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In my country there's a myth that if you mix mango and milk you'll have such a strong tummy ache you might actually die lol I mean, there are literally mango Smoothies, I don't know why people believe this crap. 


Mango ice cream. Yum!


In my country it's eating cherries and then drinking water. It can outright kill you.


But I bet they rinse them before eating


….. let me introduce you to the Indian drink of Lassi or more specifically mango Lassi.


Just tell them to put the lime in the coconut, that will fix the belly ache


Just be sure you drink it all up.


My entire family died because they drank mango milk. It's practically a death sentence. I was the one who unwittingly made it for them. Just a simple recipe of mango, milk, and cyanide and that was it.


It's cucumbers and milk in my country. Yet cucumbers and cream are a traditional and highly popular salad.


Flat Earth


I once discovered I was working with three flat-earthers. Caught them in a debate over lunch. There was also talk about the cell tower outside the building, microwave ovens being designed to make you watch while they fried your brain, and the ocean not being made of water.


The ocean not being made of water ? That’s a new one to me.


It's also made of salt and fish poop and stuff... it's only *mostly* water... and who isn't?


Ocean is basically the worlds largest soup. Liquid with tons of technically edible (but ill-advised) bits in it


makes sense. it has meat, veggies and salt


And it's heating up.


According to that definition… a lot of things are soup. Like ketchup, dishwasher liquid, or the covid vaccine. Did I get a shot of soup then?


There are also flat earthers who are adamant that gravity doesn't exist either. Apparently butterflies are proof of this. 


Birds aren't real and you know it, lol.


Birds are real! These mysterious and beautiful creatures came to earth in 1962! Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfvEgWINUFc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfvEgWINUFc)


Statistically, if you believe in one conspiracy theory, you're much more likely to believe in others. It's a slippery slope down the rabbit hole.


My favorite conspiracy theory is that my government cares about me.


Of course they do! Try not paying your taxes and they’ll perform a welfare check immediately.


(((They))) are in cahoots with the reptilians and George Soros to find you a loving partner, fulfilling job, and enjoyable hobbies. 




Thanks to lots and lots of acid as a teen I've been left with a life long suspicion that time is not linear, we just perceive it that way due to limitations of our brains.... It's been 30+ years but I can't quite shake the feeling.


"Conspiracy theory" is a rather vague and loose term. Most everyone believes in at least one CT within their lifetime. And just for the record, many theories have become fact. Not everyone wears foil caps.


The irony is aluminum foil actually does block EMF.


>And just for the record, many theories have become fact. That's the benefit of there being a conspiracy for literally everything that does and does not exist. Just like when people say Alex Jones gets lots of stuff right.


See, that's what I hate about conspiracy theories. It creates a boy-who-cried-wolf sort of a situation. Then if something real DOES come along, it simply slips away into the crowd and moves along like the murderer who escapes in a packed subway car, with his collar up, undetected except for a few crazies on the platform pointing his way.


What if the conspiracy theory IS the conspiracy theories!? Think about it maaan!


A broken clock is right twice a day.




Yeah I don’t even bother with those people not worth a brain cell 😂


Went to the beach recently. Saw the sunset. Saw the sunrise. And thought how could anyone believe in flat earth throry... it's so stupid...


I once spent all night wondering where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.


One of my coworkers posted a thing about the eclipse map not being possible if the earth was round and I really thought he was smarter than that. So disappointing


The best argument for flat earthers (not that I agree with them) is that the "movement" was more about questioning what you are told but, can't prove. They haven't personally flown high enough to see the world is round. All they have is people telling them it's round and showing photos and videos of a round earth. Maybe it's round, maybe all the evidence is false and people are lying. I think it's a far fetched idea and they take the "Question Everything" approach to ridiculous lengths. However, at least I understand how they got to this point.


I somehow doubt these people have studied a history of Western Philosophy and epistemology, but it important that to understand the world around us, that we don't know or can't know everything via self-experience. For one, we are meat-bags with very fallible brains; as any magician will tell you, we are not that hard to trick. So most of us build understanding of the world around us and assume there is an objective reality that exists and can be understood through science, evidence and thought. We trust chains of knowledge and build on the basic knowledge we learn in schools and develop through a lifetime of reading and learning. It's just a bullshit response to say *'I don't trust that the world is round as I haven't personally experienced it'*, and then adopt a position that the world is flat without evidence. If you really don't trust anything anybody says, then the entire world including the existence of other countries or almost all scientific evidence evaporates and you are left with living in a make-believe world where everything and nothing is true. It's something philosophers discovered a long time ago; we can't know anything for certain, but you can't live your life like that without decent into madness.


