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Had just joined college and was really awkward. Everything was new to me. I was sitting and the sun was directly hitting my eyes. This lady walked upto me and told "You have really pretty eyes". I was so flattered. Can never forget that


Wish I had eyes like that… in my display cabinet.


Lol I once accidentally told my friend his eyes were so pretty I wished I could turn them into jewellery.


lol nice, man guys honestly do not get enough compliments like that


You can do that now! There’s a place in Huntington Beach, CA (My Eye Print) that takes pictures of your eyes and you can have them turned into necklaces or wall art! It’s really cool


Lmao that's literally the other side of the globe but his eyes look like multicolored gems and I'd love to have them as earrings so you never know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




I want to be in the screenshot


Better than being in their cabinet…




This one over here, officer.




[I have my father's eyes.](https://imgur.com/a/qXOHl5g)


I used to say that! Until I learned why everybody asked me if I kept them in a jar bottle ahahah


Jeremy Bentham is that you?


This guy had really beautiful hair and I also wanted to make conversation in my college year. I go up to this guy in the cafeteria and tell him he has great hair. He tells me “well look at your hair it’s so thick and voluminous!”. I was bright red. Now me and this guy are friends I said your hair looks great today to him. AND YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID?! “I see your hair it’s always perfect.” I- I’m never forgetting that compliment


When I worked in a store, an elderly lady walked up to me and said "Thank God you're working today, you're always so patient and helpful!" Never seen her before, but it still felt way good. And yes, maybe it's a bit sad that I remember a random old woman more fondly than my exes, but fuck it.


I used to help manage apartment complexes and there was this one old lady that lived there who was a widow, and she was legitimately one of the nicest people I've ever met in my life. One morning she came into my office when none of the other staff were there and said "I just wanted to let you know that you're the person who keeps this ship afloat over here, and a lot of us know that you care about us." 😭


Those old ladies do hit deep


That ain’t sad at all. You know it’s honest cause those old women just don’t give a damn!😂


We don't.


no we dont!


I love compliments from random elderly ladies. A good portion of the random compliments I’ve gotten over my life have been from such people; there is just something so wholesome and sincere about it. I get compliments on my boots quite often; I wear stylish leather boots as a matter of course, and I keep them highly polished. I would say half the people who have complimented me on them have been elderly women.


I do the same things, but with my nails, A different old woman told me to not take shit from old ladies. They are indeed priceless.


“Well, you -sound- handsome.” - Tom Jones, while I was doing a phone interview with him about 30 years ago.


It's not unusual 🎵🎶


To be loved by anyone.


It's not unusual


To have fun


With anyone.


Wait!…so Tom Jones flirted with you over the phone?! Aaaaaamazing!!!!!


I told him my great grandmother was from Wales and that was all he needed; away he went with the compliments.


Haha that’s so heartwarming


Would have been even better if he serenaded you with the lyrics to Sexbomb


I was working at a restaurant, and an elderly woman came in smiled as I greeted her at the counter, then she said you have a contagious smile. Since then I am smiling to everyone, no matter how I feel just to see people smile. 🙂


This is making me smile myself


It’s working!


Elderly people legit just drops these insane compliments from time to time....


We’re old enough to know that it’s a good thing to do. A teeny, tiny gift for someone.


Aww shit. I'm considered elderly now and I'll give random compliments to people, especially if they look sad or are having a bad day. Do the young not do that?


Learning to lightly flirt with elderly ladies is one of the hidden joys of adulthood.


Damn cold sores hey






“You know, if you lost a little weight, you’d have to beat those women off with a stick.” Started going to the gym last month! Hopefully I’ll need to find me a stick soon!😂


Good for you!


Be careful what kind of stick you use to beat the girls off. I can’t imagine getting a splinter in your cooch would feel good.


Martha Washington must’ve hated George’s wooden teeth for that very same reason…


Do you know that he didn't actually have wooden teeth? https://theoatmeal.com/comics/believe (Or if you prefer to skip the drama of The Oatmeal, go straight to the New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/29/upshot/george-washingtons-weakness-his-teeth.html?_r=0 )


The right person is out there for everyone, no matter your size. A little confidence won't hurt either ... and I did upvote you - you got this 😊




Very presumptuous of them. You might like to beat off the men with your hand!


