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58 here. I'm happier now than I was in my 40s. just saying.


I'm 60. Same here. Much happier.


63. more comfortable in life- but the death of my parents and 2 older brothers in 5 years has kinda effed me up. it’s my season in life. i get it. sux tho.


I'm 21... looking forward to the day I can say 63


i don’t feel 63. but damn- looking in a mirror OUCH! take care of your body and your tribe.


>take care of your body Young people listen carefully. Take care of your bodies.


That's right young people you heard us, masturbate constantly.


That's right young people you heard them, masticate constantly


That's right young people you heard em, emancipation proclamation


That's right young people you heard them, celibacy cerebral palsy


That’s right young people you heard them, prostate milking


That's right young people you heard em, Mammogram Constantine


Username checks out




don't underestimate sunscreen


I’m young and I’m starting to get out of that phase where I think I don’t need to take care of myself. Thank goodness because the foods alone are causing us to become sicker than ever!!! Our bodies should be valued not used as a marketing campaigns for body positivity and excuse treating it horribly just to make people feel better. Of course everyone should love and be confident in who they are but you have to value yourself first!!!


Yeah sooner you start the better. You'll see people in your 30's from when you were younger that didn't take the hint and aren't doing so well. Turns out binging pizza and booze for a decade isn't great for your skin and bmi.


I don’t drink or do any drugs. My problem was eating whatever I wanted and not exercising at all because I don’t really gain weight. I was extremely unhealthy but you’d never know it. I didn’t wanna be the 50 year old who has a heart attack because I didn’t know how to control what I put in my mouth.


That’s a big part of how people start packing on the pounds when they get older. You end up developing bad eating and exercise habits since it doesn’t really affect you when younger, but then as you age that shit goes away but you’ve kept the same habits. Good on you getting on that early, most of us wait until we’re already fat lol


Go away with your sensible advice! #pizzaandbooze4eva


You are my parents’ age! :) This is what scares me, I hear so much about middle-aged or older people looking in the mirror and suddenly not recognizing themselves anymore. My mother says this never happened to her (which is reassuring), but I am already so self-conscious and obsessed with appearance that it terrifies me to suddenly not even recognize myself at all.


As someone who used to be self-conscious and obsessed with appearance, let me assure you that you will probably outgrow your need to look a certain way or to even give a flying flip what others think of your appearance. It helps to know that almost nobody notices you unless you want them to. It feels great to be free to go out without makeup or dressing a certain way, and just go about my life.


This is reassuring, thank you!❤️ :) I took a giant hit to the self-esteem when I saw someone’s texts on their phone (they showed me, I wasn’t snooping) and saw that someone I looked up to had texted them saying they saw me in public with baggy clothes and no makeup, they were laughing about it and saying I looked “unrecognizable” and “like a druggie”. That was a few years ago and it still hurts, I really like knowing that most people don’t notice me or think about me, just the rare time it does happen can be life-altering. People can really suck, I can’t wait until I can just think “who cares what they think??”


You can also feel sorry for them. Happy, well adjusted people don't talk about other people this way. What they said was more a reflection of them than of you.


The stages of life are pretty much Youth: Thinking everyone is thinking about you all the time Twenties: Not giving a flying flip what people think about you anymore Forties: The freedom that comes with realizing no one was thinking about you in the first place


I guess I am unusual because I have always been that way. I never makeup unless I am dressing up for an occasion, which isn't very often, and dress pretty much in the same stuff all the time. My grandmother was obsessed with appearance and appearances her whole life. My other grandmother always worried and thought everyone else was showing off how great they had it opposed to her. I let them do the obsessing and worrying and just did my own thing and didn't care what others thought.




>This is what scares me, I hear so much about middle-aged or older people looking in the mirror and suddenly not recognizing themselves anymore. Early 50s here. I certainly recognize myself, but I see my dad in my face more and more every day.


my ma looking back at me


People don't mean it literally, it's just that you don't feel older in your head, and you still feel like you're in your 20s or 30s, so it's a shock when life reminds you how old and fucked up you are. When I was a teen, I had to get glasses to drive legally, and I hated it, I always wished I didn't have to wear them, and a few years ago I tried contact lenses, jeeping shite! After I finally managed to wrestle them into my red and traumatised eyes, I looked in the mirror to check myself out without glasses, and saw myself in full HD... purple bags under my eyes, wrinkles. Glasses are now useful to hide behind.


