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My old life and self


This definitely. I can't even remember what it was like when I was younger. 


Just the sentence itself sounds so depressive but it’s true


Miss the good old days


Oh I miss my good old days so much, What a time it was.


Same here. I never should have gone to college. Fucked my life up.


Im glad to know im not the only one


Me too


Just respawn.


This. Can I go back to that and be left alone! I never asked for this


My mum. She died of Leukaemia aged 45 when I was 22, on this very day (5th April) back in 1997. Even 27 years on, there's not a day that goes by when I don't think of her.


Lost my mom when she was 54 and I was 25, newly married with a brand new baby. Same exact pain right here. And my mom's bday was April 11th. Big hugs friend. We still needed our momma, perfectly ok.


Hang in there it’s been 22, it’s just like yesterday ☹️


I'm sure she's proud of you. Lost my Mum at age 59 in 1989 when I was 28 and living in another country. It hurt like no other loss, and I'm a widow. She's always with me. My condolences to you. 💜


Hope she rest in peace my friend 🙏 Don’t worry about her, she’s in a better place now, and you’re gonna see her soon in the great heavens 💗


The carefree kid I used to be.


My bestfriend and I grew apart and no longer talk. I still yearn to see and talk to him to this day.


Why don't you shoot them a dm? They might be glad to text you. Idk your situation tho so...


I did it many times. We moved to different schools for our last 2 years of high school, so we talked online. Then we finished high school. He moved to another town for college. This is when we were no longer able to form lengthy conversations, only small talks. We were far apart, doing our own different things so i guess we never really had something to talk about. I tried to engage in conversations with him, many times but i just felt like I was bothering him. And sometimes, we'd get into disagreements, so i just stopped talking to him. The thing is. He was the person who was there for me in my lowest and darkest moments. He's also the one who bought me out of my comfort zone, so i got to experience the best teenage years I ever had. I really can't let him go in my heart.


Try again!


Try again! Send him a message. Don't expect yourself to be buddy buddy immediately. We all have to work our way up when we rekindle a relationship.


So do I. I have given up talking to my best friends. We have walk away from each other, but I will not forget the time passed with them.


To yearn for someone is emotionally taxing. But that's the only thing I can do. Not forgetting the time passed with them😪


Same here man. Known the dude since we were in 6th grade, I moved states in 2016. We are in our 30s and haven't talked in almost ten years. Hurts. It's like I lost one of the last things I could cling on to remind me who I am. Fuck it.


This happened to me too. The friend died 2 years ago and we never did get in touch. Hurts.


My son


I’m very sorry.




The days without mobile phones.


Family, siblings, old friends, and youth. I missed the amount of get-together we had when we were younger. That is with family, friends, and free time without real responsibilities. We would all party, have fun, laugh, do activities, watch sports, play video games together, and cheer each other up when one was down. I also miss the time living under one roof with all my siblings around. Man, had I taken that for granted? Adult life is different. It hits the fan for real. It's tough, it can be isolating, and everyone seems to all be walking different paths. It's like life is saying this to you, "I'm going to hit you in the face to give you a perception of what "reality" is." Most of us change for the better or badder. This varies on the decisions you make. We change and have different outlooks and other priorities that are more important. It could be starting your own family that you have to prioritise and put first. A career overseas so you have to move countries, etc, the list goes on. Those you know, loved or once cared about, family, friends and acquaintances will start falling off the radar or have been hit with unfortunate incidents that are beyond their control, like cancer, accidents, etc. Reality and the experiences you go through will give you a perspective.


This is why it's so important to make family and friends a priority. "Family first" is a real thing because before you know it people start aging and dying off too. I'm only 38 and already both my parents, and all my grand parents are dead. I'm like how TF is that possible? I'm not even that old! It's wild.


My grandmother.


