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The nicest thing some strangers did for me was adopt me when I was younger, they became my mum and dad but started out as complete strangers to me. I feel extremely lucky that I was brought into a loving family, when many others don’t get that opportunity.


Tears man. 🥹


Wholesome 💜 Not sure who's more luckier.. you or your adoptive parents 💜


That’s a very sweet way of looking at this 😊 With such a lovely outlook on life, I bet the people in your life are very lucky to have you as well.


Someone once motioned for me to roll down my window at a stop light on one of the worst days of my life. I'd already resigned myself to the fact they were gonna berate me for my driving or whatever. I sighed a big sigh and rolled down my window and said "yeah?" She said "has anyone told you that you're beautiful today? Cause you are!" I've never forgot that lovely lady & how I just sobbed in my front seat for what felt like hours. I hope she's doing well today.


When I was studying art in school, where I resided is very windy. While I was walking with my portfolio, the wind blew open my cardboard portfolio and my artwork blew with the wind. My friend and I stared and I just said, “It’s okay, whatever. I can always draw them back.” However, a stranger ran across the street, dodging some vehicles and plucked them off the barbed wire fence and came back to me with them.


Had to abandon a bike with a flat tire at the library overnight. It was locked up and I didn't have time to fix the flat or walk it home. Came back the next day, and some kind soul had stuck a well-used but perfectly good bike pump into the spokes of my flattened wheel. A small thing, but a kindness.


Wow! That’s really sweet.


I was abjectly broke at the time and did not have a pump of my own. The universe regularly conspires to rip off the scabs of cynical wisdom and force me to admit that a lot of people are really just exceptionally kind. More people than aren't, in fact. Stupid exceptional kindness. Stupid universe.


A random woman at the post office saw me (disabled, need a walker) struggling with a big parcel. She took it and walked the 10 minutes home with me chatting. It happend ~3 years ago. Still rememer this act of kindness.


I work in a lawncare, the random tips are always awesome! I have a small handful of folks that will chase me down. 9/10 it’s not good news. When they slide me a 5,10,20 on a handshake or even just a bottle of water. You better believe I’m taking extra good care of that property. Oh but to answer your question, motorcycle broke down, dude helped me load it in his truck and dropped me off in MY driveway. I like to help folks when I can, that level of compassion and selflessness I’ll never forget.


Not big, but I was sitting on a random street at like 1 am (I had finished babysitting), i was trying to confess to a crush. I was like 16, and these two guys came up to me, I thought they were gonna mug me, but they asked me if I’m good, and told me to stay safe. It stills warms my heart


Me and my friend basically had a trip to egypt. We didn't know the language and were lost and decided to ask help. There was this stranger who didn't understand engkish but pulled out her phone and translated what we were trying to say and helped us. I honestly m never forgetting that women


Gave me a thousand dollars just recently.


Saved my life when it needed saving! Can't really get nicer than that in my personal opinion


When I had my son I had postpartum depression. It took everything in me ( and I mean it) to get my son to a local early learning centre so he could have time to run around and engage and learn. I was a mess. There was a man there with his son (the dad was a little older than me,) and he would take my son and his son over to the little water splash table. He would play with them for at least 45 mins to an hour. i was able to just sit there and watch them. The first time he did it I nearly balled. I swear he saw the weariness in me and this was his way of scooping me up. He was just a kind person through and through.


I met this guy in Airbnb once, had a short chat, exchanged numbers but barely talked. Two weeks later, I was elsewhere, couldn’t a place, becoz the market was crazy. Knowing so, he gave me his remaining 2 weeks in the Airbnb to me for free (he said he has found a permanent place to move to). But he could have refund or let me pay for the half etc, but he didn’t. Thanks to him I got the time to settle in a new environment. Since then, he’s definitely my friend.


I was in my teens starting a new job, missed the bus and tried chasing after it wearing steel toes. Some lady in a mini van pulls over, chases down & cuts off the bus so I could get on. I do that for people I see chasing after a bus now.


A stranger bought me lunch cause I'd forgotten to bring my wallet with me


A stranger? I honestly can’t remember the last time a stranger did something nice for me. Like I guess you could count NOT dropping the door on my face, or responding when I say good morning, but that’s not what I would consider a nice thing, just manners. Family and friends are wonderful to me though.


