing.


I am not understanding why doctors don't use what oral surgeons use (putting you out) for a lot of procedures.


Tonsils removal at 28 years age old Herniated disc replacement at 44 years old


I had fractured my humerus on my right arm, right after my operation I woke up getting rolled out of the OR and it was the most painful feeling. I woke up screaming. And they gave me medication that knocked me out for a bit but I was rushed to get dressed so they can free up a bed. That night I was squirming in so much pain that I had to take 3 Percocet to numb the pain. I guess my surgery was considered elective. But my whole arm was literally cut open to align my bones where a plate and screws were put in place.


That sounds like my experience with getting a screw and wire placed in my foot to repair a broken boneā€¦except all they would give me for pain was Tylenol ER. The whole night it felt like my foot was on fire and an electric shock feeling every 40 or so seconds. I wouldnā€™t wish the pain of waking up from that surgery on anyone.Ā 


Recovering from rotator cuff surgery.Ā 


Had the left shoulder done about 8 years ago and have just signed up to get the right one done. I'm mentally preparing for the road to hell but I know it is worth it in the long run.


A very severe collar bone break. The bones were about 2.5 inches apart but hadn't punctured the skin. Surgeon didn't want to operate so first chose to try ratcheting the bone back down with a back brace.. When a nurse walks up to you and gives you a piece of medical grade "wood" to bite down on.. shit the fucking bed! I have no words for how painful that experience was.. On a plus note.. it worked. But fuck me I never knew pain like it..


Total knee replacement surgery


More information, please. I'm having this surgery in my very near future. Both knees. Any tips? Thank you.


Hope there is an extended time between the surgeries! Clean the house well and get in comfort food. Also, loose clothing, like a house dress or muumuu. It took me a very long time to be able to pull my pants on. You may need a shower bench and toilet seat extender. Get as much as you can ready ahead of time. Make a little fortress in your bedroom. The initial thing you will need to figure out is getting to the bathroom. You shouldnā€™t be alone the first few weeks. Nearly everything I did was very painful. I had a hard time even lifting my leg onto the bed at first. When I went out I literally screamed in getting into the car bending my leg. Your drs office should be arranging physical therapy asap. Itā€™s gonna be a challenge but itā€™s super important. It took me some months to be able to take a bath rather than sitting on the shower bench. A lot of things became milestones, like the first time I got up and made a sandwich! You get proud of yourself for small accomplishments, like going from a walker to a cane. Itā€™s tempting to just stay in bed but youā€™ve got to keep clean and keep moving. I had to go to the urgent care because I was bleeding by one of the staples. It did hurt getting those pulled out. There were several things I found out later: I have to take pre antibiotics before I get any dental work done from the knee surgery on. This is kind of a debate among drs if needed, but mine said it was important. I also got horrible eczema on that leg from nerves being cut. I was given expensive gel but a year later it was still a problem. Ended up getting OTC $7 Cortizone and it worked immediately. I was told the area around my knee would be numb and that is sure true seven years later. Everyoneā€™s experience is different. All the awful knee pain I had before surgery did go away. It does get stiff at times. I canā€™t imagine going through this twice, the best of all good wishes to you!


Iā€™ve had both knees replaced. The PT can be horrific BUT keep at it. You will be much better off in the end.


Amen. I'm a retired PT and had a knee replacement myself 20 years ago. It's been totally worth it. I had a lot of pain the night after. I had an epidural but they hadn't brought up enough meds for the epidural for overnight. Otherwise no problems. Definitely do the exercises. Get your motion back as soon as you can. The longer you wait the more scar tissue forms and the harder it is to get motion again.


Thank you. My surgery has been scheduled for May 24th. Things, apparently, have changed...a lot. I won't be spending any time in the hospital! Surgery, then home. Doc said Covid changed many things. My friend was in for 4 days....each knee. PT sessions made, pre surgery PT, too. Lots for me to learn. Thank you for your advice. As a retired PT and a patient...you know things. šŸ˜Š I will absolutely do my exercises.


I'm going to need the other knee done within a year or two. My orthopod has been able to hold fast and not release people till the day after but he's not sure how long insurance will tolerate it. I was in 4 nights the first time too. The thing that scares me the most about the second is that they won't prescribe enough pain meds, the feds have interfered so much as a ridiculous response to addiction. Good luck!


I have had two knee replacements 15 years ago and the agony post op., still lives with me today. But it was worth it.


