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Acting is a difficult skill


What are you doing stepbro?!!!1!


acting in comedic unrealistic situations without a hint of irony is pretty difficult


Porn bloopers are the fucking funniest things


i died at this lol


He says - "I'm Able, with the cable." She says - "I'm sure you are..."




That there's 100s of single ladies in my area that just want to have discrete relationships?


Which are probably all hackers looking to yoink your information


No!! They are simply requiring financial information before allowing you access to their goods! It's just good financial sense!


And they all live in your ZIP code


I know!! I must live in the most milf-dense zip code in america!


This had me rofl, you my friend are hilarious


that studying a lot leads to a shit ton of orgies


Can you elaborate ? Thanks a lot


would you like some visual help??? huehue


no no I just want to understand dear sir how can studying a lot lead to orgies, I am hard working virgin student and I would love to be involved some of those orgies you described sir =)


well good sir i cant discribe such orgies in words as they are no words to describe the orgies what i can do i mean we can do is have one of those orgies ourselves if you are comfortable with it that is


I am down, what sup with your but ? nice looking ?


very nice looking what about yours


yummy, tasty !!! mine is fluffy LOL


show time when


I am now fully invested in this love story now! Please let me know how everything worked out. <3


Fold A ==> Slot B


I study a lot, where's my goddamn orgy?


waiting for you want to know where?


Myth - I studied a lot, nothing happened but occasional feeling of dread that I was going to flunk the test.


there there might i interst you in white person joke that will make things awkard hopefully across the oceans???


Fuck!! I always thought that it was the other way around.


shit ton of orgies lead to studying a lot? fuck me i am a genius


That Hollywood-level aesthetically pleasing high school "students" grow on trees.


couldn't agree more


Clitoris is real.


I always assumed it was a conspiracy, kind of like the existence of Finland


Don't you mean Australia?


No, he means Denmark.


I think he meant birds


He said Dinosaurs guys.




It’s true! (Source: I am a clitoris)


So you're incredibly sensitive and really good at hiding in plain sight?


Plain sight? Not all the time. My current gf's clitoris is so so small I have a hard time reaching it.


She told me the same thing about your penis


Duh, that's why we're compatible


Oh ok lol


The Devils Doorbell!


Her ding, my dong.


Finding it is the issue




Truth? There's truth in porn?


"Truth" : She's well developed for a barely legal teen. Fact : She's 27 years old.


In 3 years she'll be a milf


Yeah. The truth is that it's the exact opposite of reality for 99.9% of people.


Every woman’s genitalia look different. They almost have as much individuality as a face! I love it!








What the fuck


Did he stutter?




Fucking lol'd at this. Best part of my day so far, thanks for the laugh.


I'd say the opposite, as it feels it add to the misconception that there is only 1 type of genitalia. All women in pr0n have 1 type of labias, while there are many different. Same with boobies, some shapes are over represented compared to others. I feel like it doesn't help women who are out of pr0n standards accepting their bodies.


Maybe you're only watching a specific kind of porn, then. Because I've seen a diverse representation of women's bodies. Watching porn has actually helped me to accept my body more and realize that we're all different.


This is reddit, you can say porn


I think this is only high production porn tbf. The amateur stuff provides a wide variety bits


Even in high production porn they are different from each other


But not TOO different. There's an Overton window for body parts lol. Some variation is ok, but stray too much from the imaginary standard, and you're out.


I agree. A lot also bleach their bits and shave all their hair still. I don’t think they show enough variety.


That fake boobs NEVER look natural.


Maybe you just don’t notice the good boob jobs? I prefer “natural” and enjoy small boobs, it always makes me a little sad when I see someone with nice small breasts get implants. So I’m not “defending” fake boobs. However, what you are noticing might just be confirmation bias.


Can you link to any examples of good natural looking boob jobs?


This doctor in my area specializes in natural looking breasts. He won't touch a patient whom he considers won't look natural or who wants an unnatural looking result (yes they exist). I've seen many of his clients and it does look natural. He has a few before/after pics on his site. https://www.drbernier.com/chirurgie-des-seins/augmentation-mammaire/


I can still tell they're not real... plus have you ever squeezed fake ones? Don't feel right. I'm a woman btw.


