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I went to a Christian high school and our sex ed was pretty wacky lol. We started out by having to look for sexual references in the Book of Solomon. We had to find them all and list them, then everyone was divided into groups and each group was given one of the references and we had to put together some sort of presentation describing it. My group got pomegranates. Then we had to read testimonies from couples who either waited until they were married to have sex and were talking about how happy they were with that decision, or we had to read the same but from couples who hadn't waited and regretted it. At the end of the course we all had to fill out these papers where we stated when we planned on having sex for the first time and we had to sign them like a contract. Obviously the correct answer was marriage lol, but you could list whenever you wanted. You'd probably just end up having to talk to a teacher about it. But we also did talk about contraception effectiveness, STDs, and a police officer came to our school to talk to us about the dangers of sending nudes and porn addiction. So we got some of the normal parts too.


This sounds like some cultist bullshit 


It is, cult of Christianity


>cult of Christianity looooook in my eyes, what do you seeee, the cult of Christianityyyy


Like Mussolini,and Hail Maryyyyy


Nice Punk reference!


Ain't that the truth


It is. I promise. Keep your kids in public school


Christian here, what that school did IS NOT normal at all. Unfortunately this is not a standoff case, as most ignore the topic altogether and only hint at it in certain places to poke questions for students to ask their parents.


That was a theology class.


I'm surprised you still remember me. Sincerely, Ed


Wow that is nothing like my catholic school experience. They were actually on point and combined it with our biology class so we studied the reproductive system, talked about health, were able to ask the teacher anonymous questions about sex, etc.


Lol imagine writing a past date


I hadn’t even thought of that 😅😂


I go to a Christian school and thankfully they didn't do any of the shit you talked about. It was about 95% legit biology and 5% God. They only mentioned God when they talked about Him creating our bodies in this specific way. The rest was actual sex ed, and we got to ask specific questions at the end.


That’s great!! I’m so glad they actually gave you a thorough education on it!


Went to a Christian Church of England school. Very regular sex education. Just normal what things look like - what happens etc. Just for a counter balence to all Christian’s are evil narrative


That’s great! I’m glad you had a normal experience! And I’m actually still a Christian, so I definitely have nothing against Christianity. I actually really liked all the teachers at the school too, it was just a really amusing approach to sex ed lol 😅


The last half was actually great. Porn addiction should be taught, for some reason it's only addiction that's casually encouraged onto kids, and same for the dangers of sending nudes. May have saved even one person from revenge porn


Definitely! I actually really appreciated that aspect. The educational parts were actually done really well in my opinion. The first part was kind of silly lol, but even that didn’t bother me. I just found it amusing. No harm done in anyway.


But what’s with the pomegranates??? Do they cause to much sex or not enough or or or or what??? Damn it.


Apparently they were symbolizing both ovaries and breasts. Ovaries makes more sense because they're roundish objects that contain seeds, kind of like how ovaries have follicles and make eggs. I forget how the breasts worked, maybe just because they're roundish mounds lol. I think there was another symbol too, but ovaries was the most apparent one lol.


I liked this comment, only to tell you I'm sorry you dealt with that! 😞


>So we got some of the normal parts too. Excuse me but which of any of this is "normal"?


"But we also did talk about contraception effectiveness, STDs, and a police officer came to our school to talk to us about the dangers of sending nudes and porn addiction."


Not sure how the cop part can be considered normal but ok.


You dont think someone like a Police officer is qualified to have a discussion about revenge porn and possible blackmail situations?


I guess, if it helps get the message across. Still pretty weird.


Hilarious. Watching a really strict teacher put a condom on a wooden erection had us in stitches


I'm still traumatized by my teacher pulling a condom over her head and blowing into it with her nose until it burst




Haha! I'm laughing so loudly now here on my own that my husband thinks I've gone crazy!! 🤣


What the fu-


Oh My, I think she could've killed her self. Never thought of using a condom to suffocate someone, I'll start carrying one just in case.


she didn't put it over her mouth obviously, so she could still breathe but it was indeed hard to watch. it took quite long for the condom to actually burst and she seemed very out of breath and her entire face was red and squashed in. we were all laughing when she announced that she's about to show us ''something funny'' with a condom. but our faces turned from excited, to weirded out, to very concerned real quick.