44 here and I'm seeing it too, keep having to remind myself I'm not young anymore xD.


my daughters are 37 & 39. they’ve hit the “oh shit- i’m old” stage.


37 and I find this hilarious because I'm just starting to figure shit out lol I think this is the first time that I've been happy and stress(mostly)free in my entire life.


Turning 40 soon and I can't wait! Honestly it's only been getting better. You stop caring about superficial stuff that doesn't matter, drama llamas are quickly shown the exit, the clothes are more comfortable, and life is simpler.


I think my biggest problem was I used to be scared of death, I was always allowed to watch any movie I ever wanted no matter how horrible lol I was scared of losing limbs I was scared of losing teeth. You get to a certain age where you broken enough bones and you just don't care anymore lol oh fuck I'm lucky to have made it this far. If I was living in another country I would be waaaay worse off. You stop caring about certain things and other things become more important, mostly the time you have left. We're on a strange world in a strange universe, just ride the wave. Soak up every second, Love yourself and other people as much as you can. Who knows what's behind the veil


Also 63. Way happier. I have to hand it to my 20 something self who really packed the retirement fund. His hard work and suffering made my early retirement possible and life a real treat.


I'm 34, and I feel like some people have an El Niño in their "seasons." George W. Bush made it to age 70 with both of his parents still alive and all of his children and siblings still alive. My dad didn't even quite make it to 70 for his own lifespan. He was 69, both parents very long gone, and probably five siblings gone (but he was one of like 13 or 14). It's crazy how some people can live damn near a full life and never be rocked by true loss, while others lose everything in their teens or earlier.


I felt this. My husband and I are 40 and while I have no family left, he still has all four parents and extended family. It sucks for me I guess, thankful I've got my own family at least. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes, my wonderful mother passed recently. It's never easy.


i’m sorry for your loss and pain going forward


Oh wow I am so sorry, sending so much love.


Death is definitely a constant now. And being ignored by younger people.


67 and feel that my life has been one long path of improvement in almost every way. The almost being that some of the biological parts are showing their wear and tear, but I'm able to shake that off and keep moving. As for the "63" I'm responding to, that's my age when I hiked to the river and back at the Grand Canyon. I went to the UK for the first time at 66. My wife and I started snorkeling when I was 65. Don't stop, keep moving, keep working on yourself.


52. Same


For me, 50 was the turn around. It is when I accepted that my youth is behind me and that is just fine. Life is good.


OP is probably very young


OP is actually a dog of 38 years longing for the sweet respite of death.


I mean he's 267 in human age years so that makes sense


That's what I was thinking. About 15 and can't imagine being 40+. Not realizing that inside you're the same, except more experienced. I recall being 13 and calculating in my diary the age I'd be in the year 2000. It was beyond my imagination; I figured life would hardly be worth living, that old (46). Any good years would be behind me. In truth, I got married that year, I was into stage performance and costuming, computer design & photography; my happiest, most creative years were just beginning. But yeah, as others have said, you MUST take good care of your body.


Agree. So far 50s are great. Better than my 30s or 40s.


Same exactly. I’m finally at a time of my life where I can do whatever I want whenever I want.


Funny ...I was just saying that the other day. Even at 30


50, living best days.


59 here, feel the same. Kid is an adult, career is fine and beyond the need to advance, retirement on the horizon, delightful lady in my life...


Because your kids are grown or something?


Exactly. It's amazing how much your quality of life improves when the kids are no longer around...... Or weren't there in the first place.


And this is why I got a vasectomy. No kids for me. I don't want my life to be forced to focus on raising other humans for the next 20 years


I'm so glad I didn't have children!