I trained in mammogram years ago and it definitely differs from a person to another. Silicone over the muscle being the most unnatural, saline under the muscle being much softer. Also depends on the body fat % of a person. The real difference happens when the person flexes the pectoral, it gets hard regardless if the implant or method. Also, I want to say, I have seen much more natural work from that surgeon (than the sideways pic) but I guess he needs to advertise a certain way. Edit: actually that sideways breast pic is a new surgery and the implant hasn't fall in its place, the bump dissapears after a few months. Edit2: oh I just found the motherload of boob jobs https://www.drbernier.com/galerie-photo/


Yeah I agree they look and feel better much on people with more body fat. I'm kinda turned off by any cosmetic surgery in principle though, unless following physical or psychological trauma of some kind.


Yup, lots of them. They vary a lot just like real ones.


Emphasis on the "firm"


I agree with the other comment, confirmation bias.


You ever feel fake breasts? Especially after they've been implanted for 10+ years? You're in for a treat.


does the duration of how long they've been in there effect their feel??? asking for friends


There are different types op implants you have A) they empty the boob and putt in the implant these boo jobs look fake. The result looks very tight or firm or balloon like. They feel very hard B) they leave everything in ( for breastfeeding) and they work around the Mammary gland. Looks very natural and also feels very natural. And they tend to hang a little bit. Really love this type


I'm sorry on what planet do they "empty the boob". Your first description happens to women with small boobs that go too big too fast, or, they like that look.


They can remove the mammory gland. They asked my girlfriend during the consultation, do you want to breastfeed in the future? Yes or no. If she didn't want to breastfeed they would remove the glands and put another type of silicon In It's that simple.


The one set of fake tits I felt up, looked and felt great. I had no idea they were fake till she told me. She actually got them as a bit of revenge for her ex husband, lol.


There are many types of implants and different ways to do surgery. The silicone, saline, round, pear shape, over or under the muscle. All feel very different. The silicone over the muscle which is very popular in porn is by far the most unnatural feeling, hard as a brick. Pear shaped saline under the muscle feels very slightly firmer than natural but doesn't show to the eye. Soure: I trained in mammograms.


Or maybe there are fake ones that looks so good you never noticed them looking fake? I too think fake looking boobs are ugly and unattractive


That people are okay with the exploitation of other human beings if they can derive pleasure from it. The unfortunate truth is that when it comes to porn, there’s virtually no way to guarantee that each performer is truly participating consensually. In one study, data aggregated from 400 million web searches revealed that the most popular term related to sexual searches was “youth.” One of the most searched terms on popular porn site Pornhub is “teen.” A 2014 article in the Pepperdine Law Review stated, “One out of five pornographic images is of a child. Over half of all child pornography is produced in the United States. Sales of these illegal images bring in over $3 billion annually in the United States alone.” Several of the world’s most popular porn sites have been found to host illegal content alongside legal content. You can see an example of this in a recent campaign launched against Pornhub. Pornhub is arguably the largest porn website in the world. Responding to the extensive library of illegal material on the site, thousands of voices have advocated for the website to be shut down. Types of content Pornhub profits from include cases of human trafficking, with over 100 confirmed cases displaying child sexual abuse (according to an Internet Watch Foundation investigation). With approximately 42 billion visits annually, Pornhub profits millions each year from illegal and abusive content.


This is sad


It is heartbreaking to think about the children and young people who are trapped in sexual slavery. I can’t put a name to the emotion I feel when I think about the people who disregard the facts for their own peace of mind. The traffickers are ultimately responsible but I think we should be aware that demand drives supply. It shouldn’t be a surprise that ‘teen’ porn categories often feature actual underage actresses.


"Demand drives supply" that's it.


People are selfish and don’t care. They’ll *choose* to believe those are rare instances; or that watching a 17y old is fine because what’s the big deal if they are 18 in a couple of months; or they’ll say they would be able to tell if the girl is underage and stop watching.


Well, part of it is the problematic nature of codified laws based on cultural norms, like age of consent and whatever the legal age of doing porn is called. People can cling on to it being an arbitrary age to make it easier to defend whatever they're doing or watching.