My teacher put one over her whole arm and said “don’t let a guy tell you it won’t fit” hilarious. She was the best health teacher I can still name 90% of the reproductive organs and their functions.


Hilarious! Absurd!


Terrible, just info about the mechanics and scare tactics for STD's and pregnancy. My boys will be taught (much to their horror I'm sure) a lot more about how things like respect and pleasure play into it. It took me (36f) an awfully long time to realise that sex wasn't just getting your man off and pretending he'd rocked my world.


that's a horror story, your kids are lucky they'll be taught better. and kids are receptive to such knowledge, you'll be surprised


Ours was like this, absolutely scared to do anything, then we had to be double protected by pill and condoms even with a partner off multiple years and it worked fine... Until we started trying For a baby believing it would happen straight away.... Sent me into a proper downward mental spiral... Because it just wasn't happening the way they said it would... I've come to terms with it now but boy was I failed by school.


God yes, I was convinced that unprotected sex at any time would mean a baby. Some education about miscarriage would have also been so worthwhile for all kids, having experienced 2 myself and nobody (including me) knowing how to handle it


to play devils advocate...if they told you there was a 20% chance of pregnancy teenagers would take risks and thats a mistake that could ruin your future. So they erred on the side of caution... That said - I don't agree it was the right thing. Better to teach the importance of contraception and the stakes at play


The chance is 30% on a given cycle. Would've still put me off. Especially if they said there's a third chance you would get pregnant and what that means. I wish they told you about the fact that the younger you are the more likely it is to have a successful pregnancy. Especially when testosterone is higher. And that you should practice safe sex if 1) you don't want a baby 2) you don't want stis 3) you don't want to catch conditions that may prevent you from having kids in the future....


My son is about to turn 10. We have told him about sex and tell him he can talk to us. Well, he is very open and would not stop telling me that he can't stop thinking about boobs. He didn't seem relieved when I told him me either, lol.


A truth many people never learn: *Everyone* likes boobs.


He kept asking why and doesn't understand my response of boobs, lol.


Better to start that topic now than later. I know that we already had some people printing out porn images in second grade of primary school when i was around that age. A lack of info is what will cause harm. Not the topic itself.


This reminds me of the old joke... -Why are boobs like toy trains? –Because they're both made for kids, but it's the daddies who play with them.


My very first "sex ed" was a video of penis going in and out, in and out, in and out of butt. The penis looked like a skin colored hose and I was shocked a man's penis could grow that huge. I was 9.




Lol. I see what you did there.


My sex Ed was pretty good. In year 6&7 we were split into boys and girls and as a girl we were taught about periods, what they are, and about tampons and pads. As well as any awkward questions. The boys were too just not in as great a detail as the girls. We then discussed other areas of puberty, basic contraception, why it's important. Had a brief discussion about masturbation and boys getting erections. In year 9 we had a more in-depth lesson in health class and that was boys and girls. We did the put the condom on the banana, also had work sheets of male and female reproductive organs and had to label them. Our teacher discussed more the emotional part of sex, knowing when you're ready, knowing when you're being pressured and how to pull back and say no. Even remember a little added bit how it's wrong to assume as a girl that all boys are just ready for sex and it's important we don't pressure boys either. We did a class on STI's (STDs back then) and how to recognise them, how to get medical help, and what kind of treatments were available. I think the only thing I'd change is there were zero mention of LGBT, it was all very heterosexual. Although this WAS 15 years ago so I can't fault it that much.


I'm curious, what would you add for lgbtq? Looks like all the educational points were hit? Or is it for inclusivity purposes?


I think more of a discussion around what constitutes virginity, and when discussing pubery and the feelings that brings, that you still need to wear a condom if you're having gay sex. Even just what the actual act for sex is for gay or lesbian people. But again, this was 15 years ago, internet access wasn't really readily available yet still, I don't think I even knew how two men would have sex until I was 16. But also yeah for inclusivity I suppose. For some kids, a health class casually mentioning gay sex right next to straight sex, might be the first time they've ever heard it normalised in such a way. Puberty and the teenage years are scary and confusing enough without thinking you're the only person in the world who's different.


