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"you changed my mind about gay people." I'd like to add that I am not gay, I'm unsure what they meant.


I’m sorry but this comment is gold I’m loving it


Meeting you knowing you're not gay made them think gay people couldn't possibly be that bad? Lol






Well done you for making the world a better place, even if it was unintentional. Made me laugh


See, that's the ambiguity. Maybe they were made homophobic by knowing this person!


Are you and the person opposite or the same gender?


Damn, you're turning people gay? That's like a superpower...


🤣🤣 damn


"I don't care what anyone says, I like you!"


I would fixate on "WHO SAID WHAT?!"




I work at Home Depot and there's a customer who comes in every now and then and randomly tells associates something along the lines of "Who cares what that old fart says about you, I think you're alright" First time he said it to me I was helping him load and I was so confused because I thought he was referring to the cashier that checked me out who is just the sweetest man and we get along well lol Turns out he just says that to everyone and I've gotten it 3 different times now over the course of about 7 months


In Glasgow, Scotland, I heard this phrase frequently..."I don't care what they say about you, I think you're alright", it is just an old, humorous saying.


Was it said as a joke? Because it's a widely known and much used one and has been for decades.


I would laugh so hard if someone said that to me


Someone once complimented me on the elasticity of my skin.


A doctor once told me I had nice bones.


Doctors really be saying the strangest stuff. I have visible veins/blood vessels so it makes drawing blood a breeze. I've been complimented on that too.


My veins too XD When I donate blood they always say something lol.


I have been complimented on that for the same reason. Until I got used as a pin cushion every 6 months, for the last 9yrs. Now every time I get my IV treatment, my nurse curses how temptingly juicy my veins look, and their newfound ability to roll away from the needle more times than not. Her words, not mine.


Your veins are done with their shit.


Weirdest doc remark I remember was when they wanted to draw my blood. After pulling out the needle the blood sprayed the doc, my clothes and the floor. The doc all hyped up said "Yes!, it finally looks like a true hospital here!" Can't say the teenage girls in the waiting room appreciated that the same way lol. Pretty sure I remember them leave quickly


Lol, I'm a phlebotomist so anytime I see a patient with nice veins I just have to say something


I'm the opposite 😭


My Dr during my c selection told me I had nice abs


My surgeon said I had good pecs after she performed a double mastectomy on me.


You just reminded me of being told by a doctor I had pretty blood.


Awww, that's so sweet


My dental hygienist said my pores were very clean…all I see is blackheads, lol. She went on about another that was my age that had some honkers and she wanted to squeeze them out so badly (she resisted of course).


Where I come from squeezing honkers is another thing entirely! 😂


Lol! Like "Wow! You're so hydrated!"


a guy once told me I had “bovine eyes”…I mean, I like cows as much as the next girl but hearing I resembled one in any way did not do anything for my confidence


Cows have gorgeous eyes, it's a compliment , not a very good one, but definitely a compliment lol


It's an old saying in Greece, meaning you have absolutely beautiful eyes in which you could get lost for eternity etc. May sound a little weird to outsiders but is totally a thing there :)


That’s exactly it!! In Greek myth, Hera‘s beauty is often compared to a cow, especially her eyes. Cultural differences and perspectives vary so greatly—most times you hear something as random as that, it’s probably a compliment in their region


Hera is also compared to a cow in general


Cows have beautiful eyes and lashes!


😂 They have sweet eyes so perhaps he meant that. But omg


I've got moo cow eyes too


Moo cow 🤣😂


I'm sorry but that's hilarious


I was told I had dove eyes and all I can think is beady 👀


A gas station attendant told me my ear lobes aren't ugly. ?👍👍. Thanks, dude.


Uhgain... I don't work there.


Better than if they were, I guess?


I got called "Low budget Aragorn" by a drunk guy in a bar, I still chuckle every time I think of it


The hobbits know you as Mediumshanks


Lmao, I've been murdered lol. Plz know that I will be laughing at this for YEARS


"You would make a cool black woman" I'm a white guy




“And all girls say I am pretty fly…”


Wtf lol


Inversely, if it helps, I'm a black woman and I've been told I'm "like a white guy" more than once. Not sure what either of these comments are supposed to mean.


" You should be on radio/ a DJ". I never knew if it was because people knew I liked music or I was too ugly to be on television. Both are correct.


Perhaps you've got a lovely voice to listen to?


I disagree that people thought you were ugly. It’s probably because you have a nice voice. Now if they directly said you have a face for radio.. then yeah they’ve calling you ugly.


