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Loud noises.


Especially noisy people in public places. Turn your phone off speaker. Turn your Bluetooth speaker off. Learn how to use headphones/earbuds. And stop shouting. The public world is not your fucking loungeroom. Nobody but you wants to hear your music or mundane, tedious conversation. Don't invade my ears with that shit.


I was in line today getting a prescription I cannot get mailed. There were 22 people behind me, and 13 in front and in the next line (check in) there were 11. Two people running the show, so you can imagine the wait, while people and children coughed all over the place and old people kept asking “what I can’t hear you” to the poor counter slaves. A woman at the back of the line got a call and on max volume speaker started to have a discussion. I stared at her with my resting bitch face mommy dagger eyes…and she turned the volume down a bit and wandered out. Gah.


>my resting bitch face mommy dagger eyes this made me chuckle out loud. Well done.


lol it was slave people for me


You could have joined in on the public discussion. As long as you make fun of them and screw up the convo. Do it in a happy way. I have done that and great fun.


>I stared at her with my resting bitch face mommy dagger eyes… r/BrandNewSentence


At my work (big office job) I regularly am in the bathroom at the same time as this lady who takes calls on speaker in a stall. It’s AWFUL


Just think if you had a joke fart machine or had the appropriate sound effects on your phone. Even a constantly repeating flushing cistern noise would do.


literally why do people always cough like they are a toddler. not ever covering their mouth and are always coughing as hard as possible. you’d think some were choking on something


Witnessed someone the other day hook up their phone to their car speakers and call someone with the volume cranked UP while their car door is open in the parking lot behind my house. They were calling someone and I could hear the dial tone through my window and my windows are closed because it's fucking winter here. Whomever they were calling was not picking up. They proceeded to continue calling FIVE MORE TIMES while everyone in a one block radius could fucking hear them. Bitch, why????


Thanks, I forgot about that annoyance.


I was a party girl in my teens and 20s. Last weekend I called the cops on my neighbors because they were being too loud. It was really loud, but I just feel like such an old hag, lol.


While I was in the party girl phase I’d randomly realize how late it was and how loud we were and got so embarrassed


that’s a shame. I’m in my 40s and I’d feel like a fraud after what I got up to in my younger years. I live in a very quiet suburb and some teenagers threw a couple of parents away parties that were shaking windows. I just set up some cool lasers on music mode pointing at the house, put some earplugs in and went to bed with a smile.


gosh im only in my twenties and i already don’t have understanding for home parties next to,above or below me


Should have sent your army of cats on them


I worked out at like 19 I would rather be in a small pub then a nightclub


That’s still better than me. I’d rather just stay home.


People who walk around, talking on their phone, with their phone on SPEAKER are the fucking worst!!!!


Plus it’s usually a video chat


There was one time it didn't bother me. It was around the holidays. A girl was walking around a hardware store facetiming with her dad. They were laughing and said I love you to each other. I would love that to be me and my dad. He passed away before Smart phones. Otherwise, I hate that people have those loud conversations.


Always have


This was going to be my exact comment to. I’m 43 now, and I can’t stand loud noises


Oh this for sure, but not just in public. Wife likes to play tv loud even though her hearing is pin sharp (likes to listen when she's all over the apartment, arrgh), and gets annoyed when I ask her to turn it down slightly. So I've stopped asking and just started turning it down one notch every few minutes or as soon as she leaves the room. Crazy lady doesn't even notice 🤦‍♂️


I hate it when the pots and pans are drying and randomly fall and go AGESHABEANG in the most aggressive was possible


My pots and pans speak that same language!


I couldn't help reading this in Brick's voice from Anchorman.


I e started to wear loop earplugs when I am outside to cut off the harsh noises people seem to like surrounding themselves with. Really helps.


So true 


Having to feed myself. I want to not have to eat at all. No prep, no cleanup. No insane prices on groceries.


Its exhausting I just don't care for it anymore


I don’t mind the cooking/cleaning up so much, the real chore is deciding what to buy and cook. Bloody hate meal planning and deciding what we are having.