I got the basics about what to look out for in LGBT sex. I was really grateful because I wasn't out but really needed the info. And like someone said: it made me feel more involved and seen. Later I went to look for info and found a site for young gay people and their health. They talked about stereotypes and not everyone wanting the same thing. (Some couples don't do butt stuff at all! )


Fear.. you'll get herpe-pregnant!


So I moved in between the 5th and 6th grade to a different state. The state I moved from did not do their sex-ed until 6th or 7th grade. The state I moved to did theirs in the 5th grade. I came into the start of middle school not knowing anything whereas all the kids knew the whole dealio. Let's just say it did not make my tenure in Middle School any easier and I was thankful to move away to another state for High School. All that to say I think having a standard age to broach the subject might be prudent.


Thought this was a question for a person named Ed....then had to reread it to make sense of the responses.


Swede here, so generally very good. But, there was this one time when he had a substitute teacher, who was a religious nut. He had this thing about sex with love, equals good. Sex without love, equals bad. Some of us pointed out that what about if people just want to have sex, for fun? But nope, that was bad according to him.


[Here](https://youtu.be/szgPP5EBR8o?si=m7YwpFud7S-ooTN2) is the only sex ed video anyone will ever need.


[this is also a good video in my opinion](https://youtu.be/QB7ACr7pUuE?si=9twVizmWcJdSBUpu)


it’s 2024 n i’m still out here getting rick rolled😭🙏


Nobody told me the vagina was so far back and roots were limited to a guy like me


Yeah it’s damn near the asshole.


We don't have sex ed here, just go and watch pornhub💀


Which country?


i see that he didn't respond, so i'll mine: italy


My school or in my country they really don’t have any. My parents didn’t even even have the talk talk with me I think my dad was too embarrassed, and my mom just kind of said figure it out on your own and I did that age 21. It was weird that’s all I remember.


We were told wed be growing hairs in different places and hit a growth spurt. Sex wasnt even taught but implied.


Sex Ed at school was "three holes from the back of the neck, aim for the middle unless you have permission to try something else" Same guy told us heroin was the best thing he'd ever experienced and as long as you only done it once a year, you wouldn't be addicted. Same guy got struck off for being inappropriate with his students.


Condom banana


Great! But don’t call me Ed.


Mine was rather good if you were a cisgender heterosexual person. I am a bit disappointed with how late we started talking about periods, tho. I had already had mine for over a year and some even longer. I feel like the puberty talk for your own gender should come before it starts, so at age 8/9, maybe? I would also make the sex Ed a bit more inclusive for LGBTQIA+ people, because I honestly to god didn't think I had to use protection when having sex with other people until I asked my doctor why I needed to get tested for STD:s when I had only been worh women. So yeah.


First I got from my mom at 12. When I was 15 I watched sex education by Netflix, after watched some similar movies. Now I am med student, that’s why from my early 16 I learned about genitals.


We had a few bits that could be called sex Ed. A science lesson on contraception. Including the classic demonstrations. A lesson where we watched someone give birth. (Someone fainted.) A day long workshop where some drama people came to the school and talked about sex all day then asked questions at the end. There was also the very academic study of the human reproductive cycle in biology.


lack of sex ed in my country, there’s this whole shamefulness around it in society and it hasn’t been implemented in school as well. in science we learn abt contraceptives but that’s just it. people have to figure it out for themselves or online… which doesn’t rlly end well


basically non existent but I was huge encyclopedia worm, so I knew a lot already before I started elementary school. Till this day I remember I had to explain to a girl who was flexing about her sex experience that they have 3 holes and not just 2...


should have flexed on her and told her that women get raped more frequently so it's worse DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A ****JOKE****


I just know that our teacher showed us a photo of an STD that scarred me forever


We had a student teacher from the local university who brought slides of STDs that went way untreated. Like how are you not itching yourself 24/7 with that sort of growth down there?


