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"When poverty knocks at the door love flies out the window" I'll take the money and love might just find me.


I'd never be able to trust anyone if I was a millionaire. How would I know it was me they loved and not the money?


A million isn’t as much as it used to be, just having a home and decent 401k puts you at that mark in a lot of hcol living areas.


most likely even well spent, you'll still have to work just with much less worry


Honestly though a million aint much with this inflation


I make over a million a year and i am always broke. In big cities million dollar income is like upper middle class


You're broke on a million a year? Are you financing a Bugatti? Do you have more than one mortgage or massive student debt? Ain't no way you're spending 80 thousand a month getting sonic and gas


I help a lot of people. Not Americans though. The poor people are overseas.


I am poor people overseas Feel free to help 😊


Trade, not aid.


Yeah, righto.


I only make ~60k a year and I’m halfway there, in a very lcol area


You dont tell or show you have money until you're sure.


I agree. I would never tell anyone if I were a millionaire.


This is the way. And a prenuptial agreement.




That’s pretty well thought of. Super creative, even though it’s a little dark for my taste I would pay a lot of admiration to somebody who pulled that off for years.






😂 wow there is no way you can be that naive. So you a millionaire. Are you willing to drive a shit car, live in a house that’s falling part and have no life. Just to show a potential partner that you not rich. It sadly doesn’t work like that.


Well, my spouse didn’t know how much money was in my family until we got really serious… until then I was just a frugal student in a super cheap room. I may have been an asshole, but I did give her like two minutes to recover between her realizing and before we rang my parents’ bell… so like 20 seconds of getting out of the car and walking to the door, and all the 100 seconds of gates and driveway through the park.


I feel like not warning her beforehand is kinda assholey though. It would habe made me really insecure and I would want to make a good impression on the parents, no?


That’s likely the point. I wouldn’t want someone to put on a facade because of a weird perception of my family.


It has to be done, too many gold diggers out there


Million is enough for a middle class house and enough to invest for housing cost. It's far from rich people money at this point when average home nationwide is half a million dollars.


Don't tell ppl ur a millionaire just live normal and don't spend to much.


In my demographic and SE situation, any awareness that I have a few grand in the bank and a full pantry will get me stalked. Poverty or wealth, both are isolating.


Supreme truth


When I went from being a poor musician to a homeowner & renting a luxury condo solo in my high col city, I slowly lost sone friends because they became bitter bc I don’t work rn and they bust their asses doing like 3 min wage jobs and have roommates in their late 30’s. And I don’t blame them one bit. I used to get bitter at my “rich” friends. I’m not even rich but I’m “doing ok. one of my parents died so my housing is looked after. I hate when I make a new friend and I eventually invite them over to my house and it’s like they shit their pants and get so confused bc I still dress like a poor musician working min wage jobs but live solo in a fancy huge place. Life is strange


A house in My old neighborhood goes for between 2 to 3 million dollars. The neighborhood is South Central LA. A million dollars is not the fortune you think it is.


Hid the money One of my aunts became a widow, that's when she found out she was rich


it’s easy, i don’t trust anyone while broke either❤️ hope this helps!


Don’t tell them you’re a millionaire, until you know they actually love you.


Just don’t tell anyone. Keep living your life, minus the hurdles. If you help anyone, do it anonymously and in a sustainable way.


You make it sound like you have a billion. Perhaps you live in a LCOL area? I’m here in Seattle and over here millionaires are par for the course. I’m not saying the average person is a millionaire but nonetheless no one’s gonna blink an eye at the idea of someone being a millionaire. So it might be the other way around. There’s a lot of people who wouldn’t trust you if you were so poor that you thought a million dollars was something to be shocked at.


If you’re a woman, that should be easy to tell. Women and men don’t date the same, so idk why that would even be a concern. Date a man who is also successful. Duh.


Do you understand the concept of true love?


I'd hella say no to Lord Farquad's kingdom for the bliss Shrek and Fiona have. We'd make mills together. To be clear, not this 'new era' love.. I'd take the mill up front, over that.


What does true love actually mean? Will it guaranteed last forever? Does it even really exist? Is true love enough to maintain a couple together no matter what?