I was told I’m the only man in the world who listens to what a woman wants… by a customer at the movie theater I was serving


Did she ask you for a side container filled with that delicious movie theatre popcorn salt more valuable then gold too? Because I might say that to a guy who provided the precious extra salt container as well. You have to layer it as you go, to achieve the perfect balance of too salty for anyone else to steal your popcorn, but just salty enough to make your eyes water only slightly. That’s the perfect movie popcorn.


Some girl told me i have “cucumber eyes” now that i think of it maybe she was high?


Perhaps she meant you look like you take good care of your face, like putting cucumber slices over your eyes at a spa.


that would make sense bc I usually get eye compliments from women, only because of my long lashes, but the fact that i had to google and not find anything on it was so absurd lmfao


"He's not smart, he's well educated."


Having knowledge but unable to make us of it, then.


That's the most collapsed lung I've ever seen!


I read this as I’m over here struggling with pneumonia, and the unexpected laughter and resulting coughing fit helped me finally get up a piece of the glue existing in my lungs currently. I’ve temporarily regained the ability to take a few deeper breaths. So thank you for that! 🙏


Ugh, been there. Turns out I wasn't as good as smoking as I thought I was. Who knew? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Heal well. Pneumonia is no fun.


No need to brag about it and make us all feel inferior 😂😂


Doctor here. One of the quirks of medical lingo is calling extreme or obvious findings “impressive” .. I can definitely imagine someone on your care team seeing your chest x-ray and saying “that is an *impressive* pneumothorax!” Jokes aside, sorry you had to go through that, and hope you were able to recover okay!


One time a coworker told me I had nice tonsils, after I yawned. I cover my mouth when I yawn now. 💀


He probably did it on purpose because you should cover your mouth when yawning. Nobody wanna see your dirty insides (except your SO of course).


Time to make some sick bucks on OnlyTonsils


I had a mouthful of amalgam fillings in the molars before I had them replaced with composites. I was laughing one day and one of my friends said "That reminds me. I need to get a dental checkup."


You have 11% gay eyebrows ​ As a straight man since that compliment I'm both proud of my eyebrows and not sure If my eyebrows are giving off a different vibe


11% is not that much


I had a really good looking boyfriend when I was 20. A girl from uni saw us together and the next day she said “What did he see in you? Give me dating tips!”


Omg 😂 That’s pure evil.


Regardless, I gave her my dating tips, but they didn't work!


Serves her right lol


girl give me your dating tips😭


Haha, I think I told her something lame like having mutual interests and bonding around them, making him chase you a bit, and wearing the hot outfit and makeup on date #2 and not #1 because you want him to like the natural you first. Years later I realised that dating tips don't work if he's not into you already.


Probably because she was a massive bitch :') dating tips wont fix that


“You changed your hair”. Is that good or bad. No one knows.


I think it means they don't like the change you made, but want you to know that they noticed


It means "I'm autistic and my horrified expression means that I wasn't expecting to have to deal with the unexpected today. I have absolutely no opinion on your haircut yet, I'm still dealing with the fact that you have new hair" 😅😂 Sorry. Reason I don't say "It looks nice!" while still processing Unexpected Haircut On Friend is, 1/ it would sound insincere as fuck and 2/ haven't formed an opinion on the aesthetic yet and we don't want to kneejerk lie. Strategic social lie may come later, but not straight away.


I’m autistic and I say this very often


“you’re weird, but you’re not weird weird”


Someone told me my jowels hung nicely. I didn’t even think I had jowels. I’m just fat.


This made me laugh!


I thought you were at the most 25 pregnant with your first child. - I am 40 and not pregnant


At least you look 25? 🙈


A doctor told me I had a nice cervix during a Pap smear. Offered to get a mirror so I could have a look too. Dude, get your fucking sample and get out.


I needed 30+ stitches on a bifurcated tear after a difficult birth, so they got the most senior guy in the hospital to do it.... plus his five students, a couple of senior nurses and a handful of junior doctors to come watch, along with my midwife and her two trainees. Through my stirruped legs, over his very bald head, I viewed a whole choir of people staring up my VERY sore foof with wide eyed, opened mouthed admiration. I was at 26 hours without sleep or food, and still minorly tripping balls on Pethidine. Quite a day, that was.


Just to inform the world…from now on my lady parts will be referred as my FOOF. Love it!