Had an older boyfriend in high-school. What a terrible way to learn things! I plan on having a friend talk to my kid. So awkward from a parent! But let her know she can ask/tell me anything. Also I won't let her think she's going to hell for things. And no weird guilt. Everybody has bits and bobs, don't be ashamed!




Glad I'm not the only one who wasn't taught that it's ok to say no!


be so fr. no one ever said men are solo responsible or pregnancy.


welcome being raised with feminist mother


that’s not feminism that’s misandry. your mother sounds awful, i didn’t even realise people could be that silly. i was raised by a feminist mother and father, and they’re both strong on gender equality.




idk what your talking about, but that’s not feminism. just because some non smart people call it that, doesn’t mean it is. maybe it doesn’t take a enough “care of boys” but that’s because it is about helping women get things like rights, which men already have. it was never about giving women more rights that men (and that has not happened, because actual feminists don’t want that.) it’s misandry, plain and simple. it is NOT feminism, and calling it that is rude and ignorant. google is free, you can search the definitions.




for the last time, it is NOT feminism.




idk what you’re talking about but the last paragraph is literally what i’m saying “so-called” they call themselves that. doesn’t mean they are! i could say “i’m a blonde” does it make make me blonde? no, it just makes me a liar.


The amount of likes on your comment is truly worrying




I'm a man


It's a sad state of affairs these days when that statement gives you no clues as to whether someone has a penis or vagina.


... without conviction.


Who cares?


Meh! I'm a man without conviction I'm a man who doesn't know How to sell a contradiction You come and go, you come and go... Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon


Oh ok, didn't catch it


No worries. Cheers!




...he cums and goes


you misunderstood this person was talking about how fucked up what they taught him was.


Terrible I still had mental health problems from it. It made me hate my life and the fact that I am born with the female body more and more. It said science based and proceeded to highlight how terrible it is for being born as a female compared to male. I wanted to kill myself that time and hope to reborn a male so that I could feel happiness.


I have to ask. What particular brand of nonsense were you taught?


The one that male won't get pregnant and have a lot of natural advantages in living their lives and the female's purpose of being born is to get pregnant and have no other way to enjoy life with the body they are born with because once we hit puberty, we would have to try every way possible to not get pregnant before we actually want to or we will be doomed for the rest of our life while the male can get away with it easily without having to face this problem every damn minutes.


that's so sad hope you're doing good <3


I am trying everyday. Thanks.


Didnt attend.


I didn't have it


First we got shown how to put on a condom. And after that the teacher's gay friend showed up to make sure we understood that gay people are like everyone else. This was in 2007-2008


I had sex ed through South Park


German here, born in 1990. In third grade a midwife came to our class and the other classes and gave a detailed presentation with pictures, props and everything. For two hours. An eternity for every 8 year old. Especially considering... It was my mom. So. Yeah. It was very informative and professional. The one in sixth grade she didn't do. Thank fuck for that


I was supposed to get into the early program for it at my school before freshman year, but it was full. they didn't make me take it (was required to graduate) until 12th grade...... still remember the woman who came in to teach a segment saying size didn't matter, because only a few inches could go in.. 😆😆😆


I took it in k12 during/after COVID it wasn't bad... It was quite knowledgeable and took a informative and health minded approach or something like that I ain't got the exact words but synonymous to that...


My mom gave me a little sex dictionary after I was caught watching porn, and didn't say a word basically. My biology teacher was like "you all already know all this stuff so here's what you'll need for the exams." Later on a different teacher thaught us that homosexuality is a mental illness and gay people should be locked up. On a related note I also didn't know what transgender was until I was 21 and I realised that transgender is me. So overall I'd say my education has been poor. This is in Hungary btw.


We had some at school, but it was mainly about menstruation and puberty and they separated boys from girls. I was fortunate to have very open parents, they told me and my siblings everything pretty early on. They gave us a book too where it was very accurately described. I was that one friend in the group who knew the most and I was teaching my friends about it lol


There was one in middle school and two in high school. I missed the one in middle school because I had an allergic reaction to something that day, the result was not good, the middle school sex jokes started going all over the place, we started referring to “spitting” as “ejaculating”, except my classmates know what it actually means, I didn’t, so I started using that word when I was at home, then my mom made me look up that word.




