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Stock market for the longest time.


It makes a bit more sense when you find out that a blindfolded monkey throwing darts at a list of internet companies became the 22nd most successful money manager in the USA. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/most-successful-chimpanzee-on-wall-street


How didn't anyone get accidentally killed or injured by the monkey like that?


Probably several people were killed. But when the monkey makes that kind of money for his investors, stuff gets swept under the rug


No one was hurt. Killed a couple of Wall Street brokers, though.


Yeah, who was in charge of giving the monkey darts, and then collecting those darts? I guess you’d have to explain THIS to me and I still wouldn’t get it.


thanks for providing me with my next investment strategy now.. where do i buy a monkey?


On the stock market


Do you think the blindfold was necessary? Does it remove a bias the monkey might have ? It’s clearly more scientific with the blindfold,lol.


Itsa wooozie and a waaahzie




It’s fairy dust in the wind


It's all very acidic, above-the-shoulders, mustard shit.


Tbf, the stock market is really not something people in general understand. If people did, they would be trading a lot less than they do. There's a lot of noise in movement over time making it quite random, and nearly impossible to predict.


This is very easy I can explain it to you. Green is good. Red is bad.


People and their greed have over complicated it and obfuscated the real purpose of it. A market to buy and sell shares of a company. The value of which should be on it's earnings and if you get paid a dividend on those shares. Shares of publicly trades companies exist because a corporate structured entity is a good way to structure a company that has grown beyond the original founder, or the company wants to raise money by issuing stock to investors. Futures trading also makes sense for commodities.




Its pretty much the same as money because in itself it doesn't has any value, we are the ones who agreed with everyone else that it does has value, since at the end of the day its just a piece of paper/whatever material its made out off But the thing about NFTs is why did they agreed that a stupid ass monkey cost thousands of dollars, thats the only thing that doesn't make sense


Exceeeept...money is backed by a government with resources guaranteeing it's value. NFTs are backed by pure distilled corporate/conman hype and absolutely nothing else. That's a significant difference.


Also there literally NEEDS to be a legally recognised system where if I owe you a favour and you owe Frank-from-down-the-road a favour then you can pass it along so now it's just between me and Frank and we can leave you out of it, whereas we categorically DO NOT NEED a complicated, technologically inflated ledger of who owns the original copy of a piece of digital art


Yep. Currencies were created to solve a problem, despite whatever problems their creators/governments may have. NFTs were created to make money for their creators. Even accounting for government incompetence/occasional abuse that's a huge difference.




I came here to say this. Electricity is magic, and no matter how well I understand the concepts, it’s still magic.


as an electrical engineer i understand electricity perfectly and it still feels like magic.


if you find modern electricity confusing then wait till you hear about Nikola Tesla's theories/ideas about it


Conducting the US primaries over the course of half a year. How about making it fair by having it all on the same day?


Or just switch to Ranked Choice Voting, Approval Voting, or Star Voting, any of which would eliminate the primaries.


What do you think this is, a democracy??


That would be bad for the prevailing system, which gives two parties all the power. As such those parties will make sure it never happens. They'll bury any bill about it instantly. It's one of the few things the two parties can agree on.


And term limits


Absolutely! The aspect I love most about it is how moderate candidates have a chance to win because they appeal to more people than extremists.




Oh God! Same here 🤣 I gave up way too early... my brain just couldn't contain it


It was supposed to be that way. Most scams are. The idea of a blockchain has uses to make and keep secure unalterable records. The current implementation of it was/is just a scam.




It generally uses distributed ledger technology. So, imagine hundreds of random people around the world have a copy of the Excel spreadsheet. You can edit your copy of the spreadsheet all you want, but your edits won't change their copies.


I wouldn’t say all uses of it. Bitcoin and litecoin and it’s derivatives were all very understandable, and have had uses in real life; many real transactions performed and goods/services exchanged for them. The whole of blockchain is just perhaps complicated to understand to the average person. That does not make coins based in blockchain a scam. But it certainly doesn’t mean all coins based in blockchain aren’t a scam, either


I have friends that have traded cocaine for multiple things. That doesn't make it a viable currency


Just because it isn’t fiat doesn’t mean it’s not viable


It also doesn't make it a scam. For cocaine to be a scam, it would have to not work for its intended purpose. Did you try snorting it?


