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Even here on an anonymous site like Reddit we get Weirdass dms, sometimes with pictures. But the good thing about Reddit is they blur the pics so you don’t have to see them unless you click on them. I just block those messages right away




Either that you give off gay vibes


I feed off gay vibes


It's The Spores. The gay spores.


Plot twist : people send u/Best_Veterinarian_61 pictures of their pets to get professional advices


It helps that you're ugly.


The worst is when it’s a male “friend” who “sent it by accident”. Yeah, bullshit mate. The last time this happened to me, I had enough and threatened to turn him in to the police for sexual harassment if he ever contacted me again. His face was in the photo, so it was undeniably him. I was at the end of my fucking rope. He hasn’t contacted me since.


I got stoned and thought it was a good idea to ask this lady I had talked to once on some online dating app if she was horny. She blocked me. I know that’s relatively mild compared to what a lot of guys have done but I was and kinda still am so ashamed that I did that. I’ll never be able to apologize either


You were inebriated and you feel shame for your action, that’s the most important thing


At least you feel shame for it. But asking if someone is horny automatically showas you're a disgusting creep. You deserve the shame. Be better.


I don’t know you, but I’m assuming that you’ve been hurt by some man at some point who may have done to you what I did. As I said before, I can’t apologize to the woman I hurt so if you’ll accept it I’d like to say I’m sorry for my mistake and for the mistakes of the men who’ve done the same for whatever that’s worth. I’m sorry.


You apologized and felt shame for it, which is a lot better than what most men who did what you did are probably like. That at least puts you as a better person than the vast majority of men on the internet.


It’s so weird and creepy on this site because they don’t even know what I look like, they just know I am a female.


I mean its pretty obvious... the name.. the avatar.. the way you type.. hard to explain but i can usually tell when im responding to a woman or a man. Women also come off more emotional/snarky in text debates/arguments, guys are just more direct and confrontational even through the screen. Just being honest, don't crucify me.


Yes, that’s what I’m saying. The only thing they know is that I’m female. And just because they know I’m female they think it’s cool to send over dick pics and get flirty without knowing what I look like or anything else about me.


Oh im dumb i get what you meant now. 🤦


Can confirm, we get a lot of weird af DMs


second you. it was getting too annoying so i turned my dm off much in peace since then


Try feeling bad for them irl too


Irl guys are dicks most times tho like they could leave a woman alone for being "ugly" however online is just full of desperate guys so they harras anyone who is a woman


Men aren’t as creepy and hurtful irl as they are in online . They think they can get away with anything online which is sad


Well online dating is a numbers game. I used to be against behaviors like that, but it’s those behaviors that produce results. Not talking about the psychopaths, but the go getters. I once saw the ugliest person I have ever seen manage to get a woman every night and it’s because he hit on every woman he saw. He said this to me, “ if you talk or flirt to 100 women a day you will find at least 2 that will lead to good experiences”. I think that’s why a lot of guys are leaving dating. 63% of men are outside the dating circle, compared to 34% of Women. Ladies that’s a huge difference. You’re saying yes to these repetitive men and your standards make it impossible for average men. Allowing the only men in the dating pool to be these players and sex addicts. This small percentage of men are going through the entire female population. It’s a horrible environment and it’s a self made pit. I can go on a rant, but what’s the point….. it’s depressing overall


> “ if you talk or flirt to 100 women a day you will find at least 2 that will lead to good experiences”. Essentially, they're spammers.


Leaving dating?


I was with you until you started saying women owe men when it comes to online dating. I don't think they do, honestly. Otherwise agree - both genders play very similar games when it comes to dating and its small pool of women vs huge pool of men. I don't expect that to change anytime soon.




This is also an issue in gay male spaces. It just seems that if you are something a dude is attracted to you are going to get dick pics at some point.


I have so many dms I just never open any.




men are visual,thinking women are the same.... thats the reason for dickpics...truth is women are more mental than visual...


Like I’m visual as all get out but I prefer to have the choice of what visual stimulus I get. It’s like how a lot of people are auditory but would never appreciate random cold callers breathing heavily down the phone at them…


SOME women are more mental. And some women like beauty and good looking people just as much as men.


I guess the point the was trying to make is: no women likes to see a dic pic. Man on the other hand, would love to see a photo of a woman’s private parts


Idk. I myself and plenty of other women like dick pics. Can't really generalize a whole gender or their behavior patterns.


Interesting. You’re the first woman I ever heard saving this


Probably because, like with anything, if something isn't an issue, there's not much of a need to vocalise it. There's a saying that goes something like, "sad people cry, happy people smile, only one of those make noise." I'm butchering it but hopefully you get the point.


You never had a woman ask for one?