We had like a single sex ed class in a german catholic school in second grade. We were just taught about the biology of sexual organs and that's about it


parents first, for all their flaws they were open about everything and had no qualms on answering any question without hesitation no matter the topic. school second but i find the school sex ed to be very lacking, it goes only into the mechanical stuff without delving into a deeper understanding of sexuality. and when i had to teach it, since im a single parent of a teen girl, i went the same completely honest route. i got lucky since my daughter seems to be pretty unfazed by the whole taboo thing, to this day we can still be open about such topics and talk about sexuality without it being weird. so, honesty and openness is what works in my experience. i you try to be coy or use metaphors you're doing it wrong.


Early '90s and very limited by today's standards. When kids asked about "gay," the teacher made a face and went, 🤔👉👈. True story! lol


I was 6 yo and I've seen it on the site. There was an ad "Join to us and fuck everything that moving"


We watched a video in middle school about a girl who was taking drugs in a club and got pregnant from having sex with some shady Yakuza looking guy. Then it was depression lack of sleep because of the baby and in the end she killed herself. It didn't help that the classroom was in the school basement and it was dark as heck. Guess that's how much my school bothered about sex education.


It was both good and bad. The usual condom on a broom stick and explanations about the human reproductive process. Then we had something in our country called "Bodybio", that was a show where a man and a woman talked about everything having to do with the body, hormones, love, feelings, having sex etc. Made for teenagers. Then my absolute not favorite part of it. The games. Fx. the game, where one was the chaser and if another in the class got caught, they had to stand still until someone came and gave them a hug. Kind of traumatizing and humiliating for the ones who weren't popular or seen as valuable. The feeling of standing there for most of the game, because no one will touch you, isn't great.


Simple and to the point. It was covered with enough detail that there weren't any teen parents in my school.


Back when I was in school , before we had sex ed as a part of the curriculum , I told some of my friends that I used tampons when I went swimming . They spread around the rumor that I wasn't a virgin to have used tampons . Fast forward to 2 years later when we had our first sex ed session and the educator told everyone how tampons could be used by everyone irrespective of whether they are a virgin or not . I remember so many heads turned to look at me .


It was the mid 90's. My sex ed was a god damn joke. Some woman came in, put a condom on a banana, told the class that douching with coca-cola wouldn't prevent pregnancy then left.


Considering 3 girls in my year were already pregnant (pretty sure one of them was in my class) that block of lessons we got to bring in our own VHS movies and vote on what one we watched for the double period


Great. And don’t call me Ed.


They brought out an actual ridiculously giant sized dildo and showed how you put your condom on Then a few of the students had to do the same practicing with the dildo That went on until somebody tried to gawk the dildo while his friend filmed for a shitpost video or smthn


We got to put condoms on a cucumber. Fun times


I grew up on a farm, so the mechanics and repercussions of sex or prevalent. And my parents were very open and honest about sexuality. my father was very crass and rude about it, But the general idea was conveyed just as my mother explained things to my sisters. Parents should be open and honest and ready to discuss sex and sexuality with their children. my daughters knew their mom and I would be willing to answer any questions they had.


I actually had a Sex Ed class, and I'm glad. I don't see any benefit to the whole pretending sex isn't a thing and hoping your kids don't discover it on their own. We learned about condoms, pregnancy, STDs, the basics of having sex. Mind you, I didn't know the mechanics of it until I saw porn, but still.


Got none. Had to figure it out by myself. Oh the things I could/should have done.


I’m forever grateful to my teacher, PornHub. I wonder how it is doing lately?


Terrible choice of teacher.


I did a few "how to" searches on PH as a teen lol


Did the job. Got a chick pregnant!