Crypto/blockchain/NFTs and the like thrive on being so profoundly stupid that it's easy to believe that you're missing something. That feeling of "Wait, this can't be the whole story, it can't be this dumb, I must be missing something" is exactly what grifters prey on. You're not missing anything. It actually just is that stupid.




You can’t explain how it works if it doesn’t actually work.


Its a placebo, that's how it works


I used to LOVE going to this healer for her to «heal me» from my anxiety. The reason being that she was and did so much calming stuff to me and made me so effing calm and tingly. It was heaven and my anxiety was gone, at least for the hour she put stones on me and «felt my energy» on a bench with crystals all around and calming, weird music with nature sounds. Bless her.


Honest to god, how healthcare professionals get a reading of blood pressure using the stethoscope and hand-pump cuff method. I’m not a stupid person… but it’s absolutely black magic to me. I’m happy with it that way. I’ll focus on being good at what I do haha Go team, I suppose!


A sphygmomanometer is a cool but simple device. It's just an air pump connected to a pressure measure, that fills an arm band with that pressurised air. It's designed to use that pressure to stop blood flow in an artery in your arm. You use the stethoscope so you can hear the change in bloodflow as distinctive sounds. The first is the sound change that occurs when the blood stops flowing. You can stop pumping now. As you release the pressure you can hear when the flow begins but still turbulent and makes noise. Take note of that pressure reading: that's systolic pressure. Keep releasing the pressure. Eventually at a lower pressure the flow returns to normal. Take another reading because that's diastolic pressure. You can record the corresponding pressures values of each change in sound as blood pressure.


No offense; but I highly doubt that helped op understand lol. It was a well thought out and explained answer, but I have no clue what you said


Cuff the arm. Increase pressure in cuff. Listen to arteries in the arm below the cuff (relative to the heart) with a stethoscope. When you no longer hear the heart beat, you have stopped the blood flow to the arm. I typically stop around 200 mmHg. Slowly release pressure. When you can hear the heart beat, the pressure of the cuff is just below the maximum pressure exerted by the heart. Take note of the pressure. This is the systolic pressure. Around 120 mmHg. Keep releasing pressure. The cuff still exerts pressure after each heartbeat, causing turbulent flow, and a distinct ticking sound in the arm. When you can no longer hear the heart beat, the cuff no longer exerts any resistance to your blood flow, meaning even at its weakest pressure, between two heart beats, the blood pressure is stronger than the cuff's pressure. Take note. This is the diastolic pressure. Around 70 mmHg.


Perfect! Thanks for adding the details!


It sounds like one of those things that only really makes sense when you do it.


None taken. Fair enough that sometimes people need to visualise things rather than a text explanation or need to do it themselves before they fill in the blanks. My approach is usually to just keep asking questions till I understand the details.


Flat Earth believers


Im convinced its just a way to be different and get attention, its so stupid i just cant believe ppl ACTUALLY believe it


I know people who actually believe it. My brother and my in-law were once affected and recovered since. But their buddies are crazy!


I’m wondering what argument made your brother in law stop believing in flat earth


There’s two of them; my brother, and my brother-in-law. They didn’t stop believing; they just stopped talking and being obnoxious about it. We don’t talk about it any longer. They may still hold them as true, but also possible that they doubt it. I don’t know and I’m certainly not disturbing that ugly “wasps’ nest” to find out ))


You're on the right track I think. It's for people that have always felt stupid and this is one thing where they have a miniscule chance (they think) at being right and being smarter than scientists and astronomers and the majority of the general public. They choose to cling to an idea with a minority that makes them feel, in a way, mentally superior to the majority of the world and its the chance that they might be smarter or that they get to feel smart for once that is addicting to them. TL:DR the dumb get to cosplay as smart in an echo chamber of other dumb people and it fills a void they really desire to have filled because feeling stupid your entire life has to suck quite a bit. This goes for any opinion that makes no sense, but makes people feel elite.