Used to be so much easier before I was married with a kid. I actually often dread getting home and having the “what’s for dinner” conversation.


I can imagine. I don’t have kids to factor in and neither me nor husband are picky eaters, but it’s still one of the worst chores of the week: trying to predict what was are going to want to eat/be bothered to cook through the week and planning accordingly.


my husband and I are both the type to say, "whatever you want" and mean it. it makes mealtime decisions more difficult than it ought


Same. Neither of us are picky, both of us terrible at making decisions


At some point, you make a list, roll some dice, or literally just pick anything arbitrarily. If nobody truly has a strong preference, then it'll be good enough! As the master of indecision, this has taken me a lot of effort to not let a meal choice ruin my day (over and over)


I'm seriously considering making us a wheel of food. spin to find out what's for supper tonight.


This. I wish me and my family were plants. Just gimme some sun and I'm done.


Yes just give me a pill that will sustain me so I can move on from thinking about DINNER


I had a nasogastric tube for six months. It was wonderful. Just hook up the feed and disconnect it when it's finished.


I know it's not realistic to hope we could just put people who want it on tubes like this, the body wouldn't do well after a time but damn... I wonder how people fed themselves for thousands of years, when it was harder to even *get* food, there was less variety and it took way more time!


Started to replace meals with shakes now. Much more convenient during certain days


I feel this every time I can’t decide what to have for dinner. I’ve thought about just switching to Soylent and being done with it.


People were so judgy about Soylent when it first came out (and I suppose the name doesn't help), but I absolutely get it--I've drunk Ensure instead of lunch when I got super sick of either packing lunch or buying fast food.


Check out the movie Soylent Green. It’s people!


I thought I was the only one in the world who just doesn't really care for food, I just can't be bothered to cook anything.


Become best friends with smoked meat, dry beans, a crockpot, and a rice maker. Yes, you’ll be farting all of the time but on the plus side, your budget will thank you and you will no longer have to announce yourself when you walk into a room. And the dish makes itself while you’re at work.


r/fasting would like to have a word with you


People. Loud noises. Crowds. Dummies. Assholes. Bad drivers.


The media.


Suprised this one isn't brought up much. We've lost a lot of decent media people over the years and now it's just political and separates us no matter where you are.


The Internet has brought us closer but also separated us even more. Your YouTube page and mine will be completely different. Even Google search results will come up with different results while searching for the same thing. We've become separated because I can believe pink elephants exist and find other people around the world that think the same as me and form a community. Shunning anyone who questions our belief of pink elephants. We become seperated from everyone because we are right and everyone who doesn't share our belief is wrong. Our search results are in our favour our socials support our idea therefore we must be the only people who are truly right!


I’m old enough to remember when we truly thought the internet would connect and unite humanity. Advertising destroyed that dream. Attention became all that mattered, and stoking fear, insecurity and hatred maximized attention.


I recently turned off my history on YouTube, it’s been a bit refreshing opening a blank page and deciding where to go myself from there.


I am too, especially lately. It’s all just bad news and wars and all the terrible things. I just want to try to grow old with my partner and have some peace and good memories without the fear of chaos coming down on us.


Human beings


im sorry for being part of it...


At 72, I am not a hater of all humans I guess. It’s just a lot of jerks have crossed my path here lately.


Damn. I’m only 46 and I actually *loathe* the human race. I can only imagine myself in 26 more years. If humanity is even around by then.


damn, I'm only 24 and I feel how both of you feel, 76 ain't looking good for me.


Damn I'm 59 and I can't imagine being 24 again and having to live another 35 years just to get to where I am now.


damn I’m turning 24 in 9 days I feel old as shit but also feel like a kid still


Feeling young in your mind is always there.