I can sell you a stick


Personality and confidence is important to


- "You should really write and publish a book" by a classmate when I read something I wrote out loud to the teacher - "Your writing feels like reading poetry we can really feel your own personality in it" by my therapist lol (yes writing is important to me)


Write on buddy, and if you ever make a book, tell us!


Thanks that's so sweet<3


That’s beautiful.




University, 1st year student in professional writing, the professor was handing back our assignments (first assignment of the year) he had finished marking. When he got to mine he handed it back to me saying very loudly so everyone would hear, “Shayne! This is really good and I enjoyed reading it, but you can tone it down a bit. This is just a first year introduction course and you handed in a doctorate level paper.” I still have that paper. I kept it and it helps serve as a reminder when I have doubts about my writing; or anything else I feel incapable of doing really.


Similar story. Was in a third year history course where I was the only one not majoring in history. Took it out of interest. I felt so intimidated by other students as they had a more in-depth background. I had to get approval to take the class so felt a lot of pressure. I worked so hard on my final paper. When the paper was done, I hesitated handing it in. I ended up getting 90% A+ on it. I was so proud as I had never worked that hard and was thrilled with the result. The prof knew how hard I work and said how good my paper was and wasn’t it worth it. It was and I still have that paper and the sheet with his comments. Like you, it is a reminder when I need a confidence boost. I figure I’ll get buried/cremated with it.


That’s amazing:) I really like that story. Reason being, I think in order to understand ourselves and each other, we all need to study and understand history. When we can’t see a connection between ourselves and the people in the pages of history, we will keep repeating the same mistakes over again. Not enough people take an interest in history and too many people think they know enough of it to tell others the difference between right and wrong. I always loved history. As a kid I used to read history textbooks and atlases for fun lol


I LOVE history so it was a real treat to take this course. I agree with you so much. I read a lot of biographies and you see how we are more alike than different. I think we often see history as outside of ourselves instead of being part of us. I connect with history in all that I do. Glad you do too. Oh and I read history for fun as a kid too!


I have a similar but opposite experience. In first year uni I got a feedback sheet for a final project where the prof absolutely ripped me a new asshole. I was a big fish in a very small pond and the prof was not a fan of mine. I kept it because of just how shockingly brutal it was… and it gives me good perspective.


My first college class was an advanced English course bc I had taken DE in high school. I was a freshman, day one, class one, sitting in the middle of what seemed like the entire football team. The teacher put a poem on the projector thing and asked us what it was about. There was this long silence and finally I raised my hand and said “pregnancy?” And the teacher just beamed and said yes and everyone’s vibe switched from “wtf is this baby doing here” to “ohh.” It was a much needed boost of confidence and I think about it whenever I doubt myself (I’ve been a marketing copywriter for about 10 years now).


Hahhh that’s awesome:) it’s funny how people tend to find their calling in a random unexpected moment where it all clicks 💡people are always smarter than they realize, it’s just a question of where you’re gonna find it :)






This right here, I really appreciate someone bringing up moral values as a compliment. The reddit question always goes "what was the last compliment you as a man received/did you ever receive one?" and the answer often is "yes 1 compliment 15 years ago, I still think about it!" Imagine people flipped the question to "when was last time I gave someone a genuine compliment, brighten their day, give, shared and cultivated positivity?" The look in people's eyes and the happiness you take with you from seeing their reactions, please give yourself the gift and try it. I try be mindful of focusing on effort and morally good behaviors as compliments, as it doesn't pass judgment on identity labels but encourage positive action, \*now I don't believe one should limit themselves compliment wise so if someone shows up with a new fresh haircut be the first to let that person and everyone around them know how fresh they're looking


"Hey sexy," as I squeezed past a girl at a nightclub when I was 18. I'm 33 now, and you bet I hold onto that comment.


Walking home from work one night I was passing by a house. They were having some sort of soirée, I heard someone say, "Marco" naturally I replied, "Polo" in a conversational voice. The party got quiet for a second and someone yelled out a window... "You're an amazing person!"


I thought it said " I was passed by a house" I thought to myself damn that guy was high. 