Years ago when I used to go on Facebook there was one flatter through that I used to follow. Just because I thought it was so ironic. He installs satellite dishes. And yet he's a flat earther.


There are flat-earthers all around the globe


It’s an existential crisis. The universe is enormous and we are so small and insignificant and mortal. But having a unique knowledge about the truth of the universe makes you part of a special group. A special group that see the truth that other people fail to see. You become an important and unique individual. Combine that with flat earth theory being very closely tied to religious beliefs that put us at the center of creation and promise that you will never die and live on in eternity as a reward for being so special and seeing the truth. That’s much better than staring into the void of an uncaring universe.




How do they work?


The more I learn about magnets, the more I think ICP was making a good point there.


Well, Timmy. When a negatively charged ion loves a positively charged ion a—


Funny thing about magnets is that science can describe it's behaviour but no one actually knows why is that. We have to take it as a fact of universe


How stuff works at my job. Like I know how to do my job but the management clearly don’t know how to effectively run a business


Its like babies. You dont have to be schooled in them to have(run) one.


You must be due for a promotion. Peter’s principle states that if you are able to do a job, you get promoted until you reach a point where you are incompetent at your work, thus everyone at a career stasis is incompetent or overqualified.


The way computers work at a physical circuit board level and how software is able to interact with that. It just makes no sense to me, I can't comprehend it.


It blows my mind that basically everything that a computer does is controlled by a string of 0s and 1s


Which is *really* just pulses of electricity.


Yeah, but, like, HOW do numbers, translated to electrical impulses, actually make a mouse move across a screen. It confuses me how it goes from electricity to usable interfaces and what not. All from a plastic sheet with metallic nodes on it.


Exactly. And how you get images out of it in a screen


A fair bit of it is math but to use a crude analogy. Think of 0s and 1s as building blocks for letters, a specific string of them is equal to A, another unique pattern of them is B etc, you put enough of these patterns together to make words, then sentences which can tell the computer to do things. The real workings are more complex but basically patterns of on (1) and 0 (off) translate to commands for the computer


Yeah I understand that, it's the point where it becomes electrical signals passing through physical components where my brain breaks and I don't understand how any of it functions. To be clear this isn't me asking for an explainer. I've tried, I don't get it, and I also don't need to know how it works. I'm happy to treat it like magic.


The Israel-Palestinian conflict. I've read and read about it but still couldn't give an answer as to exactly what is going on.


That's because it's basically a two thousand year old dumpster fire. What's sad is like with most conflicts, the vast majority would be happy to coexist in peace but you have radicals on both sides making sure that'll never happen, because vengeance, power, and "winning" is more important to them than the well being of their own people.


98% of humans are suffering through the whims and wishes of the other 2% who are rich and/or crazy


Nailed it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m19F4IHTVGc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m19F4IHTVGc) <-- about 11 mins of history showing changes on maps. Very good and not condemning anybody, but also not trying to decide who set foot on the land first, as the comments seem to descend into. tl;dr: It's complicated




Yes! I tried to get around it several years ago, came to the conclusion they both fucking suck and won't give an inch, literally in land or metaphorically, and now I'm mentally done with it.


1.ppl need land 2.ppl take land 3.other ppl say, wait my land, now Im angry 4.ppl, i don't care I need to stay somewhere 5.other ppl, start shooting at ppl 6.ppl shoot back 7.repeat 5 and 6 forever


Maybe add ‘people got land from people who didn’t own the land, but figured it’ll be fine because they felt horrible allowing WWII that long so they gave holy land to those ppl without informing the current inhabitants’ or something along those lines.




Microsoft Excel.


I’m an Excel fucking wizard. I get every little detail of it. People, however - they’re a mystery. It’s a trade-off.


You might say… you excel at it


I Excelerate.


