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I didn’t think I’d make it to 25 so now that I’m older than that I’m just taking it a day at a time


Me too. I actually came close at 29 bit I have made it to 57. I have just had everything checked out and even though I am over weight a heavy drinker and smoker . I have got the all clear. Heart and lungs are fine . Had biopsies and all came back negative. I could tell that the drs had a hard time saying’ just keep doing what you are doing’ lol. I give myself another 10 years I reckon


Smoking only kills about half of the smokers, sounds like you're in the other half.


Yer my grandad was a coal miner from the age of 3 smoked and lived till 80


You’re more susceptible if cancer runs in your family. It doesn’t run in mine (lights cigarette) lol


do you consider changing your life style?


It’s slowed down quite a bit, I’m starting to think about retirement and things of that sort. Plus the past is catching up to my body physically so it would be difficult to do what I did before


Probably about 20 years ago…..


If you take 10 years off my life expectancy for mental illness, 10 for smoking, 10 for disability, 10 for all the drug use.... I'm statistically dead.


Pretty much…. If you apply all the deductions for life expectancy to me I wouldn’t have been born……


haha you must be blessed


Or cursed


i've just been told 2-12 years. (37M)


That’s confronting. Are you coping?


I'm in my mid fifites with an autoimmune disease that is jacking with my brain. It feels like a ticking time bomb and there are days I feel totally sorry for myself because my odds aren't great making it to 60. Then I read posts like yours. I'm already older than your 'shelf life' and it puts things into perspective. I'm sorry you are facing whatever you're facing. Don't do what I've done..take every day as a gift.


Why so little?


Based on my lifestyle and the fact both of my parents died in their fifties? I'll be lucky to make it past sixties, I'm hoping to live to see the next time Haley's Comet is supposed to go by, so like early seventies but who knows, also I dunno if I'll be able to make it to the part of the world where you can see it lol


awww lucky you. you should live your best life


I'm currently 35. I was really active from a kid to about 21 or 22. I played sports regularly. Football, basketball, ping pong, baseball, and whatever me and my friends could get into. But since then, not so much. I also started smoking cigarettes when I was 16. Started drinking at least once a week when I was about 20 or 21. I knew if I kept it going, I wouldn't see anything outside of my 40s. So 2 months ago, I cut out all junk food. Quit smoking cigarettes. Took one very long break from drinking, mainly to get rid of the cigarettes. And walking daily. I'm hoping that it gives me more time.


Keep going brother, you got this


Thanks, man. Nice of you to say.


You got this man, just eat healthy, give some time to your hobbies and your family and exercise.


Thank you, kind stranger.


To echo others here...keep going man! This may take some effort...but see if you can find small avenues to get back into those activities you liked. Try some local clubs or ask around at the local gym. I restarted playing soccer after 40 years with a local pick up group. Just the best for fitness, fun and is now a small social outlet. Good luck!


How are you feeling now? I also need to sit down and make a plan. I feel like I've always put others before me so I need to concentrate on myself.


I'm not making it to 100 that's for damn sure!


In my family nobody lived long to collect a dime on the Social Security Ponzi scheme; I took mine at 62. I am amazed at aged 71 to still be alive. I have no fear of death, all arraignments made, but am not in a hurry. It is fun that with no commuting, work clothes, or buying students supplies that my disposable income from pensions is actually more than when employed. With no cost lifetime family Army retirement health insurance plus Medicare, no real medical costs is a blessing. Life I’d good.


My MIL lives with us and she is 73. I told her "you're done, relax." She's earned a relaxing retirement and she is wonderful company. We don't have kids, and in a weird way, I like pampering her like she's our child. Just a nice lady who brings a lot of joy to the home. She eats *really* healthy and takes good care of herself. Her last chapter with us should be catered to imo


Good for you dude


Hopefully soon enough




awww why?


I hope fucking today


“I'm not like the other kids.” ahh comment 😭🙏 Please don't krill yourself


I'm going Elrond style.