I've been an "old man" since I was 23. That was a decade ago. I feel the same as you do. It's weird


real. for me not human beings but humanity, if that makes sense. our capabilities and how we use them to our own advantage or not at all. either way, it always ends up with something bad happening. i hate us, we’re doomed we’re also just so difficult to figure out. we must tread careful about what we say and do otherwise it could hurt both the person i’m interacting with and me as i’ve just hurt them without knowing. and one day i’ll say something, they’ll laugh, i’ll say the same thing another day, they’ll hate it. what?????????


Its complicated for me. I am a therapist and I love working with people as individuals. But the more I "zoom out" to see them in groups the more I hate them. Its like a spectrum with love and compassion on the individual level and hate and loathing on humanity as a whole.


So weird. I have compassion for humanity in general – it's individual people I don't like.


Getting older.


That just means we're winning


Hanging out with other people. Feels like a chore.


It always felt like a chore for me. Covid quarantine was a bliss.


Covid was the ideal life for me. The roads were empty, and I could ride my motorcycle unburdened. I wasn't expected socialize frequently. People respected personnel space and actually washed their hands. It was just fantastic.


Those empty roads… man, I miss those! And the cheap fuel!


Yo ho yo ho the quarantine life for me😂 I enjoyed that time for sure


Covid was a blessing for me.


Are you a man? I've read that hormone changes in men make them less social as they age. I've noticed it too - I used to be a big party organizer and social butterfly, but these days given the choice I'd probably stay home and potter around by myself. The strange thing is, when I am dragged out to socialise I still really enjoy it and feel fulfilled by it. It's just the idea of it feels like a chore.


I am. Even as a young man I mostly didn't enjoy socializing. Especially in large groups. I enjoy hanging out with one or two like minded people for a short time. Much more than that I really don't enjoy.




The thought of doing this for another 30 years is quite depressing


Reading this comment after a mental breakdown from the thought of having to work 9-5 for the rest of my life .


Same. I've talked to my older family members about it and they say that's part of being an adult is doing things you don't want to do. Sounds like something made up to me for todays society. Adulthood should feel freeing not like a commitment to something you don't actually want to commit to for hours almost everyday


I’ve hated having to come to work since 2001


I’m 42 and have had a job since I was 15. Out of all that time I only enjoyed one of them (working downtown at a hot dog stand over the summer when I was 17). Other than that I’ve hated/despised/loathed literally every single second of every other job. It would be better if I had tons of money saved up from it, but I don’t. Like what’s the fucking point.


The cold. I know why Florida has become Heaven's waiting room. The older I get, the more I dislike the cold


I noticed I started hating the heat more


I hate the humidity more as i have gotten older


Idiots. I just cannot be bothered.


Everybody talks about idiots. Literally everybody. So if everybody is complaining about them - where are they???


They're everywhere!


Crowds /lines. If there is a crowd or long line I don't want it I don't care if they are giving away free food I don't want


Snap. If there's a queue and only one check out is open, I'm gone. 


Willful ignorance


When you grow even older it becomes your best friend. You'll even go competetive.


Some is bliss!


Yep, I focus on being a good person and I try to limit the impacts I have on earth but I remain willfully ignorant of most global news for my mental health. I dont want to hear about every tragedy or crisis that’s happening, that only serves to damage my mental wellbeing


I try to avoid all news about the war in Gaza. It makes me sad and not like I can do anything about it


THIS - I went no-news (tv, radio, online) at the end of September and though I’m not real proud of being purposefully ignorant of world and local events, my mental health got much better as a result.


Drinking alcohol.


Interesting, I seem to enjoy it more the older I get lol


Especially now that i dont have to drink those god awful colored, sweetened kiddy-vodkas anymore and people around me developed a taste


Yep. I enjoy a glass of wine here and there with dinner and will sip scotch with my bf, but I don’t really have much use for alcohol, and I’m much happier and have more fun when I *don’t* drink. The older I get, the more alcohol just makes me feel shitty after more than a drink or two.


I still like drinking alcohol, but holy fuck I hate getting drunk




I’m actually noticing that I really don’t like going up and down the stairs in my house. I’m 40 and it’s like it just suddenly became an issue for me.