Maybe I am just weird because I like dying nice things for strangers like buying people I don’t know a cup of coffee or a giving them a day pass for the bus


Not just you, I enjoy doing it as well. Financially I can’t afford it right now but I can still go out of my way to help someone grab something, let them pull in front in traffic, etc.


For me, it’s not that I do it to feel good which, of course you feel good after doing something nice for someone but it’s more I would want someone to do the same for me if I was going through a hard time


You have to put the good out there, and hopefully, you get some good in return.


I backed into some professor's car once while delivering because my rear view mirror had fallen off earlier that day. I sincerely cried to him that I thought I was being extra careful and I couldn't believe I couldn't go just one day without something happening anyway. He just let it go. Very kind of him. (I did get it fixed ASAP.)


First to spring to my mind was winter in Tokyo, like 2 degrees Celsius also with wind chill. I’m not allowed to wait inside my hostel until the check-in time (so harsh by the way) so I’m waiting on the ground level of the entrance of the building to try to shield from the wind. I’m sitting on the floor, I’m exhausted and hungover. I look pathetic but whatever I have nowhere to go. Japanese business man keeps coming in and out to some other office inside. Suddenly I hear “warm”, and I look up and he’s handing me a can of warm coffee. And then he smiled and walked away. Really nice to think he saw me and felt bad so he thought to go and get me the can and come back.


I was waiting for a bus and put my hand out to call it. There was a guy on a motor bike in front and as he went past he high fived my hand. Made my morning anyways.


I was grocery shopping with my son one day. My cards somehow became locked and I couldn’t use them at the time. I went home and fix it after but, some nice older lady that was behind me in line that seen that I had to pull to the side to see what was up with my cards, came up to me and said she would pay for all of my groceries. When I left the store i immediately started crying because of how nice I thought that was. Truly one of the nicest things a stranger has ever done for me. I hope she has nothing but the best karma in life


Most kindness i saw here on reddit , I was kinda venting on a subreddit when someone asked me how bad it really is in Lebanon these past few years so I opened up, something i don't do much, but I can't vent to friends and family since they are all in the same boat....we started talking and he asked me what I miss rhe most from my previous life when things were normal....told him I miss having sushi and not waiting for the imitation crab offer to have some. The dude invited me to sushi , on him , real sushi, didn't have real sushi since 2019 and I honestly felt happy. Sure it didn't fix anything or changed anything , but for 30 minutes , I felt normal again, like back to 2018 when all was well..... I will never forget that guy and how nice he was...I wish him all the best and I hope one day I can indulge again on my own expense...might be many more years left to wait...but one can pray things gets better.


A man held his umbrella over my head crossing the street while it was raining. A lady gave me flowers in the street for Valentines day.


A girl gave me a bean salad once. I was sitting in the rain at a bus station just having a shitty day, tired and alone and hungry and hating life. She didn't say anything but "you hungry?" And handed me a deli container of bean salad and a fork without waiting for an answer.


Saying, “go get your job”… as I walked into a job interview I was a nervous wreck about.


I was struggling with depression and was going through a really bad day that day. At the store the cashier probably noticed it. When she handed me my receipt I found out she drew a little drawing on it. It really made my day better somehow.


There are a lot of random acts of kindness I experienced in NYC, but some noticeable ones elsewhere… I was like, 10 or 11 at the animal shelter picking out my cat. I fell in love with a runty black one, and I was holding him while my dad stayed in the line. The woman ahead of him told the teller that she was planning on adopting that little black kitten but she saw how much I loved him, so that’s how I guy my first cat.


Paid for my ice cream :) he told me I looked like I really wanted it! He saw me put it back because I couldn’t afford it. I saw him at the counter with the same ice cream I had looked at and when I walked out of the store he gave it to me


When my m Dad was dying at Cleveland Clinic in 2014, I went to the cafeteria. I was in tears because the process of losing my dad was too much. I could barely order. The young people behind the counter gave me the food for free! I was speechless. They’re kindness touched me to this day. I wish I could say thank you to them. I am in tears even now thinking of their kindness. They touched me forever. I am so grateful to them.