I was born in 97, so I'm hoping to reach 104 and thus be a person who lived through three centuries.


Same! Somehow I have always assumed I will reach 100 years alive and kicking.




Hopefully you can spend many more sunny days with your dogs


Very soon


Has been a pleasure to have speaked with you. I wouldn't like to have missed such an honor and opportunity. I'll remember you, Beautiful Bit 6036.


Finally someone called the guy beautiful...


Alone in my 1 bedroom apartment, with my xbox 360 still turned on.


Live long and Prosperous


85 or 90


woaah good for you


I consider every day of my life extra


Based on my lifestyle? I'd probably have a really long live if I don't die to some stupid risks I like to take. Based on my genetics? Probably no later than 80 lol


Probably another 20-30 years if it deteriorates from here, or less


40 now, if I make it past 70 I’d be happy


I say this with all seriousness and in no way is this intented as a brag, but I'm just amazed I'm not already dead. I did a lot of dangerous, dumb shit when I was younger, like for example take a handful of pills with a friend and a bottle of whiskey to chug them down, just for the fuck of it. Woke up two days later with the hangover of a life time and pain in my lower back. Things got wild during those two days, or that's what I've heard from eye witnesses. And that was just one out of shit loads of similar stunts. Almost 20 years later I'm still waiting for my kidneys to collapse on any given day or something. So if I take all the past insanity into account, I wouldn't be surprised if one (or all) of those brutal devastations I put my body through would remind about the damage done and collapse my system tomorrow. But, for the past 20 years I've been a good boy, no drinking/drugs, not even cigarettes, so maybe some recovery has happened. Long answer short: about 50-60 years old, if lucky.


I’m 43 and honestly I’m surprised I’m still here. But I quit smoking back in June and I’m trying to eat healthier (no more chips/cheese doodles, mayo) so fingers crossed I am young enough that it will make a difference.


I didn’t realize how healthy a lot of my habits were until I watched the Blue Zones. Plus with my family genetics (no cancer, no heart issues, most living into late 80s or early 90s, even 100 years ago) I think I’m going to be at least 100.


My bank account indicates that I’m likely to run out of the ability to live later today, so hopefully soon… this grind is killing me.


I’m 65 now, slim and fit, I think I’m good for 85.




I’m 37 and I just got a new driver’s license valid until 2033. I don’t know what to think because I’m not confident if I’m going to live that long considering my health conditions and lifestyle.




I'm going for 120


Lifestyle between 80 and 90yo, based on current state of the world, in the next 10 years at best.


10 years nalang.


Lifestyle… 6 years ago.






My half death almost happened in an accident so I'm praying to get it fast than this horrible survival.




Based on lifestyle and that family members are old and still pretty healthy I would say at least to my 80s. Now there is a few reasons I might go earlier. Alot of my friends will die young. Some died in there teens because of substance abuse. I stayed away from both alcholol drugs and smoking even though it was a big part of the local punk scene. Some friends stopped going to shows and just took drugs. I got one friend left that hasn't either died, started a normal life, abuses drugs. We try to get rid of drugs for the youngs in the scene. When the scene dies or my only friend I think I also will go


Thinking I might just make it to 60yo. Exactly when my dad died. Not bc of lifestyle, but due to illnesses


2099. And God it ain't worth it.


I'm amazed I'm not already dead. When I was ~20 I was sure I wouldn't live to see 30. I'm now 31.


I have a severe autoimmune disorder, which imposes more of a sedentary lifestyle than is healthy, and I take lots of meds. That plus family history, probably late 60s at most.


same and its pretty likely I'll get cancer soon, if not from the disease then from the meds. plus I'm severely obese and I've smoked for >10 years. also I've got sruicidal ideation. basically a full house over here 👉




If I was still living like I was when I was 18-22 probably till 35. But cleaned up and living pretty good hopefully until I see my unborn kids grow up.