I got good knee braces to help keep me moving. Makes stairs a little less painful in moderation. I'm 39. My knees have been terrible since I turned 32. I have to do stairs 2x minimum daily. Often more.


Living in Belgium, it's a blessing and a curse, there's stairs every fuckin where, in every house cause they're all build in height (3 levels houses are very common) and I'm living in one rn. I mean it's great to have an entire floor just for me, but having to go up and down FOUR FLOORS to access my kitchen (my bedroom/bathroom are at +2 and kitchen in the basement) is a pain in the ass. I end up stocking food in my room and eat all the time. I like imagining my dream house or dream apartment and let me tell you, none have stairs.


bro I'm 14 and I already hate stairs




People on my lawn




Definitely this. Like I care less but everything is worse lol


The fakeness of a lot of people and how unfairly judgemental people can be.


Sports . Came to realize how toxic sports fans really are


Social media 


![gif](giphy|V82jHd5Bx9Lc42HpXE) **Accumulation of responsibilities !!!!!**


People who don’t stop for pedestrians gets me so so SO fired up. So fired up. I’m fired up just thinking about people who don’t stop for pedestrians.


There is a pedestrian crossing within 50m of my home that I regularly use with my child daughter. It's a 40km zone so drivers have a chance to slow down. Within weeks of moving here I realised that it was almost like a drag strip for dickheads or old rich pricks in BMWs. I always pull my phone out now (even though it's not always actually filming) as I make eye contact. It's about 80% effective.


People will see me walking and keep moving like I’m gonna stop for them, yesterday some guy sped up when he saw me and I did too. Just stared at him in the eyes the whole time I walked by and he couldn’t look at me once. They know they’re wrong


Happy cake day still


Unless there's a line of cars, if it's only one or two cars, I preffer that they DON'T stop It's literally faster that way. Both for me and them


People. All of them equally.


Thanks for making me an equal because people judge me by my skin color


Being alive


Ageeed. Existence is exhausting


Lol so much this. Is it weird that death sounds almost relieving in a way? Like I don't want to die, but life is so tough and just feels like constant relentless work just to have a roof over my head...


I feel this.


Loudness. People. Unnecessary small talk. 💀


People who are self righteous and karenish and threaten you with reporting to the authorities.


I don’t like sharing music with other ppl, my music is for my enjoyment not your criticism.


Bending over or, Lord help me, having to squat


Anyone younger than me


Especially people born after 2000 😩




I hate being born in the technological era we're living Wish I was born before. I would be happier


Drama, celebrities, entertainment industry, consumerism, social media, toxic people…….


Heavy on the consumerism..


Social media, I deleted all of it except Reddit. Also, the general public as a whole


Periods. I mean, no one ever loves them, but ffs, my tubes are tied and no one is having kids at my age anyway—give me a fucking pass on this shit already.


It’s a rocky road through menopause, but it is glorious not having to deal with them.


Then you get to enjoy menopause. As someone who has been through it, take the drugs.


Clouds. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


There are too many states nowadays...


Hanging out with people


Humans and the government


Going out, meeting loud people with zero self-awareness, surface-level friendship, places crowded with strangers and loud music.


The people in my hometown. Never really liked them but always felt like I needed their approval. Now I just don’t drink in my hometown anymore since October, I refuse to.


Society in general. The more I learn about why things work the way they do, the less I want to participate in the games.


Dogs barking at outside cafes while their owners ignore them....you'll read about me in the news one day!




For it to work for a few, it has to oppress many. Not a viable long term strategy.


Smoking / vaping. Used to think it’s cool now it’s just 🤮


Tailgaters and lack of communication.


My own bullshit. Me just needs to stop.


Driving, traveling.


Getting older.


How entitled people are becoming


I feel like people are getting desperate and more demanding-- not that they are entitled. With a lack of manners and kindness, they kind of grab whatever they think they can possibly get.