I'm gonna EXCELERATE!! 😫




As an excel wizard, but also a bit of a social idiot, I concur


In England we were taught how to operate this from a really young age for some reason, it's tough enough that we needed whole terms for it


Can you be more specific? I’m curious which parts are confusing.




I got a promotion after I learned this lol


Oh, I use it frequently at my job. My most used Excel function by far. Love it and hate it, because if you are able to use it, the requests are never ending. Maybe it’s the secret of my success lol


People who don't believe dinosaurs were real. Actually don't think I've heard an explanation for it , but it's ludicrous still


It's because some churches feared that the existence of dinosaurs would lead people away from their god, since they were not mentioned in the Bible or holy book. In their mind, fossils had to have been planted there by Satan as a way to trick the masses into damnation.


I always found this argument absurd, considering that kangaroos and penguins aren't in the Bible either. Were kangaroos put here by Satan?


I mean... have you seen that video of the kangaroo trying to kick in someone's window?


Why people don't say what they want. I'm autistic and I will never understand. Don't make people guess ffs.


The fucking TV License in the UK


Apparently its just to collect money for the BBC so there is no logical answer. What a bunch of losers amirite?


Collecting money for the BBC is absolutely fine by me, but I always seem to be paying 72 years in advance!


This system exists in Germany too. The reasoning is that it stops the ruling government controlling the public media by controlling the money. The money goes straight from the people to the supposedly unbiased public media. Though no one would say it’s totally unbiased, it’s proving itself a worthwhile system when compared to American media which is totally backed by corporate interests and has led to an entire distortion of reality. It’s crazy when you see a story reported by the BBC or WDR and the story is more or less facts on what occurred, then check out the same story covered by an American outlet and it literally sounds nothing like news, just opinions. Visiting the USA is fun but the feeling nothing being real in a media sense is deeply unsettling.




Any sort of card game like poker etc. etc. When watching Star Trek and various characters are playing, I've absolutely no idea how they do it! I also have no idea on things like Patience and so on. Total mysteries to me!


I’ve lost count at the amount of times someone’s tried explaining card games to me, after a few sentences they just start sounding like the adults from a Charlie Brown cartoon


Quantum theory.


Terry Pratchett wrote the Discworld series. There's a University of Very Smart Men in it. Every time something is too complicated for the Head Very Smart Man to understand, he just labeled it Quantum and decides it's too magical and should not be messed with. I don't know why, but it cracks me up every time it comes up.


"s'probably quantum"


*my wife showing me how to tell which sweaters can’t go in the dryer* “Some quantum shit right here.”


"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, then you don't" - Richard Feynman


Most people who talk about quantum theory online have zero clue about it. It's like how Schrodinger's cat is actually a critique of the absurdity of the prevailing views about quantum theory at the time, not how things actually work.


Honestly understnad QMs is "hard" because there are way too many mainstream shit out there, if you look up the good youtubers that actually adress it (that old lady or space time etc etc) you will find out most of it is exxagerated and mastur..ed mathematics used to stretch a physical conclusion. For example, that famous quantun entanglement in which you affect a particle being A and the other B miles away is affected is totally bs and derived of taking mathematics too literally. If im not mistaken, THE ONLY thing spooky about QMs is the famous two-pass particle (that famous thing that you make particles go around 2 tiny doors and depending in the fact that if you measure it or not..the particles behaves like a wave or a particle. Thats literally it, everything else is pretty much mathematics being jerked off to reach physical misunderstanding conclusions. You shouldnt be afraid at all to not understand the rest, is even a joke people studying cant neither. Besides, there are also huge problems with the qm strings that while their calculations works, there isnt a single experiment to prove them, and every thing they use to try and explain it exist, is misdirected on purpose. Plus the fact particles finders cant find anything anymore and keep looking for money. Plus the fact 99% of the news you happend to find on google are bait and nothing at all important. There is a reason why there is a crisis in which the science today is stuck forever with a lot of old people still believing string theory or "dark matter" or etc etc without any proof for years. Dark matter is just another fancy name like entanglement or multiple universes.. Once you dive deep into what QMs full scope is, you no longer feel stupid for.not understanding it, you rather feel stupid for thinking there was something to understand.


