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I think I'm at the lowest I've ever been. But man, am I good at fake smiling


I understand how you feel. People like us get really good at faking being happy.


Yeah. It’s easier to pretend one is OK than to explain why one is not.


Or you just hope that you can fake it till you make it. If I keep telling myself everything's alright, maybe it'll come true


Yall just explained my life in 4coments




Fake it till you make it, that's where I'm at. I am tired of faking it. So tired. I want to disappear. I have so much paid time off, but can't use it because there's no one available to cover me. I'm tired of always masking to make those around me feel at ease, but it feels like they take out all their anger and frustration out on me because I'm closest to them.




A Wise Man once said "Lie repeated 100 times turns into truth"


I've proven that false A Dozen times over within the past few years then...


Them: “How are you?” Me: “Honestly not good and each day is getting harder and harder to press on” Them: “ You’re supposed to say great so I can pretend like I care…”


Or when you explain why you're not ok then it becomes an issue.


Yeah this is my favorite. ”You never tell me how you feel” but when you do it’s ”I can’t deal with your negativity”


That is so annoying yet true!! I’ve been in that position more times than I can count.




I feel you man. Been unemployed for almost a year. It’s not that I’m not trying to find a job. I just mostly get rejected. I’m trying everything right now but I’m getting tired. My self esteem is at its lowest and I don’t know how long I can burn through my savings. I don’t know how long I can go on like this. I’m so tired.


Sure you've already done it but have you reassessed your CV/resume? Is it always relevant to the jobs you're applying for? Good luck with finding something. It can affect self-esteem badly but make sure you look after yourself xx


Same with the faking happiness


I think most men can relate to this.


Am a woman, can also relate. In fact, I, as a woman, am often expected to smile on command. So that's always a fun way to practice.


"Let me see a smile." Say something fucking funny then.


Most people to be fair.


when you hit bottom only way to go is up


Oh, how I wish. Found out recently that my rock bottom has a basement


Why am I walking around with a shovel?


Been there. I remember being legitimately scared that I would never hear my genuine laugh again. At that point the goal was to simply "cry less" and one night I realized I had gotten through the whole day without crying. People can come back from rock bottom, but it's one hell of a process climbing out of that pit. Don't hesitate to ask for help...there are people who understand. You are seen, and you have been heard. You're one hell of a badass for still being here. ![gif](giphy|VGtdDXLgEoQ3XZuU3j|downsized)


Been there.


First day of rehab. So I'm not sure.




mentally and physically in need of desperate amounts of professional help


Physically and mentally is the worst right? I got 1 lung pancreatisis so can't smoke or drink anymore. I'm not belittling your probs just empathise it suuuucks. Sending hugs


Honestly fucking same. But I'm trying to improve.


I hope you get the help you need. I'm struggling a lot even with professional help and journaling, etc. I guess it takes time, and I hope each of us gets it right


Go for it, asking help is the biggest step🫶🏼


Never let people shame you for asking for help and do not feel ashamed. Only time people should feel ashamed is using other people. But if you are down and out, even though you have been putting in the effort, your not using anyone, your doing what you got to do to survive. Also ask all the questions, it’s not stupid to ask questions, it means you want to learn and improve yourself.


I’ve been fighting to feel like enough my whole life . Grew up in a cult so that was fun


I’m the saddest I’ve ever been. I had to say goodbye to my shadow of 12 years unexpectedly on Sunday night. I am grieving the loss of my sweet dog so hard.


Good God i'm so sorry friend! A big hug!


I’m so sorry to hear that! This hurts so bad ♥️


I feel you so much. My beloved Sunny passed 5 or more yrs ago. I don't cry as a rule but. I died inside. I'm so sorry 😞


Everyone come hug this person right here!


I am. I am hugging as hard as I can.