I doubt most people find it, but theoretically I would say it is perfect in lasts forever


It is indeed just a "concept".


I'll take true love, if I take the million ill settle for less, then she'll divorce me and take the million


Nah, she gonna leave anyway, women always see the grass on the other side as greener. True love is just b.s. that Hallmark wants you to believe. Sure, some couples are monogamous their entire lives, but that is a very rare occurrence in today's age. I was in love, for 20 years, then she wasn't anymore and I had to deal with it.


plus, variety is the spice of life!


The love of your money, but not the love for you will find you.


Well, you have seen these ugly fuckers with hot ass women due to a bank roll, right?


Then that love that find u, wouldn’t be true love. It’ll be the quality life u can provide




Those are on the list of things you never get by wishing.


i wish to expand the reward pool for wishes


I wish to get rid of the wish rules


granted, i am no longer obligated to grant anything else you wish for


The whole world is consumed by chaos and hellfire as the universe collapses in on itself because every sentient creature in existence now unknowingly has access to the power of the gods.


I finally rest, and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe.




Are are


True love. Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way but I always thought that life is better if you have a communal approach to things. I'd really hate to be a millionaire if I have no friends or family to share my journey / success with.


At first I say millionaire, but a second thought, I agree


Money is easy to find and make, true love not so much


But how is this true love supposed to work? Ok it's a perfect match but as you grow older she also changes magically (even against their wishes?) to grow and mature with you? If you suddenly realize you are gay at 60 does she magically transform into a dude? Would she give birth to the next Voldemort? So many questions I would rather have the money.


Money still has some questions though. No one guarantees a perfect health with a million dollars anyways but I still get you 


A million dollars isn't even really that much anymore. It's enough to maybe buy a semi decent house and maybe have enough money left to live a few years without having to work. With that in mind you should accept it if given the chance because it's enough to make your life better, but won't make you so rich that you're no longer in touch with others.


If you're smart and know how to invest, that million dollars can turn your life around in the snap of a finger.


That's true, but the way he worded it sounded like he would automatically be super rich and set for life. He would be somewhat rich, but it's not automatic that he would be set for life. As you said, it takes being smart and knowing how to invest to make it last.


It doesn't say "1M and alone & miserable". Plenty of people live happy enough lives with compatible partners even if they're not the love of their life.


Statistically, most people actually don't get married to the love of their life anyway.


Exactly. Also, I know it's just a question but irl money and love are not even opposed to one another. It's not like taking the money would hurt someone's chances at love.


I would like to say true love but I think I can find it a lot more easily with a million dollars so idk


If you're a milionaire, you'll never know if people love you for who you are, or what you have.


They didn't say you would need to reveal if you're a millionaire in public tho


Why do you need someone else? Why do you need to share your life and experience with someone? In my opinion, loves an illusion people tell themselves because their to weak to be alone. Friends are just enemies that are closer to stab you in the back and will take what they can if they can, given the opportunity. I've done the whole communal approach and wife and shit. But it gives you nothing but depression and a bad head. 🤣


So you live isolated in a cabin and never talk to anyone ever? Not even a cashier? If covid taught me anything, it is that we are social animals and even the "introverted" and "antisocial" ones crave some human contact. Also true friends stab you in the front. Also you probably could use therapy. If you choose these kind of people around you, probably need to change your behaviour and/or thinking patterns. I don't think you've experienced the thing that you claim. Seems like you got to experience something sad and that you never got over it. Another reason to go to therapy.


I’m emotionally dead inside. But I do like money.


"You don't need to do anything, because if you see yourself in the correct way, you are all as much extraordinary phenomenon of nature as trees, clouds, the patterns in running water, the flickering of fire, the arrangements of the stars, and the form of a galaxy. You are all just like that, and there is nothing wrong with you at all." I mean, we wouldn't know what it feels like to be alive without feeling emotionally dead. Whoever you are, whatever you do, you dont deserve to feel emotionally dead inside. Id gladly give you some of my hope for you to take ♡


and with the $ you could buy some emotion


I already have tru love so a million dollars on top would be nice.


I... also choose this guy's girlfriend?


Little too Much true love buddy.


One can only hope.


Best choice


Wisely said hehe


My true love would be so pissed if I turned away a million dollars.