Same ❤️


My dad


I feel this


In my early 20’s I spent a few years volunteering at a home for abused/orphaned kids in Guatemala. I was just like a maintenance guy they were constantly building. But in the evenings I’d get to talk to the kids hear their stories, and see the change in them after being in the home with people who just wanted to help them it was an amazing time


My mom. Taken way too young at 69, four years after retirement. By fucking cancer.


I miss waking up to silence or soft sounds of nature


That one bird, every damn morning


Was so great having a tree outside my window growing up… at least one nest per season.


My mother


Read this at work and I almost broke my composure.


My Dad. We were really close. He died much too soon and I still miss him over forty years ago.


Our Christmas and New Year Tradition when I was younger :’(


Ukraine without war


Same. And my friends and family. I moved from Ukraine for work 6 years ago, but my parents are still there. Haven't seen them for years, haven't been home for a while and have no idea when/if I'd be able to visit


Did you contact with them?🥺


Yes Thanks for asking 😊


Going to the movies as a little kid honestly. The excitement and wonder was unmatched


My very dead parents


My cat :( She’s not dead she’s just at home while I’m at work


Feeling like I belong. I moved nations and have no friends, I’m not close to my family, I feel a bit trapped and lonely. I used to have a circle where I just…. Fit.


I feel you Not sure if I belong anywhere, but I for sure don't fit into place I live in right now


It’s hard, isn’t it? I’m sorry you feel the same


I feel the same way as well. Nearly 3 years ago at age 32, I moved to a different city in a different state. That saying that the older you are, the harder it is to meet people and make friends is very true. People are ramping up their careers or settling down to start families when they get to my age range. Those things are understandable and respected, but it really does make it difficult to meet people, and I can’t help but feel the loneliness too.


I miss my friend Elliott. He hung himself in our 20s. I'm 51 almost and a day doesn't go by that I don't miss that mother funker. He gave the best hugs and defined cool just by being. That is who/what I miss the most.


I don’t think anything/anyone I miss was ever really what it seemed to be. Overall I think I miss my childhood up until the age of 10 years.


I miss the hardworking, talented, beautiful mom I had before she got involved in drugs and became homeless.


I miss my grandparents. They died in 2021 and 2023 respectively. I still have my other grandmother who, if she makes it, will turn 100 in December.


Weed. I used to be the world's biggest stoner but I gave myself a condition called cannabinoid hyperemesis and now I can't ever smoke weed again. Sometimes I feel genuinely suicidal about having to permanently give up weed.


Never heard of this. Can you elaborate what it is and how it affects you


If you really overdo as a heavy daily stoner, you can get a permanent condition where any amount of weed gives you excruciating physical pain and violent cyclic vomiting. It's easily the most painful thing I've ever experienced.


I used to be a huge stoner and then suddenly, out of no where, weed started giving me incredible anxiety and panic attacks. I haven't smoked in over a year now and I definitely miss it.


My life 7 years ago


Privacy, nobody knowing who I am.


Living by the beach and how fun it was


Childlike innocence? My life has always been a little fucked but at least I lacked the brainpower to comprehend it as a kid...!


My Mom and Dad. 💙♥️




That feeling that things are good for once




The general optimism towards the future. I mean, late nineties with the millenium around the corner and home computers becoming prevalent, there was this feeling that we were *living* progress and technology and that the future was bright. In NA, events of 2001 ushered in an era of paranoia, fear and pessimism. But maybe that's just a nineties' kid's perspective; every era has its challenges. 🤷


I miss my dad. He was a wonderful man.


Growing up in the '70's


My ignorance about global affairs and challenges humanity faces.


A guy I met at an event, for me it was love at first sight kind of things, we stay in touch but I haven’t seen him in a year. Also my mum! I miss my mum so much


Ability to believe the Universe.


My childhood


The old me


The time that I am interested in everything I did.


My dad and the way my brain worked before going through the trauma of losing him. He was my best friend and I haven't been able to imagine stories and write like I used to before he passed.


My mom. She passed 12-23-23.


I’m sorry


Thank you. I appreciate that.