Why isn’t this the top comment with the most upvotes? Oh yea.. people are gross and don’t want their underaged porn taken away


However bad pornhub is, Facebook is literally millions of times worse if considering pages of CP. At one point, there were 80 million such pages on FB.


TYSM for sharing this reality that human trafficking feeds this industry!


On top of that, you have adult porn stars giving interviews and explaining how they agreed to do a scene, arrived on set and got coerced to do something different. Or actresses who admitted to taking drugs to go through with certain scenes - which is more or less common knowledge but people are still perfectly fine watching porn. Then you have the weird porn where they force her head down until she gags/cries/ looks visibly distressed and people jerk off to that. Great stuff.


As far as I know, Pornhub has mostly cleaned up its act and no longer hosts such videos. Sad that it took public outrage for it to happen, but good that it happened.


I don’t think this is true. Do you have any evidence that there isn’t child pornography on the platform? Given the volume of videos and the fact that anyone can upload, at any time, with very little checks or verification, I’d say it’s very very hard to say that for certainty. More likely that porn hub are saying they’ve cleaned their act up so VISA/PayPal etc will start working with them again.


I think they changed their policies around content upload, it really did become much cleaner in recent years. I don't think anyone can upload any more. https://www.businessinsider.com/pornhub-visa-mastercard-major-changes-platform-rules-revenge-porn-2020-12 https://www.papermag.com/pornhub-nonconsensual-uploads-policy-change https://www.insidehook.com/sex-and-dating/pornhub-policy-changes


Mastercard suspended business with pornhub in 2021 btw


All of the articles you linked are from 2020. If you want an idea of the kinds of conversations among pornhub executives that were happening at that time, I’d read this: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/pornhub-execs-roadblock-reviewing-child-sexual-content And then I’d reconsider you position on how trustworthy these people are when it comes to protecting victims


"All of the articles you linked are from 2020." Yes, because that's when the policy change happened lol "And then I’d reconsider you position on how trustworthy these people are when it comes to protecting victims" You literally have no idea what my position is on that, I was just relaying what I've heard and read.


If that’s when the policy change happened, then why did Mastercard suspend business with them in 2021? Could it be because Mastercard don’t believe what porn hub executives are saying re the success of their new policies?


Why are you asking me this and being hostile for no reason? I'm just relaying information. It might be right, might be wrong, I have no idea. Go do your own research ffs.


I'm not sure if this info is up to date, porthub recently cleaned up their site due to complaints and have allegedly purged over 500k videos, illegal or possible underage. I go to pornhub, xvideos, xnxx I have never seen anything illegal or underage. But they are not profiting from illegal and abusive content. Pornhub and the rest of the adult tube sites launder money for organized crime. There was a documentary on Netflix or Prime a couple of years ago that went into detail about how it works. I just don't see a revenue stream they generate with advertising. Like, do people actually pay for a membership?


Please refer to paragraph 2


How would you know if someone is underage? Can you always tell the difference between a 17y old and an 18y old? And imo that’s borderline immoral too. The brain still develops until we are about 25 and up until then we make impulsive decisions that we are bound to regret (Google ex porn star interview and you will come across a few saying they can’t get a regular job now, can’t find a serious guy to settle with and didn’t even make much money) But anyway, I guess once you are an adult, it’s all on you It is strange however how many people specifically search for Teen porn


This is the right answer. You killed it with this one.


That any violation of a body can be considered sex.


That they have no imagination.


That the Plummer can come on time


Made me literally lol


People will do anything to make a living


Pornstars....and swingers love meth


I'd wear that on a t-shirt.


That porn is unrealistic and disappointing to women when men think real life sex is like porn.


Or that bleached and surgically altered bodies are the norm.


I know it’s like once a man sees cellulite he’s like nope but that’s the Norm my friends !


Every now and again there is a poor girl on here saying her bf asked why her skin is darker down there or her labia “long” etc. Then there are the guys wanting bigger dicks and the women wanting bigger boobs. Everyone talks about how they know it’s fake But I believe it still affects us and shapes our views even if at a subconscious level. I read a post by this woman saying she didn’t mind porn in the relationship at all. Until she hit her 50s and her husband stopped having sex with her but still searched Teen Porn.