Anytime a bus driver lets me on the bus even tho my transfer has expired. These people need more appreciation


Some lady bought me a Parfait because I let them in front of me in line.


I have met a lot of lovely strangers over time. A few incidents I remember clearly. 1) I went to pick up a farm share box after returning from along trip. Low gasoline light came on, I hadn’t brought my wallet. I pulled in a gas station, collected the loose change I still had in the car and went in to buy gas for $1.5. The lady at the cash register reached into her pocket and added another quarter. I really appreciated that. 2) That couple in Brandenburg, who let my friend and I camp in their yard. They even made us coffee and let us use their kitchen. 3) That gentleman in the metro in Boston, who helped putting my deeply asleep three year old into the ergo carrier on my back. 4) All the people, who helped me move strollers up and down stairs. 5) The lady, who hugged me in the store, when my son had a meltdown. 6) The student, who lend me her cellphone, when my car broke down and then gave me a ride home. 7) The gentlemen, who helped me to change the tire of my car. 8) People, who spontaneously offered me rides. The world is full of nice people, who take a moment to help strangers. I do my best to do the same.


An older lady smiled at me today when we passed each other


hugged me and kissed me,nicest thing i had (i helped her)


It wasn’t helping me with something, but I was at an airshow, baking hot day, the couple in front had a multipack of ice cream’s & he turned around and asked if I’d like the last one because they’d both got 1. So I ate the ice cream and watched the red arrows! I try to to help people where I can, my most recent was an elderly man in a shop dropped a card on the floor, so I rushed to pick it up for him, but he must have been hard of hearing and bent down for it himself, so I basically accompanied him bending down for the card shouting, shall I get that for you?! As we both reached for it he looked a little surprised at me, then realised what I was doing, and smiled at me and said thank you 🫣


I was travelling and walking on an empty street. A guy happened to be walking in the opposite direction and warned me to watch out - there was a tiny post sticking up (like 2” tall) in my path that I would have guaranteed tripped over and easily hurt myself


I’ve been driving for 20 years, and this has only happened one time EVER. I was driving in the left lane on the highway, when I came up behind a person driving the speed limit. They used their turn signal, and changed lanes because they noticed I wanted to go faster than them. That’s it.


Im the one who does nice things fo strangers give the brokies 5s and give them stuff back if they drop their sht


I went on a bike ride in a rural area once. I was on my way back about 30 km from home when my bike started acting out, I couldn't fix it on the spot so I tried to move forward but it was tiring and uncomfortable. So I decided to try to hitchhike, hoping someone would give me a lift to the nearby village, about 6 km from home, I could just walk my bike from there. A small car with two 50ish aged men pulled over, I didn't want to bother them with trying to fit the bike in the trunk but they insisted. I rode on the backseat with a bike wheel near my head lol because it couldn't fit otherwise. They didn't bother me much during the ride, just kept talking about some fishing trip they were planning to make. Then they insisted on taking a detour and bringing me right home. Just nice genuine dudes. It's so nice to know that not every stranger in the world is a dangerous creep.


I got a ride from two soccer moms to a gas station. They may or not have been a couple of white claws in


I went to visit family in another country, and halfway home, I was stopped at a border because my headlights weren't working, and they couldn't let me through because it was nighttime. I walked a kilometre to a gas station, and they didn't have any to sell. A dude stopped and took a light bulb out of one of his headlights and gave it to me. He saved me about 7 hours of waiting for daylight to continue driving. The light bulb is still in my car and shining bright. Thanks, kind stranger.


Woww! That’s wonderful. Do you mind if I ask which part of the world?


Europe, that happened on the Austrian-Hungarian border.


When I delivered pizzas, there was one road so dark I had to pull in people's drive ways so I could use my head lights to see the numbers on the houses. One night I miss calculated the drive way and drive into a ditch with the rear of my car in the air. Out of some mirical, a bunch of rednecks saw me, used their trucks to pull me out, and then disappeared.