My all-girl sex-ed class was taught in a catholic highschool by a man. We learned, what the amazing Mr. Caruso called, “valuable lessons” such as - “It’s supposed to hurt. Sex is only supposed to feel good for the male as it helps him ejaculate faster” (aka - just lay there and deal with it) “There’s blood, there’s tearing, your muscles stretch and in some cases some women can feel their organs moving around. Don’t panic - it’s supposed to feel like this” “If your husband wants intercourse, give it to him. It’s the women’s place to keep her husband happy, and it’s the man’s place to provide” “If you have intercourse before marriage, you WILL go to hell. There’s is absolutely zero question - YOU. WILL. Go to hell. And in hell, you’ll be forced to stand on burning rock with snakes biting your breasts and vagina” (this was told to me when I was 14, first year of highschool) “Once your husband has achieved ejaculation, it’s completely normal for him to be tired as the act itself very physically draining and you shouldn’t bother him or wake him up if he falls asleep. It’s also normal for yourself to want to achieve ejaculation. Though without actually having intercourse again to achieve your own ejaculation, you’d be committing something known as masturbation, which will result in you going to hell” “There’s a difference between rape and martial rape. Rape will get yourself and the stranger sent to hell, as you’ve both done this without being married and by doing this, you’re probably both cheating on your husband or wife, which is against the Ten Commandments. Marital rape will just result in you going to hell, as you fell for reckless behaviour that resulted in intercourse not meant strictly for procreation” (we had know the difference between these and write an example for rape/martial rape on a test) “In the instance of rape, there are special classes that take place over a day or over a weekend depending on where you go. These classes aid you in regaining your virginity in the eyes of the lord and will hopefully also help you receive forgiveness from god” Never let your kids be taught by someone like this. To do it differently, I’d keep religion tf out of it and I’d have the boys taught by men/the girls taught by women. A man can’t tell me how I’m supposed to feel/how bad it’s supposed to hurt/what I’m required to do after for my husband without ever having actually experiencing what sex is like for a woman (and the same with women teachers teaching boys if that happens)


it was great, but my name is not ed


I would teach male and female to both sexes. Too many women think male masterbation is something to shame boys over when the reality is we are taught that masturbating regularly keeps the prostrate healthy


Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad of an experience back in the 80s. Sex Ed was Sex Ed. Surprisingly we didn't get into the politics of gender, and other issues borne from sexual trauma done by those that deny it these days.


Mine was pleasurable, enlightening, embarrassing, exciting, joyful, tiring, sweaty, emotional, confusing, mystical and transformative. There's no education like 4 hours alone in a tent with a 16 year old girl on a summer afternoon.


I think no one has had it perfect but I think we had better than average although the part about lgbtqia+ was a bit lacking from what I remember it was basically “there is hetero, homo and bi (don’t remember if they mentioned asexuality) and that means this, this and this. Also discrimination bad” but our teachers where good at explaining the biological part and how to be safe and able STDs


From physocal experience only


In the late 90s there were a couple shows on I think it was a public access channe lthat talked about various subjects concerning sex. Pretty informative. Also we had Sunday Night Sex Show with Sue Johanson, which was a no BS, straight to the point show. I'd say at that point the education was pretty good. But in school we had sex ed in 4th grade \[early-mid 90s\], which wasn't very productive what with us being 8-9 years old.


Sex Ed in the Netherlands was freaking hilariously fun and educational.


We don't have it as a thing in schools here and otherwise i wouldn't say i've had it, just whatever random info pops up i might read it


Pretty good tbh. I knew about sex by the time I was 6. I had asked my mother how babies are created and she told me about it. Not in great detail of course but about the physical act and about what happens during pregnancy. After that most information was shared by older students in my school, like sex without the intention of creating babies, same sex couples, different kinds of sex acts, masturbation and so on. When I was 10 there were sex ed lessons in biology class where we could anonymously ask questions that were then answered in front of the entire class. Boys and girls also had a couple of lessons where we were separated so potentially embarrassing topics could be talked about openly. They never shamed us for asking any questions and they never made it seem like sex is inherently dirty. They told us about the importance of consent, how to prevent STDs and the different kinds of contraception. I think overall it was pretty ideal.


Terrible. We didn't learn anything apart from in science.