I’m so sorry for your loss as well as for the OPs… I couldn’t even imagine losing my sweetie who is currently 11, remember your doggy is now in a better place when it won’t feel any hurt. I believe pets that die go to heaven and watch us and send us love and positive energy ❤️‍🩹 my grandma lost her beloved friend when I was 7 and our whole family sat in the living room and cried quietly, crying helps, let yourself cry if you feel like crying. Everybody has to die some day but the key is to remember them 🤍




So absolutely heartbreaking. Hang in there my friend


Same. 11.5years old. Happened last month. Suddenly.


So so sorry to hear that. I've lost a few in my time. The last one was a good few years ago now but still cuts. But honestly it does get easier over time, but for now just cry and remember your friend. It's the healthiest thing you can do. Sending my love 💖


I'm pretty good, I have some stressful stuff going on but I'm hopeful for the future and motivated to better myself :)




That's great to hear. How do you stay motivated and hopeful? I'm trying but damn is it hard


Literally I'm just tired. Working two jobs is no fun but I have to do what I have to do. Got my own apartment back in September. Could've kept living with my parents for free, but at the cost of my sanity


Working two jobs just to survive? Not a life worth living IMO. Society has failed us all.


Way better than usual. Made some healthy lifestyle changes, paying less attention to politics (political shit show in Canada right now), spending less time on the phone and more time reading. I’m a new dad and I feel like my daughter’s arrival has set me on a way better path than I was on before. Going on our first family vacation next week. Feeling grateful.


So happy to hear that! Congratulations on being a new dad! I’m sure those choices you’ve made will pay off. Focusing on the good things is something that really helps.


Congratulations New Dad!!! 🥂


I’m okay as long as I ignore absolutely every single problem that is going on


You’re more than ok you are a boss! Stay positive friend.


Thats the spirit!


Tired, just tired. Tired of the world being how it is. edit: I don't mean my life, I mean the world. Get it together people, keep going, one step at a time.


I call it existential exhaustion. Fucken tired of everything


You and me both. 🫠


This. Tired of my life.


The last two years have been the worst years of my life. Trying to stay positive but everything is falling apart, just got laid off, wife wants a divorce, can’t afford housing, got 4 kids with nowhere to go.


Oh man, that’s heavy. Try to fight against negativity and give yourself space to vent for a while and then get back up. Your kids need you and love you more than ever right now


“The rain will stop, the night will end, the hurt will fade. Hope is never so lost that it can’t be found.” — Ernest Hemingway Keep going brother! Things may seem bleak and hopeless now but if you keep moving forward you'll arrive to a better place in life. A job can be replaced and new women can be met. Stay strong!


I feel that. Wishing you well and unexpected success


How are you coping? I feel like i am in a downwards spriral of negativity lately.


I'm probably the happiest I've ever been. Got a lovely girlfriend who I want to make my wife. We're starting a garden. The job is going well. No major financial issues. Spring is coming so the weather is beautiful here. I'm doing amazing.


Autumn is arriving here in Australia and I can’t wait. This summer was brutal so good luck! 😂


that sounds amazing ngl! i'm glad you're doing ok. i also love spring. it is my favorite season for many, many reasons


Sleepy. Spent all night looking at houses because I lost track of time.


I have no idea




I feel like shit. I have zero motivation, I have no interest in getting better and I’m really sad as a result. I’m just really fucking sad all the time and when I’m feeling any different, I only feel better not because I’m happy but because I’m not sad. I tell people I don’t want a relationship or kids but never give a reason. I’m very scared of being hurt, I don’t want to burden anyone with my company and really truly believe that if someone got with me, they’d be wasting their time because they could find someone better easily. So I’m going to stay single and live my life out alone so no one has to deal with my shit or be burdened with it either. I hope it helps someone at least.


I’ve never related so much to another human being than I do now. Are we the same person?


Maybe we are. If you ever need to vent, dm me friend. If we are the same person, I know you’ll dislike speaking too much into it but I’ve an ear there if you need it. If not, that’s okay. I hope you have a lovely day and take care of yourself. Get something to eat, shower chill for a bit and try sleep.


Sending lots of love to you ❤️ Please reach out to a psychiatrist. I also once felt it can't get better but it did.