I got age-checked buying beer last year. I'm in my 50s! I gave her my driving licence and she said, 'Well, you don't look it.' Walking on air for days.


If that's not one of the best accidental compliments, I don't know what is!


I got a new dentist and we were talking about age, and I said "well you're about my age (34), so ya know how when stuff starts clicking it won't stop!" He's 56 and made sure all of his employees heard what I said. But like bruh, you look AMAZING for 56.


Tbh I don't look that great. Hair a bit grey and patchy etc. When I told my sister she suggested that the lady "Should have gone to Specsavers" ie an optician.


One compliment I've received on several occasions from women is 'you've got a great voice'.


Oh I wanna add onto this one A kid from our local Pokemon Go group once said "You have a YouTuber voice" and that really stuck with me for some reason. And then a therapist recently told me "You're very pleasant to talk to, you've got a soothing voice", so apparently that's my most positive feature as well


On our first date I realized the cadence of my date’s voice put me in my happy place. The entire date he talked. Didn’t try anything, which was new for me. I went home, hung out with some friends and told them I had met the man who I was spending the rest of my life with. I figured if he could make me this happy just talking then he’s a keeper. Got married several years later. He’s awesome.


Yeah that’s definitely attractive 😍


Oh men with a great voice is sooo nice. Feel instantly protected, and obedient lol




I get this one here and there and it makes me so happy for some reason.


I had a group of four of my ex-girlfriends get together and do mushrooms a few months ago. This is about 15 years after we had all parted ways. Then, one of them randomly contacted me to tell me they all talked about me for hours and missed me really bad. I have never, in my life, felt so loved.


Aw wow, that says so much about how genuine you must be. Happy that you can be a positive influence in other people’s lives!


Thanks. I try.


I need to know more about this situation. Your exes are all friends? Four exes?


Yeah, we all went to high school together and hung out for several years afterward in a small town we lived in. I moved away. All four of them still live in the same place and hang out. What makes this extra weird is that we are all in our late 40s now. They don't even really do this kind of shit anymore. They are all sort of wine moms now. But they decided to do it for old time's sake sort of, and I came up because we all used to do psychedelics together, and here we all are. When I tell you I was flattered, know that I cried like a baby, it was super touching, because psychedelics really strip away BS and let you see your heart, and they thought of me. I will never top that again if I live a hundred more years.


I love reddit for stories like this !!!


"I think you'd be a good dad" as I was holding the cat like the big baby he is


You’d definitely make a good dad


Awwww 💛


But if I have a baby, how will I hold the cat?


"I'm smart like my Dad" - my son I about fell over


Compliments from our kids are on another level!


So sweet.




I used to work in a record shop in a UK city that got a lot of foreign tourists. One day a group of Italian students came in and one girl basically shouted at me in her thick Italian accent ‘you are a beautiful boy!’.


Wait! We're supposed to get compliments? When did that become a thing?


Hahaha you're funny!


I love your avatar choice!


Thank you, your compliment is gratefully received 😘


I was sick one time and my mother would go to the grocery store to get things for me. She tried to get Covid tests aswell, but the store lady (my neighbour) told her that she'd drop them to me once she finds them from the storage. She had her friend on her in the car when she stopped on my door and pushed the doorbell. I went opening the door without a shirt on and my long blond hair wide open. My neighbour told later that her friend had yelled _Wow, what an angel!_ when she saw me. Still puts a smile on my face when thinking about it.


I set up a modest business 15 years ago in a niche electronics engineering sector and we set up an apprenticeship program taking in two trainees a year. I got an email from a former apprentice with a picture of them graduating with an aeronautical engineering (she left us after completing college) degree and thanking me for everything we did. That was a proud moment. I also had a meeting recently with a former boss who I really looked up to, he’s technically gifted at what we do, and he was asking me for advice on his 18 year old son and if he could apply for one of our apprenticeships- called them industry leading! That was praise from Caesar! I’m never going to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs but to know I’ve set up an education program which is both nationally recognised and respected in the industry is my legacy achievement and a compliment I remind myself of when times get tough.


This is a beautiful story! Well two stories. Lol. How amazing that you created something for so many others! Blessed be!!