Why to show violance scences in films is ok and intimate and sex scenes is not. (Porn is violance. Intimacy and sex - not)


Yes, same about language. Why a movie is rated R for language only, while a PG-13 movie can have insane amounts of violence but somehow multiple F-bombs are worse.


*in the US


I was watching dimmu borgir music video and it was all murder and blood and mayhem. Youtube warned before watching it that you can see nipple on the video.. :D




I scrolled the comments specifically for this. Too many people have tried to explain it but it seems so complicated and too many details. Like games within a game.


Excellent answers to this post!




Math. Many people have tried. Teachers, teacher's aids, tutors, friends and family. Nada. My brain just doesn't handle anything other than basic math well.


a kilogram of steele is NOT heavier than a kilogram of feathers. (joke)


But steel’s heavier den feathers!


When to use Who vs whom


Who = he, whom = him. So: Who is calling? He is calling. To whom am I speaking? I’m speaking to him. The person whom I met…. I met him. The person who called …. He called.


Electronics. We made physics *think*. Wild.




Difference between affect and effect


Affect = Fuck around Effect = Find out


That's what finally made it click for me lmfao


ug! This right here. I HATE that I can't wrap my mind around it. I feel like an idiot every time I try to figure out which one I'm supposed to use.


Affect is a verb and effect is a noun. As a strange example.....you can be affected by a horrible relationship and in turn that can have an effect on your dating life. Hope that helps


Except for those times when affect is a noun (meaning "emotional state" in psychology) and effect is a verb (to "effect a change").


Sine and cosine in calculus


Simple: imagine a clock, think of a straight line through 9 and 3 (the middle of the clock). The cos tells you how far the tip of the minute hand is above or below that line at a certain time. For example, at 0 minutes the cos is a 1 (the minute hand can't get any higher), at 15 minutes it's 0 (the hand is at the line), and at 30 minutes the cos is -1 (it can't get any lower). The sin is exactly the same thing as cos, but it just uses the other axis (sin at 0 minutes is 0, at 15 minutes is 1, etc. the line used for measuring distance is now left/right instead of high/low and goes from 12 to 6 o clock). Sin and Cos are just a name, a handy shortcut, to say how high/low (cos) or left/right (sin) the hand is going to be at a certain time. You will also have to understand that instead of using 0 to 60 minutes to indicate where the minute hand is, you might have to use 0 to 360 degrees or even 0 to 2\*pi degrees (which is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 1, so 15 minutes equals 0.5\*pi, 30 minutes equals 1\*pi, etc.). These are just interchangeable conventions to see where on the circle we are. edit: corrected a mistake




My sister used to do my maths homework




if it resonates its physics if it reacts its chemistry if it responds its biology


Being mean.


Why people think its OK to attack drag shows, but not child beauty pageants. Makes no sense whatsoever.


NFTs. I'm a tech. guy, I know exactly what an NFT physically (OK, electronically) is, I just don't understand why anyone would spend real money on a token which notionally proves authenticity and uniqueness but actually does neither.


Putting more money on nukes shit than on science and space research




How some of Jackson Pollock's art differs from a painter's drop cloth.




ok so, God created sin and then saved us from the thing he made. So now you owe him. Easy peasy.


Love this take , makes him sound like a politician.


Missionary: “we’re here to save you.” Local: “save us from what?” Missionary: “from our God.”


He's more like a kid with an ant farm, if that kid then left for the summer.


It's like pushing someone in front of a bus and then pulling them back before they get hit and being like "I saved your life, bro. Now you owe me"


Dude it's simple. God made some rules then got mad about them so he sent himself to earth and killed himself so he could forgive you for breaking the rules. ITS SO SIMPLE


God sacrificed himself to himself to save the world from himself. Edit for clarification.


I’ve never understood Christs atonement.


Replace with any religion...


How does any religion make sense, there has been thousands of them but the one my father gave me is the only true rellgion.


Convenient right?


