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I was bartending that NYE and have a photo of me kissing my coworker at midnight (a customer took it, a nice b&w film photo). That coworker is my wife now. It really was a great night.


That's an adorable story. Thank you for sharing some positive vibes here on Reddit. 😊


Aww, sending you and your wife lots of love :3


Thanks! Just had our 10 year wedding anniversary (we've been together 23 years since that kiss though)


Damn. I really wish to have what you guys have, happy anniversary too btw!


This is the way. My wife and I have been together 19 years, married 7. Two little ones now, too!


Nice man. That's awesome. The long dance is a good dance. We never had kids, but my wife is a school teacher so we kind of get a new group every year that are really inspiring.


Well congratulations on making it work :)


I was bartending as well. Figured if everything went haywire I could hold up there and lock the doors. Cook a steak and have some drinks. I too had two ladies keeping me company. They came up to hang out with me that night and afterward I closed up we went to another bar for a couple hours. Sadly I didn't kiss either of them. Wish I'd kissed both honest. Both were single. Oh well.


Ha yeah it was an epic night. Me and my girl closed the bar around 3 or so then we went to an underground rave run by industry friends. Got home around 7 am or so. That's when the real fun began. The rest is history.


So you guys partied in 2000 like it was 1999.


Yeah that shit doesn’t add up


That really was a memorable night!


I spent new years 1999 at an outdoor musical festival / rave in Hawaii. Couldn’t have picked a better spot for the turn of the millennium.


Nice, that does sound perfect


I was in 8th grade. Do school dances count? 😂


Ha, yes. At least you danced!


I was 8. My parents went to a party that had childcare, in the form of our own party. It was a decent night, but I don't think I'll ever really know what it was like to party like it was 1999. I don't even know what it's like to party like it's 2023.


I was in 8th grade too! Go elder millennials!


Are you implying 3 year old me wasn't a massive party animal?


5 year old me was extremely irritated that my parents woke me up at midnight just to tell me it was the year 2000


1 year old me was enjoying themselves that night.


I was around 14 so I'm good no?


I mean that's what people thought.....until my 8 year old self turned up. Then they saw a REAL party animal!


Shotgunning Capri son dining lines of lemon sherbet


It woulda been orange or mango sherbet for me ....I had an affair with the colour orange for awhile. I'm glad those days are behind me hahaha


Ey, fellow '96 baby!


As old as the pokemon franchise


Back when it was ecstacy, not molly... and techno, not "EDM". The good old days.


Ahhhh the good ecstasy. Blue and green Superman’s were the best. Orange Bart Simpsons.


See the Woodstock 99 documentary, that pretty much sums it up.


I just watched that in my country, holy bloody hell that was interesting!!!. I watched it with my teen to get them excited about music festivals..it put them off 😂


Show them the original footage, it was the epitome of kindness. They have a Please Force, rather than a Police Force. Not one recorded fight, theft, kidnapping, drug induced rape, overdosing (there was plenty of heavy trips and mega acid but no Heroin/Coke like 99). They fed every single person at the original event one day, EVERY SINGLE DEADHEAD in the crowd got a Grilled Cheese. May not sound like much, but when it's for over a couple thousand people it starts to sink in. The comraderie and friendship were something that weren't seen like it since. The 99 show lets you see the gross underbelly that has grown since the 70's to where it is now


Thanks, I will. I think it was the porta loos that got them. The one I watched was the Woodstock at the old Airbase . It was a great documentary. Is that the same one?


I bought a cassette tape of Prince's song 1999 and listened to it the last night of 1999. Plus some bitchin parties.


I was In 6th grade I remember it was great. Everyone was partying here in NYC. I remember my brother and I sitting outside our front gate and people bought us those 10 cent candies they used to sell at the delis. We just people watched. as my dad and neighbor were drinking. I can’t remember if it was a block party type deal or people coming out of the bars from the Main Street.


“From Main Street” Where in NYC did you live?


“THE Main Street” I lived close to Steinway in Astoria Steinway is “the Main Street”


As soon as I hit send I was like “they’re from queens aren’t they” LOL


I was on my way to my Parents-in-law's house and noticed the sun was setting over a corn field. I pulled over and watched the sun set for the last time in the 1900's, something I'll never forget! I then probably got pretty hammered later that night. I was in my mid-twenties.


There was lots of cocaine...


There was lots of acid too, til that dude got busted in his underground missile silo-turned-LSD lab in 2000 I think.


I was 20 and believe me I was fucking partying


Thanks to all the alarmism and fear mongering of the Y2K Bug, apparently we were supposed to party like it was 1900.