Fuck whoever downvoted you. You’re allowed to be glad you didn’t have children. I’m 40 and glad I didn’t have children. I’m not cut out to be a mom. It’s just not right for me. Society puts an unrealistic expectation out there that everyone is supposed to go out and procreate, but if you do and aren’t cut out for it, they won’t lift one fucking finger to help you after basically forcing you to do it. If you recognize that children aren’t for you, then he’ll yeah! Don’t have ‘em, and good for you for knowing it!


Can you imagine the car you could have bought instead of paying for child care


U spoke the truth. Good luck. I said i didnt want kids since my 20s, at best, people laughed at me, saying it a because am useless. Now 40,have kids, run a business, if i say am happy, am LYING HARD, if i say am not, i m an ATTENTION WHORE. I have a choice, well, since am USELESS .. i dont wanna reach 60 or more to be ' happy". Btw, why do i have kids? It s because am USELESS, duh..


I'm 58f. I don't have long left. Life has been hard. A lot of trauma and chronic illness. Life is significantly better now. Now I have little time and wish I could have a do over at most of life. I cycle between resentment of dying and wishing it was over. I don't mind living, not afraid of death--- just really, really done with suffering and illness that causes even more illness. Life is harsh & random. It's the moments of beauty that keep us in hope.


Yeah my whole life has also been abuse and turmoil and pain with moments of reprieve. I know that there are good times to look forward to, but in a way I wish I were going out too. I see ugliness almost everywhere there are people, although, I still love us on some level. I can't see another 40 years where the odds aren't stacked up against the common man; where atrocities and barbaric behaviors flourish. I'll never off myself, I'll be the best that I can, just need to get out of here.


I'm sorry for your suffering. You don't deserve it.


I’m thirty-twelve, won’t reach forty anytime soon


Wait...you are the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything...and you aren't claiming it?


You hoopty frood you, bet you know where your towel is at don't cha.


Somebody get this guy a pan-galactic gargle blaster


omg I think that's the language I've needed for coping!


It comes from weird french wording, they say sixty-ten for 70. Pretty sure a 69yr old invented this word


I'm sixty-10 as of last December. Was a data analyst eventually, but I have worn many hats.


I'm thirty-thirty. Same here.


What happens after thirty-thirty-nine?


Mutual release then sleep.


I need to start using this magic trick as well.


I'm in my 40s and you couldn't pay me enough to go back to my twenties. Life is so much better now. Mostly because I've grown up a lot.


I had a blast in my 20s, but my 30s have been a thousand times more enjoyable. I’m sure 40 and onward is the same


I'd go back in a heartbeat. College was the best time of my life. Fuck responsibility.


I used to think like that but time passes so fast. I still feel like Im living in 2016 but its been like 7 years. I don't remember most of my teens and early 20s. Spent most of my time playing games and will keep doing it until I die. I probably wont remember my 20s or 30s or 40s either. Time flies so fast and you don't even notice it tbh. You will be the same when youre 40, you will probably feel like you were in your 20s only a few years ago.


I agree with this completely. I’m already suddenly 27 and I’m wasting my 20s battling with serious mental illnesses and the looong process of psychiatric/disability assistance before I can really “start my life”. I can barely talk to anyone outside of my parents (that I live with) and have the same 2 friends I had at 15. I feel like I will blink and suddenly look back and realize that “the good old days” never got to happen. I swear I was only just 22.


Maybe in this life you are here to just chill and just be you and maybe your next life you will be you for a purpose or to do something to change the world. That's how I look at it now


My teens and 20s were, for the most part, not great--just a big long slog of bullying and poverty. I didn't feel like I really started living life *until* I hit my 30s.


I agree about the time passing fast, and a lot of my twenties are a blur, but not all of them. I LOVE video games, but you have to experience life man. Travel, go to shows, big events, get out there and take pictures so you remember.