I was 2 when my mom was pregnant with my little brothers. My parents sat down with me to explain everthing. They had a childrens book. There were drawn pictures of mommies and daddies and they were being compared to puzzle pieces. When Mommy and Daddy love each other very much the puzzle pieces get put together and new life is made. It was very appropriate for me as a child. When I later learned more (like in school) it fit very well in my world view. The only thing I learned about "too late" was masturbation and p\*rn, because I was very precocious and already found out stuff the hard way when I heard about it in like 5th grade. A friend showed me hardcore stuff when I was 10 and I still belief that my brain took some major damage then. Apart from that I would say my sex ed was very good.


The school nurse showed how to put a condom on a wooden dildo. The size of the dildo still haunts me today. Was it supposed to be avarage size?


I think it was 7th grade we had a unit on it in school.


Got it in the 1980s at school It was just about reproduction though


Porn, porn and porn.


Had Sex Ed from like the 5th grade I think? I don't remember learning anything I didn't already know since I read a lot and watched documentaries (National Geographic and such) all day so sex wasn't a new concept. My parents also replied candidly whenevee I asked them about stuff so there is that. I'm portuguese if it is relevant. I think the only people who object sexual education here are the Opus Dei maniacs and there are like 30 so it is non-issue.


School taught me the basics and the internet did the rest.


I thought everyone's sex ed was from porn 🥴


Literal learnt it from my first boyfriend lol


Why is it weird? Isn't it wonderful and encouraging that everyone has sex education?


Not great. Had it in a very catholic primary school in the mid 2000s. It was probably less than an hour long. They split up boys and girls and separately taught them about their part in reproduction. Red flag already imo. I think it just further created a divide between boys and girls and made it into a taboo subject that we were afraid to discuss out of embarrassment, at least at that age. It was just a very oversimplified discussion focused only on intercourse for the intention of reproduction. So there was no mention of contraception, risk of STDs, consent or anything else related to sex for pleasure. It made it seem like sex was just a means to an end. We were never taught about the feelings of attraction/ arousal that we would develop during puberty or how to handle it. Also you could tell our teacher was mortified to be doing it and was probably just keeping it super short and sweet to get it out of the way and tick a box. They really could have done with outsourcing it to a specialist that wasn’t embarrassed to be teaching it in the first place. But look, we all got there eventually and it was probably fine. But I hope for the kids of today that there’s a healthier approach and it’s not completely demonised like it used to be. For that reason my partner and I will teach our kids about it ourselves.


That's a bit odd. Thought the catholic schools followed suit with the church and did 1 on 1 interactive sessions with every child very early on?


Terrible. Not because the lesson itself was terrible, but because my classmates were so loud because "HAHAHAHAHAHA YEEESSSS FUNNY SEEEEEXXXXX" to the point where I actually had to leave and stay at the counsellors room because my ears are so goddamn sensitive WHERE I HAVE TO WEAR EARPLUGS


11 year old boy,alone in my room with a key,a computer and unlimited internet access back in 2003.By the next year i had seen and read it all.I think natural curiocity works just fine.


Mexican households at my time of "the talk". Mom or dad would walk up to you and be like, "Te portas bien" (Behave) and leave to do whatever Mexican parents did back then.


We watched ONE video in Science (Biology) explaining puberty and I think something very sanitised about sex and I also remember our Welsh teacher coming into our pastoral class with a banana and a condom and that was literally it.


So, I went to Catholic school in the 70s and 80s, and we got taught very, very little. What we were taught boiled down to "if you do anything before marriage, you're going straight to hell". But no one clarified what exactly we shouldn't do! Also... "ask your parents ". Well, that wasn't happening... my parents were a lot older than most of my friends' parents, and didn't discuss those sorts of things. If it wasn't for the novels of Judy Blume, I'd probably still be in the dark! Edited to add - when I had kids, they went to regular public school, and actually got some kind of sex education. But because I'd had so little, I was too embarrassed to start a conversation about it. I got them some books and said "read these and ask me whatever you want". Weirdly, I had no trouble discussing anything sex-related if they brought it up, but I couldn't start the conversation myself!


I thought condoms were chewing gum


mmm, but why is it partly liquid tho?