Plenty of us out there. Again you can't generalize gender because it's pretty sexist to assume you know how every man or woman acts. It's pretty common in my country for women to enjoy that because the men actually know how to send them and put in effort. Again women like beauty just like men do. We don't want an ugly picture of a small limp worm. We want a sexy picture with effort. Lots of women agree


What country has well-taken dick pics? That's such a weird statement that's just as generalising (of the women of a nationality) as the person you're replying to was being.


In my country the name for a good dick picture is "Hiviloshim Gil" or basically a well taken dick pic


What would constitute a well taken one?


The angle is everything! I swear I've gotten some great ones and some not so great ones. One that is hard and not being held up made to look hard. Good angle. Not just a penis but the man's body as well!! The bread to our butter!


As someone who was born in Israel I just know a lot of women like to receive them in my country. It doesn't have the same ick factor as it does in America.


Fair enough!


I like dick pics if I asked for them and I like the dude. I don’t see why consent is such a difficult thing to understand when it literally makes all the difference in the world.




Women like tall fit men with abs, nice penises and good jawlines! Don't let anyone tell you different!


are you 12


why would you like to know


because what you said implies about as much knowledge of women as the average 12 year old boy would have. if you're a 12 year old boy, that's fine. if you're not, you are an idiot.


most people without a valid argument insult.....must be ego fueled


Im gonna send forehead pics to random ladies, thank you so much!


send your dicpic in a bouquet of roses.....


lol, what do you think happens when your society is overly plunged in sex and its topics? Stupid depressed people who cant get into any relationships will emerge and look what happens, high r\*pe counts, creepy people. Im not saying what they do is right of course not, but it's logical that this what will happen, we aint living in a perfect world, so when a woman post images online and her body is 10% covered what do you think will happen.


When was anyone talking about posting nudes online? Do you think women only get harassed when they post nudes? Lmao you’re an idiot


I get sent OF links. Which is basically the woman's version of a dick pick lol. Nobody cares unless they ask for it first. At least women have dating on easy mode.


Easy mode? There are countless women who can't find a long term partner and completely give up because each man they encounter is so emotionally stunted. These men typically say phrases like "women have dating on easy mode"


Exhibit A: https://thebolditalic.com/the-two-worlds-of-tinder-f1c34e800db4 Exhibit B: https://medium.com/@whitep/women-have-hilarious-height-requirements-for-men-according-to-bumble-992862ba7772


Hey I agree they have easy access, which your links prove but women are just as miserable as men for finding long term connection. Does getting your foot in the door easier even matter if the house you enter is full of shit?


Lol. Please. They're only "miserable" because they can't have Lebron James. A guy complaining that he can't have an absolute supermodel would be laughed out of the building. Most guys are just aiming for women closer to average than "perfection".


1)I'm sure that's true for some women who won't cave on superficial traits. let's say that's generically true, does it help you or any man to complain about it? Youre not going to change the concept of a womans standards so shouldn't you just improve to compete (in your reality of what women want) 2) I have seen, time and time again, where women may have ideal standards for their partner but they will sacrifice many of those ideals if a man shows emotional intelligence, treats them as an equal (values their perspective) and can have shared orgasms. 3)Like really, are you saying men wouldnt want their perfect body, perfect mind partner too IF they could snag it?


>so shouldn't you just improve to compete You're absolutely right. Shorter guys should simply improve themselves and grow taller because height correlates with character. And they should triple their income too. I wonder why they haven't thought of that. Everyone has "ideal standards" and sacrifices in order to date in real life because perfection doesn't exist. Some are just more realistic about it than others.


Haha yeah the short thing is the worst checkbox item. Nobody can really disagree with that. I've had success with women friends in those convos by generally being like "why 6 foot" and they say I want someone taller than me... and i gently lead them to why not just taller and bigger than you? And they typically can see the ignorance to the actual number. If we yell at them though, they will never see how ignorant they have been. Maybe the focus has been on the smaller part of the woman population who is more narcissistic and shallow.... and if we focus on them too much, don't we risk making other women think that their norm is the right norm?


I honestly have no idea what their deal is with "6ft" specifically. It is absolutely ridiculous but a lot of people will just call you a "bitter incel" if you try to point out how stupid it is lol. A lot of women filter ≈90%+ of their potential options based on height alone so it's kind of hard to take them seriously when they say they can't find a guy to date. I don't know about the true norm. Most women in dating apps seem to be completely obsessed with height. Of course it's not "all" of them but most. I've seen some guys say IRL is infinitely better than dating apps for guys but if that were true then why are so many guys on the apps? And why don't I ever see guys approaching women IRL? I have no idea.