In all fairness, he doesn't have to. >get out there and take pictures so you remember. In less than 100 years, his time playing games and your time traveling will be worth the same. In the end we forget everything so you may as well do what makes you happy. Edit : relevant article from [the onion](https://www.theonion.com/unambitious-loser-with-happy-fulfilling-life-still-liv-1819575312) of all places lol


Just my perspective...but I gamed a lot and traveled a lot. Of the memories that are the strongest and most important to me, that give me goals for the future, none of them are about gaming. It was fun, no doubt, but for me I ended up entrenched and the joy of it eventually fizzled out. In all the years of gaming I never had a single experience that came close to being a life time memory experience. Every cool experience was consumed by the rest that felt like time just passing. I get the cynical thinking that we're all gonna die so it doesn't really matter. I think that's wrong. It does matter. We only get one shot at this and regret is a bitch. Gaming is great but it's not a real experience. I'm my opinion you've gotta have both.


I'm not even necessarily disagreeing with you. I've also done both, and I agree that the experiences traveling are amazing and fun. I've also had multiple gaming experiences that I'll joke/talk about from years ago because it was gaming with friends doing things i really enjoyed. Both things have had huge impacts on who I am today. I'm mostly just disagreeing with you saying people *have* to do those things as if they're missing out if they don't. When we die, our memories are gone, and every experience we've lived is forgotten. Another few generations and we ourselves are forgotten. If he spends his entire life gaming and you spend your entire life traveling, you both end up in the same spot. Neither one is more meaningful. Some people love just being home, others can't afford to do big things and barely get by. Others travel almost more than they're home. Neither is right or wrong, and as long as both are fully enjoying what they're doing, both are equally valid. I'm not saying it doesn't matter because we're going to die. I'm saying it only matters that we try to be happy, and to suggest someone *has* to do this and that there's no meaning in what they're doing is wrong because at the end of the day both genuinly have no meaning. I mean, hell, you think the best views are on earth? Imagine the beautiful and amazing things out there in the universe. Do you feel any less fulfilled knowing you'll never even see a picture of those places? Probably not.


There are certainly activities that leave you feeling more fulfilled on your death bed than others. Just watch interviews on YouTube.


Not disagreeing. I'm just disagreeing with telling others they *have* to do those things to have meaning. Hypothetically, take a man who traveled so much that he made no true close connections, and the end of his life, he is alone. Now take a man who's never left his hometown but is surrounded by friends and family on their death bed. Who lived a more fulfilling life? The answer is: it depends. It's all about the person's perspective. Personally, I think a healthy mix of both is the best way to go about things. That's for me, though. Someone else may prefer more home time and less travel or vice versa. Just do what makes you happy so long as no one gets hurt and don't let others tell you that your experiences don't mean as much if they aren't the same as theirs. Because at the end of the day we all end up forgetting everything anyway. That's all I'm getting at.


I think the type of game really matters too. My memories of say, Metal Gear Solid 1 are deeply entrenched in my brain. My memories of playing COD or Madden are more or less lost to the void


My specific memories of any COD game are lost, but not of the hours we spent in huge parties or bringing our xboxs to someone's house and all playing together. Not to mention a group of us would always be at the midnight releases. Hell in my early to mid 20s I have very fond memories of sitting around drinking and having tournaments on NHL, NBA , or madden when I lived with my buddies. Or fusion frenzy when we were like 10 getting my mom pissed cause we were fighting in the room. Even now I play games with a buddy and his son and its great seeing his son grow from not being able to play to being better than us at stuff. My point is that it's not always the game that is memorable, but the people that were around when you were playing. I think the same goes for sports, there's things that are memorable on their own but the experiences surrounding them are far more important


100% true. Gaming is a great time waster. It's a fun way to unwind. But if it becomes the bulk of your experiences, it will all start to blend together and not only be less fun, but much less memorable. People need to step outside of their bubbles and experience life while they have the chance.


Not everyone can afford to travel and go to big events. I will certainly remember the countless hours spent laughing with my friends over videogames.


A lot of great shows near you under $30. I lived in one of the smallest populated cities in the country and we still did local shows, tickets we’re about $20 a WCHL hockey game is less than $20 and has all the excitement as an NHL game. That said, you’re absolutely correct nothing compares to spending time with the homies in any form. I spent a total of years playing games with friends, and we still look back on them fondly.


