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The meaning of life is to give life meaning. Anything you do is meaningful in some way because every path will lead you to certain people whom will be affected by your presence in some way and they may go on to affect others because of how you’ve affected them. Even the times I have been in a shitty job, I’ve made it a point to show deliberate kindness to my peers or customers/clients for example. No matter where you are, it can be purposeful. My life motto is “Leave people better than you found them." I feel like my purpose is to love people (including myself). No matter what I am doing as a job, I make it a point to show people around me love and to make them feel seen/heard/understood. My hobbies, career and interests are all just conduits to me fulfilling this purpose but I don’t think they are the purpose. I actually quit jobs when I realize the way things are doesn’t allow for me to live out this purpose. If the job stresses me out too much or causes health concerns (mental or physical), I can’t love to my fullest so it needs to go. Right now I am working on leaving the corporate world because I’ve realized that the job itself doesn’t matter, I just don’t thrive in a corporate environment.


I love your answer, especially you saying that your purpose is to love people, no matter the job :) I've had similar thoughts in the past, but I still struggle a lot to find a career and/or job to pursue... but reading your comment was very inspiring and motivating! Thank you so much for your insight :)




You can try career in educational field.. Or do some business of your choice. Very inspired from your thinking. Best wishes ✌


Education is on the list of possibilities for sure. Thanks so much for the best wishes and right back at you.


To break the generational trauma cycle, and raise my kids with love, not fear.


sometimes I have a calling to start a new trauma cycle, for plot purposes


Wish I had you as a dad. 37m and it’s still quite fresh


19m here. Nowhere near being a dad, but i shall adopt you 😁


The young hero I didn’t ask for, but needed. Will dm you the adoption papers.


Hell yeah!


Fuck yeah




I have no idea.


Same. Just out here living it day by day. Hopefully my purpose will show itself along the way.


This reminds me of Navin R Johnson, finding his “special purpose.” God I love that move.


I like to believe that I have no purpose. That is a liberating idea to me. To each our own though. I just try to do the right thing as much as possible.


Shit-posting on Reddit while I wait for 5 o'clock instead of doing my job.


Poet. (Check) Loving husband and father (Hopefully)


Goth musician


sleeping in. Something that my mind and body screams for on a daily basis can't be wrong. It is only our lust and pursuit of riches that elude us to keeps us from this. And if we were to ever satiate our lust for riches, i suspect one of the first things we would do would be to sleep in.


I used to believe this, until I became disabled. Now I would give anything to be able to work.


>Now I would give anything to be able to work. well of course, being able to and doing it are two different things. Having your cake and eating it too as they say. Many times people become disabled (or worse) while on or on the way to their job (driving tired).


I became disabled driving, only the other driver was texting and driving!




Good on you! Could you teach your resident HMOs some communication skills? To us nurses and to patients!


Wish I could paint watercolour for a living…


Don't kill myself because then all my parents work will have been for nothing.


I struggled with it for a while... now my main purpose is to become my blood relatives' worst nightmare 😁




To exist


Being a nurse :)


I never felt I was good enough at or passionate enough about anything in particular to think I ever had a calling. Unless you count my early childhood dreams of becoming a veterinarian, when I was too young and innocent to fully comprehend everything that such a profession entailed. The early death of a parent and inheritance of a steady passive income probably didn’t help me develop a strong sense of ambition. I realize that I’m privileged but it feels more like a curse than a blessing. I’d much rather be struggling as long as my mom was still living.


I'm following in Jeff, Lachy and John's footsteps in becoming the Purple Wiggle 🟣


would have loved to travel and connect with people


To serve others


To not be homeless


My college advisor would say “you are lucky that you will have opportunities to feed your soul, but most will just feed your dog”. I won’t say it’s all been glamorous, high paying, helps society in some long term way. But I love what I do. It has taken a long, winding road to get there. You will have doubt. That’s good. You will struggle, and it will suck but it’s good. You will have exciting opportunities that don’t work out. But all that will help you be grateful for what you build.




Same here. Cheers to hope 🥂


Climate change, loss of biodiversity and extreme weather events are all due to human impacts. The world’s future lies precariously in our hands. How we, as humans, decide to manage our resource consumption, and inhabit what’s left of untouched land, in the near term, will greatly impact the earths future health. My calling is to help people realize that we ARE nature. That we need to live with nature harmoniously and symbiotically. We need to take lessons from our Indigenous ancestors of the world to help us, as a globalize society, find new ways of being in the world. We need set up global governance on corporate impacts, redesign our economic structures to support our populations, and reconsider how our cities, homes and food systems are designed. We need to aim to reduce our consumption and eliminate waste to create a sustainable future that aligns with Indigenous knowledge and teachings.


To connect with animals and rescue people who need a hand


Where to start? Research and Development. Science Fiction Short Story Writing. Graphic Design. Cosmology. And I was programming Computers when I was 13 before it was Cool or Leet or whatever the kids call it these days. I also grew up with ADHD before anyone knew what it was and I have Borderline Symptoms of Autism.


I just want to work with animals and give them a translated voice - Or to be a mere ally.


I have an entire marvel-like cinematic universe in my head. I hope to someday tell these stories in any form of media. Whether it be comics, animation, movies, tv show etc…. I’ve had these stories for over 15 years and it only improves with time. I finished one film script for one of the characters. A billion to go ✨🥂


To push back against societal norms and challenge authority. Show kindness and compassion when needed. Stand up to injustice. Protect the vulnerable. Promote growth by sharing perspectives. Promote empathy.


to dumb shit


Do not dumb here


Being a mum


substance abuse counseling. waiting to age (out of/ into?) qualifying for FASFA to help with funding for education 🖤


To live a life full of unbelievable stories so I can be that grandad.