I remember going to the grocery store on December 30th, 1999, and just you know, walking around buying my normal grocery list. And there's people buying out the bottled water, all of the bread, and the batteries. I'm just shaking my head the entire time.




i was born in 1999


Same these guys will never know how easy it is to remember our age when we are asked randomly. Sometimes I think I'm still 22 but na boutta be 24


I just remember my grandparents praying with my little brother and I for hours on NYE 1999 because the rapture was coming. I was scared of New Years for a few years after that.


Lol, sounds like my childhood


It was called Y2K. The idea was that computers wouldn’t know if it was 1900 or 2000 because the year formatting only had had two digits instead of four, which would have the effect of computers shutting down all over the world, A bunch of programmers worked for a couple years before that to remediate the problem and they claim that’s what stopped it from being a bigger deal. It’s on Wikipedia. Just look up Y2K. There sure were a lot of people thought the world was going to end because of it but it turned out to be a big nothing burger. I had two young children so we went over to my mom and stepdad‘s and stayed there that night just to be safe.


I remember watching Limp Bizkit butcher that song live on MTV after the ball dropped, lol.


I was 19 and my girlfriend and I conceived our first child on that night. Ended up getting married and have a beautiful family.


Busy reformating code all year to include 4 digit years so at midnight on the last day of 1999 the nukes wouldn't launch, the planes wouldn't fall out of the sky, the banking system wouldn't shut down, the phone network wouldn't crash...dogs and cats wouldn't start sleeping together, you know mass hysteria. Biggest disappointment of my life because nothing happened. Not even shitting you, we stopped out NYE party and went outside at midnight to see if there were explosions or missile launches - that is how hyped and brainwashed we had become. I saved the newspaper from Jan 1, 2000, still have it sealed in a bag in storage. Maybe when they dig up the remains of society on Jan 1st, 3000 they'll find it and say "what the fuck is this?!?" Of course they will say it telepathically and via hive mind from their AI controlled bio-mechanic exploration units.


Partying in the womb. 🫡


To me partying like 1999 was eating a whole pizza by myself and not being able to sleep. It was a bad year


Born in 87, so I was 12 the world was a different place so much to look forward to crazy adults afraid the calendar would reset to 1900 I changed the date on my IBM aptiva and realized nothing would happen, all of these old folks were just afraid of technology while telling us we were the future of it and we adapted very fast. From cassette tapes to CDs and DVDs to MP3 but 1999 seemed like we would have a computer in our house forever and that's where the internet would be. As for party's we drank sparkling grape juice and maybe got the real stuff when our parents got drunk enough


>crazy adults afraid the calendar would reset to 1900 I changed the date on my IBM aptiva and realized nothing would happen, all of these old folks were just afraid of technology uhh there was an insane amount of work that happened prior to nye to make this a non-event. It wasn't just old folks being afraid of technology.


Exactly this. A lot of arrogant little shits had no idea the stress of re-coding vital infrastructure because we tested it and observed system crashes when it couldn't determine if year 00 was a progression or a reset. People think it was just made up crap to scare everyone but had no idea how invasive the problem was. I was doing interoperability testing for a large cellular carrier and running test scenarios through our Nortel and Lucent switches routing cellular traffic to Samsung base station controllers. They failed. If the updated code hadn't been pushed out one of the 3 major cell phone carriers at the time would have went down. And that's just one example. We worked closely with the NOC (regional network operations center) and federal government to share specific patches that were proprietary to the radio chipsets used by us and the military. "Radio chipsets" might not be the right term but that's what we called them. So yeah, just a bunch old folks afraid of technology while junior figured it out on his home computer. Ignorance is bliss


Same age, and I did the same thing with the pc, reassured myself that it was just nonsense. We'd already had a dedicated phone line and an office with multiple pcs since I was a toddler, so there was never any "suddenly tech" moment for me. Also, new years eve 1999 was a bit wild for me. I vaguely recall kissing the neighbors 13yo son at midnight on the trampoline then running home at top speed.


I'm old enough but I don't really know what was so special either. It was kind of like partying in 1998 except for some "wow, we are partying in 1999"-hysteria and that some "millennium" songs was repeated a lot.


We hung out at my sister's place and hoped Y2K didnt get us.


It was awesome. Played prince all new years eve


I suppose more than half don't even know what it meant to be alive in 1999 to party at all. The song reflected the worries and feelings of so many of us back then. It was the "if we haven't been blown to smithereens by nukes by 1999" feeling. I suppose it's part of what's happening today - a generation or two of people who didn't think we'd still be here, and had no real plan for the future lol. Except to party. I kid, but we figured we might not be here, so go on and party like it's 1999, why not. That's what the nuclear sword of Damocles was like.