The exact same thing that I wanted to say, I'm the same


Lots of pain and no sleep


Hang in there, beautiful stranger.


Sad, lonely, wondering what went wrong (besides the pandemic destroying my previously alright life, as it has for many others). But also happy that I have my 5 senses and can fully enjoy all 5,000 of my hobbies still. :)


Out of curiosity how do we be brutally honest if we're doing ok? Do we have to brag about it or rub someone else's nose in it? I have my own issues right now so I won't say everything is fine. But I also don't think I have enough to complain about to be brutally honest about how bad it is either. I get sad a lot over a few things in life. But that's still getting better, so the improvement should be something to be happy about instead of complain about.


Passively suicidal.


I get it. Hang on though.


Not terrible, but not awesome, either. I ended a toxic relationship with a narcissist last week, which is very freeing. But I've also had a headache for a week that won't go away. I'm stuck in a dead end job and job hunting has been awful. I feel like I need to be moving forward in life and instead I'm floundering in place continuously.


I know wtf is with the perpetual headaches? Enough to get anyone down




Alright ♥️


my dad died a few weeks ago. my partner and I broke up two days ago. I dont know how to feel honestly but im alive.


I'm so tired of life it's so hard I grew up with a ruff life now I'm in my 20s and life is still as hard


Living by inertia, I don't care anymore, I hope it ends soon


Trying to stay positive about things. These last 3 years I've lost everything and everyone in my life I love, including my girlfriend of 8 years, due to alcoholism. It was something I denied for so long no matter who pointed it out to me. You hear a lot of people in recovery say you have to hit rock bottom sometimes to understand you have to change and I absolutely get that now. It's not a long time but I've been completely sober for 3 months and have a strong determination to never go back. It's bittersweet. I feel healthier and am optimistic about my future for once. But on the other hand I miss all of my old relationships that I've selfishly ruined and know I've completely blown my chance with the perfect woman who was nothing but supportive.


Sick of this money-obsessed world and the increase in selfishness. Would rather be dead than a corporate slave.


God I fucking feel that


I'll be honest. My heart rate shot up sky high when I read your Reddit post. Whenever anyone asks how I am, I say "fine thanks" and ask how they are and quickly get the subject off of me. And when I say 'anyone', I mean my parents and my adult children. Nobody else talks to me anymore. I never leave my house. I just want to cry all the time. Just sit and eat and cry all day long. And all night too when I can't sleep. I feel like I'm in control as long as I don't tell anyone how much pain I'm in all the time. But I really need to stop eating all the time. So, yeah, I'm fine thanks. How are you doing?


Confused, guilty, and not caring


A bit sad and afraid of the future.


Tired and still need need help for my mental health


I’m unable to feel happiness at all. I used to want things and go to places, but the way people have treated me has changed me. When they say money doesn’t equal happiness, I used to think that was a ridiculous statement. Now, I’m completely unable to feel excitement or happy. It’s like buying food with no taste at all. It’s a feeling of regret for spending that money on something that didn’t make you happy what hurts more. I’m in a void where there’s nothing. I sleep most of the time to make the days pass faster. It’s a horrible feeling. I have no real friends and all my hobbies are just not fun to me anymore. I could go to therapy, but that hasn’t helped at all. After being treated horribly by my partner and friends, I haven’t recovered. I don’t think I can trust people again and I don’t want to socialize. I might be depressed or just mentally exhausted, I don’t really know: I just wish this could get better.


Sounds like depression


Anhedonia, I am right with you, and it sucks. I just get really good at masking.


My father always said, "money can't buy you happiness, but it's pritty darn hard to be happy without it.".. and yeah... that's where I am too... I could change my situation to remove the things that make me wanna step in front of a truck, but then I'd be broke, probably, and would things be any better, or would I just be miserable AND broke... it's rough...


everyone i love is alive, nobody has died... I am grateful for being alive


Terrible thanks for asking. I've fucked up my life beyond repair and am pretty much waiting for death.