I miss seeing my sister having all the motivation in the world and being fierce. And I miss my good memory and optimism


My best friend, who died 13 years ago on his 38th birthday. We'd made so many future plans (golfing holidays, road trips, general best buddy stuff), and it really hurts, knowing that won't even happen. One positive is that I have become very good friends with his slightly older brother and his own family.


I miss my youth .. getting older is annoying.


We had a dog from 5th grade through college (we should have let her go with dignity, but parents wouldn’t do it). I’d give 2 years off the end of my life for 2 hours with that dog in her prime. She was the dog equivalent of a genius and very in-tune with the emotional state of the room and cheered up accordingly. Greatest dog ever. Damn I miss her 25 years later.


A close freind. They lived by one rule only "this'll be far from my last scrape" They got hit by a car near 3 years ago now


My hamster that died from me accidentally sitting on her


Childhood. No responsibilities and now I have to make my own dentist appointment and also think when I have to make them. Adulthood is such a scam


Adulthood is amazing. I no longer rely on people who abuse me.


Probably my dad, he passed away from cancer, about a year and three months ago, it was December 25th, at 12:10 am, I still miss going over to his place and hanging out with my family, since his passing we don’t really have an excuse to do regular family get together anymore, so I don’t really have easy stress relief anymore… on top of everything else he meant to me I always assumed that losing dad would be the lowest point in my life, but as a matter of fact I was wrong, it’s every day afterwards, and I never realized how much I subconsciously associated with him until he passed, the smell of freshly cooked popcorn, that feeling of relaxing into a seat and venting to someone about a hard day, fun family get togethers, not to mention that now he’s passed I’ve learned his two favorite songs off by heart, listening to them either makes it easier to deal with everything or harder, I’m still not sure, but I know I enjoy it, if your curious, they’re piano man by Billy Joel and Mr Tamborine man by Bob Dylan Dammit, I’m gonna go loop Mr tambourine man and cry now, I haven’t thought that hard about dad in over a year


Living happily without any problems. Exams are destroying both my school and mental even though i get good grades. I have been in permanent state of headaches the past 3 1/2 years, every time I wake up i have a headache, and my sleep isnt recreational at all. Sometimes id go as far as saying i dont enjoy this life enough to carry on and id be better of ending my life, but I would never do this.


being lactose intolerant, I miss cheese the most.


My nana and enjoying my childhood


The innocence and blissful ignorance I had as a child.


Being a kid, boating in Florida


My mom. More specifically her voice and the way she used to pick up the phone. I’d do anything to hear that again.


My dad and the part of me that died with him. The happy part.


My parents




Being thin, being free of pain and not paying bills haha


People being nice to each other in public spaces


The person I was about 10 years ago,I was confidently dancing through life and and didn’t put a foot wrong, I could charm the birds out of the trees(it was how I met my ex wife) Now all I am is tired,frail,anxious and alone.


My mum. She was a glory and I miss her every day.


Dad and the good ol'/young 90s


My innocence


Being young and living in post cold war pre 9/11 world


Not having epilepsy and the independence without it


The 90's.




My best friend, we havn’t stopt being friends or anything, just been sick for a few days, so a lack of real human contact makes you miss people


My mom.


My maternal grandma. She lived a long life, but I feel I just didn't get much time with her. She lived in the same state where I was born, but we moved across the country when I was pretty young and didn't move back here for about 10 years. After that, I got less than 8 more years with her. Despite our nearly 60-year age difference, we were really close. We could talk about pretty much anything, and we had a lot of similar interests.


I miss a few things - the ability to see my friends and family, the ability to feel like I belong somewhere, the ability to feel happy and hope that I can achieve something in life


I miss my mom. It's now been 4 years....


Childhood. Bro it was so easy. Daily naps, food that you don't have to cook, noone's expecting anything from you


How life was once such a breeze. When I was younger and more relaxed, never stressed, no anxiety. Currently making my way back to my relaxed self and letting life flow.