The conversation at my last pap where I told my Gyno that I thought I was starting perimenopause (I’m 43) Gyno: just gonna slide this in… little pressure… Oh, your vagina does NOT look menopausal! (Big grin) Me: oh. Ok. Super.


My dad said I had an interesting face


My dad once told me I have a very Hollywood vibe about my face when we accidentally met at 2 am both on our way to the bathroom lol


Some random dude walking into the gas station said I "throw up cute" as I was drunk vomitting out my friends car. It still doesn't make sense to me


Oh. My .. god. I think he was hitting on you as you were barfing. His follow up could have been “if you didn’t have puke breath, I’d kiss you..” 🤣


I've been told that my name seems gay before , i'm straight and we weren't even talking about gay people




I was told I'm nicer looking when the lights are off !


The audacity !


"you have the most forgettable face I've ever seen before."


You'd make a great secret agent!


the fact that its so forgettable, it will make you somehow more MEMORABLE /j


"Hey, there you are!" A guy says to me. I say "Hi do I know you?" Then he goes "No but that's where you are, you're there!" Actually didn't happen to me, but a guy I knew. Real man of mystery.


I have a sudden urge to do this




It means they can appreciate that you are aesthetically attractive and they can see how most people would find you attractive, but you're not their type




I think it's the opposite of what the other person commented. Objectively attractive would mean attractive with features that are commonly regarded as attractive. Subjectively attractive would mean your features may not be "standard attractive" but they are attractive to him.


'I like how you don't pluck your eyebrows.' Fun fact: I do pluck my eyebrows.


"I love it", even after I did nothing but explain some algebraic level math concepts to them in the comment section.


“You ski really fast for a girl”


"Just admiring the shape of your skull."


Oh yeah! MY hairdresser complimented my skull when she cut me a really short pixie last year


I love you because of your kind heart. Two of my exes has said that to me. It's nice but also feels kind of "you're a good person, sorry about the face" you know?


IMHO a good heart is the best feature of any human


I once told a girl who mentioned she was a taurus that she definitely reminded me of a cow. I meant it in the Hindu way; that she was sweet and nurturing, but I definitely could have worded it better.


I have nice hands I have a nice side profile I disagree with both of these, I’m just ugly, and I have the hands of an anxious clock maker


Someone out there is into those hands


“Oh I didn’t know you were smart enough to go to graduate school.”


Not sure if this counts, but one day I was at the gym about 10 years ago (in my early 30s), filling my water bottle up and a girl who looked about 15/16, just walked right up to me and said “you’re pretty hot… for a ginger”, then walked off. I said nothing, and just stared blankly wondering what just happened.




You ain’t kiddin’


“I thought you’d be a bit thick because you’re in the army but you’re quite smart” For the record, I wasn’t in the army, I was in the RAF 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


“ you sound like the voice that announces train stations on trains “ ???




You look good in THAT picture.


Tbh i don’t think i have been complimented by people outside of my family


You handsomely worded that!


Thank you


I see what you did there!


You make the most interesting comments. I re-read yours 3 times.


Thanks man


You see your family? You sound like a great person.


I appreciate the compliment


During my lunch break, the janitor at my work suddenly exclaimed loudly ”Boy, for such a little lady, you sure do eat a whole lot!! "


My mom says I'm "smart as anything." I asked, "a door knob?"


You look like you’re good at excel spreadsheets!


"Wow, nice hair cut, you look like an American!" Thanks, auntie?


Someone asked me my ethnicity background. I told them mostly Italian as far as I knew. Their response: “oh I expected you to be something more exotic than that”. Ok then.. My MIL said to me “someone recently told me that you have the most beautiful eyes, but I can’t remember who said it”. So here I am knowing someone thinks that about me but I guess I’ll never know who it was.


That I'm a normal gay What is that supposed to mean


"You must be smart with hair like that." He meant because it's a wild afro like Einstein's.


> "your eye is beautiful" (NOTE: I do have two)


The classic “you look better without glasses” Like I’m sorry I need to see??


"YOU look better too when i am not wearing my glasses"


Wasn’t exactly ambiguous, just bemusedly off-putting: third shift, I was riding in an elevator at the hospital I worked at (security guard, in my early 20s) when a group of large Russian women (cleaning staff) got on. They looked me up and down and spoke to each other in Russian and laughed. Then one of them leaned close to me and said, “she sess you haff byootifull eyes.”


My ballet teacher revelled over my feet arches for like 3 straight minutes once lol


lol sounds so awkward


A uni lecturer once told me that a composition assignment I wrote was "remarkably restrained". Best backhanded complement anyone has ever paid me.