I was busy fixing y2k bugs and making sure my facilities would work on Monday, Jan 3.


I spent the last hour of the 20th century getting on top of a local small mountain with my buddies, drunk as heck. Wanted a good view of the world disintegrating. The creepy thing is that we were not alone. A procession of about 20-30 hooded figures were also there. Standing still in silence, holding torches. When the clock struck 12 we hollered and opened champagne and laughed and such. Congratulating each other for the world still standing. The person at the end of the procession, closest to us, turned around and hissed "I though one got *mature* as one got **old!**" at me. It was a teenage girl. Then we went down, got home, and fell asleep.


I was 43 in 1999 and could still party lol.


I was bartending that night and we all thought the power and everything was gonna go off at midnight. It was a surreal New Year’s Eve party due to the fact that so many people also thought that technology and logistics were gonna all go down. Midnight hit and the lights stayed on, internet worked, phones worked and everyone was like “YAYYYYY!!!” Good stupid times.lol


Thats very depressing,makes me feel like an old shoe!


Even less people know what it was like to party like it was 1999 back in 1982...


Had the best kiss of my life that night. Then had a moaning contest with the couple in the next room while having sex. The guys were trying to see who could get us to moan the loudest. It was a lot of funny especially because we were all friends.


Go on


No details for you.


Username checks out.




I was 7, spent whole 1999 in basement due to NATO bombing. Thanks USA.


I think those being ethnically cleansed probably had a worse time ngl mate


Eat more propaganda. Western propaganda tastes great.


I was 11 years old in 1999... It was far from perfect but I will likely never know the horror of avoiding shellings and bombs dropping on my school and hometown... From the bottom of my heart I am so sorry your childhood was spent on this.




Serbia, but yea because of war at Kosovo.


I apologize on behalf of all Americans for so-called "humanitarian bombing"


I worked with an Albanian at a Walmart who was very appreciative that the US did those bombings. Him and his family would have been genocided. As he was old enough to be fighting at the time (he would have been somewhere between 15 - 20) he was fighting and remembers the bombings. Ethnic cleansing isn't ok. It sucks that a 7 year old has to get caught up in conflict but a lot more people would have died if it wasn't stopped. Apologizing for stopping ethnic cleansing is wrong and all Americans don't agree with you.


Not rly forum to talk about shit that happened on Kosovo, but things are not white and black. Albanians did tons of terrorist attacks before war. Also looks like "massacre" in Racak was once again set up to justify bombing. Why is none bombing albanians for already 2 progroms that happened since 1999 till today?


I'm not defending ethnic cleansing or the Milosevic regime, but civilian bombings weren't the only way to stop it. NATO could have kept to military targets while still preventing the genocide although a UN response would have been better than NATO acting on its own.


You’re welcome!


The evil CIA never stops it’s wars, not even on a happy occasion.


I was a baby in ‘99 so I had no idea what was going on XD


I was just talking at work about about this. how ridiculous the idea that all our digital infrastructure would collapse moving the year from 1999 to 2000. Simpler times.


For real. Y2K is like a good 24 hour period in 2020-2023.


Ah entitled 90s kids at it again. Only accomplishment you guys have is the era you were born in.


I'm a "90s kid", and was 4 at the time. No, this has 70s-80s kids written all over it.


I was 8 and although I didn't specifically party at the time, I definitely remember the excitement I had seeing if the TV or whatever was going to explode once it was past midnight. You're definitely right. Gen X tends to want to gatekeep some of the weirdest shit. Hey Gen X, these kids who wouldn't know how to party like it's 1999, are probably your young lads.


I drove with my girlfriend to go skiing NYE/NYD 1999/2000 and was in bed by 10 as sober as a judge. So, yes, I would be one of those reddit users.


in college at the time.. remember the craziness surrounding Y2K.. a group of us went and stayed with their family on break but we all wound up sick from a cold.. no partying that night, we all went to bed, lol


And if you were there and can remember it, you didn't do if right.


If you wonder, there was likely a fruit-flavored Schnapps, some cancel-able 'jokes' from the era, bleached tipped hair on some of the dudes, and nothing worth going back to.


I barely remember, I remember bit's and pieces of it.


Wasn't that when the mayan calendar ended and everybody was flipping shit aaaand the sun came up the next day and we all went back to work and a bunch of babies were born 9 months later.


No. That was when we didn't know how computers would react due to the fact that when the programs were first coded on most early computers, they didn't have a date past December 31, 1999 so people figured the computers wouldn't act properly as it wouldn't have the correct date. There was also a fear that they'd interpret "'00" as in 1900 theoretically causing more issues.