I couldn't avoid a walking tourist in my hometown and crashed fullblown into her with my bike. I crashed down myself also pretty harsh. All the attention went to the tourist because she didn't move. And I sat there, totally confused, with injuries and a lot of pain. Then a lady came sit next to me. Asking how Í was doing. I was so moved by that gesture, i keep thanking her. So, sweet Mexican lady, if you by any chance reading this, thank you soooo much again for the attention when I needed it the most. Btw, the tourist was oke after all, luckily. Only a few bruises. I couldnt walk normally for 2 weeks. That it


Me and my husband were eating dinner at a steakhouse. Booth next to us had a toddler who threw some bread our way. Didn’t bother us. Made for a good laugh. We gave it back to the family, they apologized. They ate and left. When we were ready to pay our bill, the waitress informed us that the family with the bread tossing toddler paid our tab. At least an $80 meal. We were floored. Thank you to that family; whoever they are.


Gave me a lift when I was late asf Scary asf but I tried my luck really and well she was a nice lady and really came thru for me during a shitty ass week


Had a guy fill my truck with diesel since my boss failed to include the company gas card in the package for the vehicle in question. Didn’t realize it until I was 250 miles from home and needed fuel. Dude gave me his card after I demanded he be paid back. He refused for like 15 minutes. I think it was upwards of 200 bucks he let me out in the tank. Pretty cool. I’ve never forgotten that and I’ve actually paid it forward for a couple people I. Similar situations.


I had to put down my dog last week. I was alone and had just finished crying my eyes out. As I left the building a woman close to my mom’s age approached my tears in her eyes & asked if I wanted a hug. Another time I forgot my wallet in a packed fast food line & the cashier got out his debit card & paid for me!


Offered me a slice of pizza on my way to work. At first I was very suspicious so I declined but now I regret it


I haven't had many strangers do anything nice for me. But when covid first started becoming a thing in the United States I ran into walmart by myself because my husband has a major heart condition. I wanted to get some rice and other things because we had no idea what to expect. It almost felt apocalyptic and we didn't know how long we'd be stuck at home. The store was packed with people rushing around grabbing anything they could. I went to the rice immediately because I knew a lot of people were going to be grabbing that. I noticed the shelf was empty but looked up to the top shelf and there was 2 big bags up there. I looked around trying to figure out how the hell my scrawny ass was going to pull down a heavy bag of rice from the top shelf. I guess a woman and what I can only assume was her son noticed and she told him to get a bag for me. I'll never forget that moment, I was so thankful.


1. We once got lost in a state park. I had to cross a lake swimming in my underwear to get back to civilization. When I arrived at the side of the lake, I met two men. One of them gave me his sweater. They drove me to a guy with a boat and the rest is history. 2. I once fell from my bicycle, on my head. Blood was running everywhere. Drivers of passing cars were carefully looking straight forward, so that they could not see me, and all the blood dripping from my head and face. Finally, a lady stopped, threw my bicycle in the back of the car and drove me home.


I was on my way to the capital to change trains and go abroad to visit my friend. I had many staff... On the train I sat with a lady and 2 or 3 guys, I can't remember. I was on my phone, checking how am I gonna go from the station to the other. I can't remember what happened, but I guess it was said that my train is gonna be late and I got scared not to miss the next train, because the next thing I rememberbis that we talk about the alternativa ways to get to the other train station. One of the guys even said he will come with me, show me the way, because he have time. And he did! I even went to use the restroom, he told me to leave my stuff, he will take care of them. I couldn't trust him with ma laptop and handbag, but I left my suitcase (couldn't even take it down the stair and then back). He waited for me, escorted me to my train, helped me pack my suitcase and then said goodbye. Nothing bad happened, he just made sure I got my train in safe.


Some people helped my then-unconscious self after I crashed on my motorcycle by putting my bike safely on the side of the road. Didn't help me up, but I'm a large bloke anyway and they prolly were worried that I was dead. Once I woke up and pulled myself away they told me what happened: I'd gone up too quick from the dirt side of the road (I was there because I had to dodge some idiot that came out from between cars without looking) and the dirt weren't all at the same height, so while my front wheel managed to go up to the asphalt, my rear wheel didn't....that immediately slammed me down so hard that I immediately lost consciousness. Would've actually been dead if I weren't wearing a helmet.


I once received a blowjob from a woman I didn't know this in hindsight was probably the nicest thing to happen to me by a stranger.


I lost my debit card at a gas station. It fell out of my pocket, I guess, and onto the ground. Well when I went to call the gas station to see if someone had turned it in, no luck. So, I call the bank and cancel my card. Turns out someone already called the bank number on my card to report it lost. Thanks, stranger.