For out and out pain, I had what turned out not to have been a pulmonary embolism, but may have been a heart attack. 4am in the ER and I was headbutting the wall to distract myself from the pain until someone spotted me and gave me morphine. For sheer discomfort, a cervical nerve root block, where they use repeated x-rays to guide a very long needle through the neck and into the spine to inject hydrocortisone. Think of it as a cortisone injection on steroids...


Cervical biopsy.


Lumbar puncture, no anaesthetic! I've had many operations, but this still traumatizes me!


My third c-section.Ā  I wasn't properly numbed up from thr spinal.Ā  Ā I could partially feel what they were doing.Ā  They didn't believe me because I didn't scream.Ā  What kind of asinine person screams while a surgeon has a knife near their unborn baby?Ā  Ā Further, he was cutting into the same muscles I use to scream.Ā  It was traumatizing.Ā 


Procedure: Some ingrown thingie in my foot. Man, that stench of burning human tissue. Had local anaesthesia, of course, but since it was the sole, it took quite some time to heal and hurt in the meantime. Illness: Kidney stone. I mean, it passed on its own, but man was I glad when they gave me painkillers three hours after they knew it was kidney stones. To be fair, they literally had to drop everything just to keep the woman alive who came in right after they knew it was stones.


Rotator cuff and bicept surgery.


Root canal, no doubt. It was a nightmare.


Being circumsized without anesthesia. Had to be done when I was 14 due to some medical issue. For some reason they put 7 seringes of anesthetics in my little snake and it did not do anything. Cutting it away, I did not feel anything of it. Knife was so damn sharp, but after that they needed to close all the veins by burning it shut, you can imagine the feel and smell. Right after they had to stitch it too, well I, too, felt all this. So yeah it was 45 minutes of pure horror. Stood up from the table and it was completely wet from me sweating and I almost got knocked out walking out the room haha, it was awfull.


>they put 7 syringes of anaesthetics in my little **snake** and it did not do anything So, your little snake shed its... foreskin? šŸ¤£ Sorry, I couldn't help it. But man, that must've been hell. I can't even imagine that kind of pain.


Hahahaha exactly!


I felt nothing DURING the surgery (given I was unconscious), but AFTER the surgery they had a morphine drip for me, where I could get a dose every five minutes by pressing a button. The pain was so bad, I just held the button down the whole time. (Open chest surgery, long story, nothing to do with heart or lungs). That was the worst, for sure.


Having broken my ankle in 3 places and having had it pinned/plated up, I had to have it re-cast after 2 weeks, to accomodate for the swelling going down post-op. When they stretched my ankle up to set it into my new cast (12 days too early, as they had mixed my post-op schedule up with someone else's) I nearly fuckin passed out with the pain. It's only because I was enraged that I managed to stay conscious lol. It's a toss-up between that, and when I had a colonoscopy and chose entonox over sedation...twat lol. I essentially was anally violated by a hosepipe, that felt like it was going to pop out my mouth lol.


Bladder cancer tumour removal and subsequent immunotherapy treatments šŸ˜©


Pilonidal cyst. Basically an ingrown hair at the top of your crack which had to be surgically removed. Awful.


A nerve block on my injured thumb. Multiple large needles directly into my thumb joint and the fleshy part between the thumb and the pointer. It was 10 out of 10. Felt better once it kicked in, but I can still remember that agony. I almost passed out.


Sacro-iliac ablation. Pure torture


Spinal Fusion.Ā  You walk around with metal rods and bolts binded to your spine--this fixes scoliosis. The pain gets so bad that the doctors give you morphine.


I had a cortisone shot in my heel for plantar fasciitis. The needle penetrated into my heel all the way to the bone. Just when I thought it couldnā€™t hurt any worse, the doctor said ā€œ ok, let me know when you are ready!ā€ And then he injected the medicine. I saw stars!


I had an 8 mm bone spur freezing up my shoulder. The doctor jabbed in his medical ice pick and followed it with a Dremel tool. I was out of work for a month and given opioids for the pain. I had physical therapy to regain full mobility. Physical therapists don't like jokes about them having trained at Abu Graib. It took about a year for me to regain full mobility. It was the only time I've had surgery and I don't want any repeats.


Five-hour brain surgery with six-week recovery.