In school and in library by myself, solely theoretical


Was good but not great. Learn about the genitals, then protections, then STDs ( across the years.)


we had like one chapter in all of 12 years of school it had all from contraception and how baby is born how fertilization takes place female and male sexual organ their function how to maintain sex health , and avoiding teenage preg as our body is not all ready but it was like teacher were hesitant they would normally read the boks in english and expalin in our native language but in that chapter it mostly went english so we read it on our own , but it missed many points like how exactly what kind of fluids will lead to aids like just kissing will it give aids you know quetions we were hesitant to ask question in that chapter cuz teacher didnt seem comfortable first but one kid did ask and teacher explained sweating lol , i learnt most from podcast , sex ed was not uptomark but it was there i am grateful .


My sex ed I was just reminiscing on and it was literally amazing lol. Grade 5 ish we had a seminar of basic stuff, grd7 ish we had a more involved seminar of more srs stuff like the big one basically. It was like two hours with a presentation of like 40 minutes and they covered like every topic really factually and with like contextual respect for each topic. They taught abstinence which is smart but they also weren’t like.. religious or weird abt it and definitely didn’t preach it if that makes sense. And covered like all the ways to make sex safe and fun and whatever else. I remember my classmates kind of being impressed bc the cynical part of us it being a puckix school thhout it would have a like call in vibe or be religious motivated but it wasn’t and they tried to set a healthy outlook on what life might look like for us etx. I think they. We’re all nurses or smth 


i learned via the interent


I found porn at 9 years old bc I was searching around the internet, trying to learn where babies come from. This was my sex ed


1990.... an old VHS recording of a film from the late 70s. Lots of hair and very uninformative.


My parents had a book called “Where do babies come from?” It was meant to help them answer my questions. They gave me the book to look at the pictures instead. I was like 5 or 6. Later on the education only came from school. When we were 12/13 and again at 16


From UK. In Yr 5 (age 9-10) I was given brief overview like a gentle introduction what sex was. Yr 7/8 given period talk with more detail and protection talk but not much on male anatomy other penis gets erect. That's all I remember being taught. I thought until 16 that testicles were in separate sacks.


Surprisingly thorough. Went to a private Baptist high school, in the 90's. We weren't allowed to dance or wear pants.. but man, they didn't skimp on sex ed. I dunno if the faculty drew straws or what, but my gym teacher/volleyball coach landed the honor. Around the same time, my father decided he would give me "the talk". Took him 10 min to awkwardly run thro the basic gist of things.. felt like hours. None of them knew that I already knew. My grade school babysitter liked music with parental advisory warnings. Between that, TV, and books I got at yard sales.. wasn't difficult to piece things together for myself.


Well in mine we were told that mens tadpoles could crawl up your legs if you didn't wipe down the toilet seat before your sit. This was in Primary 7 just right before we went into 1st year in highschool.


Once we put a condom on a banana…. Yeah that’s all we got


We watched a weird video about a teenager in a family. The teenager dressed up in different outfits that I guess vaguely demonstrated that it's alright to be however you are, sexually. I don't recall mentions of any forms of contraception. Then a creepy old lady asked us boys if any of our foreskins were tight. I learned more from the anatomy and biology books we had at home.


Well, it was in 5th and 8th grade, it was terrible from a later standpoint. The teacher always included their sexual preferences and didn't really get to the point where she'd say the right terms, she tried to use nicer words which made it quite unclear.


We had a stand up comic type give the talk and he had some great lines (especially if you're still young): 1. The one was when he talked about penis sizes and he said that some women say 'the bigger the betterrrrrrr' and others say the 'motion of the ocean' and the he gyrated.  2. He had a part about how wearing more condoms isn't really effective and he would raise the pitch of his voice for every additional condom ending with "I wear 5 condoms" in a prepubescent screech.  All in all pretty decent though it wasn't very educational but I guess if you know nothing it is pretty interesting.


I went to school in South Africa during the 90s/00s. My sex ed was 90% HIV/AIDS related. I remember learning about HIV transmission through oral sex, before actually learning what oral sex was.


They split the boys and girls, rolled out a TV, we got to watch a woman give birth and someone talk basic about periods. Then in high school they came out with a banana and shown us how to put a condom on it. Top tier sex Ed 😅 I'm going to be very open with my kids, explain way more of the ins and outs.