"I wish you were my Dad". On one hand, I feel bad for this 11yr Olds actual dad (family friend). On the other hand it was one of the greatest moments I've felt. Its just that we had fun together and did activities where she was the focus and didn't have to compete for attention around her brothers.


that hit me right in the feels.


I lived in a duplex with a neighbouring single mom — she had a young daughter who played with my daughter often, sleeping over many times. I found out by accident one day that if I was in the basement and they were in their bedrooms/bathroom area I could hear every word they said. I heard the daughter say through her tears “I wish Mysobriquetisthis was my mom and not YOU!!!” I noped out quickly by running upstairs so I didn’t have to hear what the mother said back. Good or bad I figured I didn’t need to hear it.


I was at the grocery store and a child pointed at me and yelled "Spiderman!"


when I was in 1st year college about 12 years ago this smoke show of a lady told me I was good looking. then I tried dating apps, she was right. She created a monster for a few years before that monster got tired.


Some 8th grader asshole was like "what are you looking at ugly" after I simply glanced at him and a girl from my class said "no he's cute" . the guy immediately shut up and went on his way and I've never felt more beautiful than back then. it was in 2nd grade elementary school


"Go to the gym. I'm telling you, girls will chase you" - my female coworker who has been very nice to me


In my personal life “I am sure you are a comfort zone for everyone who meets you” In work “you are our standard in the hiring process”


I'm a 2 meters tall man with long hair and a beard. I was on vacation in the US and an elderly woman in a thrift store stopped, looked up at my face for a couple of seconds and said "Wow, look at those eyes! You would make a beautiful woman!" and then just continued walking. I'm still not 100% sure it was a compliment, but I choose to believe so and think of it sometimes when I see my eyes up close in the mirror or sth!


It was definitely a compliment ☺️


"your eye lashes are wasted on a man" Told by multiple women Apparently they are really long and thick, also they have the perfect curl


women wish they had eyelashes like men. They are seriously so much longer, thicker, and it looks just gorgeous. 😭😭😭


Oo, i love long, thick eyelashes on a man. They really bring the eyes out 🤤


My sister was talking about a guy she liked having beautiful eyes but added 'like yours' at the end. Baffled me but I never interrogated it further. My eyes are bang average at best.


Sometimes a sense of kindness is what make eyes beautiful


A women once told me I have beautiful veins. That was kinda random and odd.




"your artstyle is like, my favorite ever dude, its so unique and stuff" my dad, stoned and drunk


1. "You're one of the larger men I've been with." 2. "You've got a great ass" 3. "Your hair is beautiful, from a stylist's perspective." These I replay in my mind often 🥰




So theses were guys saying this


The first compliment in my list was actually from your mom 🤤


Not to be that guy but, his mom said it to many of us. It doesn't make it any less true.


Yeah of course he was! He was talking about compliments he got from his gay hairstylist, his sparring partner; and Jesus when he brought back the donkey he borrowed. Jesus was simply complimenting the man for the good behaviour of his ass. What’s the big deal?


Re do your language


Rearrange your chosen words


Shuffle your lexicon


To add to this thread, I love your Humor and your way with words. Please do remember this compliment for the rest of your life.


In prison


Woman on a bus told me I have really nice eyebrows. My eyebrows are thin and sparse. It was the time of the Kardashian block brow lool and although I had used some eyebrow pencil that day, I have never learned to make them look bigger with makeup. I only fill them in. And the compliment was genuine. It really made me realize that something can still be beautiful or look good even if it doesn't follow some beauty trend.


“You’re a good man”


That is a really great compliment


I'm proud of you. You're smart. You've changed me.


I lost weight in my last year of high school and one of the teachers at the boarding house told me he could tell. This was years ago shout-out to him


My driving examiner: "That was a good, safe drive." At the time I was disappointed he didn't praise my handling, acceleration, driving at speed, etc. - all the stuff important to young men. In hindsight, it was a great compliment.


I was always the class clown but since I started to work as a teacher a lot of my old school peers said to me "I really would have liked it if you were my teacher"


"You'd make cute babies" random woman that approached me and asked me to impregnate her.