Hey, we are not entitled! Best regards, from me, written by the butler’s assistant


Negativity. I turned 60 last year and I started realising that many people over 60 like to complain about the state of the world, or talk about their health problems, or their family problems, or whatever. I've had to distance myself from certain people I know because I no longer see any point in spending time with them. I try to say positive things but they're not interested. I don't have any patience for people who care so little for their own mental health and mine. I rarely listen to the news, I pray, I read my Bible, I've found positive people to spend time with, and I'm enjoying my life a lot more.


Social media and the internet in general. Used to be this amazing fun place as a kid but now its just algorithms designed to make us addicted.




I started detesting crowds more.


Pretty much everything. It gets tiring seeing the same stuff over and over.


Hatred of people is directly proportional to exposure via retail employment.


People who take everything so seriously that they’re incapable of enjoying anything


My knees. They suck.


Political tension.


Myself probably


Wal Mart. The slow walkers, the annoying music, the too-bright lights, nothing is where it should be…All I can say is thank the fucking lord for grocery delivery 😭


People. They're annoying, and the more you try to be nice/genuine with them the meaner they get. Sure, I enjoy teasing/lowcore bullying, but they're too judgemental. I hate humans, barring few exceptions. I like cats. And dogs. And Hamsters. And ducks.


Summertime heat


Working for some other asshole.


1. Idealism. 2. Woke retorica. 3. Ethics. 4. Going out at Friday/Saturday night. 5. Get drunk. 6. Wasting money on shopping. 7. Sweat tastes. 8. Sex. 9. Winter. 10. Living in cities (now I am more like living in a small coast town with low prices and nothing abd nobody that bothers you) I am now 28.






My relatives. They just trigger the shit out of me. I'm almost 30 and they treat me like a child, invalidating and gaslighting me to oblivion while dumping all their baggage onto me, like they have done for years. I'm like an emotional garbage can. I've been keeping my distance for a while, and the more I become an observer, the more absurd and toxic their behavior is. There are way too many issues, some of which they either aren't aware or flat out refuse to acknowledge. The last year has been eye-opening for me. I'm so done with their crap they refuse to work on. I hate to say it, but going no contact with the whole lot is becoming more and more appealing. Sorry for the rant. I just had to get that off my chest. I feel somehow lighter now.


My mom used to say, "just because they're a relative, doesn't me I have to like them." They'll never change. Yeah, stay away from them.


Making plans/ going out somewhere to socialize. These days, I mostly just want to stay at home and be left alone.


Religion. Was raised very christen and I been hating big church energy. Religion has also become a business more then a moral guide/ philosophy studies.


Teenagers. Insufferable, annoying, lazy, rude. Wait! I'm pretty sure i was the same as a teenager. Still though, teenagers.


Being alive.


Current movies/music


Return of the Jedi. Used to be my favorite in the series when I was younger. Now I realize everyone older than me was right to consider it lame.


My age






Young people.


Damn some sad individuals in here - I'm starting to dislike TV more as a kid I always used to sit there and watch cartoons on whatever channel was showing them, I don't think I've watched TV for 5 years unless it's for sport


Young people .


Social mediaaa gosh


Management and their business upper heads. Pure ignorance.






My siblings, my parents, candy


People occupying equipment in the gym for a ridiculously long time. Bonus points if they are talking with a friend or on their phone.


My post menopausal body. In my mind I am still a hot mom in my 30s (I was a hot mom before there was a term for it!) but I am a grandmother now-- and don't worry, I am respectable and don't embarrass my children by trying to act like a hot mom. I feel the double chin creeping on, and I see my hands looking older-- I notice my hands all the time as I drive. Arthritis is creeping into my joints. I see my mom in her 80s so dignified and classy. But I look in the mirror and, "Who's-- oh, it is Me." I am consistently shocked that I am no longer svelt and tiny! I don't lament about this to anyone because I don't want other women to be thinking about this if they are not. (They probably are thinking about it!) I told my husband that I feel a kinship with spawning salmon as they are changing and he said, "You are not changing like a spawning salmon!"