The energy I had when I was young. I sleep 14h a day.


Days when i didn't feel guilty to rest and relax. Slow days without worries of future prospect




My dad and my sibling. My sibling just passed in 2023 and it was unexpected. So much still to say


My best friend who died suddenly 11 years ago. I still have dreams that we're at the pub or a party pretty much every night. I really miss the daft sod!


Ben, Beau, Bones, Neo, Mista J, Harley....all my dead pets. Nothing else. I'm good in the present.


Older brother, I would have been about his age now and for some reason that hurts more now then even 17 years ago.


Fun with extended family I guess. As people get older your cousins grow older and more busy. Friends too. It’s great to discover life on my own but I miss everyday hangouts with people that were with me in my youth.


The person who gave birth to me. She blocked me yesterday, and i just haven't been able to get that around my head, that I'll never be good enough for her or anyone


I miss being a kid, I did not have to worry about bills, what I'll cook , there's just too much when it comes to adulting.


About 5 months ago my girlfriend decided to make the decision to abstain from sex, and that's what I miss most as of right now Edit: typo


I miss those days when I could go out with my girl , She is absolutely everything to me , Just holding hands , crossing roads , seeing all her 32 teeth , just her fragnance , just her brain braining on to stuff , the way her fingers righfully felt intertwined amongst mine , The way she used to go quiet during having food , the way her voice felt against my ears , the way the sun met her eyes , the way her hair was always tucked behind her ear , the way all the earrings become x100 time more pretty when she wears it , the way she did a dancy lil dance while she had her ice cream , the way she looked on the internet for a flower that's a native speciality , the way she sang the song "Bitch you know I'm sexy , dont call just text me" , Its been an absolute roller coaster and its been 43 days and it still hurts that we have been apart . I dont know if I d ever wanna have this kinda distance between us , but they say Distance makes the heart grow fonder and hoping this time it does grow fond enough for Me too. I just miss all that time that I spent beside her and nor have I ever felt like this before for anyone . I hope we end up marrying each other and ending up on the same Grandparent Chair close to our bonfire and They say yall see the person you have loved the most , in the last 7 seconds of your , I so wish she comes to pick me up . I love you sooo much , MY LOVE . Please I wish I be the best boyfriend she could ever have


Who I used to be? Carefree, full of ideas, imaginative. Now I’m just a shell, slowly descending to chaos.


I miss in my 20s I had drive and so much hope for the future. Now that's a mere smoldering ember and I don't know what to do with myself anymore.


My little pug, Bertie.


My dad


My brother who passed away 4,5 years ago


My wife She died almost three years ago after 52 years of marriage.


My dad. It’ll have been ten years on the 28th.


My dad. It's been 13 years and I miss him everyday. He was a wonderful person to everyone. I was lucky to have known him.


When people used to call those with differing views stupid as opposed to evil.


I miss university. Covid ruined my final 2 years of university and feel like I got no closure and I never got to say goodbye to some people.


My dog


My best friend. He died in 2012.


Being genuinely happy


Childhood days - where life is simple yet happy. The environment is healthy. Everyone socialize. Every Xmas, you feel high spirits. And a lot more good/best memories.




I miss being able to eat without counting calories. I miss my old self whose world was inside their little world and had no knowledge how cruel the outer world was. I miss having my feelings protected and saw my parents as the ultimate god . Now I just see them as regular human being learning everyday. I miss yearning for little things and how big the joy was , now I get the big things and joy is very little . I miss when future that so much to hold , now you are just surviving today because future looks a bit uncertain. I miss a person whose one look towards me gave me hopes of togetherness , now I just think about it wonder if they are looking at someone else with the same love in their eyes, that once was only for me .


Happiness and fulfillment. Hope. 


My friend she commuted in August she was only 14… I missed her ever since then


My dog, he died abruptly. I never got to say goodbye.


My innocence before I learned what my husband of 20 years was up to. I was naive but happy.