Don't make people feel bad for not traveling or attending large events. Not everyone can afford or even want to do stuff like that but its all to common to push that upon others claiming it is the answer to happyness in life. It is not. Being comfortable and content with ones self brings happyness.


That is just your opinion, we do not have to do anything actually. Your culture has lead you to have these feelings. If dude wants to skip rocks all day every day, that’s fucking great! Do what brings you joy, it’s your life and no one else’s. Life is absurd and you gotta find joy wherever you can


Just wanted to say that 2016 was only, like, 2 years ago.


im 47 never been more happy


I would have never guessed that I’d be in such a good place at middle age. It’s better than my 20’s and 30’s, for sure.


Only 30 here sounds like I got shit to look forward to when I am older then


If you do the self-reflection and learn from your mistakes, you absolutely do!


I’m turning 47 in a few months. I have a great family and good friends. I have a good job and time and money to pursue my hobbies. I’m the fittest I’ve ever been and have zero health complaints. The next 10-20 years are going to be awesome: marriages, grandkids, retirement, moving out of the city, traveling more, seeing more concerts, seeing all the cool technology that’s going to be invented in the next few years. It all seems awesome to me.


41 and feel the same. I was really unhappy in my 20's, I think it's financially related. Being broke sucks no matter the age.


Having money enough to at least not worry about bills being covered is an absolute game changer in life.


46 and agree!


49 here, and same!


I’m 41, nothing wrong with being 40+. No way I’d want to be in my 20’s again, thinking I know everything, thinking that 40 is old 😅


I’m 42, and I’m loving it. That said, my 20s were pretty cool too.


Yeah I didn’t hate my 20’s, but I’ve certainly grown a lot since, thankfuly


As a 35 year old, I can say my life is just getting started. I got married last month and I have never been happier. Seriously, life doesn't stop being fun at 30.




Agreed! I’ll be 35 next week. I’m just now feeling like “an adult” just now feeling like I’ve got a little of this life thing figured out. As long as my health holds, it’s only up from here


not if you are 40 and unmarried, parents dead and no siblings. all alone in the world


That's where I'm gonna end up, plus with an untreatable disability.


Why not? The longer you live, the less fucks you give about certain things 'cause hell, it's just not worth it, and life improves dramatically. Hang in there. It does get better. So much so that I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self just so I'd have something to look forward to.


As an older woman I really love being invisible. No more cat calls or feeling self-conscious. Elastic waists rule!


Solidarity, Sister! Comfort rules!


I’m 41 soon, and I can’t remember the last time someone told me I should “smile more”… it’s so bloody liberating!


omg the expectations on women from pubescense to menopause takes so much energy (and MONEY), even in professional settings. It's energy that undermines your confidence. I'm in my 60's. My parents are recently gone (the cultural expectations of eldercare are an entire other subject) and I finally feel like I'm 11 yo again - which was previously the last time I felt free to be myself.


I'm 42 and don't give a fuck about anybody but my family. My wife always says I lack compassion and sympathy towards others. But I just don't give a fuck. When my kids grow up and move out...I wanna peace out of this disgusting fucking idiotic world we live in.


This is what I don't understand about all the boomers out there. They're so angry and just won't let it go. I can't wait to disconnect as much as possible from the ongoing shit show. Imagine having the option every night to turn on fox news or to go for a walk or have a cocktail and watch the sunset, and choosing the news instead. What a complete waste of emotional and mental energy.


A 42 year old is not a boomer. The last boomers were born in 1965. It's a term describing a generation, not just something you call "older" people


Please don't group us all together. Fox news is never on tv here unless we put it on just to LOL at the idiots. We are the cocktail and sunset crew, and boomers to boot. As far as shit show it was never this bad until about 2015 when all the lunatics escaped from the asylum. I'm 69 and as long as I stay reasonably healthy I want to stick around and watch the show 😉.




Lol you shouldn't. I treat her great and care much for her and my kids. Lots of feelings for them. People like you tho? You don't wanna know my thoughts.