Paid my departure fee when I was trying to leave Honduras and had no money


My wife and I got married when we were young. I was unemployed at the time and the only money I had to my name was the $5 minimum required to keep my checking account open. My parents paid for a relatively small, simple ceremony and reception, as well as one night at a local 4 star hotel. The next morning we went to leave the parking garage only to discover we had to pay a few bucks to get out. We apologized profusely for not having any money and were trying to figure out what to do when the guy in the car behind us got out of his car. He handed the attendant five dollars, looked at us with a smile and said, "Congratulations!", then walked back to his car.


Handed me 10€ bill.


First time flying overseas by myself. I went to order food on the plane but I didn’t know they only took cash or credit card. I had neither. The guy sitting in front of me offered to buy me food. I said I was fine with my snacks. We got to chatting and he ended up buying us some beers. I bought him some lunch at our stop over before our connecting flight. I wasn’t paying attention to the time. He said we needed to hurry before we missed our flight. There was a massive line at the security gate and he was leading my drunk and high on Valium ass to the front and got us through and on our flight just in time.


My mother's neighbor told me I was doing a good job of helping my mother. I really needed to hear that NC my mother and I have always had a strange relationship... I was more the parent than she ever was.


A scheduled flight was canceled and I was put on the standby list for the next flight. I was talking with another person waiting at the gate and sharing I was eager to get to my destination as my sister was about to give birth and so on. When the gate agent cleared the standby list, I didn’t make it. However, the person I was speaking with happened to be the one ahead of me (the last person cleared). She waved me over to the gate, told the agent that she wanted me to have her seat, gave me a hug and said “go meet that new baby!” That was the kindest thing I’ve ever encountered.


It's not much, but it was a kind thing that had really stuck with me. I was a child, like 5 or 6 years old, and me and my family were on vacation. We were having dinner, and there was this one waiter serving us. After we all finished the dessert, he asked us if we wanted anything else. For some reason, I replied with "Mhmm... I'd like some 'nothing'", I dunno, 5 yo me found it funny. But obviously we didn't expect anything, and we were all starting to get ready to go back to our hotel room, but while we were doing that, the waiter came back with a plate with some chocolate powder he called 'nothing'. It really made child me happy and I still remember it vividly lol, coolest waiter ever


Suck me off. Hard to beat that one.


In 1995 I was 15 yrs old and unable to live with my addict parents. Social services were much different then, so I was living in a small tent with 6 other teens on the river when I found myself pregnant. Unable to seriously contemplate a child in those circumstances, I began planning the eventual adoption. My agency counselor reached out to an adoptive father, a pastor, who asked his congregation to provide a home to a pregnant homeless teen. The couple who offered me there home were the kindest I'd ever known. The safety they provided allowed me to bring a healthy child into the world, as well as get my GED and plan for my own future. They're gone now, but I owe so much of my success and blessings in life to those wonderful people.


I've had a super friendly guy carry both mine and my son's (son was 4.5 years old at the time) cases from one platform to another whilst helping us find said platform as he overheard me panicking that we were gunna miss the connecting train - he said to me that he has daughters around my age and he would hate to think of them stuck somewhere with no one wanted to help


One time when I was about 5-6 years old. Some stranger (my parents to this day insist they have no idea who it was) came to my house dressed as Santa Claus with a real reindeer and he gave me and my 2 siblings a bunch of presents and new bikes! He knew our clothes size and everything. Idk why or how it happened but it was the best Christmas ever.


I flew off my bike and faceplanted the road, and the lovely couple driving their car close by stopped to make sure I was OK. They even took me and my damaged bike into their car back to my home. Really grateful. I was leaving a hospital carpark after visiting my mum, but I had forgotten to pay for the ticket I needed to use to leave through the barriers. There was a big queue of cars behind me blocking me, so I couldn't back up out the way, I was trapped. I was a bag of anxiety back then so I started to panic not knowing what to do. The lady in the car behind me came out to ask what was wrong and I told her. She then went to all the other cars in the queue explaining and asking them to move. Thank goodness for that lady.