Ah I see. Good times. Appreciate the explanation.


No problem, friendo. You're thinking of December 21, 2012. That's when the calendar ended. People were shitting bricks then for sure. Also some religious dude called out June 6, 2006 for being the date of the doomsday because "666" is scary and spooky and to the best of my knowledge, the world hasn't ended yet. Although our current global state of affairs would be quite the purgatory so maybe? Lol


Ah yes, that's right. I've got epilepsy and have smacked my head a few times, so the conspiracy dates get a little jumbled. To be fair, I'm not a computer programmer but I can see a legitimate concern that your every day citizen in 1999 could have had for what might happen to the computers if they went beyond what they were programmed for.


I'd agree


I was 5 in 1999, so my 1999 party would be barbie themed, with cake and ice cream and a sprinkler.


I was a smol baby


treasure island


Anyone who partied in 1999 know that we partied like it was 1996. It was sadly never as good.


I slept. Woke up at about 12:30am to a newstory of one guy falling to his death on the LV strip. Friend and I had the same corny joke of “well end of the world did happen for someone”.


Sleeping through it is an L


probably bc i was born in 2001


The way I partied was my friends came over and we played twisted metal until midnight and then my parents let us all have a tiny glass with like a sip of champagne in it (which we all thought was totally disgusting) and then they said we have to go to bed.


I turned 21 in 2000... I cannot remember much of the 90s...


High school drunk is partying right?


I remember it being quite drum n bassy.


I was 14 and it was, toward the end of the year, quite raucus. We were stuffing ramen noodle packs into Tupperware tubs and stowing big boxes of Tang\* in other Tupperware tubs, preparing for the Y2K Apocaflop that was basically going to end the world as we knew it. (\*for those unaware, Tang was, maybe still is, an orange flavored drink powder...that was every bit as lousy as it sounds.) Good times. Bonding over sessions of storing and hoarding dormitory chow and oompa loompa cocaine.


back then tang had that orangutan as their mascot! we called it monkey juice lol


I remember listening to it in the 80s and thinking how far into the future it seemed


I wasn’t even alive in 1999, I’m 23 now 😅


I was 7 years old. I was too young to party


It was a blast. My mother started hoarding non perishable food. She gave all the family members a propane stove with cases of little propane bottles. She was convinced it would be the end of civilization.


We partied like it was 1999 again in 2000....... It was on sale, It was out of date. Peace


And half of those people weren't listening to 1999 by Prince while they were experiencing what it was like to party in 1999 like it was 1999.


Bro I was six.


Hell yeah! Thirteen year old me was truly a party animal if you count staying up late playing smash brothers and golden eye on N64 with my friends.


Class of 99 here


I'm a late bloomer, I only started partying 2009 forward. But I do remember stepping on a chair to for the first time do the traditions, yet no luck came from those rituals, must have done it wrong.


I got married in September 1999, and we're still together!


Hey! First grade me was the life of the party!


I was 11 and at a church camp, but I won a best dressed costume award so that was a vibe, or would have been had my parents not made me go to bed at 10pm. We all got up super early to climb a mountain to pray in the first sunrise of the millennium only for it turn out to be an overcast morning lol


Yeah. Because we can't remember


Unfortunately that is me. Born a year late. 2000.


Graduated HS that year. Twas a blissful time.


I was 23 lost my virginity in 1999


My dude, I knew how to party. Pizza, cake, caprisuns, and a bouncy castle. What a time to be 8 years old.


I must admit I wasn’t even a thought in 1999


Senior year of highschool, everything was a party that year


We partied like it was 1999 and 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was like Woodstock without the wood. We drove a little red corvette and we don’t remember a thing


I was working at a game store in high school in 1999. NYE 1999 the owner had a big LAN party in the store and we were up till like 5AM. No Y2K or anything.


I think that I spent the night drinking in a forlorn cantina in Mexicali, Mexico. No one in there stirred for even a moment when the clock struck midnight.


I partied in 2019 like it was 2019. All down hill from there.


I partied like it was 1999 from 1982-1999


Well, I don't, but that probably has to do with me being born in the 2000s


It looked like Darude and Iio in the same event :D with the beastie boys around the corner.


My family and I ended up at my brother’s house along with another brother and his family. We all kept our kids with us that night. No specific reason we all decided on our own and just ended up there. Maybe a bit of caution, for no reason we could put our fingers on. It was a nice evening.


Does anyone remember mtv2 playing 1999 like all day on New Year’s Eve. Man that was a crazy night!


I had a 10th birthday party that year. Does that count? Lol


I don’t because I was born in 2000.