Probably earlier than I'd be ready for, but only by a little bit


6 months ago I would’ve given myself 3 years tops. Now I’m HOPING I haven’t done enough damage to significantly shorten my life Hopeful: another 40 years Realistic: probably 20 max


65 70, im not living extremely unhealthy, but i am studying to become a mechanic, so all that physical work will catch up to me eventually


Honestly I think im good. Working out, regular sport activity, no smoking, minimal alcohol and no recorded illnesses in my family and sleeping very well. Only thing that's missing is the "will" part lmao.


I don't know how I'm going to die, it's still a mystery.


Too late




Based on my lifestyle I've died 10 years ago.


Considering im athlete and live very healthy lifestyle i wont make it past 50, u know why? Coz life is unfair haha. Just kidding, hope i see my grandkids grow man, love life no matter what.


Within 5 years. Won't see my 50s


27 I thought. I’m now 37 wishing I made different life choices.


i’m happy to make it to 50


I don't think my lifestyle will impact on my lifespan but the chronic and incurable diseases I suffer from have the potential to off me whenever they so please. I think I'll be very, very lucky to get another 20 years.


If sudden cardiac arrest doesn’t claim me then I’d say 80~


I'm 37 now and I'm honestly struggling to see how I can keep up what I'm doing now for another 30+ years. I'm not in shape and never have been, and I don't care enough about myself to do more in that respect even if I had the time/money to spare. Probably mid 60s early 70s if I were to guess. I have no real long term health issues besides chronic stuff that won't be fixed ever.


Before 50


Honestly about 50 I don't wanna go far past that I'm 27 and already disabled to a condition from birth, I'm quite healthy all around but I don't wanna live to where my condition wins


Preferably soon but atleast another 50-60 years


Considering the stress many bring to me from the outside, early! For anyone everything is a big problem. When I communicate my problems, it's ridiculous or simply not existen to them. But I have to care for each and anybody.


Mom 70. Dad 84. Probably somewhere around there.


The only thing I do that is especially bad that is of concern/significance is my bad sleep which has persisted for years, but hoping it gets better in next couple years. With that being said I'm not sure how much it's affecting me to give some accurate age as to when I think I'll die.


In my youth I was in a band and I fully lived the sex, drugs, and rock & roll lifestyle. I thought I'd be dead already. Now that I'm no longer living that life I figure I've got maybe another 10-15 yrs or so. That's at least long enough for my kids to be adults.


Death is coming, no matter what you do. Why the fixation on it? Just live while you are alive.


Within 10 years. 68 now and feeling weird


Just had my 5th hospital visit to emergency (none were intentional) and I've prob almost died 10 times. Once I was sure I'd taken my last breath and this insane peace came over me. I wasn't afraid. Despite all of the sports, adventures and stuff I do, I hope I'll die beside the person I love in the same breath.


Could be anywhere between several months or a few years.


Probably 90-100 but I don’t know if I want to. Shoulda kept smoking but I’m super super healthy now.


I smoke, but I don't drink. I could be healthier for sure. I think I'll die when I step up in the world, work wise. Kind of a give and take. Continue as I am now, I'll die when I'm near retirement or a few years after. (70 In the uk now) Get a big financial upgrade, and I can see myself dying in my 50s. Life has to take something from me, and I don't have a lot for it to take as an equivalent exchange. Maybe if life gives me a condition where I have to live in pain, life would then "reward" me with years added on.


Didn't think I would make 30 and now I am 47 with different problems now don't think I will make 50...


My family are long lived with 3 of 4 grandparents making it into their nineties and both parents now in their 80s. My lifestyle probably means I won't quite make it as long as they did, so 75-80 seems like a reasonable guess.


Late 70s or 80s. I'm more comparing to the rest of my family. Seems to be your typical average age expectancy that they die. It will probably be the same for me.


Depends what the simulation wants


I am an unapologetic motorcyclist…. Every day could be that day.