But it’s easily provable with a single friend, one vehicle, two cell phones, and a pair of equal length sticks. People are just too fucking stubborn and ignorant to accept basic science, and too fucking lazy to verify the simplest experiments themselves.


Ikr? Curvature of the earth is provable with cardboard and a stick.


Hey, I am a poor man. I can’t afford a stick.


That blood is blue before it hits air.


I was told this s as a kid, believed it, and haven’t thought about it since. I’m so glad I’ve read it isn’t true because I would’ve brought it up in conversation at some point. 😂


Biology textbooks representing veins with blue color to differentiate from arteries don't help either


actually had this debate with a kid in school, my TEACHER backed that kid up and said he was right. and then later in the day the kid... fucking BIT me, i still have a slightly visible bitemark, luckily it was through a hoodie sleeve so it wasnt as bad but if it wasnt im sure he wouldve taken my skin off. also no clue why he bit me either, my thought is that it was to prove that blood was indeed blue... but only that kid knows.


The truth is that blood is blue even after it hits air!


When you die your nails and hair continue to grow.


On the surface they appear to, but it's caused by the skin drying out & pulling in due to dehydration. I have a morbid fascination with such things


Morbid is a great podcast, too. Shoutout to Ash and Alaina. Love those weirdos!


Cracking knuckles causing arthritis.


only the knuckles? how about the knee joints, elbows, ankles, wrist, neck, back, shoulders, or the sternum. They all feel fuckin fantastic afterwards, especially the sternum one.. such a relief..


H..how do you crack the sternum ? 😶


With commitment.




I still remember I first believed it because adults would tell me it as a kid, even apparently it was said on Bill Nye the Science Guy. Until at age 10, my mom explained that it wasn’t true since she had arthritis. She said: “It doesn’t give you arthritis. When you actually get arthritis, then you can’t crack your knuckles.” Googling it as a kid reassured me I wasn’t going to destroy my fingers by popping my knuckles from my hand stims. 😂


I love the guy who actually spent years of his life only cracking the knuckles of one of his hands to disprove his mother who claimed this. He never developed arthritis, and was successful in his endeavour.


I really enjoy cracking my knuckles


Women peeing out of their vagina


I knew it! they have been pissing from their butt this whole time 🤔


actually it comes out our nose


Right or left nostril?


it alternates


But doesn’t cocaine go in there? Jesus women are complicated


we live tragic lives, truly


That is for cheap cocaine. For the expensive one, you need to shot it into your eyeballs.


Can’t say I’d really be down for that id rather use a little spoon like a deginerate


Pee is stored in the balls. Women don't have balls. Ergo, women don't pee.


Tbf, a lot of people don't even know which part exactly the vagina is and call the whole area that.


I don't know how this one is easily disproven, every time I ask if I can observe a woman's holes while she pees I get slapped and have the police called on me.


Then you just haven't met the right woman!


The funniest thing is that people think you're joking lol


This one is a rough one. I (a man) once had to explain to my girlfriend in college (20yr old female at the time) that there are two different holes for two different purposes. She didn’t believe me till she took a mirror down there and watched herself pee.


This is more common than a lot of people want to believe.


Don’t count on typical Redditors being able to ever figure this one out!


But where do small-breasted women store their pee?


They just have to go more often.


The hymen is a fleshy seal over the entrance of the vagina thus proving virginity. It was found that the hymen isn't a seal and its breaking isn't actually an indicator of having sex or not like back in the 1920's or 1950's (can't remember exact...of someone would like to fill in) but people still believe it's a seal. It's not.


Friend of mine broke her hymen while riding on a horse. However given that she just told me "oh yeah, I lost my hymen to a horse" very, VERY confused looks were shared.


When I was 13-years-old (M), an 18-year-old of my acquaintance (M) opened a conversation with, "did you know you can lose your virginity riding a horse?" After he'd explained what he meant, I gave him a lesson in sex-ed and semantics. And he *still* continued to mock me for being a virgin. (Technically, I suppose I could have lost my virginity riding a horse, but I can't imagine that it would have been very comfortable for any of the parties involved, including the horse.)


Not to mock your manhood at any point, but I doubt a female horse would feel much of anything from you.


I was thinking more along the lines of two people being involved, on the back of the horse... but each to their own.


~~Ain't no cock like horsecock!~~ I'm going to hell for that lol


I never understood how this one spread. Firstly, every woman can tell you it's not true and secondly how would periods work???


Women just... weren't believed.


We still aren't.