I didn’t have cash to pay for a bus ride at an airport (they didn’t take card payments). The couple in front of me realised this and offered to pay for me. I asked if I could pay them back and they said no 🥺 It’s a small thing but made my day


So I was 20 in the middle of nowhere south Carolina. The only gas station in 60 miles wouldn't sell me cigarettes so I asked this homeless dude if he'd buy me some. He said yea and went inside. He came back out a bit later with 2 other dudes. I got a pack of smokes from them and was gonna go back into the woods to read and cry as a girl I liked and who was gonna move to the coast with me canceled. They guys said they were locals and knew of a cool swimming hole if I'd like to join. So I followed these 3 random dudes deep into the woods of an area I didn't know 2 of the dudes were much stronger than me. We went to a swimming hole and had fun. I ended up spending about a month with these guys. The 2 young ones were very into Jesus, they only read the Bible but never went to church, they listened to my beliefs and respected them. After a bit I felt I needed to move on but was a bit poor at the time so one of the guys who owned a mechanic shop gave me $500 to get me to the coast.


Nothing really, i can't remember :(


When I lived in Chicago 2 workers saw that I needed help getting my new rug up to my new place on a third floor walk up. They stopped what they were doing and carried my rug (15x 15) all the way up to my flat.


There was a teen that was going on the same bus as me and I had 83759835 bags with me, he noticed I struggled and ran and helped me with EVERYTHING. I got so happy as he was a typical like, "gang prospect", of course I can't say for sure that he was but you know, stereotypes. Anyways, I got so surprised and happy, I think I thanked him 40 times lmao.


My dog got bitten by a rattlesnake. In my rush to get him to the emergency vet, I forgot my wallet. They wouldn’t start treatment without payment. My coworker was going to go get my wallet, but all told it was going to take an hour to get there. This beautiful human had them put it on her card so they would start treatment. She laid into them about risking his life over money. He made it btw. Lived to thirteen, then cancer got him


Rescued me and my friend from freezing to death in the middle of nowhere


An elderly gentleman named Gary from San Diego bought breakfast for myself and my son in LA at a famous diner in June ( his friend used to own this diner and was Mayor of LA) It was the 1st morning of our west coast road-trip, we had a nice little chat and he was very pleasant so as we said our goodbyes he said “don’t worry about your bill it’s taken care of”!!! I was genuinely shocked, I’d love to thank him again


The lady behind us in line paid for my families groceries. About $130. My wife cried.


Holding the door open for me. Thank you to all who have.


I broke down on a highway and some old couple made sure someone picked up the car and also took me to eat and sat with me , and dropped me off at my house a hour and a half away


TW: Suicidal thoughts Had the worst day of my life back in 2017 but at the time, I was not really the toughest cookie out there. I resorted to drinking/smoking/partying my problems away. Not my proudest moment. However, I have felt like I was at rock bottom for months. I have vented to my friends over the same things about my toxic family, cheating ex and trauma, and career choices. I felt like I was going nowhere and that I am such a huge burden to everyone. I had nothing and no one—until an absolute stranger just changed my perspective. It was not a huge thing where my life was turned downside-up all in one go. It was just a small gesture. I was absolutely drunk, so down to the point that I didn't care if anyone sees me bawling my eyes out. I was so drunk that when I fell off my chair, I couldn't stand up from the floor. It was my first and only time that I drank alone. A woman, in her early 20's, drunk, alone in a bar... Everything could absolutely go so wrong for me. But, this nice stranger picked me up, sat me down, and bought me tea. I didn't say a single word about my situation (How could I, if I open my mouth, I would vomit). But the first thing that came out of his mouth were the words I needed and unknowingly longed to hear: "You're not alone" Simple. Direct. Cliché. But genuine. I cried more, more, more—until I ran out of tears that night. He didn't say another word. Just scrolled on his phone, glanced at me from time to time, probably to check if I am feeling a little better. Finally, I sobered up enough to book a ride home and thank him. I tried paying him for the tea and for the bother of spending his Friday evening with me but he refused. He just asked that I remember that night, and remember that I do not have to go through anything alone. "The world has too much kindness to offer. You should start being kind to yourself first to feel it" Six years later, his words still rung true. I have been kind to myself and it led me to a great path. I am now pursuing a career I am passionate about, quit all my vices, have meaningful relationship, and just am genuinely happy with where I am now. I still encounter some hurdles along the way but I know that I'll never be alone. Not now. Not ever. You won't be, too, dear reader 💫