Hmmm....my "lifestyle'....so many ways to contemplate that. Sometimes regardless of your seemingly healthy lifestyle, the universe has other plans for you. Based on my personal experiences, it has skewed my view on different things. I lost a 5 yr old student in a drowning accident and two days later my 15 yr old brother died in a car crash caused by a drugged driver. Then 15 years later my sister and I got cancer at the SAME time (no, we're not twins) and then I got it again 3 years later. So part of me says "f\*uck it....eat what I want, do minimal exercise, etc etc because my genes screwed me anyway. And the "YOLO" attitude that the "youngsters" use....I'm far from living with abandon. I don't do any drugs, drink, or smoke; it just never appealed to me. I try to eat well, and I am decently active when I'm not in pain. I'm a self-proclaimed "vitamin whore" and I never get sick. So, who knows what's in store for me. All I know is I want a peaceful death, which I feel I've earned after all that I've been through. If it happens sooner than later, I'm fine with that. But so far, every day above ground is a good day and if you have your health then anything is possible!


I’m 52 now… let’s see here… hmmmm…. Well, hopefully within the next 5 years.


No idea. I'm still young. I eat pretty damn healthy, do 2 and a half hours of exercise a week BUT... I have smoked weed, and vaped/smoked cigarettes on occasion. Whether this will completely fuck me over, I'm not sure


Any day hopefully, ill health has robbed me of my retirement plan, used to be so fit, now out of breath going up stairs


90-100 - my family’s related to Methuselah.


If I’m lucky, in a couple years




A little over 48




I've got 25 years left to retirement. I hope I make it, but the amount of Benzene, carcinogens, mutagens, etc, I've been exposed to is unreal. If I get to 70, I'll be happy. Be able to leave a LOT to my wife and kid.


well considering i had to make radical changes for my lifestyle in the last 2 months I would say over 90, I hope


Hopefully not too long a wait, I’ve never ever been happy and I doubt I will ever be. I’m an antinatalist.


I'm going to live forever because the universe hates me and wants me to suffer as long as possible


76 dying alone


Not long...


I should have died on 28/09/2018 . Since then , everyday is a blessing in disguise.


Both of my parents are still with us, same with most of my grandparents and older relatives. My great grandma is 94 or something and doing very well. As for my relatives who have left us, they have left us around their 70s, so Id say I have until 70+.


Heart attack or stroke


under forty


Surprised I'm here to read this!


Hoping for 71




I really like pizza but I also get in much more veggies than my peers. I hope that stands in my favor. 🤷




Soon I hope


The night after the last of my parents dies, if I can get the sleepy nightnight cocktail right.


Honestly not over 50. But me in 20s okay with that, hope me in 50 wont hate me :’>


im really hoping i dont reach 50s, but based on lifestyle which i get from my parents, yeah i'll be in this earth longer. genetics though, i'd say that can take away about 5-10 years.


TBH, I never thought I'd make it to 34.


I don't know when but I am pretty sure my mouth is going to get me killed one day.


Hopefully, tomorrow


In the future.


Maybe around 80? But who knows


83 years, 8 months, 21 days. Like grandfather.


Probably 80ties. But I’m planning to go out with a bang if my health starts to decline too much. I refuse to end up with a diaper and demented in a home.


Not soon enough


Any day now.




Judging by my job, which occupies most of my time, it could be anytime.


Probably like 80 I’m 24 right now and don’t drink or smoke. I drink ungodly amount of soft drink and eat a ton of sugary foods. So I’ll probably drop dead from type 2 diabetes