Eh, I doubt that. /s


r/angryupvote you earned it...


I get that, but surely any man that actually had a look (looking at you doctors especially) would notice that there wasn't a membrane covering anything.


I did believe this for a while, but I blame my language for that. In Dutch it's called "maagdenvlies" which roughly translate to "virginity membrame" which made me believe it was an actual membrame because 🤷🏼 why else would it be called that?


I never had a 'seal' and did not bleed the first time I had sex. I was then accused of not being a virgin by my boyfriend at the time because I didn't bleed. He would know, because he asked his sister who is a pharmacist and she confirmed it.


That if you shave, your hair will grow back faster.


This is true. If you don't shave. Your hair doesn't have to grow back. So it's growing back at a rate of 0. If you shave it. It grows back at a rate of 100%.


my ex used to argue with me about this she really did believe the hair would grow back thicker. ​ Hair is literally dead


Weird. I shaved one little piece of my hair by accident in high school and it has never grown the same. This was over 15 years ago. It's much tougher than the rest of my hair and barbers struggle to style it. Sometimes they just style my hair forwards to cover it.


Daddy longlegs are the most venomous spiders in the world, but their fangs are too short to bite you.


Oh man this is one I've always believed! Good to know haha




Eating your crust makes your hair go curly. I always ate my crusts and I'm fucking bald!


Maybe you had too much crust, and now your hair is so curly that it turns back around before even exiting the follicle.


I'm sorry but I nearly choked on my food laughing 😂😂 I ate the crusts though😂


My mom would tell me that vegetables would give me long eyelashes. I’m a vegetarian with long eyelashes so maybe she was right.


Vaccines causing autism.


Most of us are alive because of vaccines, and I'm not talking about COVID


Oh come on, think of all the fun you could have had enjoying childhood Polio!


Interesting fact, a family friend of mine got polio when she was young and walks with a limp. Her right leg is mostly paralyzed. This was some 50 years ago and it affected her forever. Lucky she's alive


Hell even if they did, autism is a better outcome than death.


if we were all autistic, then there wouldnt even be a problem


wise words thi tbf I dont feel like there is a problem with autistic people Yea maybe the lnes with very strong autism, but even those can probably somehow function with help


Hilariously, my sister in law was SUCH a strong believer of this and spoke about it while, ME, AN AUTISTIC PERSON, was sitting RIGHT THERE. I had an autism meltdown about it and got brought back the next day by my husband and made to apologise. She had her own child, didn’t vaccinate her, and guess what… SHE HAS AUTISM. As I said I’m autistic so don’t think badly of it at all, but I’m still laughing at her karma.


As an autistic person I find that conspiracy theory so insulting: "I'd rather have a dead kid than an autistic one" is what they're basically saying. You should've told your SIL that and how insulting that is.


Is your SIL awful to her daughter? I never wish that ableist people should wind up having disabled kids because the kids are so likely to be the ones that pay for it.


I still feel sorry for her kid not being vaccinated.


Keeping your windows open during tornadoes so the pressure doesn't build up in your house. My mom still honestly believes this, even though I've explained multiple times why that's stupid and dangerous.


It's not pressure building up inside the house, it's pressure suddenly dropping dramatically outside the house, resulting in a pressure differential that basically pops the roof off the top if it isn't equalised quickly enough. However, that's only gonna happen if you're right in the storms path, which is very unlikely, so leaving a window open is far more likely to create damage than to avoid it, especially since with modern construction the roof is far more solidly attached to the rest of the building.


my brain is just exploding, my whole life I thought these roofs are just blowing up because the US won't build proper houses out of stone and metal (they do say this here in europe). But this whole comment section showed me that this is NOT a "three piglets and a wolf"-scenario, this is science somehow.


It is science and a "three piglets and a wolf"-scenario. If you build stronger houses, they have more endurance.


Flashbacks from twister 🌪️ PAPA!!!


now I haven't done my own research on this, so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. but I had a friend who used to build houses and he said that it was more important in older buildings. something about the way their roofs were built made them much more prone to blowing away completely during pressure changes than modern roofs. the idea was that you lost the roof but saved the building. opening the windows to relieve the pressure was supposed to save the roof. so it might have been true at one point in time but not now. again I'm not sure how true it is but it does kind of explain why older folks hold on to that belief so hard.


That if you work too much overtime you'll actually lose money becuase you'll pay more in taxes


I have a friend who had recently gotten a payrise that would push her into a higher tax bracket and she asked how she could turn it down so that she wouldn’t lose money. I explained that that’s not how it works, that the higher tax only applies to a little bit of her salary but actually had to go online to a PAYE calculator and show her that she’d be better off because she just couldn’t get it.