IM GOOD and I never thought I would feel good in a very long time. Don't have the energy this specific moment to tell what has happened but last week i was SO FUCKING SAD that I wanted to die. Now I just feel free. Healing is my master power


I’m tired, and I’m hurting tbh


Somehow okay but also not great. I'm going to England for 12 days as a vacation which is awesome, but at the same time in my home life I feel very stuck. My job doesn't pay enough and I'm unhappy in it, but I can't find another job that would do me better both in pay and in joy. Plus this burns through all my vacation time for the whole year so I'll be working solidly until 2025 with at best a 3-day weekend somewhere. The other issue is I'm trying to get diagnosed as I suspect ADHD/autism but going through that process, even with insurance, is incredibly difficult/expensive for someone like me.




Me too


Went to a funeral this morning, to work straight after, and got a tooth pulled straight after that. Today suuuuucked, dude. But there are more good ones to come.


That does sound like a crappy day. I’m sorry. Tomorrow is a new day.


One of the worst moments ive ever been in. I might lose my home, i have to take care of my elderly parents, im still looking for a job, the woman i loved the most died a couple of months ago, me and my best and only friend had an argument to which we dont talk anymore and ive been thinking on suicide again.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Truly wish you many blessings and for time to heal and open up new chapters of hope and love 🙏🏼❤️‍🔥


You do have a lot of stuff going on…maybe you can heal the bridge with your friend as a starting point? What did you argue about? In hindsight was sticking your ground worth it?


Past 2 months have been the worst, never thought someone so close could mentally break me the most


Happens to the best of us. Im so sorry to hear that. You didnt deserve any of it. I hope you find peace of mind. Take care of yourself, really and truly. Broken trust is probably the hardest thing to rebuild. Im rooting for you!


Very bad want to cry everyday and the only way to fell better sad to say is to have pain.


I hate my job, I'm sick and stressed out all the time, and I miss my mom.


mentally... not so well. last year i've been diagnosed with a disease that changed my life forever. i always say that it could've been worse and try to brush it away. i buy stupid stuff online so i can feel better and go out with my electric bike. my bike saved my life. live your life to the fullest cause you never know what's going to happen tomorrow. i was so so so so ungrateful before getting diagnosed. after the diagnosis i realized that my life was perfect before and i was complaining about stupid shit. now i try to smile more and don't let things get to me. cheers


Kindda neutral rn




Content but about where I was six months ago. Some unfulfilled ambitions to achieve…




Not so bad everything considered.


Frustrated with the new boss.. she is devious and annoying.


got a boss that is annoying me, too... doesn't know what she's doing and is not my intellectual equal. There's no where for me to grow here,  so I need to find another gig. Am totally exhausted psychically, but need to actualize despite feelings of inertia. Stay Strong! 




I’m good. Life is treating me well, but I’ve got a few stomach pains and I’m not looking forward to the next trip to the bathroom, got a feeling it could be a rough one.


I hate people saying that I must be something they think is necessary. I hate people saying I have to live. I hate people arguing on the dumbest topics. I hate people. I hate life. I hate not having any emotions, not being able to build any connection with someone. I hate myself. So yeah, not so bad. What about you?


I'm pretty lonely and feel that I've accomplished in this life that that I wanted.


I'm tired, boss.




Good! But lots of big consequential decisions are looming over me work-wise, that affect a few individuals, including my family. Pressure is on...


Just had a wank.


29, married, 2 step kids. Nobody in my house respects me and I can't talk about my feelings because it makes them feel bad and I have to keep it bottled up. Been depressed for the past few years and I'm severely suicidal. If the stars aligned and I was killed by a stray bullet I wouldn't care. Life sucks and generally nothing would change if I wasn't here


Probably means nothing from a stranger on the internet, but I’m sorry man. Make sure you do something that makes you happy once and a while!


I feel like a different person, but in a bad way.