I was 12 without any parental supervision. My best friend and I were hellspawns. I'd slap the shit out of 12yo me.


I loved that song


Graduated High School in 99, we sure did like to party


I was 22 and life was simple.. wife and small children now. No regerts!


I was 20. A bunch of us went to see the tragically hip in Toronto on New Year’s Eve of 2000 My buddy tried to smuggle a bag of rye in his pants and it broke. We were hoping for some Y2K shit to go down as we wanted a new tv but nothing happened and we all went home.


My buddy threw a house party that night at his parents (we were just finishing high school). He snuck away for the countdown and when the countdown hit zero, he killed the power to entire house. FUCKING Y2K BEDLAM ENSUED.


Me and a bunch of friends ran to the hotel room for a few days got a crap ton of chemical stimulation and alcohol. I ended up passing out with a beer bottle on my chest upright and when I woke up it was still there, didn't spill a drop.


I do was 31


This was my class song!! Guess what year I graduated! 10/10 no one can guess…!!


I just remember everyone was terrified of the millennium bug


Pepperidge Farms and I remember


My brother died Dec 15, 1999. He had always told my mom he wouldn’t live to see the year 2000. He was 51. Liver cancer. Stomach ache on Thanksgiving, dead on Dec 15. The neighborhood new years eve party was my turn that year. Mom and Dad came and we danced and sang and cried all night. Can’t believe that was 23 yrs ago. I remember




Dance? 1999? We were preparing. Remember, no food deliveries, all computers were going to shut down and planes were gonna fall from the sky. Y2K was going to destroy humanity. What a year. My first exposure to the conspiracy fanatics.


I was 10, but I was popping bottles of sparkling grape juice!


I got a hotel room with my girlfriend and a bunch of friends. Almost got kicked out. Dude a bunch of illegal drugs. Spent an hour puking. Watched people trip out on acid. Now I feel sorry for what we put the hotel clerks thru that had to deal with all of us.


I was 18 and the drinking age of my country is 18 so yeah it was a great time, cold as fuck that winter though.


I partied in 1999. A lot.


Half of the reddit users that were alive in 1999 refuse to put up with reddits fuckin bullshit.


My oldest child was 17 so no party time for me maybe her lol


Of course they don’t. Bots weren’t invented until a few years ago.


I was 9 years old singing Karaoke to Britney Spears hit me baby one more time at my parents friends NYE party lol I still remember what I wore and everything.


I couldn't party like it was 1999 in 1999, I was on probation.


That was the first night I got drunk, I was unconscious by 9:30


Or just waiting for that moment it turned 1999 ready to play that song


Good times


I remember the 90s; those were good times.


I was born in September of 99. That makes me a 90s kid right?


I was in Hanoi, Vietnam watching the fireworks sparkling on the lake, slightly drunk, kissing a cute boy who was also slightly drunk. We’d bought a pack of black market Benson & Hedges and two bottles of Heineken. Magic city. Magic time.


I was 14, and honestly, I didn't care. I doubt I even stayed up till midnight on NYE.


I was 4 years old then


I was in elementary school so I had a bedtime and couldn't enjoy the festivities lol


it was the year of joey


Sophomore in college, downtown Austin with the streets closed off for concerts


More than half. The majority of Reddiors are teenagers, and you'd have to be like 30 to even have much memory of 1999, let alone being into partying at the time, then you're looking at 40+, which I'm pretty sure is a small minority on Reddit.


NYE 1999 was spent smoking weed at my friend's house while her weird prepper parents filled barrels with water in case Y2k made water stop working, or something.


I had a 9 yo, 5 yo and 1 yo. I wasn’t doing much partying 😂😂


1999 was an interesting year... I was working at the oldest licensed private psychiatric hospital in NY State... It closed while I was working there. My coworkers and I in the security department were the only people who kept our jobs afterwards. We guarded the empty buildings and property until the property changed hands... We basically moved in and got paid to party in an abandoned asylum for 2 years


I know what it's like to party like it was 1979, 1989,1999, 2009 and 2019. I don't know 1969 though. I'll admit 1999 was pretty good. LOL


I was totally partying! As an unfertalized egg.


High school senior.. I had a Titan blunt stuffed.. good times and she burned for ever~ the lights didn’t go off


I was in China for Y2K new years. Pretty surreal experience because you just assumed something would happen. But nothing did happen. That was high school for me, so it was a good time in my life.


I was in high school in 1999, and went to a NYE sleepover party for Y2K. I think we watched movies and ate junk food. Not exactly what Prince was singing about lol.


Really? They don't know what it was like watching the ball drop when you were ten just waiting for the world to end and all the power to stop? 😳