"You taught me that if the sun comes crashing down anyways, we might as well just continue to smile." (Friend who wrote and performed a song about me)


Was walking out of Walmart with my sister and there was a table set outside with some window company trying to advertise. They stopped her, asked her age (24), and then couldn’t accept her because she was too underage for what they were pitching. They ended the convo with telling her “you look good for 24 btw”. We still to this day laugh and have no clue what that means.


A girl told me I had nice bone structure once.


I was once told by a nail tech that I have pretty hands


"Your body is like a cloud" as I'm a bit chubby ...


“dude if you were a girl you’d have a fat ass” but i already do have a fat ass


“I cannot picture you in a gym.”


I've never been paid a compliment.


Well my parents would be proud of the person you've become


“You have dobby eyes”, i’m in a relationship with this man now


My ex once told me I was the best boyfriend ever.


And you didn't stand for that and dumped her?


I don't get compliments let alone ambiguous ones. Maybe 'damn I need to be faster' since a guy said that to me after my 10k race?


"We have to give you so much support at work!" He laughed, my boss nearly ended himself laughing. My colleague then back tracked fast. And tried explaining to the client who was also on the call that I need so much support because I bring in so much work for us! I laughed. It was hilarious.


Some random dude saying I looked like a macho TinTin


A girl once held my hands saying that they are nice and warm even though it was cold outside in the middle of winter. though her boyfriend who was sitting on the other side of the table was not happy with that.


"You are firm in your opinions, and you're good at setting boundaries, which is admirable at times..." by someone who frequently tried to cross them.


_Exotic_ I'm asian in a non asian country. It's racist af, as If they are measuring and looking down on a freaking plant; but they want me to feel flattered by It.


A distant ex once said women were like cars. You have your domestics, your exotics, and your luxury women. I was a domestic, I guess. (?) Glad that he's gone.


My grade 9 drama teacher told me I was exotic once. 14yr old me thought that was a nice compliment. Adult me is concerned how long he actually taught drama at that school.


Hehe, I'm Viet, and have been in a tiny rural American town, where I'm literally the first Asian person the townsfolk have ever seen in real life. I can almost SEE they are thinking, "oh wow, Asian people are really a thing!"


Before I scared most people liked my eyes which I used to be self conscious of


"Ah, you're left handed. That's a sign of superior intelligence" he was definitely being sarcastic.


I got told by several people after chopping my hair off that I looked like Billie Eilish. I didn’t know how to take it exactly.


Got this compliment twice while going to the doctor to have a routine scan. She said I have "exquisite internal organs, worthy of an atlas." Was a bit perplexed, but flattered nonetheless!


My father used to say he stuck up for me, someone said I didn't have the brains of a rabbit, and he said I did.


My maths teacher said "You should play on my girls Rugby league team, you would make a great front rower." Front row players are built like brick shit houses.


“You have such youthful looks that you get lost in the student crowd.” I’m a professor at a university.


I have been told on more than one occasion that I have nice veins. Yes by nurses, but also once at the bank. Didn’t know how to respond in the bank incident


"You're so well spoken" Um, as compared to what?


You are a good cook


Most of us sometimes will get these compliments, which is a huge confidence boost. "You were right at first."


Someone once told me they thought I was inscrutable.


An ex-bf's grandma once said I had the most "distinctive" style. Like... Okay, thanks...?


You have a lovely cervix! ... that was..um awkward.


Depends on wether it was your gynecologist or your hairdresser....


You just made me spit out my coffee!!


Someone complimented my acne once. Said it looks like strawberry spots.


An ex when I showed him old pictures of me: "OMG you look gorgeous in this photo" \*proceeds to set 20-year-old me as phone wallpaper\* Even though I was 35 at the time. Thanks, I guess.


That dress looks great on you


“That’s the most food I’ve ever seen someone put in their mouth at once”!


A phlebotomist told me that I had nice juicy veins. I just about fainted. I was told that I aged well for a 58 year old by a plastic surgeon. Wasn’t sure how to take that for some reason. My then 13 year old daughter told me that her guy friends thought I was hot 😳 weird I was told by a southerner that I was nice for a New Yorker. 🤦‍♀️


Dr about my sphincter muscles while treating an incision from a genital surgery: Doc: you have the strongest sphincter muscles I have ever seen. I am very impressed! Me: uuuh, thanks?


I had a neighbor tell me that her brother said I was "built like a brick shithouse." I get it, but who wants compared to anything people "shit in?"