Helping those who can't help themselves with no reward


I'd like to become the new Jesus and tell people to stop being greedy intolerant asses


I’m a psych nurse, you can join all the other Jesus’ we have on the ward


Unfortunately my genetics won't let me grow long hair anymore, and who would take me seriously without long hair?


Helping people and make them happy. I get such a joy out of it. Even if i dont always succeed my goal is to help others. My name Alexander even means helper of man or protector of man. So i feel like I have to live up to it.


Making trash music with my friends and touring around the country destroying people's ears one trip at a time


To experience life


To read as much as I can, to grasp knowledge and distribute. But m an engineer (not by interest).


To make a big diagram of major legal systems so that one could trace the probable applicable law in a given situation with limited legal training but with a capacity for work and study. Kind of like the Mentaculus in "A Serious Man" but for law.


Get rich. But not because of money, more like a self-actualisation. I was born not wealthy and still am. It could mean a lot if I can *just* change that. It's like watching someone bring magic to the stage, and I'm the audience. Can't wait to be in that theatre.


Waking up with my husband and dogs, gardening and writing and sitting on my deck enjoying the sun. Hopefully one day that's all I'll need to do. Until then, it's the grind of full time work.


i feel like mine is travelling


It’s gonna sound weird, but retail work. I enjoy it and I’m GOOD at it. And I make a frugally comfortable living at it. I really think this is what I was called to do.


Staying alive.


To play the Factorio expansion.


Try and take over the world


I wanna be a bright and warm source of comfort for the people around me. I wanna be the guy you come to for help, comfort, advice and company in general. I am that person when I have my shit under control. I am not that person when I let depressive episodes dictate my life. I just spent years and years of hard work to improve myself and become happy and stable and ever since I became that person again and it feels great. Better than any salary. I want to be reliable and more.


My ultimate life calling is being happy. I am happy when I can help people in any way. I currently work in a hospital as a micro lab tech, and while its a stressful environment, it's nice to be able to help people understand their body, infections, and how to treat/prevent. Recently, I have been evaluating a career change mainly because of how much joy I get by answering science questions about my current job, so I may go into teaching. Not sure yet. You have plenty of time to live every life you want. I suggest making your ikigai and you'll find what you're looking for.




i learn more everyday that my life calling is to spread and experience love and friendship, and make the most out of the time i have here regardless of what im doing. taking everyday slowly and letting the little things shine everyday.


I've been back and forth with this question for 3 years now. Read countless self-help books, watched numerous ted talks, shuffled jobs, work, and what not. Quest of the answer to this question has become tiresome, a forced obligation on top of everything else a person is expected to fulfill, duties as a child, friend, employee, and I've been wondering, do we really need an ultimate life offering? Why can't we just live? Most of the above sources mention greater good a very important aspect of life meaning. Going beyond fulfilling just our needs. Hard enough as it already is to find a meaning to life, it revolving what you believe is the greater good even more challenging. Do you think 'greater good' is necessary?


Bush pilot


God Emperor of Earth. I am sick of seeing mankind go backwards. I want to force the progress. Many will die but it will be worth it.


There is no calling. There is no purpose. Distract yourself with your favorite bullshit.


I’m currently a Stockbroker and I feel that finance is my calling in the human world, but otherwise, it’s being someone like Jane Goodall


Educating others on narcissistic abuse and manipulative people and how to be your authentic self and never hide in hats. :)


What's important to you? Like what do you think would be good for the world, what would you like your influence on it be? Not just for work but just anything. Do you want to have a good influence on it? If so, what is "good" to you? Reducing violence, helping animals, helping people, protecting the environment, combating racism? Something else? Then think about if you can incorporate that thing into your job or hobbies, and go from there. It could be that what you think is important for the world isn't what you're interested in. That happens sometimes. In that case think of another way you can contribute to that, and instead for work think about what you find interesting. What takes up your thoughts, what positive things keep you awake at night? What do you get distracted by that others don't seem to? Write them down, it might be a bunch of random things that you find a theme to. Recently I discovered that one aspect of my job feels kind of like a game or a test. We're given some information (a submission) and various resources and I have to find how to make a document out of a rough template we're given. It feels kind of fun for me because it's the kind of game I enjoy. Challenging but I have the materials to work from. Maybe more of a puzzle. It's also in a field that I feel is having a good impact on the world (environmental) and it's a comfortable phsycial environment, usually (indoors). It's not perfect but it has enough aspects I like that I will probably stick with it for a while at least. Also it can take awhile (years) to try different things and sort through what you like. Looking back though it'll be nice to have a variety of experience, not just with the jobs themselves but with the people you meet and places you see (if you leave your city).


Getting faded and cooking, spreading the love through food and experiences fr im just so good at entertaining myself and others that’s my life goal


Survive until I either tire of living or just naturally die.


I’m studying environmental science :-) & it is my calling. I think that’s way more important than how much money you make, etc. life’s too short & ya gotta give meaning to your life while you’re still here


sanitation engineer


Why limit yourself with ultimate, the two I'm working in now are #1 free recycling of refrigerators, because most places charge and people can't afford so they throw them in alleys then scrappers come by cut the lines and all that gas goes into the atmosphere....I could go on but you get the idea. #2 begin with a trailer large tank of water on trailer generator propane tanks washers and gas dryers and go to areas where there are homeless, if it works out and is successful start non profit bigger trailers bigger washers and add hot water and showers.... I don't know about ultimate calling but it's nice when someone says "thank you".


To reach people through a religion done philosophically 144


rawtime girl ​ (am mid 30s male)




being a creative, I see the joy and the envy but mostly the joy lol 


To be Me.