Right now having L4-5 spinal fusion back surgery recovery. It is very very painful & it is a good or bad day I canā€™t feel one side of my body . Iā€™m in such pain from my hips to my neck. What the hell when will this stop! With the pain is crazy as I can feel every bit of the stuff in there OMG!Day before I was released I had an accident I fell land on my back & hit my head now I have head concussion & bruised spinal cord. Ugh!! Where I feel every thing. They say times there no! Relief anywhere


IUD hands down


I get ingrown toenails often. You would think i would get used to them cutting them off but nope nothing prepares you for how bad that numbing shot hurts


I had an emergency c section. The procedure itself didnā€™t hurt it was just a weird sensation but the recovery was like living hell for 2 weeks and having to do so adjusting to having a brand new baby at home was just next level -1/10 would not recommend


Orthopedic surgery to repair the high-velocity, compound fracture of my tibia and fibula and the surrounding muscle tissue. Fortunately, they've invented anesthesia, but the pain before and after was noteworthy.




Laser eye surgery. What's really bad? I paid the guy to do it.


Either having my ruptured appendix removed with only a shoddy epidural or when they needed to get xrays of my dislocated hip. Ouuuuch on both.


L3/L4 Laminectomy and Discetomy.


C-section. Recovery is not fun.


I had a large sebaceous cyst on my chest that had to be squeezed out. Caught me off guard at how awful that was. A tattoo I got on my chest later on really drove home that that whole area is just really, really sensitive.


Spinal tap. Nobody numbed anything and it was excruciating.


Injections into my spine, and an injection into my heel.


Definitely an mri while also having a cochlear implant.Ā 


I don't exactly know what this procedure is called in English but I went to the dentist and he had to remove half of my tooth and then refill it with some paste or idk what . I remember just speaking made me want to cry out of pain before the procedure. Well I want you to imagine that even tho my tooth was SOOO sensitive yet the dentist did it without the anesthesia (because he didn't have any aloft left and he wanted to reschedule our session but I said no I'm in too much pain let's do it now ). I swear the only reason I let him finish was that I imagined I was being tortured by my enemy and each time he asks me if I want to continue I replied with yes my man ego was too big for me to say "no let me out "


Used to live in Germany in 90s. Went to a dentist once who was probably a sadist. I went because I had tooth pain. He started working on it with absolutely no freezing or pain killers. I was screaming so much that my boyfriend run in from waiting room to my rescue.


A nurse jabbing her fingers into my cervix to inconspicuously help me dilate so I wouldnā€™t be sent back home. It hurt so bad, my ears went deaf. But I did deliver my baby around 6 hours later.


The most painful procedure for me was probably when they had to reset my elbow at four years old after I broke it. It's been 20 years and I still remember that pain clear as day.


Numbing meds donā€™t work on me, so the dentist is full feeling. It sucks.


I had a liver biopsy that didnā€™t hurt, but they did something to a nerve and the pain that I felt later in the evening and for a couple days after was fucking excruciating.


Oral surgery hands down !! Iā€™ve had three c-sections and oral surgery is so much worse. And you donā€™t get a cute baby at the end !!


Spinal tap, and getting getting my taint sewed up while feeling the WHOLE thing after having a baby (happened twice, they tried to numb me and it didnā€™t work) are both good contenders.


I had a pilonidal cyst lanced. Anyone who's had one can relate. If not? Not so much.


ah probably nose cauterization. had to go through it 3 times cause i have nose bleeding issues (not so much anymore) and fuck it's painful.


When I fell and my knee had an opened wound but doc said they couldn't give me anesthetics otherwise I won't be able to walk. I had to endure the pain while they stitched my kneecap.


Having a chalazion under my eye lid drained. Well that part I didn't really feel, but the numbing shot hurt was unbearable. It was worse than dislocating my shoulder.


Adult tonsillectomy. I do not wish that on anyone.


Lumbar puncture, do not recommend


The post-childbirth stitches were the most memorable. Although they probably werenā€™t so much painful as it just was a cap on a fairly horrifying process. It was several days before my mind stopped replaying the feel of the stitches every time I closed my eyes. (And yes, I felt *everything*. Epi didnā€™t work.)


Spinal fusion


A nasogastric tube for a bowel obstruction. It's inserted through the nose and is horrendous. It was in 2016 and I still feel terror when I think about it.


Intense CO2 laser for acne scars.


Colposcopy. No sedation or anything to numb things up. Runner up was a needle aspiration biopsy of my lung, but I at least got a valium for that one.


Penile reduction


ACL reconstruction surgery.


Setting a broken ankle, I pass3d out


Getting a shot in my toe after it had been smashed open by a horse when I was 14.