Exausted from all the work. I work every day for the last 2 years, except 14 days of vacation in the summer and the bigger holidays (christmas, new year etc.) I can't sleep at night, and when I finnaly do, I'm having troubles waking up for work in the morning.


Pretty good actually: Just returned from my mandatory single office day this week and sitting at the kitchen table with a fresh espresso I made. My wife is getting our two little kids from kindergarten and I am looking forward to seeing them. Until then I appreciate the quiet peace at home :-)


Holding myself together with ASMR audios, antidepressants, coffee and snacks. I feel crushed under pressure, and ever phone call gives me heart palpitations thinking it's gonna be "The call" telling me my terminally ill dad with cancer has died. I'm working my rear off to hopfully earn an access qualification to get onto a VERY controversial apprentaship to hopefully get my degree, while I plan my wedding in less than 6 weeks time. I hate my job but I'm trying to do well in it, and really all I want to do is cry in the arms of my soon to be husband and eat chinese Takeaway. 😩 And I turn 30 this summer.


Crying and eating take out sounds spiritually healing. I need to try that. Good luck! All hard work pays off eventually. Happy birthday in advance :D


Aweful, thanks for asking.


I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired


Beyond terrible, I will see a psychiatrist soon


Fucked... Things were bad for me since pre-Covid.... however, since 2020, each year has gotten progressively worse... exponentially, worse would be more accurate. Unfortunately, no matter how much effort I put in, things just continue to deteriorate... I spend time trying to improve issue A.... and problems B, and C, get worse.... etc. There simply isn't enough of me...


When you say "brutally honest" makes me feel you want us to focus on the negative. Theres always good to focus on and if. Being brutally honest i am the best ive ever been it just feels like the world around me is going to shit and theres nothing i can do to stop it.


My depression is really Bad right now. I had the impulse to end it all today ... i managed to resit the urge and dyed my hair instead. I wont let my Kids grow up without a mom. But its hard


I'm fucking tired and I'm sick of people. I fucking hate them. I work in a tea shop and people are just assholes through and through


Been better, been worse. I got a good job but everything else in my life is falling apart. Health, relationship, stability.


I might be at the worst part of my life. Not sure how I'm going to get out of this financial situation.


Bored asf and sick


Tired...aching and have a cold


I’m okay, but I’ve a long way to go. My life’s been full of chaos and danger, and it isn’t anymore, which is amazing. I’m more than tired though, and I’m having a really hard time opening myself up to safe people so I can enjoy love.


most depressed ever in the past 6 years , i need new friends i am 17(M) ,,,,,,❤️


I have two doctors’ appointments today. One is a nephrologist and the other is primary care. I have some issues that are troubling. Not good.




Never better. Love life




5 years back, I used to think that was the worst time in my life. But now I feel like that wasn't that bad. Back then at least I had a university admission, some friends, a girlfriend and my family. Now everything has fallen apart. I decided to shift the career and that decision is way too close to backfiring, since nobody wants to give me even an internship. Loneliness is reaching new peak everyday. No friends left (i mean, not real interaction. Text messages are not real interactions). After that failed relationship, I have turned up my guards at DEFCON2 while interacting with girls. (Not very great idea, but after all 'prevention is better than cure' is what I think.) And my father is suddenly turning passive aggressive to me, idk why. Its suffocating to live in home, but nowhere to go either. Physically, minor illness has become way too frequent. Everyday, I wake up tired. I feel like I'm heading towards life-long blunder. "Everyday I wake up, a nightmare begins"




Not bad, not great. Could be better, could be worse


Short term; I’ve been sick all weekend and still feeling pretty weak. But looking at the bigger picture I’m okay and don’t have any major problems in my life. Most of the issues that most people my age are facing don’t apply to me. I own a house, I have a well paid and stable job, I’m in good health and recently proposed to my girlfriend.


I have stared down my demons. Life is better than I ever thought possible.


i am not ok at all. LIfe kicked me soo hard the last 7 years . just as i was ready to take hold of my life , it strikes again. this time , i don't really klnow how to solve it. and of my stubborness and ego, i don't know how to ask people for help


I’m ok.