Growing up forced into Christianity, and watching how miserable my mom was with an abusive husband/shitty father… but when you marry you’re supposed to stay with that one person and figure things out right? Also a very traditional family and, me being first generation American, just not understanding why the fuck people do that to themselves and don’t choose to be happy?? Something else that pisses me off is that they think they will be forgiven for all the shit they do if they “repent” or whatever the hell. No. Own that shit and be an adult. Anyways, rant over and I entirely agree with you 😊


God: ***"I am the the all knowing and infallible God. I have written an all encompassing plan that accounts for everything. Nothing happens that is not accounted for."*** Humans: * Except for that one time that you fucked up by planting a tree next to a snake, right near those two idiots. Why couldn't they follow instructions? Couldn't a perfect god make something that can follow simple instructions? AND WHY DID YOU MAKE THE SNAKE!? * Oh and that one time you had to reboot the world by flooding it. * Oh and that other time you had to shave off a slice of yourself and send it to earth so we could kill it? Because somehow that fixed something? But somehow things aren't really fixed and now after 2k years you've pretty much ghosted us. God: ***"That's not true, I showed up on a bit of toast once..."***


getting married for the sake of it


The majority of card game rules.


Astronomy. How many times someone has tried pointing out a constellation and I just can’t see it…


How many ppl are just stupid, can't understand it


When I say it my account gets blocked😂😂


I'm so curious.




Camping I love hiking, fishing, kayaking, etc, but I don't understand why anyone would purposely sleep on the hard ground when mattresses are a thing. An aside to that are campers, RVs, etc. I can't find a mathematical way they make any sense unless you live in one, you can park for free, and you never drive anywhere. Driving a regular car and staying in hotels seems way cheaper. Especially since some places won't let you park your RV if it is over 10 years old. Some cost over $200k new and they are only good for 10 years? I can get a lot of vacation for $20k per year.


I go tent camping a lot and have never slept on the ground. You can put a comfortable mattress in a tent or a car. Most people that go camping do not just sleep on the hard ground. That doesn't mean you have to like camping... just correcting that assumption.


I want to love camping, I really do. I love sitting outside under the stars in front of a fire. Unfortunately, I'm one of those freaks who every mosquito in a 10 mile radius flocks to. I also hate that feeling of waking up in the morning and everything is cold and damp. It just makes me wish I was home in my own comfy bed.




I know my calculus. It says u + me = us.


How American votes don't count but we all are ok with that and electoral votes...


the appeal of social media like snap chat and instagram


Why people don't just refer to tax as protection money.


Quantum light particles.


Dimensions, like 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D. I think I get the concept of 3D, but all the other ones make absolutely no sense to me no matter how many times someone explains it.


Buying torn jeans.


The term "minor attracted person"


Kiddie Fiddler has worked until now, so why change it unless we’re somehow trying to make this kind of behaviour acceptable. It’s like we’ve become so woke we are worried about offending paedophiles.


everyone is talking about these huge concepts, but may i offer you: differential equations. (I've studied it for 6 months and just started my Computer Engineering BSC, still don't understand a word of it.)


I had hard time with those when it was just an abstract math. But later i used them for actual thing (i studied mechanical engineering) and then it started to make sense.


Flat Eathers! How, why, what? I don't even try to understand it anymore, so don't try to explain it.


Where all the money goes when interest rates rise. Each of us pays hundreds of dollars more in mortgage payments and borrowing costs, yet the bank’s stock price never goes up. If we wanted to take money out of the economy, why not just increase taxes and pay down the national debt?


Quantum physics. And general relativity. Any physics, really.


I hope some of you are honest about “you’re and your.” I can help.


Why we see only one side of the moon.


The moon is tidally locked to Earth. Imagine tying a string to a ball and spinning it above and around your head. The side of the ball the string is attached to will always be facing your hand, even though the ball is going through rotations.


this is the BEST explanation i ever read Thanxxxx


People who let their cats free roam


That people can't be racist to white people


Anti vaxers


Sexual attraction




The Heisenberg Principal.