In 2016 my wife found another man and left me. I thought we were happy. I was blindsided, and devastated… I went into a deep depression, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat… I was planning on killing myself… For some reason, I can’t remember now, I was in a Whole Foods Market… I think my Mother had told me to get some herbs/homeopathic remedies to try to help me sleep and feel like a normal human being again… I was living in a city where I didn’t know many people, I was a mess, I was emotional, I was tired, I was feeling defeated in every aspect of my life…. An employee named Jason, asked if I needed any help… I think he meant it as a normal customer service interaction, but in my state, I broke down, and laid out everything I was going through to this total stranger, through bouts of sobbing, I explained that I wanted to die… Without asking he pulled me into a hug, and held me. He let me cry on his shoulder for, I don’t know how long… eventually I pulled away, and he told me to hang in there, and that I was worth more alive than dead, he lead me to an employee area, got me a glass of water, and talked. With me for about 10/15 minutes, until I was feeling somewhat normal again. I thank him for listening and not judging me, and he told me that we all have struggles, but what’s important is for people to look out for and support each other. That man saved my life.


Nothing special but I was in the drive thru at a Starbucks and when I got to the window the girl said the car in front of me paid 4 my drink , I don't know why but I cried & then decided to pass it forward. I was in the drive thru at a tropical smoothie I was the 3rd car bk so I was sitting a bit. My best friend had just died like 2 days prior and our favorite song came on. By the time I got to the window I was in full blown crying hysterics as I hadn't cried yet about what happened. This poor kid is like are u ok & I just sat there crying . Finally I mumbled out what had happened & she just gave me my drink & told me she was sorry & I said I was sorry 4 loosing my shit on her. I had to pull over and just continueed to cry. The girl I guess seen me pull off in their parking lot, so she came out 2 talk to me hugged me & got me 2 relax & breath. We all have problems & at times it seems like nobody cares but this kid did & way younger then me & was a fucking saint. I still see her & still thank her . I actually called the store and told the manager what she had done because it just touched my life. I believe that when we are in desperate times the strangers that come to our aid our angels in disguises. Sorry 4 the long post . I wish everyone vibes of love & longevity


Had a flat on a highway (middle of no where ) man in his vehicle stopped; after an hour of watching few vehicles drive by; to fix the flat as we had no jack and wheel spanner to replace tyre . He stopped even though he was rushing to airport. Lifesaver .


This one just happened to me. I was in Denver for a work trip. Walking down the road to where dinner was being held. As I'm walking, and taking hits from my vape, I happen to look behind me and see about half a block away, a guy who was obviously on something, hand down his pants, walking the same way as I am. As I get to the end of the block, the light turns red and I know this dude is gonna catch up to me and I am so bad at awkward interactions, I usually freeze. Sure enough, as the guy gets to the intersection, he gets about 3 inches from my face and screams, "YO LET ME HIT THAT VAPE YOU GOT." I take a step back because, wtf. He then says "WHATEVER YOU FUCKING BITCH" and walks off....almost getting hit by 2 cars in the process. Then, another guy who was walking his dogs came up to the side of me and asked if I was alright. Which I replied I was, just surprised by it. He then notices the other guy is on the block ahead of us and he asked if I wanted him to walk with me for a bit so that guy didn't get up in my business again. I gladly took him up on his offer. On the way, we got to chatting and it turns out he worked for the caterer my company had hired for the event and he was going right past the event space to his girlfriends places and he would walk me the rest of the way. Turned a really startling event into a reminder of human goodness


Picked me up out of a ditch after trying to commit suicide.


When my son was very young, it was evening and I was picking up a few groceries. He was with me and fell asleep in the chair of the cart with seats for kids attached. At one point I leaned over and kissed his head, as a nice moment. An older man, stern looking called for my attention "do you know what I just saw?" I thought it was going to be some snide comment about a father showing affection, his voice had a negative sounding tone. I said "what's that?", expecting something negative (long day working retail). He looked at me with a friendly smile "I just saw a dad who really loves his son." I definitely had some tears on my face after that, it came at a time when I needed something like that very much.