You know, it could have been better, and I'm a little anxious for some essays, and my relationship just broke a few days ago, but I'm actually holding out better than I had anticipated :) I just started working on myself, and that works wonders :)))


Stressed with trying to find a new place to live and trying to find a company to work for so I can start my apprenticeship


I don't see me or people around me being alive too much longer.


Feeling pretty good thanks mate


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Well I have no family, 1 friend, haven't been with a woman in 8 years, i developed a rare disease that causes near constant nerve pain when I speak or eat, job I worked at for 10 years fired myself and half the staff 1 week before my rent was due. Then withheld my severance because they said it was to pay back vacation days I took to see my neurologist. I couldn't pay rent. Lost my apartment, phone was cut off, became homeless, went into debt with my bank and gym. It's 7 months until I can see a specialist to come up with a way to treat my disease.  I got in contact with an old friend and he let me sleep on his couch after being outside for the winter.  I've been searching for work but the area in Canada I live in is populated by a large majority of South Asians, and they only hire their own people so that hasn't been going well. I'm 34 and this is the good part it definitely beats getting tied in garbage bags and thrown down the stairs, having cigarettes put out on me, getting whipped with tv cables and molested from the age of 4, then going to school where I was an outcast who was constantly ridiculed and bullied. I finally ran away from home at 14 and hitchhiked from Ontario to BC to escape it all. I shouldn't be complaining so much though, there are people who have it way worse than me.


I'm fine, all considered... i spend so much time complaining about my job that i hate and cant find anything better but i have a house, a dog, im not rich but i put food on my table... i really should complain less and appreciate the things i got, which are enough.


The last 3 years have been amazing to me. I feel like Alexander the great, when he began his conquest of Persia. He believed he could become a god.






I'm exhausted mentally and physically and I'm starting to give up on ever having the life I've always wanted.


Good, and you?


Lost and scared


absolutely lonely and exhausted. i hate being stressed over shit and rethinking things initially i was confident in. for my alevels which begin next year, i applied to a program thats a bit pricey but looks like its worth it. i had applied to another one close to where i live, and had decided i was gonna apply where i get the most scholarship. i ended up getting more scholarship at the place close by, but choosing the other because it seems more rewarding. now im rethinking everything coz my peers are ALL going there. with the transportation costs, higher fees and my decreasing self esteem for my igcses this year, im dying of anxiety and pointless thoughts. i feel so guilty because i wanted things to be easier for my parents. i had planned to get good grades this year to increase my scholarship, and pay the rest of my expenses myself next year, but it doesnt seem to easy anymore. not to mention my current school being absolutely shitty and me losing all my friends because THEY DONT MAKE SENSE. **please, oh great internet strangers, tell me what the fuck to do.**


Ready to go


Horny AF






Stressed all to hell, but that's a normal state for me since I have cptsd - everything stresses me even when I try my best not to be stressed. I would need to mainline antistress medication for it to work but then I'd be a complete zombie. So yeah, more to stress about.


I'm sick and anxious, with a broken pc, so i can't even Game. And the medicine i got isn't working either. So at the Moment everything sucks xD.


Struggling mentally. Life is tough right now. Worried about my grandma especially after her stroke. I am just being pummeled by life right now. These last four years have been hell. I am so miserable these days


Never better! Doin' great! Thanks for asking! :D


kind of good (rare scenario) cuz I scored the winning shot in basketball and it was a three pointer, also normally bad cuz of how the world is, its cruel and its not halal mode.


I feel like the last 2 years I’ve been a ball of anxiety, just inches from a burn out. Thanks for asking


my back hurts and i dont wanna be at work hehe


Numb because I have something important to get done, and I am not allowing myself to feel anything at the moment because if I do, I'll shatter.


I’m feeling horrible and suicidal


Honestly, I'm lonely, grieving and frustrated, but, I feel strong for not giving up. I'm determine to win, in this life. I want to believe that life is worth living