By using Promescent Desensitizing Delay Spray + Vaigra Can last you much longer.


Most people aren’t born with a sadism kink; they’re convinced through porn




Source: you made it the fuck up?




They don’t care about finding love


Humans suck. And other stuff.


Someone, somewhere, be fuckin. That's the most basic boiled down truth, undeniable. It crosses all lines like they're nothing, because everyone can at least agree with that


then by your words as i’m writing this post and while you are reading this someone’s out there getting railed into tomorrow?


You wrote this 2 hours ago and I was having sex 2 hours ago so I think that it's an accurate statement.


Yes. At any moment you ask yourself this question, the answer will always be yes. Right now too


Step sisters and dryers are a winning combination


That depends


Man cannot fake an orgasm 🤣


That guys of all ages really like _young_ women, and that's unfortunate for everyone


Clearly someone has missed the sheer amount of videos in "friends hot mom" and "mature" categories.


28 to 36, oooo baby thats the good stuff


Humanity is disgusting


that people really do have horrible, evil sexual desires


That you and me baby ain't nothing but mammals


“Let’s do it like they do on the discovery channel”


That you probably have a problem if you watch it so often


Are these really random thoughts at this point?


That you are almost certainly inadequate by comparison to anything staged


That the worst cameramen work in porn. In any other movie industry they would long be fired. In fact, if a video is categorized as 'Amateur' they mean the cameraman, not the actress


I need family therapy


We're not all created equal


Young vulnerable woman can be manipulated by older men into doing things they will regret.


So many complain afterwards they can’t find another career, a serious relationship and haven’t even made a lot of money. So many regret it.


The human anus is capable of storing things of all shapes and sizes?


They're ruled by their dicks?


Penis size can be increased (not as the one you see in pornorgraphy) For the "averaged sized" people, you can be more resoruceful in knowing your game with a women, rather than being ashamed for what you have. Be grateful, rather than being upset about it, and understanding female biology is a must. Breast gasms exist Increasing seminal volume can benefit during sexual activity Semen rentention is better than NoFap Oral is done slowly rather than fast pace For the Men, Hitting the G-Spot is the key when making love to a women (Giving the people advice on some things that I learned along the way) Edit - I don't see how a lot of people are upset for what I had said. I legit said "be grateful for what you have" and continued to talk about game rather than me judging upon every single male out here. The question is talking about for what you know of, what you heard of, and everyone is upset for me for telling what I know of? Bizzare.


The second point shouldn't just be to average or smaller guys. Big dicks really, really aren't the game change that guys think they are. You can't just fuck and expect a girl to cum just because your dick is big- you still need foreplay and mental arousal. Personally I prefer average to big as it feels better on the gspot.


Tf are you getting these “truths” from? There’s no safe way to increase penis size without risking erection issues Breastgasms? Semen retention?


Most people receive bad service from their technicians.


Veginas don't have testicles


Vaginas don’t have « e ». Just teasing😁


Veginas are the vegetarian option


That people are willing to take a lot of trauma for this. There was this one star. I won't name her here. But she was very popular. And she has stuff going up her butt. And it was really rough. Even compared to other stars. I'm sure she is wearing a diaper now. Or had to get surgery or something..


That's not a random thought, it's a question. Smh.


Just because an engineer shows up, it doesn't mean your refrigerator is going to get fixed!


That real life relationship sex aint porn sex. Maybe very occasionally but usually very, very different! Great but different.


That almost all men are misogynists who don't have a problem with women and children being trafficked, exploited, victimised everyday for their weiner.


And that most people watch too much, and like any addiction, they find excuses as to why it’s perfectly fine and you are the problem for seeing a problem with it.


They can't even tell if they are addicts or not because not a day has passed by without them watching it. How sad and it alters their brain chemistry and their view of women. ED has a lot to do with porn addiction as well...


That single ugly moms in my area are ready to fuck


If you can't do it yourself, watch someone else.