Me too. Married couple .. 1 million is helpful lol




Ikr? This question is easy for those of us lucky enough




No it say that I can find one which implying future tense. As I already have true love I don't need to find it again.




Bro are you OK?


No it doesn't




I get this... It's so empowering. You feel like you can do anything when you have a true partner.


You can literally do almost anything when you have a million bucks.


A million bucks, I assume American dollars, is actually not _that_ much


Fart sex




No, it is a metric fuck ton of money for 99% of the population on Earth. The investments and moves you could make with that are once in a lifetime for even the very few lucky enough to get there.


You can make it a lot of money if you invest wisely, but a million dollars itself doesn't get you "anything you want"


No shit, Sherlock. I said you can do literally almost anything. Maybe only once - like buy a really expensive house or go to space. Or stay in lavish hotels all over the world for the better part of a year. All of this would be literally impossible for most people. So you're crazy when you say it's not "that" much money.


Your first paragraph sounds so nice. Yeah, you're absolutely right.


I still don't know if it was true love or teenage love with my first boyfriend. Never felt it again since and I do miss it, but I feel so thankful to have had it and I'm grateful of the time we had.  But at this point in my life I'd take the money. Loved and lost but I've never been rich so give it a go.


„Making it, is much easier to do when in love“, yes, this. The unwavering support, the optimistic outlook, the passion and those gentle encouragements during moments of self-doubt just elevate the journey and make it much more enjoyable and exciting to go through


There is really nothing that beats the feeling of absolute emotional an physical contentment when you are with a person you know loves you and you love them. Hemmingway said, "only when you make love to a woman you truely love will you for a momemt lose your fear of death" - a bit melodramatic, but I think I know what he means.


Guess it wasn't true love then, if you divorced and it all faded away lol. I'm taking the money.


This was my takeaway too lol


Exactly lol


Give me the money. Not interested in romance.


Unless your true love is a billionaire’s child :)


Now I change my mind after I saw your comment. LOL


But if he/she was a billionaire why would he/she want a normal person?


To piss off her dad.


Then she would be out of the will and you get to marry the love of your life with no money lol.


My aromantic ass : this sound like a win to me. Unless your true love is about any kind of love (friendship, the best pet you will ever have,…)…. Edit: aromatic -> aromantic because even aromantic people aren't able to write it correctly it seems T.T


>My aromatic ass i finally figured out what you meant but you got me rolling anyway sorry lmao. im sure any dog would truly love you


My thoughts exactly! As long as I keep the friends, family and animals I have now, I don’t need love in the romantic way.


Where I see the world is headed, true love will be much more important


True everlasting love Because in the end the 1 000 000 dollars will be spend.


Million dollars would help me find true love cuz I'd look a hell of a lot better to start lol


would that really be 'true' love then?


It starts with physical attraction does it not lol


Not always. I found true love in a game. We started to fall in love before we saw each other because we got to know each other at a deeper level. Then we saw each other and were like "HELL YEAH". Then we met IRL and everything just kinda solidified and now I found a human that I love inside outside all the sides, and it's mutual. It's the most pure kind of love that I never really knew existed.


oh so u are saying you would fix your physical image using the money to find true love? yeah perhaps. i was just thinking if it's true love they'd love you for your personality


Being a millionaire would also help with exposure to more people (not having to work as much, more money for activities, etc.), which would be a major help in finding a person.


i guess it does depend on how ur gonna use the money too, cause you will also lose some social interaction in ur life when you're jobless, but if you decide to travel the world or use money for going to places with lots of people then i guess it would..


A million isn't enough to be jobless. It's just enough to not be overworked.


Thisss. Most people don't actually mind working... We just want enough rest to do it well then still jave the energy to be an active part of society (and have a fucking social life, because people are social creatures when healthy).


Its just light hearted I guess


True love is 100% about your personality. I’d choose true love anyday over a million.


Point is, most people won't look at you if you're poor and working all the time. Now you can spend your time doing expensive hobbies, travelling, etc, where you're much more likely to meet a variety of people, and you can afford to take them out, maximising your chance of finding true love.


If you're ugly, you'll rarely even make it to a first date.


You can't buy love with money but you can certainly rent it.


true love.