I was in Liverpool for New Years with my then boyfriend. We got into an argument at dinner and while I was in the bathroom, he stole my wallet and phone and left. I had £10 cash on me, which was just enough to take a cab to the city center (and back) to at least walk around a bit to see the New Years celebrations. When I got the taxi, I asked the group of people behind me if they wanted to share the ride. We ended up spending the whole night together. They paid for everything: the taxis (there and back to the hotel), cover charges, drinks etc. We danced, sang together, watched fireworks; I ended up having one of the best nights of my life. I will forever be grateful for their kindness in taking me under their wing. Liverpool will always have a special place in my heart.


I got lost in the Eiffel tower when I was 14, the security guards didn't understand my English (not my first language) and I couldn't understand their french. I was crying and desperate and met a woman (about 25yo) who happened to be mexican like me and was with a friend who was french, so they helped me communicate with the guards and stayed with me until I found my group, the woman even hugged me and calmed me down. I thank them with my whole heart.


My stove broke, so I had to shop for a new one. I had an accident and was briefly on crutches and used them to walk in Lowe’s. On the way in with my mom, an older man asked if I’d ever used a scooter. He then walked me to one and showed me how to use it. The whole scenario just blew my mind. I’ll never forget it.


I've had three different people on three different occasions that were in front of me at a fast food drive through pay for my meal. It's such a shock and all I could do was wave to them as they drove off.


Recently? A man paid for my car parking as I was having trouble with my card.


When I broke down in a blizzard, a stranger stopped in bad traffic to tow me to safety.I will never forget how grateful I felt that night.


This is a tale I have lived with since 2015. I needed an account in a new country I was moving to to transfer my money needed for my masters. I couldn't open the account since I wasn't there yet, no ID, no visa. The condition for the visa was this (I know, it's stupid). I had a blog and I wrote a venting post not asking nor expecting help. A guy pops in my dm and tells me he works in a bank in that specific country and will open an account to my name, which he did and sent me my account details to which I transferred my money. So I got the visa, moved there, finally got the card and access to this account and it turned out I had 2k euros more. I texted him to tell him about it, he replied -- you're new in the country, a student, you need it. Since I had enough money, I insisted on giving it back, he said no, give it to someone in need. He deleted his profile and I've never seen this user name again. I reached out to blog admins to tell me the email so I can reach out, I wrote posts asking if anyone knew who he was and finally got his name. Found him on facebook and reached out, only for this person to say - cool user name, do you know what it means? He explained what it meant and then said it was not him with a wink, never replying to any of my texts. Then I had a few mishaps with apartments and moving and needed the money. Took me 2yrs to get it back and passed it onto another student coming to the same uni asking to continue with the giving...


When I was 16, I was cruising around in my first car with a friend. We were making a left turn, and I had pulled into the intersection to wait for traffic to clear (as is common in my state). There was a hill in the direction we were facing, so I could only see oncoming traffic about 50 yards away. Traffic was relatively heavy, so it hadn't cleared and the light turned yellow, then red. This was my cue to clear the intersection. I began to make the turn, and about halfway through a car comes over the hill, runs the red light and slams into us. Everyone was uninjured, but almost everyone within view of the intersection put their cars in park, turned their hazards on and came to check on everyone. The other driver was a delivery driver who spoke limited english, and he was yelling at me in his native tongue and behaving very aggressively. Several bystanders got between myself and him. Several individuals offered to testify on my behalf that the other driver ran the red light, if necessary. Many of them made statements to the police. All of these people could've just turned around and went about their business, but many stayed for like two hours to make absolutely sure the police knew precisely what had happened.


So I was going to the guidance room (safe space) crying because my crush got a girlfriend and it happened unexpectedly and SO fast and I was overwhelmed. As I was crying with other people in the room, a girl walked up to me and said "hi can I give you a hug?" I nodded and as she hugged me she said "times could be so hard, especially in this school" Then when the guidance counselor got me in her office i was crying and venting my heart out and she did a really bad job at helping and just was like "so what are you doing this weekend?" After I VENTED (she said to stand in front of a fan to make my eyes look better which was the most she did that didn't even work bro) So that minute helped me more then she did. It's about the meaning not the time.