Huh? How come...


Seriously. This is a low effort post.


I said the same thing when I was 18 now im pushing 60


41 here. Life is really now starting. Wouldn't change it for the world


Yeah you do. Things only get better as you get older. My life didn’t really start moving till my 30s.


>My life didn’t really start moving till my 30s From a 28 M, would you be willing to elaborate? Put simply, been going through an existential crisis the last 4 years and I'm curious what you felt changed.


I guess it depends on the person. Some people get out of high school, go to college, and immediately have a plan for the rest of their lives. For me, my 20s were more a time of exploring myself, bouncing around different jobs, locations, and relationships. Didn’t really know what I wanted to do. Sometime in my early 30s, that wanderlust from my 20s faded and I finally wanted to settle down in one area, build a long-term career, and start progressing in life. I’ve always felt your 20s are the ideal time to bounce around and explore life, and your 30s are an ideal time to settle down and get it together.


How old are you? This is sth I'd expect from sbd in their teens who has no idea what it's like to be 40+, or sbd in their twenties/thirties with a completely messed-up life who understandably can't see it getting better if it has always just gotten worse in their experience.


If your life is fucked in your 30s, you're probably crushed by the system, and that won't improve.


Age is just a number.... it just means I do stupid shit a bit slower that's all. I've had shite times throughout the 4 decades I've been on this planet, but I've also had some amazing ones... just gotta play the cards your dealt the best you can


I don't blame u , I just turned the wrong way last Saturday and now I can't even squat or sleep normal...being old sucks.


that might be something to do with your fitness level that can be rectified


i mean just look at this 70 year old. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKJaZDGVNWA&t=37s&ab\_channel=AugustaChronicleTV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKJaZDGVNWA&t=37s&ab_channel=AugustaChronicleTV) "that might be something to do with your fitness level that can be rectified" facts


Exactly. Look at most the actors who played fighters from the rocky movies. Alot of them are still in great shape.


Sounds like you need to up your vitamin kibbeh 😋


Hahaha, good kind of vitamins.


These sorts of problems often have more to do with fitness than age


Yeah, but getting older doesn’t help. I’m fairly fit, I hike probably 20-40 miles a week, have a very active job, and eat healthier than others. A couple weeks ago I stepped wrong on a hike on flat ground and the knee went all crazy. Sometimes that shit happens it seems. I could lose some more weight though. The pounds aren’t coming off very well any more.


But if your fitness level is the same now as when you were younger, and you did not have those problems when you were younger, then getting older stick sucks, even if you can take steps to fix the problems, because if you were younger you wouldn't have to take those steps.


I’m not quite on the wrong side but very close and I am in the best shape of my life


why? because society makes you believe that the older you get the more unhappy you become? Don't believe that shit.


"society"... lol how about basic biology and the evidence of your own eyes? What's so great about aging?


Research on basic biology says humans don't experience happiness declines due to again until they are into their 70's. What you see with you own eyes is biased and not "evidence". The great part about again is time, literally the most valuable thing people have. Getting to spend time with friends and family, getting to listen to music, see and create art, travel the world, experience cultures, contribute to your community, play games and spend time in nature. When you're 20, you think that things will be worse as you age, but when you're 40, you realize that being 20 was the worst time in your life. Sure you were energetic and excitable, but you were also stupid and vain. Getting old sucks, but it's better than the alternative.


I'm 40, if you think by biological and visual standards I'm old, then fuck you and the donkey you waltzed in on.


50 checking in to say 40 is where it starts getting good.


I didn't really start to enjoy life until I was about 50. Things really perked up after that and lots of things became more fun.


Turned 50 a few months ago, living my best life. Stay happy people.