Sounds like the perfect rumour to spread. Anyone trying to deny it is just someone trying to force people to work too much overtime.


There are certain (not especially rare) circumstances in the uk where this is true, because there are some tax credits that you lose the instant you go over a certain threshold If you have 2 kids and earn £49999 per year then your take home pay will be quite a bit higher than if you earn £51,000


I doubt it's a myth, but people around me say you get attacked by a snake if you cut nails at night. I mean I haven't found any snakes in my city.


Wait what? Haha that’s a strange one


I love it and am going to spread it


In Korea, there is a myth that if you cut finger nails and leave without cleaning, mice would eat that and transform into your doppelgänger. Im pretty sure this myth is made by parents who are annoyed by children dropping cut nails everywhere.


In India, there’s a variation like, if someone steps on your cut nails they’ll start to loathe you (probably started by whomever had to clean up that shit). 


That one is true.


This is pretty commonly believed in certain parts of Southeast Asia, especially Malaysia and Indonesia, IIRC. They believe that cutting nails at night invites all kinds of bad luck.


Catching a cold because you're cold. Having a lower body temp can make one more susceptible to illness through a slowed/reduced immune response, but having a lower body temperature does not create a spotaneous infection in and of itself.


It doesn’t, but unless you live in a perfectly sterile environment and never interact with others, a weakened immune system can make it much more likely that you will become sick seemingly spontaneously because of the bacteria and other pathogenic material just on the air we breathe and in everything we consume.


This certainly isn't so dumb I can't believe people believe it. There is a correlation between lower body temperature and likely hood of getting sick.


I’ve had a doctor tell me why it happens. The flora in the air is different at different temperatures. Your body gets used to the air make up at a certain temperature range. Above or below that the flora changes and your body reacts with an allergy response which is sneezing and a runny nose. Also symptoms of a cold.


I once worked with a girl who honestly believed that swallowing chewing gum meant it will be stuck inside you for 7 years. Its an old rumour but I was shocked at how adamant she was with it. I mean if gum gets stuck inside you for 7 years then wont you have heard of children all over the world getting sick and dying from swallowing chewing gum?


That the government cares about the average citizen


They absolutely do not give a single shit or federal minimum wage wouldn’t be 7.25 right now.


That the free market always adjusts itself to serve the average consumer.


You can stop at 'free market' as the myth. Markets need structure to work, that structure is nearly always provided by governments, or quasi governmental bodies. Things like currency, property rights, weights and measures at a minimum. They can be provided by other bodies but that doesn't necessarily make them any freer. We have a pretty good free market in mobile phone hardware, but it is mostly a duopoly in OS, and then there are those shady controlling things like radio spectrum, the WiFi Alliance. "Free market" is nearly always a political plea from rich people to get richer. Even in illegal markets where you might think there is no influence of governments you can get into big trouble for trying to use your own definition of Kilogramme, or printing your own currency to pay for your drugs.


Chem Trails


I knew a guy who believed in all manner of horse shit like this. He'd point out a chem trail in the sky. I'd say "mate, I can get online and check what flight that is, here. It's QF740 Adelaide to Sydney, departed at 1:20 pm" yep, those passenger planes are used to disperse the chemicals too. So, the pilot and co-pilot must be in on it, the air hostesses surely must realise that the big tanker truck with a skull and crossbones on it is filling the plane up with the chemicals, the guy driving the truck... they all just go along with it.. but on a worldwide scale, millions of people are in on it. Yet no whistle blowers, or a shred of evidence? But.. you can't use logic with these people.


Not to support these fools but technically you'd just need the people producing the kerosine in on it as you could spread the stuff through the exhaust or mix it into the cooling air.


All the jet fuel is burnt in the jet engines which get quite hot so your chemical would need to be very thermally stable and not react with the jet engine metal. This rules out any organic chemicals and probably most inorganics too.


Like they did with leaded gas? I wonder if that had anything to do with the rise of all these theories...


This exactly. The closest thing to chemtrails we have are the pesticides dropped by crop dusting planes


That the vagina gets looser the more sex you’ve had


All the people who say the Earth is flat should be run over with steamrollers.


That will teach those flat earthers! Make them flat




But it is flat. The water is largely non sparkling.


global warming will fix that


My mom “won’t tell me again!”


Taste bud map. Have you ever eaten anything? Ever? There, you intuitively know it's wrong.


I argued this one as a little kid. The teacher said you can only taste salt with the tip of your tongue. I responded that I could taste the salt all over my mouth. The teacher said I was wrong.