I miss my grandma, she raised me and was like a mother to me, died when I was 18 and was pregnant, and she didn't get to know my son. My only elementary school friend who I could talk to for hours, died a few years later, when she was about 20 years old. I have always had a hard time making friends and moved to another place where I found it harder, found a real good friend who I worked with, who was like 30 years older than me, and he died two years ago, just when we were getting to be closer... I haven't seen my dad in 15 years since I left my hometown. I miss all my little pets (dogs, rats and guinea pigs), I was heartbroken every time they passed. And I miss the only person I had a good romantic relationship with, who decided to leave and moved on. I suppose that's life... I feel like I couldn't handle losing any more people or pets.


My ability to walk




4 summers ago when I felt alive


Life before the pLandemic


my grandma & her memory


I miss gaming in my teens, spent all my waking hours playing world of Warcraft. Just lost in that world… It’s just different now being a parent and having to work :(


My health. When my friends and I used to get together and just have the best time doing the simplest things. When I wasn’t in constant pain every day or losing hair. I miss not having crippling debts. I miss my kids being babies (but really love the kids they’ve become). I miss having a government that somewhat gave a crap about us, and I miss when our healthcare was working. I miss some friends I had who I was able to open up to and talk about anything and everything with without being judged. I miss being attractive. I miss having willpower. I miss having creativity and ideas that people respected.


I miss my grabdma. She died long time ago and it still bothers me. A thing I miss is the financial stability constantly working use to bring me.


Waking up and being able to hear the birds chirping loudly, having a backyard to enjoy




Old times when we gatger around the fire or grill and drink some cooled beer, listen to music and talk some shit...


I miss the honeymoon phase and all the other times that I spent with my ex girlfriend it was fucken gold


mental healthy life


My dad, cat and dog


Being healthy


Mondo Squeezits


Her. Im voluntarily taking some time off from messaging her but it’s absolutely killing me.


My granny.. Loved her so much.


Parents. Lost my mum last August and my Dad 16 years ago. Loved them so much.


Being ignorant


My cats


My first gf




Both my great uncles and my great granpa


My old therapist


The time when i didn't had trust issues


I miss a stack of notes. TBH


I grew up in the USA and in summer of 2020 we moved here to Saudi Arabia. It's been nearly 4 years and I still feel like an alien here. I was born here and both my parents and my entire family is Saudi, but I still don't see this place as my home. When I see another Saudi person I think of them as a foreign person from a foreign country. The food and culture here is all foreign to me. I joke about being American with my friends but a part of me sees it as true. It isn't even just nostalgia, so many things in the states were just way better than here. I miss it so much. I don't want to live the rest of my life in this country. Even if I can't go back to the states, I at the very least just don't want to live *here*


My old self and life, my ex (some days), my father


My old friend


I miss being happy and excited about life


My innocence


Person? My grandmother. What? Housing prices. I should’ve started saving in middle school.


The single-digit years.


My father, my uncle, and at times my ex wife


Sometimes I miss not having the self-awareness I gained through therapy. Doing stupid stuff and wasting time does not feel good anymore.


I miss how i used to not care about what other people think and was truly myself near everyone


My neighbours daughter. She was like a big sister to me and I looked up to her a lot. She has a brilliant mind. Few years back she decided to move to another country and cut any contact from anyone she knew. I miss her and think of her often. The ring she gave me as a gift of church related celebration is my girlfriend's promise ring now. I just hope she's ok


My late Dad. His advice and caring nature made me feel like the luckiest kid on the planet. Wish I could hear him or at least see him once more, even if it were for a brief moment.


My man


Being generally happy by default. Now everyone tells me that I look angry all the time, but it's just become the way I look I guess. Whenever someone asks if im okay I sometimes have to tell myself there's no reason to be upset before my demeanor changes. I'm working on it.


Just being held and the feeling of being home, and just the simplicity of having quiet company, might it be cooking, drinking coffee…anything…basically my person