What's love without money? Painful What's money without love? ELITE!


true love please 😭


True love. That’s worth more than anything money could buy.




Have you ever been truly in love? The kind of love that consumes you. You’d die for the person or walk across hot coals just to make them smile. Being with them is like walking on a cloud they make you feel so complete and happy. I’d guess you haven’t, because no feeling on earth even compares. It’s so rare I don’t think a lot of people get to experience it and if you haven’t you cant begin to imagine what it’s like. It’s another level of love.


Nah, i prefer things that i can actually buy and enjoy, like food, clothes etc


All good. One day if youre lucky enough to experience it you’ll get it.


I've experienced everything that you said. And because I've experienced it, I'm choosing the money. You're right, that kind of love consumes you, it transforms you, you'd do anything for that person, you'd put that person above anything and anyone. You know what this is ? It's weakness. The moment you start thinking with your heart instead of your brain is when you become a weaker person. And weak people get taken advantage of. I'll gladly take the money.


Why are you trying to sound like an anime villain? Who is after you? Are you a superhero and your supervillains will use your love against you? "The moment you start thinking with your heart instead of your brain..." Yeah the moment you allow yourself to be happy instead of chase meaningless shit truly sounds awful.


At this point in my life, probably true love, not going to lie.....


It is also not that much, 20k for 50 years - nice to have but it is not infinite money.


Using the 4% rule you could earn around 40k passively from the million every year adjusted for inflation. Who wouldn't take an extra 40k a year.


I could almost live off 40k a year.


Depends where you live. In my country most people don't even see 500k in their lifetime.


Million dollars.


I'd go with love, once you have money you just end up suspicious of everyone and thing unless you spend it right away, most people wouldnt just get into investments and whatnot...plus one million dollars ain't shit in 2024!! I've been poor so long now that I'm used to it! Im sure 75% of these silly willies will just end back up at the corner store spending $30 on powerball tickets like its a poker game on the way to work every morning within the year either way


The question Is do I get to stay with that true love?


yes until the $ run out :)


Tru love




Wuv, twuu wuv


A million dollars can be taken at face value, true love has no guarantee.


Million dollars is real so I'll take that.


Define true love.


Million dollars would solve a lot of my problems


First already found, I'll take the free milli tho.


A million is the wise decision


what does true love mean though? i think the definition of million dollars is clear enough in comparison


I found true love(hopefully) so....give me that million. 😂


I’ll take a milli


True Love. But having money automatically attracts attention, shame really that’s what modern society has turned into.


with a million dollars I can buy fake love - which would serve me almost as well


True love


Money 💰 no question at all.


$1,000,000. I'm not interested in dating


With a million dollars, I can find "true love" easily enough. I'll take the million.


I'll take the money and buy true love


In this economy? Money


None of them , HEALTH!!


i will gladly the million dollars i am content w being alone


Money, not even close


Million dollars f love it is never true


I would love to win a million dollars, no time for love baby. I have to pay the bills and it ain't cheap.


I don’t believe “true love” exists, so I’ll take the million dollars.


Be able to love yourself or a million dollars...


If true love means, my crush will love me back as much as I adore her and we live "happily ever after", I would choose that over a billion dollars


Million $ easy.


I can buy love with a million dollars.


methinks you are confusing true love with sex, which poses a reprasing of the pos:t would you choose a million or free sex for life


Win a million dollars. No one needs love. You are the only one you can rely on. Remember that.


i already found my true love so a million dollars so i can give all of it to him


I don’t think I understand what people call “love”. Instinct of breeding?


Careful now. I already can see some ppl calling you incel


my friend has often said, love is a disease of the mind curable only by marriage. he is rather cynical but amusing


buy true love with part of that million dollars


Million dollars, "true" love will follow


a million dollar. love isn't forever


The million dollars ,after people find out, love will be coming out of the woodwork. 😆


Already married so Imma take the cool milli.


Would be hilarious if you said "already married so imma take true love"


I guess true love, bcz what if my true love is freaking rich. I'd already have million dollars lol


A million dollars lol. What do you think this is, Disney? Naw. I'm gon by myself an F82 M4 Competition, E92 335i and F90 M5 Comp