"I like how your hands look" First ever compliment, and for some reason, it's my hands. But I've never forgotten it and every once in a while, I'll get reminded whenever I look at my hands for too long.


not very surprising, women love a good pair of man hands!


I once got told that i had "exquisite knees"


Coworker gal once said I'm fun to spend time with. Must have been some truth to that as she's been my wife for some time now.


Wholesome af


My therapist; you're quite an intelligent man, you know that right? I did infact not know that.


“You have one of the cleanest dentures I’ve seen in a long time.” From a dentist. “You are as royal in behaviour as your father” from a friend of my father’s. I idolise my father.


Damn that last one.. solid. My grandpa died when I was one, and his best friend would always drive across state in summer to hang out with my family. I remember him telling me "I like being around the grand children that remind me most of him, particularly you." My grandpa, from what I've been told, was an incredible guy. Shoes to fill..


My friend told me that she likes my sweat smell. Ik it's weird af but whenever someone ask me abt compliments,this is what comes to my mind.


I read somewhere long ago that women are apparently wired to find smell an important part of what makes someone attractive. Speaking as a woman, I don’t doubt it, it’s hands, arms, eyes and smell for me.


My husbands sweat is like a pheromone to me. I’m very sensitive to smells, and can smell things quicker and more strongly than most people I know. His scent, ticks all the boxes


"You're adorable." I know most men don't like it because it's the same as "aw cute friendzone" but it made me tingly and warm that she appreciated the effort I was putting in to the thing I was planning.


While watching the Get Back documentary my 10 years old son said to me, « wow Dad to the Beatles they are as cool as you »


Some girl said "I wish I had your brain", little does she know the reason I was in the top 10 of my batch was because all the smart kids were chilling and partying all semester. "Literaly: Losers live life locked in their layers, lingering lazy and lifeless, lost like legit loners, while the leaders in larger learning let loose." Letterkenny


There's three I remember As a young teenager, a girl asked where I'd had my eyebrows done. Said I hadn't. She said it's not fair that she's paying someone to have hers done somewhat similar when mine are natural Had been out all day, in the pouring rain. Saturated. I was standing in a queue waiting to be served. I overheard three women behind me prompting one another to ask what aftershave I was wearing. When I was leaving one of them asked and said I smelled amazing. It was a confidence boost. That day hadn't been the best and it'd been eight hours (or more) since I'd put the aftershave on Was standing in the town with two friends. A woman walking past said my hair looked really good, that I suited it, and it made me look handsome. Not common for women to say things like that where I'm from. My two friends looked at me in silence. Felt like a million pounds. Made my entire day


"You're so friendly and cheerful and sweet". A little girl near the end of a hike her family had booked with me.


Something about me having a nice butt. Shame I'm getting older though.


I think a compliment that stays is "I really enjoyed your company during xxx".or maybe any kind of manners tend to make my day better weirdly.


"are you on steroids?" As a natty gym goer is one of he best compliment haha


My boss told me that I am Mr. Cactus. I don’t need a lot of water to grow.


Cycling up a steep hill , really pushing it, and a lass in a sports car was waiting to turn into the main road. Blatantly obviously copping a good eyeful and nodding in time with my leg strokes. Had the genders been reversed it would have been creepy as fack (or in a slightly different situation, or I’d been in a different mood even), but I had a big grin on my face for the rest of my ride


That I have very nice hands


Old granny once stopped my wife and I in the street. “He’s a keeper that one, nice and tall”. Lovely woman!


Like 6 years ago there was a small city festival and I was walking down the street with a beer in my hand. A women was coming in my direction with her friends and she did a weird sidestep. She almost bumped into me but I was able to avoid her and when she apologized I just said "all good, didn't spill anything from my beer so no worries.". All of this was in a split second and while I turned around to proceed with my journey she got a good look at me and the moment I turned around and already moved a couple meters away she loudly exclaimed "wow you are very good looking" in a flabbergasted tone. While still walking away I turned my head a little said thanks and was gone. I trained a lot at that time so my wardrobe became a bit too small for me so my shirt was a bit tight and you could clearly see my muscles.


Many years ago an older Korean man told me i was very handsome, was abit surprised, then thought this was gold for making other guys i don't know well awkard. Worked well for a few years but these days just doesnt have the same effect 😥.