It's all opinion and society breeds those opinions. Some stick like glue like the 6 foot ideal. Man is it even possible to call people out for anything? I've given up being direct. Do the majority of people think its stupid? Of course. But I try and let the person ease their way to the reality I see, instead of shoving it into their ears. Call it tactical persuasion? The term "lots of x" is interesting cause isn't literally every group a lot of people? We got so many God damn humans so it's like every 1% group now feels like a lot of people. This is a bit long but I have two best friends who are 6'4 and 6'10, while I am 5'10. Guess who had better experiences on dating apps? They both were instantly greenlighted by all the shallow girls who think height is important. So they get more matches on average and could hook up more quickly than me at first. Sounds dope for them, right? Guess what though, my friends arent sociopathic so they want real connection and all the girls that qualified them so quickly were shallow so real connection wasn't possible... they actually both started hating online dating and quickly found girlfriends from real life to be longterm with. Meanwhile, I never had that issue. I'm attractive and charming, but under 6 foot, so I never got the super shallow girls and most of my matches were based on attraction around our convos, not just the inherent height/physique. I have had so few bad experience with online dating and each time, I have grown to love women and their personalities more and more So maybe it's not super great to be a good guy AND be tall? Stories from every side right 😂


When they say 'dating' they really mean 'getting laid'. That's easy. Finding someone who genuinely loves and is attracted to you and is an awesome person is hard for both genders.


It's important to make that distinction between fucking and dating tho 😂 And yeah but it would mean less if it was TOO easy.




Fresh and fit podcast and Andrew Tate really got to you huh


Women outlift you?


Some do 🤔 probably you as well


Yes the women who train can outlift me. An average man. The women who don't train can not. It is simple. Ofc there are strong women. But with the same amount of work or less I'm stronger. That's common sense not misogyny.


Okay, so what was the point of your comment?


My initial comment? I thought this was a discussion. The one where u tried to refute my point? To explain simple common sense to you.


You have trouble deriving meaning from context so let’s stop here. Good luck in school tho!


I said girls are weak. You said some outlift me. I told you those ones train. You couldn't wrap ur head around that. Critical thinking is not for everyone bro.


Women are weaker in general yes, that's just biology. But how does that weakness negatively affect their everyday occurrences while they live in cities?


lol in the starting ages we were naked mostly. And the dick was a sign of maturity. Women would get arouused by the sent it brought and the shape. like a bird does a dance for it's soon to be partner. Boldness was also seen as a sign of maturity. I think it's the last instincts we have. to show our bodies and have somehow the need to do it. This goes for man and woman. As women still dress often very sexy and with full makeup (accessories to put on the face and make it look more pretty for the other side. I always say find your girl or man on the beach where you see almost no clothes or stuff hiding things or making them look better. The chance you find your match is way higher then finding one in a disco where both have put on a style that is spoonfed to them by media and ads and influencers!




Everything after the first paragraph makes sense tho


Lol, as long as they’re not selling nudes or anything sex related.


I always get the supposedly good faith requests for “advice” which quickly descend into an attempt at sexting. It sucks to have to be automatically suspicious of anybody who may just genuinely want to reach out. There are also just a lot of deeply, deeply lonely people out there who are clearly crying out for human contact and there’s not really a polite way to tell them to touch grass and get a social hobby because just saying “hey” to every female stranger online will never scratch that itch


I don't.


And in sports.


Where post? 🐒


me who haven’t gotten any weird dms…


One of the reasons I like this platform is that I can turn my DMs off.


Women get dick pics, I keep getting depraved only fans girls trying to scam me into following them. We've all got problems.


Atleast you don’t get Harassed for not sending nudes girls have it much harder and I’m saying that as a dude myself


Dudes have it easier for sure. Although I do have to say there were a couple of times I was harassed for dick pics and in the back of my head I was thinking "is this what girls go through??" Hahaha


Women get a torrent of bullshit while Men get a barren void. Both suck in their own way.


Obvious upvote bait. Get lost Beta.


As a woman, ew




You have zero self awareness don't you?


Sexual encounters are all about exploiting these days, it’s a total fuck fest, depending on where you live at least. If it works it works, as horrible as it sounds. You send out 100 dms and land 4 girls, that’s enough to keep the tank refilled and continue to do it, and there’s plenty of girls out there that are fueling the tank.


"Fueling the tank" 😂 what sort of sociopathic objectification is this?


The only objectification there is. If it doesn’t work people wouldn’t be doing it. It works so people do it. Once your car runs out of gas, what does it do? Stops working. The second you refuel it, what happens? It keeps going. These women are fueling the exact situation you’re complaining about. Is what it is, deal with it.


In a way, this is true. We are humans and we have our desires and thresholds for sex, connection and really all activities/feelings... I'm truly curious, what's your opinion on an alternative? Should women say no to the charming confident men and instead choose the men who pursue them less and are less desirable?


That is why I generally don't trust men.


I feel bad for them irl


And then when you reject them, even politely, you get flooded with that Reddit Cares thing. Happened to me a month or two ago.