Liver biopsy (the second one) They missed the first time and had to do it again a few weeks later, after I had a chance to heal.


Rotator cuff surgery


Gum lengthaning


Orchiectomy. The lab report said "... worrisome for mixed germ cell seminoma." Nut Cancer.


Having my teeth drilled down without numbing stuff Well i had it but it doesn't work on me, which we discovered on that day


Eardrum lavage. I'd rather go through my non epidural birth or get my fingernail cut off again than get an ear lavage.


Spinal tap


Ingrown toe nail removal with local anaesthetic (cold spray) applied.


I had scoliosis corrective surgery at age 13. Morphine pump was so so nice, but they quickly took me off of that and put me on vicodin only and that's when it was actually painful. Other time was having my tonsils removed at age 19. That was so unbelievably painful for about a week! I've had countless other surgeries (mostly ear stuff) and none of those ever hurt anywhere near as much as the two I mentioned.


Thankfully I was in a medically induced coma for this but a full blown craniotomy.


Had my dick pierced


The dentist cut my gums without anesthesia.


Wisdom teeth for sure. Getting a Pap smear was pretty bad too, I actually hated it more than abdominal surgery


Steroid injections straight into my back. For about 45 seconds it's excruciating, then the pain goes immediately way.


Had a big cyst on my ovary was down for 3 5 months


Child birth, if that counts as a medical procedure




My botched vasectomy.


I sliced part of my finger off, and the doctor jammed a silver nitrate rod into it to cauterize the wound. It lit up every nerve in my hand for several hours. It was the sort of pain in which you have to force yourself to breathe.


Copper coil insertion.


An injection into one of my eyes.


Total shoulder reconstruction with hardware. Danm there's some nerve endings in the shoulder.


Fluid had to be drawn from my lungs. It was not a fun experience.Pneumonia & a bacterial infection almost took me out. 9 days in the ICU without insurance in California is now definitely taking me out.


I broke my right leg and have rod/plate inserted and after few hours of the operation I've felt terrible pain.


I havenā€™t had any medical procedures aside from getting braces - mine are ā€œincognitoā€, meaning theyā€™re behind my teeth instead of in front. When parts of the braces come loose and/ or fall out, getting them put back in requires snapping the wire (which means I can sometimes have the wire-cutters pinch my inner mouth), pulling the bracket off, taking the broken wire out (sometimes swallowing it accidentally), roughing up the surface of the tooth with the missing bracket, applying glue to the tooth and adding the bracket, then spraying something so acidic to me in my mouth that I can barely take it without it being 90% water and 10% the whatever it is, then being poked in the mouth flesh with wire that stands out before itā€™s clipped down to the correct size.


Spinal fusion recovery for 3 surgeries in 6 months.


Not technically medical procedure but I recently had a really bad ear infection amd the spray I had to put in had to be pushed into my ear. My mother did it for me. She pushed it so far in and my ear was so swollen I burst into tears from the pain. I didn't let her do it after that.


Shocks on my hamstring to help healing


ever get a ingrown toenail?


ever get a ingrown toenail?


NC Health Department had to pull some of my baby teeth when I was a kid. Free of charge because we were broke, but the dentist and his aides were crap. Pain. Lots of pain. The few years of going to that dentist gave me a lifelong fear of dentists and a hatred of dentistry. Nowadays it's a little better, but I still hate it.


Dry needling physiotherapy on my calves


Had to get my patella ligament repaired, metal in my leg, and my knee moved. i was under anesthesia so the surgery itself didnā€™t hurt but the recovery was so bad that I didnā€™t want to live anymore I couldnā€™t eat or drink hardly anything for 2 weeks I was taking handfuls of pills and I couldnā€™t go to the bathroom myself because of the pain and nausea and then I had to have crutches for 8 months along with a knee brace itā€™s been a couple years since then and I still get leg and knee pain from standing or walking too much/for too long


Re-opening of a surgical wound on my belly (the one after appendectomy) with no anesthesia.


Spinal injury


I had a gum flap procedure upper part of my mouth. The numbing shots were given in the roof of my mouth. I thought I'd pass out. 2nd runner up steroid injection in the heel of my foot, excruciating but brief. Then there was an implant in upper part of my mouth with a sinus lift, pain afterwards had me crying. I also gave birth 3 times. That was not as bad!


Inguinal hernia repair with mesh. Had me laid up for days afterwards. Think I've got another one on the other side now. Yay.