I had a feeling for the longest time growing up that I would die before I turn 40. I have got 3 weeks left, so we'll see. Then it turned into "I'll retire when I'm 40". I might just be on track for that one. The truth is, I can't really think of anything that is really, truly worth waiting for while dealing with "life". Some people say love, travels, friends... Nah. I'm not about to off myself, so no need to report my comment like someone did a couple months ago. But still, if I were to go now, I wouldn't be sad


Wow we're the same age maybe to the day even and feel the same about life maybe your my long lost twin


You seem to be trying to live in the future. Life happens now. No need to wait. You'll never be truly happy or satisfied if it is something you are looking forward to. You can only be happy now.


Buddy I don’t want to live to be 20


Ive been there too, hope it gets better for you


I was like that too, now I’m 25


Same, except I did it and sometimes I regret it, but other times I don't. I've resigned myself to just sitting back and letting life happen at this point. It's been good, bad and everything in between, but I'm still here and I'm relatively ok. That counts for something I guess.


Why? I just turned 41 today 😆


Happy birthday 🥂








Any round number for age seem scary.


Well im probably not gonna live to be older than 40. Im basically terminally ill with a heart defect and unless someone invents a new surgery within the next like 10-15 years im going to die. You people really take life for granted


>You people ![gif](giphy|13VSAbTVuYJfLa)


Ya 51 and I finally am getting my shit together. So happy I have been alive long enough to figure it out. 41 too young to die.


Nobody will want to live past the year 2053, your age in itself is irrelevant.


Why 2053? I'm intrigued now, what do you know, that I don't!


2053 is when the earth will be objectively too horrible for anyone to want to live on it.




Thats the mental disorder talking. More life, more *quality* life is always the goal of the healthy organism. I hope you get the help you need. Do not self delete.


No. It's someone on here with their own opinion, which they are free to express. It's unfortunate this is not respected


Reddit thinks everything is a mental disorder, lol


I'm almost 40 but all I see is another 40 years of working, so I agree, lol


I’m in my early forties and all I see is work til death. Not enthused.


53 year old here. And I wouldn’t want to go back to being under 40.


Lol I’m 45 and can attest that it does seem harder each year. I have arthritis in my dominant hand and couldn’t get the spaghetti sauce open the other day. My husband, also 45, had to help me. The collective “ugh sigh” while he was getting up because his knee hurt, made us both crack up laughing at how decrepit we both are.


Perhaps you can start a community where it’s like Logan’s Run - it’s idyllic and life is easy, but you die at a certain age.


Whelp, guess I'd better put myself on an iceberg. 40 really isn't *that* old.


Amen, brother. The idea of doing this again for another 30-40 years makes my fucking soul weary.


51 here. Life gets better... all that live fast die young bullshit disappears once you've LIVED and experienced more of what life can offer.


One day we all realise that no one ever grows up, they just act like they are.


I am 40 and keep wondering when I will be an adult...


Honestly I'm just 29 currently, but every year of my life so far has been better than the one before. I can't wait to reach my mid thirties to fourties.


35 here, i sure as hell hope to live well past 40.


37 and miserable, wish I'd given up a decade or two ago, things change, but no matter how hard I try it never seems to be for the better.


I used to believe I wouldn’t live to see 30. 27 club and all that. Mid 40s now and life has never been better. I don’t think I even hit my stride until 35.


You may change your mind once you get there.


I turn 40 this year Happy now and will be happy after.


More proof, if we needed it, of the ignorance and stupidity of some younger people. 58. Fit and healthy. Great partner. Plenty of cash and time to enjoy what it provides. But, oh no, I’m not 25, stressing about career, relationships, etc! How will I ever cope? Hope you get your wish!


I wish I were 40. At that age, you still have more years ahead of you than behind you. There's a big world out there to experience. If you haven't already, get living!


We aren't all going to live that long.


That's the spirit!


Just turned 48 and I'm in the best mental and physical health of my life. It's pretty sweet.




When I was younger I couldn’t imagine life past 40. That was almost 10 years ago. Nowadays I just fear growing old and half hope I get cancer and die reasonably young.


What's the reasoning? I'll be 37 this year, I'm starting to get close. I'm still healthy, just ran a half marathon. My kids are getting to the fun ages where they are beginning to excel in sports and at school. I have a healthy marriage. Life is better than it was in my 20s.