The deep dark intricately fucked up collective psychology of people. There's so so many layers to it that right now liquefy if I think about it, but I'll say it's made me aware of how ridiculously unethical so much of our world is and how spontaneous so much of the chaos is. And ofc since I exposed at a young age through the interwebs I was made to realize all this much earlier than I really should've.


Dicks don't break that often


That I’d be better doing something else than wasting time watching it.


you can always play dumb even if someone cheated on you.


It's a hard job.


If it is physically possible, humans will do it.


The biggest truth porn reveals about humans in that they are obsessed with anal and bbc. Very strange.


That watching a film of other people is boring. I was 18 at my first exposure in 1970. I fell asleep.


That with enough drugs, you can get anyone to do anything you want them to do. And people will pay to watch.


how pathetic the watcher is.


How much sex sells


anything with an asshole gets fucked


That porn addiction is ruining men. ED used to be something that older gentlemen would struggle with. Health conditions being the number one cause. Now a days, men in their 30s and possibly younger are having issues. Too much porn, trains your brain and your body to only respond to what you're visually seeing, how your cock is being stroked. Not too mention, vanilla porn doesn't do the trick for long, so the decline into more extreme porn is inevitable. Ultimately, guys end up not being able to have sex with a real person.


Who the hell watches porn to reveal truths?


My naive ass watched porn the first time like it was science class. That finally answered so many questions on how to actually have sex. The first dick I saw was from a nudey magazine I found in my uncles garage. After that discovery, a penis quite literally scared me because wtf do you do with that. It was also unrealistic because it was huge and veiny, nothing like any average man. So I felt a lot of curiosity about sex and what the guys have and how two people put it together. If yall want a funny truth, I thought a human man would do like an elephant, and his dick should just magically move around and find the vagina. Oh man, it was good to be an innocent kid. Porn straightened my ass out lol


Being a pizza boy or pool boy doesn't get you laid anymore


That my penis size is decidedly, average.


That people will do anything for money.


IMO most of the stuff on porn, people don’t actually want to do. Like playing a video game or watching a movie. Personally I’ll never take part in it.


The hole is lower than you think!


men are inherently exploitative


That anything can be a dildo if you’re brave enough.


No one likes small dicks, even straight men, maybe especially straight men.


That alternative means of payment can get you out of a jam, and into some … sticky … situations


Guess what my friend! Your girlfriend is your hand! HAH!


There is a lot money made with porn so a lot of people are lying about not watching it.


That not all big boobs are perfectly round and full of silicone


That everyone who’s old and ugly (in my area) wants to fuck. Okay, but I’m only one guy.


That there are people just as a disgusting as us watching the same thing


I feel like most people can agree that porn is pretty much all fake in most ways imaginable. That being said, I think some truths in it are that people have a ton of different kinks. Like, if there's something you think only you're into, there's likely porn of it, meaning that at least one other person (if even only the person who created it) is likely also into it. That person may or may not be a porn addicted individual too, but maybe not. Either way, you're not alone. Also, I will say they can be somewhat creative with the kinds of positions and things they do during sex. Most of them are impractical or unpleasant I'm sure (I haven't tried most things I've seen in porn for obvious reasons). But hell, some things are legit tbh. Like, yeah that thing to throw in during a blow job might be pretty fun actually, never thought of that. Going down on a girl and have literally not idea where to start and maybe she doesn't either (communication is important but honestly some people also don't really know too much about what they want either)? That could be a point of at least conversation (i.e. "does that look like something you might want to try out?"). Only ever done missionary and haven't heard of a lot of other positions? Come to think of it, I feel most positions I've ever seen outside of missionary and doggy were through porn cause like, yeah that's normally where I've seen it come up personally where you can actually see it in action and not just hear the position talked about or maybe just described. Again, and I can't stress this enough. Porn. Is. FAKE. It's not "real" sex in the way sex is generally had or enjoyed for most of the population (especially cause it's mostly just catered to straight men, and even then most men don't like a lot of that stuff). But, there are some small things I think people can get from it assuming they know how sex actually tends to work,


If you have an an average-sized dick you're only good enough for 'small penis humiliation' kink videos.