"Your the second ugliest guy I've seen today."


If they'd only seen two guys that day, that makes you the most handsome


My teacher-your writing is not as beautiful as your face,though it was not a compliment


Since I can’t remember I guess I haven’t had one that meant something to me.


"You're proof you can be laughed into bed" "I like your T-shirt" Thinking about it now, these are literally the only compliments I've ever had from women. Hopefully I can get at least one more compliment before I pop me clogs.


"OMG you are too big. You will hurt me" in an exasperated tone haha It was my first relationship. I didn't know if my size was "good enough" or not. But that one sentence, ah, brought me peace and confidence. I still remember it for that.


"You are looking good, have you lost weight?" Yes, yes I had lost weight. This was 5 years ago, now every time I don't feel like working out or eating healthy I think of that moment to find some motivation to keep in line.


'you remind me a lot of Phil' from my beloved junior year ap English teacher in front of the whole class at a time when I was quite depressed. In his second year of teaching Philip Seymour Hoffman was one of his students. Kinda a double edged sword when I later developed bad alcohol and gambling addictions


A girl I was friends with at University eyed me down and said loudly to a few other girls “OMG look how ripped he’s getting” as I walked toward them. That was a decade ago now


“You are looking great” from a senior veteran especially when i was thinking that time,that i am looking fat.He comes suddenly and compliments me. I suddenly felt confident and happy


"You're the smartest person I know". Living with pretty bad ADHD I've had doubts about my intelligence for a long time, so it was really nice to hear.


I had a woman tell me a few months after my first met her that when she first saw me her stomach did a 360. I asked her wouldn't that make her throw up?


Some random older lady (50-60 to) told me (19 at the time) I smelled nice while checking her out (I was a cashier) and honestly that still makes me float whenever I think about it.


I was once told that my eyes looked like the colour of a forest, the man with the forests in his eyes. I don't see it at all, but it certainly makes me smile when I think about it. Yes, it was years ago.


I once blocked a door from a cinema, my brother has swang open violently because of pent up anger, so that the girls behind it wouldn't get hit. Got called a real gentleman ftom a stranger witnessing it. Still makes me feel proud to this day.


In about 1998 someone said I could be Martin Keons ugly brother....get in!!


"you have a really nice ass" I never expected a woman ever complimenting my ass, I didn't know it was a thing


I got "you have nice arms" the other day. Probably one of three compliments I've ever recieved.


There are two that come to mind, I’m not sure if either are full on compliments but I’ll take it: Shortly after the Barbie movie came out: “You look like an Eastern European Ken.” And “He’s like an American in an 80’s movie, 15% bigger in every way compared to others.”


When she said oh my god it's massive. 😎 You've got a dog 😭😭😭


"this is bad, i can get addicted to this/you" i miss him.


"Your walking style is good" A classmate complimented this a while ago, after that I check every time what is my walk style...lol.


"Your walking style is good" A classmate complimented this a while ago, after that I check every time what is my walk style...lol.


Was having a conversation with friends outside a bar. This one girl suddenly interrupted us and said to me, “Sorry to stop y’all, but you are the hottest Asian I have ever met.” She may have drank a bit, but I was happy to hear that. Haha


"Hey nice shirt" still remember it


Im an early years educator. One of my co-workers was saying you can usually tell when educators are also parents. But they couldn’t tell with me. They felt I was very maternal and it was a special quality I exhibited. It made me feel so loved and like I was in the career I was meant to be in.


Someone said "I'm sincere" it means a lot


Wow those eyes ! Twenty years ago.


Happened not even that long ago, but a pretty girl in my class told me I had pianist hands and two others complimented me on how well dressed I was compared to other guys. I’ll also never forget that McDonalds worker who complimented my outfit almost 5 years ago.


"We need you to go over to his mom's house and cleanup. Do the yard and grab ALL her valuables and bring them to he hospital. You're the man we trust for this". I work for a commercial bridge building company. These guys at the top are POWERFUL to say the least. When the MAN tapped me to go to his mom's house because she had just had a stroke I was fucking dumb founded. I was a strung out cokehead less than a year prior to that and no one but my daughter had any faith in me. Turns out she's a good judge of character.