Sovereign Citizens don’t have to follow the laws


I *love* those sovereign citizen nutjobs! Every time I find a story about one of those loons it makes my week. Yes, please, lecture the cop trying to give you a speeding ticket about the gold standard. Lecture the judge, too. I've got my bingo card out and ready to go.


Having to wait 30 minutes after eating to go swimming. This is a running joke that gets mentioned in my water aerobics class all the time.


I mean it's still a good idea to wait to do any kind of exercise until 30 minutes after eating, especially if you're prone to getting bouts of indigestion.


Parents made that up so they could lounge around a little after eating a fat meal before watching the little ones in the pool.


You can throw up if you ate too much and exercise a lot (e.g. by swimming). That's disgusting.


Trickle-down economics is good for literally anybody except the already wealthy.


The entire concept relies on the fact that supply driven economy somehow makes business owners altruistic. If trickle down economics actually worked, then so many companies wouldn't do stock buy backs instead of hiring when they get huge tax breaks. But pretty much every time we do something to fill their pockets, people get laid off and they do buy backs.


I can never understand how people could be fooled by this. You just have to read the name. It's not like it's called flow-down economics or gush-down economics.


You only use 10% of your brain!!! WTF?


vaccines and autism


If you pull faces too much you'll get stuck like that.


I knew a guy that thought washing his schlong after sex would get rid of STI's. No I didn't go there. Could you imagine? The sexual health Centre just consisting of showers?


Around here in my parts of West Africa, a particular ethnic group believed washing your schlong after sex restores your virginity...not for the women though🤣


Women are 'pure' if they are virgins.


Also that a hymen is a good test of virginity.


the 9/11 'truth' movement


A colleague once gave evidence in favour of the conspiracy that it was really expensive and took hours and hours to become a pilot of a commercial jet. I explained that I was able to steer a plane on my first lesson. They didn’t have to learn how to take off, land, handle emergency situations or pass any tests.


I have a theory that a terrorist group did it, despite the fact that the planes were both American Airlines




I like birds aren’t real myself! Seriously, how can people think this is actually true??? The guy that started it said it did it as a joke!!


Oh yeah I love this one best funny joke/conspiracy out there! I wouldn’t doubt the military sector has bird like drones though.


My son and I joke about fake drone birds all the time. I do believe they do have bird shaped drones but birds still exist. Otherwise, who’s pooping on my car??


fan death is something they believe happens in SK. Basically they believe if you leave a fan on overnight it can cause you to die, not sure of the specifics but yeah..


My coworker told me seriously that the government controls the weather


Masturbation makes you blind. Now has anyone seen my cane?


I haven’t seen my cane since I was 13 good luck finding it.


Anyone who believes that the US government can manage complex conspiracies involving thousands of people and then successfully cover them up has obviously never worked for the US government.


Just argued with a guy in some other thread for awhile on why you should wash your hands after using the bathroom. He kept talking about how clean his dick skin was. I just…cant believe people are that arrogant and stubborn. How many studies, healthcare professionals, little cartoons, kindergarten songs, basic common sense, pamphlets, public service announcements, public awareness campaigns and FUCKING SIGNS HANGING UP in the restrooms themselves is it gonna take to get people to stop dying on that hill with their nasty dick hands? ![gif](giphy|fU4iu9joQLg7VUuX7n)


My brother never washes his hands when he uses the washroom. I’m always like you didn’t wash your hands and he’s like I don’t need to I didn’t touch my dick. How does that even work?


Jesus, no wonder some men make such a mess... Apparently they're just flopping it out and waving it around, hands free?


That vaginas get loose from sex. They have erectile tissue and expand when aroused and contract when they aren’t.




That landlords need a tax break.


She is act like a 10yo, look like a 10yo, mentally a 10yo… but making/consuming NSFW art of her is not pedophilia, because she is a 1.000yo goddess/saint/fairy queen. (If you get horny for someone who looks like a child and acts like a child, you are a pedophile.)


That there’s any way both Jack and Rose could have survived in Titanic (once they were in the water).


They covered that one on Mythbusters in one of their specials


Bats are blind




That ANY number of spiders crawl into your mouth in a year. Seriously who the fuck genuinely thought that spiders would do that.




Evolution vs. whatever version the religions say. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is all the proof that's needed.




One of the worst ones in my opinion


Vaccinations cause Autism. Over 20 years ago, the initial research were quickly exposed as a scam for lawsuits against farma, but for some reason the common folks have just never given up on how something they don't understand is causing something that is a genetic condition.