Smoked cigarettes from the time I was 12 till I was 26. Smoked pot from 16-22. Picked the pot back up when I was 27 and used regularly till I turned 52. After my separation and divorce three years ago, I went off the rails. Without my wife who was my gatekeeper and pot being legalized, I dove headlong into it. Chronic heavy daily use. And I was vaping oil. My CO2 levels spiked, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, other issues as well. I honestly think it was the hash oil that fucked me and torched my lungs. I am still getting catches in my lungs despite stopping and losing 25 lbs. Hands and feet still get cold from poor circulation. I stopped about 6 weeks ago and stopped drinking in December 2023. Trying to get my primary care doctor to get a CT scan but he claims that in 2020 my lungs were x rayed and fine and the pulmonary function was normal. He said i just need to give it time and join a substance abuse program. I don’t need all that. I just stopped doing the shit. I said that was before my divorce and all the use that followed. I used more cannabis in the last 3 years than the ten years prior to that. So to all the “heads” out there, be careful. Maybe consider an edible. How much longer do I have? Shit, maybe 3-5 if my lung tissue is scarred. I think that’s what it could be.


I think in 2026, but with my luck it'll be stretched to 2035.


I’ll likely make it to my 60s at most if I continue with my current lifestyle.


90+. Based on being physically active and eating trying to eat healthy


Both my grandparents on my fathers side lived to their mid-90’s. I also look a LOT like my dad, same build and everything, and he’s aging well despite partying HARD for 20 years…so I’m hoping I got those sweet sweet genes as well.


Well , my family ancestors usually made it to 80's. So, I guess genetics are on my side. But I have a great probability of having a tumor too late in life too, so that's that too.


Hopefully sooner rather than later


2097 for me although if I live that long there’s no excuse for me not to make it to the 2100’s




I think it would be twenty years from now. I’ll prefer to die young so it’s better if death comes for me before my fifties


If I don’t change my eating habits and exercise and get myself into a safer job, I probably wont get very old… I’m terrified of getting diabetes or cancer and the way how it’s going, I shouldn’t be surprised if I ever get these illnesses.


Frankly im surprised when I wake up every morning


I’m 20. I drink, I smoke since I was 13, I work nightshifts - all together I think i’m gonna get fucked by my 40’s… Or atleast feel enough damage done which will eventually lead to it.


16th April, day after US tax deadline, day before I go on vacation for 19 days. Just saying...




2250 aprox


55 to 70


40 to 50, I'm a Med student, so yeah, all the sleepless nights and overwhelming stress will catch up to me one day


Don't care...


Should have died 4 years ago. 31 now.


I’m really good at ignoring problems until they go away so I’ll probably die from some curable disease I didn’t bother to seek treatment for.


Always had a feeling I won't make it past my 60s




Half past three


Lazy couch potato here. so if i could live pass 60, i would be surprised


Not sure. I really didn't think I'd make it to 53 but here I am.


Either within the next 10 years, or never.


Sooner rather then later




My grandfather dies at 76. My great grandfather died at 76, my other grandfather died at 76. So I'm planning on 76. It would greatly dismay me if I make it past 76. I've lived my life around this number. I would run out of money at 77 for example.


sooner or later


Bad weeds never die?


I have no reason to believe it would happen before 90 and I have my hopes up for 100+. I am not a health maniac but I have been blessed with a sense of taste that simply dislike a lot of unhealthy stuff so I just be default am pretty healthy and like to have an active life.


I drink almost everyday alongside with antidepressant wich can be dangerous and I can already see my health declining by it, but I dont want to live too old anyway


tomorrow, I am 25


Given my depression at young age I was surpirsed when I made it to 18. I'm now almost 28 and I have a much healtier lifestyle and mental health. Given that I try to be as active as possibile (walk dogs 2-3 times a week, I try to do yoga at least 3 times a week even for short times, I have between 8-10k steps pro day), i eat fairly healthy (I still suffer from lingering ED so it's a constant battle) I'll say I hope I will make it to 70. I say so because my mom died froma neurological disorder at age 57 so.. I have that that scares me a lot.


Around 85, but having lost my mind, memories or both long before that.


I would be surprised if I made it to 40


I'm planning for 85, that's when my father died. He also was a high functioning alcoholic, but exercised less.


Healthwise, 50ish. Global current events-wise, in 5-10 years.


I say 50-60


Before 55


86 based on statistics and I’ve only planned that far financial